You may not like it, but this is what peak female beauty looks like.
You may not like it, but this is what peak female beauty looks like
>Bottomless throat
>hazel eyes
And we were so close...
But I do like it
>blocks your path hunchback
>Bottomless throat
Don't say that about mommy Yen.
Too old.
>former hunchback
>still hotter than the Mary Sue
Like a fine wine
H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hh-h-h-h-h-h-h-hh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hey m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mm-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mommi.
>hazel eyes
they're purple you fucking retard
this game is aging really well
Yeah, in america. FAG!
I was listing prerequisites for perfection not her traits dipshit.
she didn't need her mary sue powers to be hot
>tfw no bird waifu
>no being eskimo brothers with dandelion waifu
>patrician pick
>mfw this thread
Greetings Temerian citizens, what is going on in this thr- BY THE FLAME
Imagine actually falling for the sorceress meme
god i want to impregnate her tits
You know, I generally think of Ciri as a daughter type character, but she is quite lovely
>There are people who unironically think letting that crazy Syanna bitch live is the "good ending"
I let Detlaff dab on that bitch, and then diced him up with a silver sword for good measure. Watching Henrietta go full damage control mode over the fact that her sister wanted to straight up rip her heart out was hilarious too.
Why do all poles look like jews?
she looks like she fucks dragons
>You know, I generally think of Ciri as a daughter type character
Friendly reminder that book Ciri is really envious of mommy Yen's beauty.
just for the record, her beauty is fake. She's actually a hunchback that made herself pretty with magic. Also she's like 90 years old.
ethiopian tier neck length jesus
And Yennefer is envious of Ciri's beauty.
>she's like 90 years old.
95 in the last book
I was saying I find her beautiful sexually despite that, user.
thats not triss
>would jerk off her son on a daily basis
A lot better than the current tv series casted member. Jesus fuck can someone please fire all the writers of that shit fest?
What's your point? Triss is literally a burn victim, that basically looks like a ghoul from Fallout without the aid of magic. This is canon btw.
Never trust a sorceress, user
I don't read the books sorry.
Can you link me to where both Triss and Yenn are basically casting illusions to make themselves look better?
The only wiki I can find atm is game based and mentions nothing of Triss being a burn victim.
Cute boy
Purple eyes and black hair...
>Can you link me to where both Triss and Yenn are basically casting illusions to make themselves look better?
all sorceresses do this
>The only wiki I can find atm is game based and mentions nothing of Triss being a burn victim.
It's magic plastic surgery. It's not an illusion.
How does appearance alteration work in the Witcher lore?
Is it just a glamour, or do they physically alter their appearance?
Seeing as the sorceresses that die in the game stay looking the same after death, I assume they permanently alter themselves.
But she has white skin
Well idk, it's heavily implied in the books. Triss was burned in some war, and has to use magic to cover the scars.
not that user but I did some basic googling and you won't like the answer probably because it's from reddit.
copy paste:
Unlike priestesses and druidesses, who only unwillingly took ugly or crippled girls, sorcerers took anyone who showed evidence of a predisposition. If the child passed the first years of training, magic entered into the equation - straightening and evening out legs, repairing bones which had badly knitted, patching harelips, removing scars, birthmarks and pox scars. The young sorceress would become attractive because the prestige of her profession demanded it. The result was pseudo-pretty women with the angry and cold eyes of ugly girls. Girls who couldn't forget their ugliness had been covered by the mask of magic only for the prestige of their profession.
Don't know how accurate it is but from what I gather, the hotter the witch, the more powerful she is.
And it's not an illusion but is healed by magic.
So does it matter if she's quasimodo? Only if it's passed genetically. But I'm pretty sure witches (and witchers) are fucking sterile anyway so what does it matter?
>ugliness had been covered by the mask of magic only for the prestige of their profession.
So basically the same as any women. kek
There are glamour but sorceresses can permanently altertheir appearance once they learn enough magic,(and why wouldn't they? You got no reason to stay ugly if you can become a hot girl ) think of it like really advanced and better plastic surgery. For all intent and purpose Triss is no longer a burn victim and Yen is no longer hunchback
Quasimodo predicted all this
>and why wouldn't they? You got no reason to stay ugly if you can become a hot girl
So the discord tranny cult was real after all...
I'm fine with any Witcher girl as long as it's not Shani. Shani is for closet gays.
user I wasn't saying that ugly male should become trannies, though my phrasing seems to say it, I wanted to say that if ugly girls could magically and suddenly become hot girls they would do it because there are no downsides to it
Same thing for males, if you could become a hunk like Witcher 3 Geralt instantly you would probably do it if you are an ugly (or even average) man
Honestly how can sorceress thots compete with perfection?
yeah, because she sure can act.
She is so unreal, real women don't look that beautiful you bigot incel
I love when 3D women try an compete. I've yet to see any cosplayer do Yennefer justice.
CDPR knows how to make em.
I wish this was me
>the hotter the witch, the more powerful she is
>a witch could squeeze your prostate to force milk your cock, without ever touching you
the kino choice
ma niggah
I'd rather take someone who looks accurate to the source rather than some mulatto just because of diversity points
If you were a batman fan, I think you'd be offended if in the next film he was a gay irish man who wore a rainbow cloak instead of black.
jawline is too masculine, she's not a redhead, wears slut choker, acts like a cunt all the time, sorry OP she's barely an 8
>jawline is too masculine
t. incel
retardo, we talking about the perfect woman here
>jawline is too masculine
Stfu Chang. Nobody gives a fuck about your taste.
Always wondered why more male magic users aren't beefy muscle wizards like Azar Javed. That's what I'd do if I could magically alter my body.
Seething jawlet.
god I want to lick her eyes
While we're speaking about it, what is the correct term for a black haired woman ? Is it really brunette ?
Absolutely based. The fact that the "good" ending involves that rich girl getting away with literal murder and your vampire buddy getting ostracised, Detlaff can go nuts.
Can't wait for the netflix adaptation.
Have they cast a yen for real yet?
>Thinks the previous casting pics were real
Go back to /pol/
>cucks are attracted to whores
You can have brown hair become quite dark so why not
please take the cock out of your mouth before @ me, its disturbing
I did this too, it really pissed me off that the game tried to sell me that it's the "bad ending". She manipulated innocent (atb the time) Detlaff into murder just because her fee-fees we hurt. Bitch deserved to die.
Well I do like it, so there.
i prefer this yen desu
My god she was beautiful when she was young.
I swear I remembered it as blue. Eh close enough, still perfect.
A man of taste and culture
>Yen used to be a hunchback
>Triss used to be bacon
alright, which sorceress used to be a man?
>Mary Sue
>gets her ass literally thrown out of town more than once and spends her life constantly running from spooky elves
You're actually not entirely wrong, per the books. She should have 'cold eyes' as befitting a woman of over a century in age who grew up hideously ugly, and is supposed to have the skin and likely the body of a 19 year old girl.
>an ex-hunchbach turned into a hot bitch
>a red head with daddy issues that has fucked everything human and non human
The true patricians choice is to be a single dad and continue to fuck random bitches across the land
She doesn't necessarily get away with it, but it is left very vague. It's clear at least that Henrietta intends to let her live - so at worst she'd be cloistered in the palace for the rest of her life. Far from a terrible life. I think the devs should have made Henrietta much more like her book character - more a petty, impulsive Queen of Hearts kind of character. Then more players would have opted for those endings.
My bigger issue is that I cannot believe a higher vampire would be wholly subservient to a human woman. A passing fling maybe.
Old hag. Women peak at 16
She was magically healed, but due to the psychological trauma and the fact that magic users could 'see the lines' so to speak, she never wanted to wear plunging necklines again - but the burns were healed.
tfw all the blender guys have gotten bored of making yen porn
Which is why he didn’t say “check”, brainlet.
>jawline is too masculine
the tranny meme really has gotten into your head, has it?
>rape victim
Yennefer being sterile due to being sorceress is a huge plot point in books anyway. That's why she looks after Ciri anyway.
>The true patricians choice is to be a single dad and fuck
ftfy no charge
I love Regis!
thats the nigga
a tad gay tbqh
>you will never be war-forged bros with Roche and Thaler.
it hurts.
based colorblind bro
All vampires are gay.
too bad she's BLACKED
Wasn't it implied she was raped and abused prior to getting exiled?
She's used goods, user.
Yes user she's a porn actress
She was not raped, just beat up and starved. Who would rape her anyway? Yikes
Triss is pure wifey material and hotter.
Yen is an insufferable cunt in the game and in the short story where she meets Geralt.
Triss makes fresh cookies.
Yen's model actually features a great deal of asymmetry and subtle blemishes, her nostils are different sizes, her nose is bent, her brow is uneven and one of her eye sockets is a bit larger and she has a crooked mouth that dominates the left of her face slightly more than the right.
She's still beautiful but not impossibly, perfectly attractive (which makes her even better), you won't notice any of these details if you play on console though due to the poor quality texture filtering and aggressive post-AA.
Triss is a rapist power-monger and a pathological liar.
How dare you insult my woman.
TRISS BAD, Honk Honk.
I haven't even begun to insult Triss I'm just stating the facts.
She also fucked Lambert behind your back so we can add adulterer to that.
Objectively false if you actually played witcher 1 you'd know why.
Ciri should've had a way bigger scar. Going off of the books, they describe it as being genuinely horrific and disfiguring. Made a shitty little diagram to show what I mean. The whole point of the scar is to show that Ciri has developed from a little princess to a witcher
post more witcher maymays
That was the Wizard Istredd actually.
she has some nice blowjob lips
>90 years old
No, Geralt is 90. Yennefer is more like 300
Jesus man. You're a mega cuckold to completely dismiss Yennefers role in dragging Geralt to a city to fuck another guy.
God bless her!
god those fat fucking titties.
I thought was well over 100 years by now
...In photorealistic games, I suppose.
Weeb games can be better on it by sacrificing realism.
>tfw no Yen
For me it's Cerys.
I'm still fucking mad.
Fuuka is perfect in my eyes!
She cute
She looks like she fucks white boys.
Just date a Stacy as she ages and needs you as a beta bux orbiter. The experience will be similar.
Meanwhile Geralt-Triss is the hottest cheerleader and quarterback kissing on the field.
>Geralt-Triss is the hottest cheerleader and quarterback kissing on the field
That's spot on. The Triss romance is a literal highschool fantasy.
The romance with Yennefer is closer to the real deal, though.
Yennefer is confirmed 95 years old.
>tfw Yen will never step on your cock and balls and spit in your mouth while calling you a pathetic loser
Ciri really isn't that attractive in the books.