Bravo Steam, bravo! You're just a smut peddler now!

Bravo Steam, bravo! You're just a smut peddler now!

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is this what we have become?

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thank you i'm purchasing it

Pussy 1 > Pussy 2
fite me

Vaginas are disgusting

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You can always start Dude Sex Threads with a corny quote of JC.

Shit, they made a better pussy?

Nah dude. Sorry but when it comes to Pussy the younger the better.

>nazi fags
you're the most retarded living beings after gay furries

>complaining about pussy
what a fag


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pussy 2 is a good game but not a good pussy game

have sex

dilate tranny

>Hentai is not just 2D girls, this is a whole art. And in this art units understand. The game "Pussy 2" is a hentai puzzle in which you need to move the elements vertically or horizontally to get the finished image. The game has hot levels, as well as a gallery, after completing a level, you can review your victories here. Hentai girls, this is a whole era of art.

Kill yourself tranny
I'm not a tranny retard, friendly fire

Seething roasties

Trap X Trap > Hetshits

Actually trap x girl (girl) > everything else

>putting uncensored pictures on the store
That's just asking for a ban.

Have to agree its a way more fulfilling ride, pusdy 2 just doesn't feel asfresh, it's kind of ass

>dude 1700 games on sale
>1690 of those are porn shit or literally who
Every time

Pussy 2=Pussy New Vags>Pussy 1>Pussy 3 Cunny of the Year edition>Pussy Tactics>Pussy Sisterhood of Flesh

Excellent post

2 came after 1 so it's younger.

Pussyborn>pussykiro>pussy souls 3>1>2

Pussy 3: I Want To Be a Girl

Tiddies series > Pussy series
Try and prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't

>he's a Tiddiesfag
I bet you play with mods too you silicone fuck

Pussy 4: Female(Male) Pussy Edition

Tiddies went down hill when it turned into Flatties


I want to lick a pusy

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>stolen art "games"

>series has its own discord

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I love Cyber Keks!

Cumming inside your girls pussy raw is literally the best feeling in the world

Why is butthole leaking too? Mine doesn't. Is it a girl thing? Do their buttholes leak?

Pussy 2 is okay but C*nny was the best spinoff

i fucking hate Pussy

all you Pussy lovers are a bunch of faggots


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So are the free market fags that were complaining about people not wanting to use EGS now complaining about steam allowing porn games on their platform and giving the consumer a choice in what they buy?

>aaaaaaaah why isn't a corporation curating content for me
>why would anyone think i can be trusted with curating it for my own tastes

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I can't get into Pussy, it needs an easy mode

Pussy 3 Snake Eater>Pussy Twin Snakes>Pussy Revageance>Pussy 4 Dildos of the Patriots>Pussy 2 Cuns of Libery>Pussy V Ovulating Pain>Pussy V Pound Zeroes>Puss The Original>Pussy Survive

lmao that fucking pussy

>dat hairy asscrack

Might as well rim an animal

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Holy shit how did they fuck up drawing that pussy so bad?

>Cuns of Libery

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>We're making Pussy 3 more inclusive and diverse, because it's 2019 and we're on the right side of history. Sometimes pussies are penises.

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What's wrong with it?

user, I have seen enough uncensored hentai to know that's exactly what pussy looks like.

>on discord

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ah the yes the open upsidedown vagina

>Xir genitalia 3

my 8 year old son came up to me and said, "daddy, why is the protagonist a girl? why can't it be a boy?" and he was exactly right. that's why we're making a male protagonist for Pussy 3.

Holy fuck, I didn't notice.

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>99.9% of anime hentai shit on steam has artistic quality ranging from "deviantard teenager" to "oh shit what the fuck am i drawing".

Why are anime artists so garbage, why can't their passion for drawing porn end the moment they try and fail to draw?

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>Pussy doesn't work with Wine

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Look closely.

I can't get past the fucking tutorial for Pussy. How the fuck do girls work?! I skipped it with some code I've forgotten once and Pussy itself wasn't too difficult but getting to the game is fucking impossible.

>that anatomy


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>Pussy on Twitch
>People start donating to me for no reason

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But trannies want "vaginas".

When is the tranny dlc coming out for this?

>File gets deleted
>thread still hasn't 404d

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I'm more of a Pussy Cunt Walker man myself

Why would it be. It's 100% vidya.

Enjoy your pozzed assholes instead, I guess.

I still don't get it?

>delete OP image
>new people won't know what the hell the thread is about
>keep the thread up anyway

I own the world record for speedrunning Pussy

sounds like you have a premature ejaculation problem. Ask a doctor to help you.

why is Pussy so damn expensive? is it ever going to go on sale? i'm poor as shit and I really want to play


is this how Hitler killed the Jews?

>Tutorial boss one shots you

I played Pussy without protection and now I have AIDS. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU

>not pirating Pussy

>steam allows it
>4channel doesn't
what world am i in

any r34 for this game?

my friend and I gift each other these shitty games back and forth and play them to see if the other person can get through them. its dumb and retarded, i know.

>pirate pussy
>get virus
wtf bros I thought pirating was safe!

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fight me

>he pays for Pussy

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>Pussy 3 is Epic Exclusive
Chinks! Winnie the Pooh! Taimanin Square Massacre

For me it's Booty

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>he didn't wear a Trojan
>now he has a Trojan

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What is little doggy doing back there? I can't see.

nintendo toddlers will NEVER EVER get Pussy

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Dilate, trannies.

getting some milk

>PS4, XBONE, PC all get Pussy
>Switch gets a downgraded Pussy
>Plays like Ass

nah, it sounds fun

>PS4 gets Pussy
If you can call a bright white light conveniently placed between a girl's legs Pussy, I guess.

at least i can take my ass wherever i want
pussy never leaves the fucking house