Join the Scarlet Crusade

Join the Scarlet Crusade.

Attached: whitemane.jpg (725x1000, 487K)

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she looks like she fucks undead guys

no stupid bitch you're an asshole, there are better pairs of titties out there with significantly better personalities

I would if I could

Would the Scarlet Crusade have consolidated Lordaeron had Balnazzar not corrupted them? They did have more power than the Argent Dawn and Silver Hand combined for a while

i actually prefer her original version

Attached: warcraft whitemane2.jpg (1024x768, 147K)

Give me your hat.jpg



I knew someone who RPed as a Whitemane clone on Moon Guard as was always looking for people to roleplay as undead characters and rape her.

But how many have an ojou-sama laugh?

I'm pretty sure without Balnazzar, old man Mograine would have stayed with the Crusade and maybe even recruited old man Tirion back. Two founding members of the Silver Hand at the head of the Order would have give the Scourge a very hard time.
Kel'thuzad and Arthas both had to use cheap tricks to get rid of Alexandros and Tirion:
Alexandros was killed by his own son after dusting several thousand Undead minions and Tirion only showed up in person when the Ebon Blade attacked Light's Hope Chapel.

Heck without Balnazzar the Argent Dawn would have never been a thing and the Grand Crusader would actually still be alive. Now that I think about it, Balnazzar fucked everything sideways with his spergy desire to ruin everything.

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I wish she had more pictures like this.


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So what's the Scarlet Crusade's deal anyway? Do they just want to purge the undead or are they crusading against everything nonhuman?

Can I have sex with you before I join?

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I like playing her in HOTS

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too bad the only redeemable blizzard game is dead

It's likely that because they had that power Balnazzar corrupted them in the first place.

That said, most of their less pants on head retarded methods weren't bad, and they were still getting results until Death Knights came along and fucked everyone. The SC always felt like Blizzard poking fun at their origin of Warhammer by making a faction of uncompromising humans that were hyped up on paranoia and drove out evil wherever it was and using them as a punching bag after vanilla when a minority of players started to gravitate too much towards them. Prior to that, they did have their positive sides despite causing so much death in their wake.

I know they were going to be involved in paladin and priest hero quests for Alliance humans before the idea of promoting into hero classes was shuttered, I'd have loved to see a timeline where that would've been a thing.

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shame about the nerfs

>tfw no argent crusade gf to confess to

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what did they do? Did they go full Jaina on Whitemane?

the infinite mana stuff is kind of gone leaving her little options in desperate situations, even for one on one healing like she tends to be for. they've also just done routine nerfing to her numbers from what i remember reading, basically making her a worse morales aside from if morales needed to heal multiple targets frequently.

Where are all the images of her with fat thighs that spill over the band of the thigh highs? Literally her best feature.

oh I thought they nerfed something important like her thighs.
Game was fun but I just can't force myself to play games from such a shitty company

yeah, she's still thighmane or thickmane but you rarely see her or alextraza now because the number nerfs were too much compared to other healers, leaving them far less viable options.

What is it with Warcraft characters and the spiky fingers thing?

why do all these dumb fanartists make Whitemane so fucking fat

She's a thigh centric character. Fuck off, you have a million skeletals to obsess over in the form of >elves and whathaveyou, Irishman.

because eating bread and drinking wine makes you fat

she looks like she fucks human males

except they also make them fat as fuck

I'm doing both and I'm a hungry skeleton

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Yes ma'am

>Did they go full Jaina
What? Jaina is both one of the best burst mages in the game and has some of the sexiest skins.

They nerfed her cleavage in HS

Can we all agree that most porn artists have dogshit anatomy?

There's nothing particularly wrong with that anatomy, it's just unappealing. Too fat.

Yeah bu not in hots. Hots team is the only thing left from old blizz.

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not for long I fear

imagine flossing your teeth with her silver pubic hairs

Well if everyone keep spouting "ded gaem" and stop playing then yeah, the game will die. But I still easily find matches and I'm having fun with it. The devs keep pumping balance patches regulary too.


So how would the Eastern Kingdoms look if Balnazzar was sniffed out early?

Not really in Warcraft
Man how the hell did Warcraft fuck up so badly on this end

are those rp servers even populated these days? can you play on them with a level 20 character trial account?

yes and yes


neat, maybe i'll go on and make a goblin or draenai. what else do you need to rp on those servers?

I love my wife Sally!

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an addon like TRP3
that's pretty much it

is that just on the typical addon sites for wow?

I want to marry and impregnate Whitemane.



yep, just search TRP3 or total rp 3

don't be mean to goblins

cool, thanks man, probably going to end up taking a look at some point

no problem dude

She and the crusade at large deserved better

pretty much, but they just threw everyone and everything away back in those days.

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Why are they presented as the bad guys again?
>Be humans settled on human land
>Scourge happens
>Your rulers do absolutely fuck all to help you whilst you get raped by undead
>Undead are literally cartoonishly evil, not even morally grey just evil
>Do what you can as a resistance to defend yourselves and your land after your leaders abandoned you

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