Shot the last scene

>shot the last scene
>they're not movies they're cinematic games


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so are we allowed to have fun?

I legit don't know anyone IRL that enjoyed tlou or even cared about it.

only if you have the right console

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get gooder friends

>cut to blacked
A lot of webms have been similar lately.

You have great friends don't listen to the other guy

Go on any college campus and ask 20 people who play Vidya about it.

Redpilled friends

It's not about having good or bad friends, it's about having perspective. Your direct experience means very little when assessing if something was socially or culturally notable. It's very easy to poke your head out a bit and notice every normal fag on Earth wouldn't shut the fuck up about TLOU.

>19 games
>15 have the same art style
Playstation in a nutshell.


The kids at campus now might remember it as some linear TPS they played as a kid at most user.

>instead of a new Syphon Filter we get epic zombie gaem #3589295
thanks for reminding me

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Why is Dragon's Crown on there?

>if a video game has cutscene it's a movie
Are you clinically retarded or something?

4k remaster has a giant new tower levels and new assets

>More variety than Nintendo and Microsoft
Yeah, Playstation in a nutshell

I hope he shoots himself now. In the head preferably.

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So gunshot end confirmed. GOTY coming in hot!

>I-I don't like them, so they don't count
keep us posted

I've met one person who liked The Last of Us. He was a 60-year old man I sat next to at a wedding who said it was the best game ever made.

Sea of Thieves
Sunset Overdrive

Bayonetta 2
Astral Chain
Gal Metal
Fire Emblem

There, both consoles with exclusives that have mare varied art variety than PS4. Seriously, alomost everything on the Snoy system is a third person action game with realistic graphics. Even games like Rachet and Clank manage to use muted colors and realistic lighting and textures. Everything looks like a paint-by-numbers Unreal engine project.

>Fire Emblem
>xbone gaymes on pc
not esclusive anymore sweaty :^)

>Sea of Thieves
>Sunset Overdrive
All of these are shit.

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Everyone in my frat only plays Fortnite and Madden though

this must be the first time in Yea Forums that I see a nintendo's game list that doesnt put filler shit like 1-2-switch, Wiifit, etc. Good job user.

>Thinks Fire Emblem isn't exclusive
>Games across Microsoft systems don't count
>PS3 ports are perfectly fine however

Those are also valid for examples of art syle differencs, even if they're bad games.

I can't wait for the sequel to come out and get mediocre reviews at best (journalists aren't gamers so their reviews don't count). The only reason anyone cared about the game was because of the clickers and that it came out during peak zombie popularity.

How much of faggot must you be to actually be looking forward to a cinematic game about bull dykes?
You just know game journalists are going to make it GotY just for that alone.

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>the literal only time Sony fanboys care about Gravity Rush is when they use it to defend their exclusives
Fuck off already, you guys never gave a shit about that game and that's why 2 was a massive flop

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>What is mocap

Nah, it's going to to gangbusters with normies, then doing gangbusters with the same normies again when the PS5 port comes out and they have to double dip again because Sony consoles takes 4-5 years to put out a half-respecatble library.

>This Xcuck damage control

Gravity Rush sold poorly and Blooborne sold poorly when compared to other high Sony titles.
That tells you everything you need to know about the Sony fanbase.
Sony is the most feminist, casual company in gaming.

they don't count, because the fucking suck. next time don't pad your list with trash. Horizon and a baseball game don't belong anywhere near BB

now without the bullshots

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fun is problematic, shitlord

Control isn't even exclusive

>Xfags screeching ITT

>Your mom screeching on my dick

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You don't get to bring fun.

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Because it was tiny. Typical obese Xfag.