Name a better jrpg villain
Name a better jrpg villain
Objectively just a better adachi.
Any villain that wasn't pieced together last minute before release
That's adachi with brain damage
The best adachi moment is when Sho from ultimax beats him up
Does he have his "beaches and whores" moment in the ps2 version or is that only in his social link in the Vita version?
Adachi did nothing wrong
Nah I still think he's the best. So unashamedly evil.
I mean squiggly boi had it going on.
hard to believe Adachi is only 27
I only played the japanese version, so I still don't know what the fuck was his problem. From what I could puzzle with my weak japanese, did he just some rich families in order to bring adventurers to the dungeon because he wanted to destroy the world out of autism?
>"People kill each other in times of peace."
>"People band together in times of disaster."
>"i will resurrect this ancient superweapon to constantly buttfuck the world and kill people so people will stop killing people."
The villain in Baten Kaitos Origins.
>Incels love other incels
never change Yea Forums
oh shit this is Yea Forums
based and redpilled
Here's your soi latte.
These are the best kinds of villains though, they're often more threatening and imposing than some moralfag 'villain' with a tragic backstory
Never had one in my life. I only drink black coffee and ginger. How does it taste?
Sure thing buddy.
>i only drink black coffee
look at me hah im a real coffee drinker XD nu nu nu
I would I actully want to enjoy it nu nu it has to be a bitter and tasteless
go away no one cares
Why does it trigger you what other people drink user? Why is it bait?
You think everybody here is a white guy/fat chick that drinks starbucks "coffee"?
because black coffee is disgusting
and no one actually just drinks black coffee only people who think there soo cool for making it not enjoyable at all to drink and u can tell when they drink they always have a digusted look on thier face but they act like they are soo cool because they drink it black
>because black coffee is disgusting
Nice bait. Cof
Adachi did nothing wrong.
>and no one actually just drinks black coffee only people who think there soo cool
So people do drink it then?
face it
it is
no one enjoys drinking it
its just something people pretend to make themselves feel good about themselves
because they are shallow humans
i mean no one actually drinks to because they enjoy it only losers who think they are cool for drinking it black like its some social status thing or whatever
buch of losers
t.instant coffee fag kid
have fun drinking ur bitter toxic stuff fag
I will actulyl enjoy my coffee loser
Enjoy your milk then friend ^^
>drinking milk
whoo puts milk in coffee?
its creamer and sugar
also sometimes whip cream and ontop and maybe sprinkle some cinnamon in if it goes with the creamer
>thread derailed into a fight about coffee
okay............... how cute
Are you a woman? Or do you just enjoy multiple peni inside of you at all times?
There is literally nothing wrong with instant coffee
love this stuff so much buy it whenever i see it
That is so bad for you user. I've known plenty of anons that have fucked up hearts because of those drinks.
i dont care
>implying I wana be alive
Do you also think people who drink piss beer are pretending?
There are better ways to kill yourself dummy.
>i dont care
you say this until you're 60 and still alive, regretting the choices your younger self made
>piss beer
is that like beer mixed with piss?
also coffee doesn't do anything to u beer does
so litteraly no reason to drink it black
im already set on killing myself before i turn 24 anyway
so again literally doesn't matter
>also coffee doesn't do anything to u beer does
>so litteraly no reason to drink it black
There are plenty of benefits actually.
Any particular reason for 24 or are you just telling lies on the internet
You better fucking do it pussy.
beer can get u messed up
coffee just makes ur stomach feel warm
Step aside, faggots.
no was 25
but im already 21
probably wont even hit 23 honestly
to tired of everything
no reason to go on
I think the best part about Adachi is the fact that no one in the game could actually prove him wrong. He didn't lose the fight because he was wrong he lost exactly because of what he said, there are people who are just naturally better at being charismatic and making friends and having followers and those who want to go against the grain of society without that talent are caste aside, wasted and forgotten.
Yu's best comeback to everything he said was "but no!!!!" and then assumed he was right because he won a 4 on 1 against someone who was saying exactly the reason why it was a 4 on 1 to begin with and literally said he was most likely going to lose because of this.
The worst part about Adachi is that the writers ended up pussying out for the climax of the game and letting Adachi win and then having him reflect on that fact. He could of had an absolutely killer turn-around villain arc at the end if Atlus didn't want Yu to be Chad Thundercock.
>because black coffee is disgusting
>no one enjoys drinking it
Either you have never had an actual good cup of coffee, or you're an underaged fag that can't handle anything that isn't insanely sweet.
You're still young you faggot, you're not even a proper man untill you hit your mid 30s, if you're dead set on killing yourself why don't you try something, anything else to give your life meaning instead of quitting like a bitch.
Join a gym, take up heroin, learn to draw, some combination of the 3, any of those is better than the alternative
keep sipping ur bitter bean water
and act like ur enjoying it
ur not fooling anyone
You have to be older than 18 to post here, young man.
>take up herion
trust me if i had access to that stuff i would be the biggest junkie by now
i dont feel like typing out paragraphs because no one cares and its not anyone else problem to deal with
>proper man
:(( why would i want to be a man haha
Don't worry user, maybe one day you'll experience the joys of a good cup of coffee. Assuming you aren't just a shitposter, do you actually drink coffee in any capacity?
RIP tranny. Based statistics.
Not him but I have the same mindset and it's (for me personally) because it's just easier and less painful to just fucking quit it all at this point.
Things I need to do to kill myself:
>Buy a gun
>Work up the courage to pull the trigger
>I'm dead.
Things I need to do to live and have meaning in life:
>Somehow find something I'm even remotely interested in when my depression makes it feel like nothing is worth my time.
>Wake up every single day telling myself it's worth it when it doesn't feel like it and I don't see any results for it.
>Finally get to doing said thing and be disappointed because it doesn't feel fulfilling and it was a waste of time.
>Spend the rest of my waking hours wondering what I'm doing with myself and why I'm not dead yet.
>Go to sleep and repeat ad infinitum.
Really the whole "Do something exciting!" argument is a fallacy in it's own right because it takes the position that the person is in the mental mindset and capacity to enjoy anything at all. You'd be surprised how well chemically imbalanced depression can just completely fuck up even the most basic shit like simple dopamine receptors.
If this was done today it would be pandering to the liberals
yes usally every morning
but i sometimes dont because it messes with my stomach and makes it feel really weird so i try to not drink it unless i really want it
but its only warm coffee that does it frappachinos and iced Macchiato don't do anything to me and are tottally fine
Do you have periods or not?
thats not any of ur business
Please don't tell me you've only ever had Starbucks.
Not him, but you don't understand shit. It's not about being too "depressed" or some faggot shit people think. The fact is, when you just want to stop waking up in the morning because you are exhausted before the day even begins, you start to realize that dying, and living, neither hold any appeal to you. Both are equally unwanted for different reasons. So you just kinda sit. In limbo. Wanting release, wanting not necessarily to die, but to just stop existing. You realize you can't just fuck off to another dimension or something, so then alot of shitters get mopey. Some get violent. The common theme is, what ever we want, we just don't want it from this world.
>frappachinos and iced Macchiato
Ah you are gay.
uhhh theres only that and caribou and bigbys but bigbys taste horrible
But user you posted a hero, a true patriot.
It really depends on how they portray him. If they make him like he was in P2 it’d probably be fine, but if they were clearly making him cartoonishly evil and inserting out of place parallels to modern politics, then it would be pandering.
Underage pls go and stay go
Purely evil villains are all about execution. If they're not entertaining, you have no other character point or element to fall back on. Kefka is executed in an enjoyable way so he's a good example of it. And remember his kill cutscene in the original Dissidia that quotes from FF6? It was very well done.
Hold on, I think he might have a point. It's basically just the "people band together against a common enemy so if I provide a common enemy people will stop infighting", it's a common motivation, and you can see where they're coming from even if they're dumb and foolish.
I like the fact that the Mystery Inc. gang could not refute any of his arguments and simply called him a loser
>Starbucks, Caribou and Bigbys
No wonder you don't like it black. You need to find yourself a proper coffee shop friend.
The world is shaped by your own perception
im never drinking it black
why would I if I want coffee I want something that tastes good I don't want some strong bitter thing
Dicks aren't sweet and you take em fag.
but at least it taste really goode and gets me all wet hehe
You ever drink actual fresh coffee, m8?
>why would I if I want coffee I want something that tastes good I don't want some strong bitter thing
Not all coffee is strongly bitter. Most chain places are like that because they over roast their beans which are also stale to begin with.
i don't care lol
what wrong with drinking sweet tastey coffee
why would I want to drink something bitter?
its not fun or tastey to sip on black coffee one sip and u want to throw it away
exactly black coffee drinkers are just try hards who think that they are more sophisticated or whatever because they are to good to enjoy their coffee
>black coffee is disgusting
Being a tranny is just a copout, and it's a meme
I was trying to keep this in good faith and assume you weren't a shitposter but
>black coffee drinkers don't enjoy their coffee
>I don't care if the coffee is fresh
just made me lose all hope for you.
Its a homo troll do not give it attention.
>everything someone says that I nuuu like is a troll
actually it's not u faggot
drink piss
huh obviously people are going to drink fresh coffee
no ones going to drink something that's stale
what are u even getting at u dumb animoo poster
>i don't care lol
You're a fucking child. Maybe taste shit outside of frozen dinners and McDonald's.
>I want something that tastes good
>I don't want some strong bitter thing
Then why the fuck are you drinking coffee?
who said anything about trannies???
rent free
there's a difference between ground coffee from the store and fresh coffee inbred
because coffee with creamer and sugar taste really good
there like so many coffee creamer flavours and so many of them are delicious
see why are u enjoying ur drink
ur not supposed to like it
told u ur just a try hard who thinks it has to be bitter and doesn't actually enjoy it
black coffee isn't inherently bad. milk and sugar just divert the taste away from badly made coffee. a good blend brewed just right tastes great. but the average morning petrol you get down your pipe just to wake up tastes like hairy ass obviously.
>I cant appreciate that others have different tastes that don't align with my own
some high level bait for such shit taste
whats the point of drinking something that tastes like toxic sludge?
>i typu like a faggot
>lol im no troll!
Ok homo
kiss me senpai OwO
but not an argument idort
you're drinking literal shit tier coffee if you can't appreciate the flavor. it's not about being sophisticated, it's genuinely enjoying the taste. drink better coffee inbred
More like Adachi done poorly.
Akechi is literally reverse Adachi. Akechi was born with good looks, and was highly talented and successful in everything he did at a young age.
>why don't u enjoy drinking stuff that tastes like toxic sludge
hmmm i wonder why idort
You missed the point entirely.
>stop drinking sludge
Any suggestions for a coffee pleb
why does someone putting tasty flavoured creamer and some sugar in their coffee trigger u so much
i litteraly dont ever care to drink it black
I....i can't,you can dodge the rodge
The correct answer is to buy the raw beans yourself (I use Happy Mug) then roast, grind, and brew it the way you like it. But if you are lazy the best you can do is find a local cafe that does all of this for you. Avoid places that use pre-grind beans
>atlus in charge of good writing
>doing all this to just drink a cup of coffee
yup black coffee drinkers are pretentious pricks
>store bought
oh nooo I would never drink that
>millions do
well hoho im above them
faggot drink bleach
>im already set on killing myself before i turn 24 anyway
Fuck off dumb sad zoomer
You come off as a lazy underage homo honestly.
implying u know genders
also not an argument face it
if u have to do all that to enjoy ur coffee ur a pretentious prick
>drinking black coffee
Imagine being such a cuck that even your coffee is blacked.
Is there an official power rankings for the Final Fantasy games? I loved 7, 8, and 9 and now I want to try the earlier ones. Are all of them worth playing, or should I skip any?
>haha ur pretentious
>im a gurl
Troll and homo.
IV and the remake are both worth playing but not back to back.
V is the best game in the series.
VI is very good especially on a first play
Do you not make your own bread?
Maybe not the best, but I liked him a lot.
nooo no one does
look at me doing things no one else does
im soooo much better than everyone else
just buy wonderbread
That's cute.
stay mad loser
ur just mad because ur sipping on some digusting bean water while i get to enjoy nice tasty drinks
imagine being so mad about this
I get that you've been pretending to be retarded because you have no argument other than your shit opinion, but you should start doing a little extra work to make your food taste better.
>why don't u make ur own bread and coffee grrr
why doesn't eveyone do the same thing as me
>U suck
um calm down there sperglord
Thanks fren
>Having to resort to reaction pics
thanks for proving my point
>fuck having to work for anything you eat or consume lol loser I just go to starbucks or mcdonalds
God I hate zoomers so much
Why the fuck did this turn into a coffee thread?
based police man dabbing on zoomers