Smash 3.0 Datamining Thread
i lost my old trip but i did find some new spirits will be posting them in order
they are labo spirits and peachette will look for other new shit too
list of stuff changed
Smash 3.0 Datamining Thread
i lost my old trip but i did find some new spirits will be posting them in order
they are labo spirits and peachette will look for other new shit too
list of stuff changed
Other urls found in this thread:
i love these guys, i will try to load these spirits in game once i get mods going
do Joker's attributes match the datamine?
a fucking switch its self got killed by galeem
im about to check the fighter stats in a few but i see no
cool, thanks for posting user
anything anyone wants me to look for?
doubt it but any new "codenames"?
What was the deal with the fem Joker datamine? That even still there?
>Even the "datamine" was fake
Is this the final nail on the coffin, Erdrickbros
These are Joker's stats? They don't match up with the datamine at all. He's still called Jack, though.
no new codenames atleast in this file
too big to yeet onto pastebin
did you find anything interesting besides new spirits?
searching rn, found a new param file but i think its for stage builder
Joker is still called Jack in the files. His finalized stats are just different.
so it just seems like labo spirits and peachette?
desu, after they stripped out jack and brave in 2.0, i'm not expecting to see much from datamines anymore
atm yes not really seeing alot, someone in the ultimate discord said to look and see if jane is still mentioned, so currently looking for files related to jane, i heard it was a model bone or something
Is there any references to Jane in the files?
not that im seeing rn
is anything related the PORKY in the files ?
no lol
jane was in one of the LVD files, the filename was "Jack6_C06_v01_070925.mb_Jane1_pony_hairSystemShape2.mchp"
that was discovered by someone who had a lvd like decoder, thats their own tool and im sure they wanna get e fame again, besides i cant find that file rn anyways
Which means that anyone trying to determine who Brave was by his stats was indeed an idiot. I don't get why people don't get the concept of placeholder. If Brave does turn out to be a DQ Hero, then he's going to be similar in size to most other characters.
good thread OP, keep updating us
Spoonfeed me please
i did find the joker param files so i can edit like how high his up b goes, like the vishera videos i also think i found the models
I wish I had saved Joker's datamined stats. The person who originally posted them deleted their twitter. I think they tried fucking someone that was underage.
The bits and pieces I have don't match up with Joker's final stats.
Maybe we should compare how drastic things were changed over time?
>big update.
>zero relevant data.
Fuck this update, see ya everyone in the 4.0.1 version
Awesome, glad someone put it in a pastebin.
And it's interesting to see how parameters change over time. Piranha Plant's parameters didn't change too much between the datamine and the release, probably because how deep into development it was. But Joker's parameters had a lot of changes. Even then, the draft parameters are still pretty close to the finalized version.
Huh, Joker's height parameter (15) didn't change despite clearly being bigger than Young Link
Didn't Plant have a significant change in weight?
Piranha Plant's weight is 112 in both the datamine and in the game. Run speed is the same between the datamine and in the game too.
Speaking of Brave, I fucking hope we get news about that fucker soon considering odds are it was in development along with Joker and its likely already done by now
Is that parameter even used anything? It seems inconsistent.
If you're still here, OP. Some of Bowser Jr's files were found in Piranha Plant's information. Do you know if they based Joker on an existing fighter? People seem to think he was based on Mii Swordsman.
>are still pretty close
So how similar should Brave's stats be compared to what was datamined months ago?
Did Joker undergo anything drastic that was far different and not similar at all to the datamine?
not sure where to check that
Probably in his animations or something
Plant still has bowser jr's up b animations in his
ok i gotta find a joker folder still
But people were trying to use Brave's stats against Erdrick, most notably Sora and Banjo fans. Once again, Sora fans get btfo. I don't have anything against the character, but as a person who legit wants DQ representation in Smash since it's my favorite JRPG series, KH fans have been incredibly annoying.
Not taking any sides on that but pic related sums up the whole argument on both ends
Either Joker originally had a posture that made him Young Link level or they just fucked up (alternatively I could have missed something when glancing through the pastebin)
Joker was faster in the datamine and lighter. Joker also had a rapid jab. That's the most obvious differences. Does Arsene make Joker faster?
nigga, both sides were using the stats to disprove the characters and back their most wanteds
>The height clearly fits Erdrick (Chibi design)
>The height only fits Chibi Erdrick who's the less used design compared to Super Famicom Erdrick
>Banjo's too small
>Banjo's supposed to look small
>It can't be Sora unless he's a midget
how much faster and lighter are we talking?
like, how big's the gap?
aw fuck me, I didn't read that image carefully
from what I remember Mizumi insisted height didn't mean anything because he fit Ike with Brave and Jack's stats and things worked fine
love you OP
good night
Wouldn't the datamine mention that?
2.21 datamine speed vs 2.06 final speed
89 datamine weight vs 93 final weight
it's not too big of a gap, but it's noticeable
So basically they had the general outline of what Joker was gonna be from the start and fine tuned a small bit for release (with the exception of a removed rapid jab)
So by that logic, should Brave be fairly close to what we saw back then?
I'm really confused by what that image is trying to argue.
Paremeters seem to be one of the first things that Sakurai makes for characters and it's used as a guideline for the development process. I honestly think the height values is just something Sakurai includes so that the other developers have a rough understanding how big he wants a certain character to be in the game.
couldnt find joker model rn, and theres like 300+ folders to go through im just gonna retire for the night, if anyone has any more ideas lemme know
What's more autistic?
Analyzing placeholder stats for months insisting your most wanted fits said stats are will get in or staring at a shadow for months insisting its at a playable size only for it to be confirmed to be a boss?
>and fine tuned a small bit for release
Joker has a lot of other parameters that are different between the datamine and the final version. Like dash speed, acceleration, air speed, etc. But I think you have the right idea.
I wouldn't be surprised if Brave's finalized stats were close (but not quite) to the datamine, like Joker.
Its basically saying Mizumi didnt know shit and that height parameters do have meaning albeit skewed at times.
In other words, nothing has changed then right?
We're still stuck with the same shitty arguments and circlejerking until heaven knows Nintendo lets us know who Brave is
If you want to compare. Left is datamine and right is final.
heres one model
Good night and take care man
This was honestly a nice conversation to end the day
good night, user
that link expires in a day so look over it before it expires
What confuses me is that it's trying to argue that height has some meaning. But doesn't elaborate on the meaning. Changing the parameter doesn't seem to change much either. I don't think anyone's been able to find anything in the game that's been tied to height either.
thanks for the fun and informative thread, OP
were you the same guy who datamined spirits on Yea Forums when Ultimate first leaked?
yee was fun streaming it
keep an eye out on
if you know how to install mods im going to enable those extra spirits early
that was a fun stream
thanks for sharing all this shit, good night
no he didn't you insolent fuckass
you are literally retarded
Still no Kirby 64 spirits?
I hope we find out what the deal was with Jane