Which one was better Yea Forums?

Which one was better Yea Forums?

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Mercer was a better character and for a given value of it the story of the first is better though neither are great.
Gameplay in 2 is generally an improvement tho.

The gameplay improvements in the sequel were negligible compared to how fucking atrocious the writing was

Prototype 1 had a better story and character growth. Mercer actually had a reason for doing shit, albeit in a sociopathic way.
Prototype 2 had better gameplay but the story was dogshit. Mercer, now a literal god, decided to be evil after it was revealed that he literally was a virus. The protag was edgy as fuck.

Mercer was a good MC. Big mistake dropping him in the sequel.

I enjoyed the first one but never got around to the second, I should really pick it up some time.

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I never played 2, but I had a lot of fun just traversing the city in the original game. Did the sequel retain that aspect?

The first one, the second one didn't have better gameplay either, it was less janky and it looked prettier but that's about it. Also >No armor mode

Into the trash. TRASH.

Gameplay wise 2 is a straight upgrade to 1.
Story is worse though.
The game looks fantastic too imo

The protag of the second game was obnoxious as fuck

The gameplay in 2 felt worse. They switched the dash and glide buttons, which limited your air mobility. Mercer felt a lot more agile to play as. Furthermore, adding in health regen made the combat too forgiving in 2.

1 because I'd rather be a virus than a nigger


Story aside (honestly both games were meh there), first one had a better tone and atmosphere.
2 had better gameplay, side-missions and upgrade system.

But user, niggers ARE a virus

Not really. The map is broken up into 3 much smaller parts in the second game, which reduces big chase missions and the need for traversal in general. It's harder to dash into glides because they made the combo harder to achieve quickly. Overall I felt much more sluggish in 2.

Prototype 1 by miles, although I still played 2 and didn't hate it really.

First one. Better protagonist (no I'm not racist) and the combat overall is more fun. Youre basically an unkillable god right from the start in prototype 2. Shit gets boring fast.

i cant remember jack shit about 2 other than mercer being the final boss and teaming up with his sister after you kill him on some boring roof. he also infected you for no reason right? and if youre infected should you share the same conciousness? whatever. from 1 i can remember most of the intro, the military guy being the baby from the town, the battle on the aircraft carrier and he reveal that mercer was just the first person the virus infected. gameplay wise both felt the same, but it was cool to expore the main island of manhattan towards the end of 2. i can also rememebr using a shield more in 2. was there even a shield in 1?

That doesn't sound good. Judging from the responses ITT, it seems they emphasized the combat for the sequel, would that be accurate?

1st one has the better story but that's it. it's got a lot of dogshit missions that are a pain to playthrough.
2nd one has a retarded story but the gameplay and missions are better so i prefer it.

1 was a great game.
2 was just trash.

2 for the combat and banging soundtrack. Also for that hilarious skullfuck line

2 is just classic minority representation shit.
>black people talk like monkeys, don't they Bob? "ay fug u, I'm da prototype also I don't know how to use a computer nigga"
>yeah, this seems fine. also let's add a Mexican too, Mexicans talk "liek dis, right ese?"
>yeah that's fine
It's so fucking out of place

I don't remember the mexican but i vividly remember the part where Prototype2 goes "Fuck computers they're too hard"

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Fighting Mercer In 2 was worse than the mass effect 3 ending, prove me wrong

the one that has the power armour that lets you run through cars.

There's a reason they never made prototype 3.

why did they made alex the bad guy in 2?

The story being decent in Prototype 1 was a complete accident, so they rectified that in 2.

every person i knew in high school was super fucking pissed alex was the bad guy in 2 me included idk i just like the guy

I don't think that's right to say. It's no more emphasised than in 1, but it's a main part of both games. Pretty much all parts of 2 felt a little worse in equal measure. Even the improved graphics are cancelled out by the reduced draw distance.

Mercer: I'm going to force the next stage of evolution to eliminate famine and disease and war

Did they really need to make him as thug nigga stereotype as possible?

He was never the good guy, just the protagonist. He was the lesser of 3 evils but still evil as fuck. All 2 did was push him from being in the center and being a lone wolf to embracing being the father of the virus and making sure that it lived on through a successor.

i didnt like the aesthetic of 2. it also removed some of the most fun powers for no reason

playing it just made me want to play the first game. so I did.

Even in CURRENT YEAR, videogame companies do not understand how to do "diversity" or pander to minorities, all these gay, black, whatever characters they make are literal caricatures. Just look at that infamous picture of all the black chicks in videogames from some E3, the reason for that is because internet developers are retarded sheltered white manchildren.

The company shut down

"there's a mothafucking squigglyline and a colon!"
best line in a videogame EVER!!!

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It all looked so ugly with tentacles flying around everywhere

Because prototype 2 was shit and flopped.

Can anyone explain what the the point of the claws was? The blade is a direct upgrade from the claws, looks cooler, and is pretty much focal point of both their designs. I guess in the first game it makes sense not to start him out with something so OP. But they keep the claws in 2 and remove shit like armor and the shield. What's up with that?

If it was a book I'd care

claws are faster, that's it really.
shield's still there, it's used for countering.
armor wasn't really that useful.
better than the first game LOL
hulk ultimate destruction is still better than both

The claws are more useful in the sequel.
You can use them to pounce on enemies where it's faster than using the blade.

>better than the first game LOL
Clearly not since the first game warranted a sequel and the second game bankrupted the company.


>armor wasn't really that useful
Felt pretty useful in those sections where you get gangraped by a strike team and an entire military or outside a hive. There's a lot of sections where running away or trying to fight naked just isn't an option unless you wanna die. Being able to tank shit did wonders.

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prototype 1 had this.

its better.

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Fuck off, retard. You can't be this dumb. It's your first power for starters, but it's also a straight upgrade to just punching hunters and soldiers.

Am I really the only one ITT that didn't outright hate Heller? Sure he was nowhere near Mercer in 1 but still, I thought he was a serviceable vehicle for 2's gameplay

i hated the way it limited mobility so i barely bothered with it

it doesn't matter how useful something is, you ninny. they aren't difficult or complex games. just give me toys to play around with in a sand box.

the armour was a very fun toy.

Blades? 2 had that too.
Armor? Made useless due to the upgrades you get in 2 like being bulletproof and able to block every missile attack and be unharmed.
There is a costume for the Heller armour aswell if you want to LARP

>Prototype 1
>Mercer: I don't care about anybody but myself!
>End game Civilians killed: 2

>Prototype 2
>Heller: I'm upset people are being mistreated and hurt!
>first new ability: Shoot out a biomass that explodes into tentacles that grab everything in the area (mostly people) and then smashes them together
>here's a mission in a densely populated area where the move is mandatory

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i'd understand if armor actually had more unique properties, but it just reduces the damage you take while making you slow as shit

>P1 had better narrative work, freedom and movement
>P2 had better combat by way of enemy variety and character fluidity
I've a hardon for the first title though because I'm a sucker for the Web of Intrigue and piecing together a larger picture through its entries. Even if the act of acquiring those pieces was largely the same routine each time.

So did P2 as a fucking paid subscription cosmetic, fuck that garbage and thank christ for notepad

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I remember always feeling slow as shit in 2. Maybe I should replay it, hope it can run on my toaster because I really don't feel like buying it again.
I get that but it still doesn't make sense having a power that pretty much becomes useless half way through the game. I got reminded now that they made them a bit better in 2 so I guess it's not that bad. But, besides that, the actual upgrade to just punching them is blowing the the fuck up with a racket lawnchair.

This guy gets it, i loved using the armor to run around and send everything flying. Also it looked cool as fuck.

>use armour
>start running
>run straight through everything

its a fun toy.
can you run through vehicles or is it just cosmetic? that's a sticker not a toy

Mercer is more agile than Heller and there are comparison vids of their speed.
It's expected since Heller is more of a tank and actually deflects bullets than Mercer

>evil after it was revealed that he was a virus
False, it's even worse than that. He gave up on humanity after he failed to get his cock wet in some tie-in side comic bridging the two games together.

You really never used it? It doesn't limit mobility that badly. You can't glide, dash or do some of the other movement tricks but it's just meant to be used during combat. I can't imagine not using the armor 24/7 for some of the later sections. Except for Elizabeth Greene where I just took it off briefly to dip behind a corner and eat people.

>people still think Mercer was a good guy

Mercer died the moment he got shot down after releasing the virus,you are playing as the virus,not Mercer.
Hell Mercer is a piece of shit for releasing the vial in the first place

who currently owns the rights to prototype?

i'd like a new game. bring back mercer


I thought it was already well known that the Virus was a better person than Mercer ever was.

When people say Mercer, they're referring to the virus.
Bobby Kotick.

I love the original infamous games but mercer would tear cole apart.

Ive never played 2 so 1 is better

Prototype 3 never ever.

The military dude you fight in the end was not "the baby from the town" that is pariah and his plotline was dropped in 2.

then read a book or watch a movie you nigger

>Doesn't understand that's why people like "Mercer's" character growth
The original Mercer was an asshole. The replacement Mercer was a decent person.

Then they fucked it all up with the tie-in comic and second game.

The map split in 3 type between clean zone, semi contested infection zone, and the full blown cluster fuck infection zone.
Which was an interesting idea and enjoyable, since the rule of engagement change on which part you at and play style to accommodate it.
One really great part is pretend role playing as a normal soldier and see how their reaction change from map to map.

Ooooh scary~

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>The original Mercer was an asshole. The replacement Mercer was a decent person.

I think that is what I like most about that game, that you end up as this brain eating monster that somehow manages to be a more considerate then his original self. I went out of my way to not hurt any civilians, that is how immersed I was. 2: nah fuck that, eat everyone.

Same with GTA 4 to GTA 5. As Nico I acted decent, didn't rampage for no reason and felt out of character when I accidentally drove over a granny. In 5 (or the earlier titles) you wage war on the civilians like it is nothing.

The combat was neutered in 2, but it had and awesome dodge mechanic

Cosmetics merely change voice pitch and certain sounds associated with moving/attacking. Playing as Zombie Mercer or Zombie Heller for example will make your voicelines into zombie growling and gargling, and I think for Heller you get wet footsteps because one foot is a wet stump.

The white guy ofc.

2 had better mechanics for the most part, even if some of the powers made less sense. Like why do spikes come from the hammerfists? It doesn't make sense.

But 2 also had a WAY worse MC, and story.
Also the retcons to what happened in Hope pissed me off.

if i've never played the second one, and want to pick up a good prototype for city flying adventures/nostalgia, i should buy the first one right user?

There was one moment in 2 that made me hate Heller, one moment
>In a base
>Using a computer
>He has no idea how to use it
>Priest tries to give him instructions
>He ignores the instructions and just hits random buttons
>It fucks up the computer
>"I hate computers"

What are you? Gay?

Don't forget the fact he consumed a scientist shortly before. There is literally no reason for him not to work a goddamn computer.

Pretty sure Dr.Mercer was an actual sociopath.

yeah he was pretty great

1 had better flying mechanics, the only real mechanical advantage it has over 2.
But if you get 2 you're gonna have to deal with a lot of anti-intellectual bullshit. Seriously, a good 1/3 of the missions have dialogue about how all smart people are evil racist monsters.


Low IQ

i wanted to enjoy first game on pc but it had buggy audio

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The first one by far
What gameplay improvements did the second game had? It certainly wasn't mobility

No shit. See andDo you remember what they did to Hope Idaho in the second game?

In 1 Redlight came into being from the testing of Carnival 2. Carnival 2 was an attempt at a super-soldier serum, tested on a racially diverse military town in the middle of nowhere. It's logical, it makes sense, and it fits the goals of both Gentec and Blackwatch.
In 2 it was instead an attempt at a virus that kills specific races. Because lol, smart people are racist and genocidal.

I will, because at least Mercer died with a good line
>Welcome to the top of the food chain

the tone of this thread may hint the second is better gameplay wise, but it's signaling hard that the first game is better experience.
first game it is, thanks my negros

there should've an "armor" in 2 that increases moblity and attack speed but reduces your defence

1 was way better it just was not the same in 2 I hate that mercer somehow became the villain I still don't remember why or how that happened

watch out for the shitty missions, enemy variety, and damage sponge bosses

They never tell you in-game, he became a villain(as opposed to anti-hero from the first game) in a tie-in comic.

god, how awful. how's the first game run on PC?
kino, not worth a whole game full of bullshit, unfortunately.

First game had a really good ending too. Mercer was just a blob and came back by consuming a crow.

See here I was thinking it has just been that long I forgot about 2's story but that is just stupid.

This game was fun as fuck. It made me as the player feel extremely powerful in a way few games can capture.

Yup yup. If you never read the comic, like I never did, all you know is "Yeah, Mercer/Zeus/Whatever is evil now. And he started a second outbreak, but on purpose this time"

i'm not expecting a top notch experience, just some cathartic shit to play, variety would be nice, but i'm not sure it's worth a retarded narrative. that being said, the steam sale will probably dump them for pocket change, so i can compare at will if i please.

it sounds like Halo 5 copied someones homework

>i'm not sure it's worth a retarded narrative
if that's what you care about.
i don't care a games story is retarded, if the game itself is fun to play.
a good example of that would be yakuzas 4, and 5.

1 is pretty great for catharsis. Sometimes I just run down the street holding a car, smacking people out of my way. Pretty fun.

The original prototype 1 before they completely remade it into the released version

I remember back in hs my teacher was into games like prototype,she used to argue it was better than infamous. I used to talk to her about them along with my other friends. She was kinda sweet to me like too sweet. Kinda pervy but she stopped when she got married.

New Prototype shouldn't be released in the current time. Or it will butcher the whole series even harder than 2 did. It was a great concept from better times, it has no place in the current shitshow.

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>shouldn't be released in the current time
When should it be released then? 3052? I can't imagine it'll have many living fans by then.

1 was groundbreaking while 2 was utter trash in all aspects except slightly better gameplay. I hope they retcon 2 and purge it from the annals of history.

I didn't like much about 2 but I did love how Mercer delivered that line