C&c remaster

You faggots better not spend money on this cashgrab.

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b-but c&c was my child hood and i have a ton of disposable income for just this

If only there were a way to play a game without giving money to them.

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First cnc is probably the worst possible choice for a remaster from the whole series. Why not tibsun or ra2?


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take it back
cnc 1 is kino, and I'm buying the remaster too

>Not Generals

Play the original.

will pirate
never again, EA
never again

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there is nothing further from this image than RTS games like C&C though, it's a genre completely devoid of s o i, as zoomers don't have the attention span or ability to play them.

I dont get it, you people want old franchises back but then when they bring them back you call it a cashgrab

They want new games from old franchises, not literally the exact same game they've already played.

now this is shitposting

>disposing of your income

That's not even a real Command and Conquer game.


gotta show interest if you want more

last time I tried to play the game it had alot of issues running on modern systems like a hyper sensitive mouse.

the one thing all remasters should have is the ability to swap back to the original graphics and sound on the fly with the push a button like starcraft and monkey island have.

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It was my teens to but dont forget EA fucking destroyed the franchise. Fuck giving them your money.
EA destroyed my childhood franchise too, Syndicate.


I've been thinking of getting into RTS games, and C&C is an accessible franchise I feel nostalgic and familiar with from playing it back on the PSX days. This might be worth pirating at least.

Westwood is dead. The only reason for EA to work on any remaster is to make a cashgrab.

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Be mad but I'm right, this remaster with probably flop and EA will put the franchise back in its tomb

Balance in the original C&C is all over the place.

Hey look a bunch of studios whos games sold like shit, i wonder if low sales have to do eith studios closing

As much as I like the C&C, fuck EA and fuck giving them any money.

literally none of those sold like shit zoomer

Good thing you didn't even try to argue the actual post. Thanks for the heads up

>tfw leaving one enemy ore minor alive so you could play sandbox mode and do stupid shit

You have no idea what you are talking about.


People have been showing interest for fucking YEARS and all they've thrown out to us are cheap, low-effort cash grabs. It will flop because it's a lazy, low-effort cash grab, and the franchise will die, yes. But that's not on the people. The quality of the product is not the responsibility of the consumer you dense fucking retard.

user on Yea Forums gave me the full collection a few years ago after I memtioned how I miss tib sun and a friend took my disc and never gave back.

Thank you based user wherever you are.

I want a remake of this game instead

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Yeah games like Sims, Mass Effect or BF2 sure sold like shit.

If they censored anything about the suicide bombers it would be instant flop for them.

So is it gonna be 3d or 2d?

yeah The Saboteur really sold gang busters

nice you managed to pick out one single flop in the whole repertoire of a dozen studios, really btfo there

>Westwood is dead.

It's being worked on by Petrogyph that was founded by oldschool Westwood people who know the sourcecode. Klepaki, who also works there is working on the music.

You could accuse it of being a cashgrab, but imo it's more some EA PR damage control after the Rivals controversy. If we get a good remaster, I won't care what EA's intent was.

Shut the fuck up zoomer, nearly all of the games of these devs sold well. Westwood had one fuckup and that was C&C Renegade, a game EA forced them to do even though they had no experience on FPS games.

Looks like it's gonna be 3d then

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>Westwood had one fuckup and that was C&C Renegade

Wrong, Westwood spent millions on a MMO called Earth and Beyond, thats a massive fuck up

>C&C and RA1 together with grafics like OP pic
If they actually remaster it with no changes to gameplay, include all the content of the original game with no microtransactions, and sell it for ~£25, then fuck yeah I'll spend money on it.

Some of those studios listed arent dead, DICE bioware, criterion

>pirated kane's wrath 4 days ago
>installation was normal and completed

Well shit there goes my pirate streak, someone knows a safe torrent for kane's wrath or red alert 3?

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>the first soviet war will go from adults only war crimes to nintendo advance wars for modern kids

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Is there any word on if they have the masters of the FMVs?
Hearing about Petroglpyh makes me sad because I have family who was there from its founding that got laid off recently

There was Sole Survivor which was basically a TD minigame they thought they could box and sell.

Yeah, Red Alert 1 is the main reason I'm curious about this, if they retroactively turn it into RA2/3 cartoonyness I'm dropping like a hot potato.

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They said they want to retain the original feel of the game.

That means keeping the polish and the greek genocyde bits where you take active part from both sides

What is your favotrite C&C track?

I liked Renegade.

Me too but it sold really badly.

I have to say Hell's march because no matter how much you try to remix it, you keep getting an awesome soundtrack.

Is that model for real? Literal who modder couldve done better than tat


Wasn't Kane's Wrath a literal expansion for C&C3? What were you expecting?

Only if it comes with a new cover of Escape from the Blue Plant.

I'm sure KW also works as a regular game, i know because i saw a disk before saying the regular game wasn't needed, why do i have to install another 10GB just to play MP and map conquest? fucking EA.

How old are you user? How do you not know have expansion packs work?

>i know because i saw a disk before saying the regular game wasn't needed

99% chance it was for xbox 360

What? i had the game before from The pirate bay before it went full honeypot, then i lost my copy thanks to a hardrive failure and the only torrent i could find was the original one that required the original TW.

>liking literally anything makes you a soiboi

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Well shit how did you knew?


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I doubt it. 95% of modder texture work is absolute dogshit

Excellent taste

I had 3 and KW on 360 because my laptop was a potato. I got reaaal good at using a controller


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Tell me your secrets user, how good is playing CNC on xbox?

Red alert or bust.

then play the version you already bought, faggot

It's Hell March, you mong

>Westwood is dead
>money only goes to EA
>after C&C 4
thats a no buy for me senpai

That's what Blizzard said for WC3

OpenRA is a thing. It's pretty good too.


It was a pretty big learning curve, but I was a teenager anyways so I may have just been shit at the game. 3 didn't have a radial wheel but KW did, this is kind of offset by being able to assign buildings into groups for quickest access so you don't have to jump back to your base to build more troops/buildings. It took me a year or two before I could beat the game on the hardest difficulty and 1v1 a brutal AI.

I don't want TibSun getting remastered. It runs on modern systems and looks perfect as is

Why wouldn't I? The first game is so ugly and basic as to be unplayable. If it's a good remake, sure.

OP just needs to have sex I think.

lmao those literally laid the foundation for pc gaming holy fucking shit zoomzoom

What was the extra mode adde to the console KW? i saw they removed the RISK mode and instead added something else.

Have you ever considered that Yea Forums is more than one person?

C&C 1 had the best soundtrack and setting


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This is like saying it's the fans fault that Half-Life 3 will never come out because they didn't get the Freeman outfit in FFXV. Fans don't control what publishers do with their IPs.


Did you guys already forget about this piece of shit they made?

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Absolutely bluepilled

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compared to CNC4, generals 2 was below average.


It was never released

I feel so fucking sorry for these studios who are one failure away from closing and have to pick up work on shit like this just to keep the lights on without any guarantee that it will earn them enough money to stay open let alone make a game they'd actually want to make.

I don't want to imagine all the talent that leaves the gaming industry for job security because players won't buy anything unless it has a hundred million dollars of graphics and publishers just grind through young naive talent and studios with no shits for cultivating long-term talent because you can hire from the endless pool of fresh graduates to make the same garbage for less pay because some places in Canada and the States subsidize the fuck out of game development.

Generals 2 had potential but they shot themselves in the foot by making it F2P, realizing nobody liked people being able to buy literally better stats / generals

I tested out the closed beta, it played just like generals did, it just got really bad reviews because of the microtransactions so they canceled it when it was like 95% done

I was also in closed alpha.
Didn't you see the dev posts made right after cancellation? That cancellation was shady as fuck and most likely not due to negative feedback (the feedback was mostly positive, since at the very least the new CnC was a real RTS game unlike CnC4, nothing stellar, but it wasn't bad)
The game's servers were also running for around a week after the game's cancellation due to EA firing all the people who could have turned them off, so they stayed up until eventual crash.

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Nod > GDI > ayy lmao
Soviets > Yuri > Japs > All*es
yes I'm a slav

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can't wait for this

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>he didn't play it

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I only played a few matches of it at a friends place who was in the closed alpha so I didn't see any posts, that's brutal but also hilarious

I still don't get why they were going for the F2P approach in a RTS game, with units behind xp/paywalls

It's not. They've tried to "fix" the C&C balance. Also removed few units.

Desperately trying to make an RTS that brings in the bucks I guess. EA is all about monetisation and releasing a game for a semi-niche audience after the great RTS push for consoles failed (reminder that SupCom 2 was also a thing that existed) just wasn't profitable enough for those fat fucks.

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Watch a "competitive" Red Alert 1 match and tell me if that's worth preserving.

> competitive

Laughing at you

I can agree removing units is a shame, but what can you have against them trying to balance C&C?
Dodging his point

Nobody cares about esport it's like 1% of players.

>what you want more C&C games?
based retard please don't stop breathing.

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So why do you give a shit about balance then? I'm with you on units though, but they were slowly adding them to the game last time I checked (which was long ass time ago, when Migs were just added).

nobody's talking about esports, brainlet

Why hasn't anyone made a C&C clone?

Also it's not about "removing" units, OpenRA is a remake on a different engine and they are yet to get some of the units working properly on that engine. They are adding them though.

it's not a c&c game & you won't get anymore c&c games

They tried, repeatedly. Petroglyph mostly, same guys that are making this remaster. The fact that you haven't heard about them is a testament to how shit they were.
Grey Goo, 8 bit armies and it's offshoots, act of aggression is a somewhat recent (also very shitty) sequel to an older generals clone

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>people respond seriously to first grader tier shitposting

Have they made any substantial changes besides gameplay balance?

I liked Grey Goo

They made a warzone 2100 clone and then abandoned it, Grey goo looked completely shit the first time i saw it, i knew it was never going to make it big, even with totalbiscuit shilling the game.

Act of War was fucking great.

But yeah Act of Agression was hot trash. I did enjoy the single player of Grey Goo at least.

I kinda liked it too, but the flaws were too numerous. Not only in the way it played, but also in the looks department. Every human unit is a floating fucking iphone lmao. Every beta unit is a walker. Every goo unit is just goo. And those expansion ayy lmaos somehow looked even more generic than Scrin, which is a fucking achievement in itself. It looks and plays so fucking bland. It has unit mechanics on par or maybe even weaker than the first fucking CnC and it came out almost three decades after it.

As far as I'm aware it's just balance and quality of life changes, and you can play online. Brought together the changes are fairly substantial, but probably not in the sense you're referring to and it's still thoroughly C&C/RA

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it is the same company that made universe at war

I own it, but I never managed to launch it on my PC, it always crashes on startup.

ra3 was ok

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>Calls fans soys
I believe C&C is way older than you.

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It had it's moments

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I just played the campaigns co-op with a friend a few years ago, it's good

Something like this wouldn't exist today. The culture changed dramatically so fast.

I liked it in multiplayer too. It's a shame it was never even remotely balanced. Allies were so fucking OP in every possible way. Except straight ground engagement I guess (which they never need to take cause air superiority, criocopters and motherfucking criogeddon - a free goddamn superweapon)

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Check out Renegade X

Uh, you don't get to bring shiners.

Diversity termites would never let that happen now.
I wish women and the rest of these other parasites get the fuck out of gaming so it can go back to what it was.

Why does he wear the mask?

OpenRA second generation when? Balanced YR is literally my wet dream.

I would only recommend taking a look at it. I don't know if the devs kept working on it, but when I played it the game never functioned that well, wasn't very balanced, and it really inherited many of the original's flaws. Multiplayer was the weakest part of the original anyway, and I would probably give my left nut for a decent C&C-themed BF.
But knock on wood, if it were made today it would probably be a battle royale.

>not dead

You're a funny guy

Does that thing have a playerbase now? Last time I checked I had trouble finding a match

Well they seemnto have Romanov's Vengence working somewhat well, so mechnics are already implemented. As for the balance, that's something that devs or community will have to decide on. Whole thing is open source, you should go help them and support the development if you want to see more progress.

Dr Mobius, I'm GDI

Pretty sure it wasn't dead on arrival but it died in the crib

>new cnc game
keeping those brainwaves down to the strict minimum, aren't we?

Devs dis continue to develop ot further.
This is how it plays today: twitch.tv/videos/410545613
even the original has some active community around it just because of the multiplayer.
And I would also be very happy to see a C&C themed battlefield / planetside game. Add some more base building and resource management and I will not stop playing that for many years.

Can i still play the original? Because renegade x servers are empty.

They maybe dead in name but the subhumans left to invade other places.

Do people still play this?
It was fun as fuck back in the day.

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C&C Renegade best video game ever

Petroglyph has a game out called Conan Unconquered. It really sounds like Command & Conquer.

I saw a video and it seemed extremely awful. Petroglyph are falling more and more out of touch.

I think Empire was a great addition to series

Its hilarious i give you that, but i still rather play a RA3 based on the same grimdark war of the first RA

He's a big guy

Sell me this, is the MP still alive?

Yes, you can. But servers are about as full as on Renegade X

Wish I could play as a black hand and steal a vehicle from gdi one more time...


I liked red alert 2 more however

Im skeptical but very interested, most of the original westwood team is working on it and they got klepacki too. However it is EA so tread lightly.

Yep and it's really sad

You still can. Both original Renegade and Renegade X are still being played.
sadly playerbase is small because there are not that many people with superior taste for games

EA and Disney did something good: kill star wars
they are the good guys

>regret buying C&C3 and everything after
>buying remaster
>not a remake

>games get sequels
your parents miss so much money from your stupidity i'm jelly

But C&C3 and KW are good

Oh it gets so much worse.

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I'm glad that shit bombed

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i can't

Just downloaded it and looks like it's dead.

We are going to have to act
If we want to live in a different world
*heavy guitar riffs*

Of all the C&Cs, why the original? It's a good game, sure, but there are so many other C&C titles that were strictly better.

Start at the beginning, see if there's a market for them (there is) then remaster the rest in order.

I hope we get a Generals remaster one day. Zero Hour was fucking awesome.

I can understand why a weak person would want that thing. Onions bottles are fucking badly made with cheap material, especially the twist caps. They don't fit properly, nor do they rip from the sleeve properly, just a trash design.

How do you know all this, fellow gamer?



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>act of aggression
it was made by eugen systems not Petroglyph

i'll spend money on whatever i fucking like

What the fuck is up with that pinkie positioning? Why would anyone ever slip their finger under the base like that? Is he scared it's going to slip out of his grasp?

Explain to me how did the Allies even won RA1?
>soviet has superior tanks, jets and base defense
>oh we have a chronosphere that can teleport one vehicle at time

I will never give EA money again.
They killed too many of my loved devs.

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I like how Slavic is slav even in his face

Plot armor and unironically chronosphere, even though three missions into allied campaign they already lost half of the Germany which should mean that they're completely fucked. Still not as bullshit as it was in RA3.
>oh no, Einstein doesn't exist no more
>lmao, we still got all of the things that he invented, except better




Renegade is either really high on the list or really low depending upon your lan party play list.

I fucking hate this clean version. Where's the one where he watches cuck porn? It's way more hilarious.

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