ITT: games literally only you have played

ITT: games literally only you have played

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That goes for all the medievil games too

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My first FPS alongside Half-Life and Star Wars Battlefront 2. All on PS2.

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Dumb arcadey fun with live action interludes that had a couple of guys ripping the piss out them MST3K style, odd game

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Looks interesting, what's it about?

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My first FPS, my first experience with mods, my first experience making maps. The controls and keybinds for the RED Editor will be ingrained into my brain for the rest of my life. RIP Levels4You

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Yea Forums classics, though.

I remember checking it out along with the dev's other game on Steam, but then just tapping out because the reviews all said it was boring and aimless as fuck - ie, cheap and riding on the aesthetic.

That it was like 99 cents didn't help. That gets me suspicious, indie devs.

What Is this?

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"The one good game Ninja Theory made and they weren't even called Ninja Theory at the time".
Even then it's just a Power Stone clone.

trap gunner. shit was lit when i was a kid

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oh and this one as well

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fug I thought that was PC exclusive

Is that trying to trick grandma's into thinking it's Alone in the Dark?

Are MediEvil 1 and 2 really Yea Forums classics? I rarely see it mentioned, apart from the very few threads that barely reach 50 replies.

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It's a classic from when Yea Forums was a very different board.

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Medievil 1 absolutely is. I've been in massive threads with people discussing the soundtrack, old concept art, what a shitshow the PSP "remake but don't include make of the levels" deal was.

2 less so since it's a fucking mess of a game. But still. Especially in the wake of those Playstation Battle Royale threads, half of them just turned into Ape Escape or Medievil threads. Dedicated threads don't last very long, need something that catches the eye.

Then I'm glad it's still remembered then. I have fond memories with the first MediEvil.

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Forgot that game existed, need to go back to it. I remember having a grand time with the rts/pilot hybrid, the really immersive interface, seeing how the ""AI"" pilots you slap into machines died as actual people in mission interludes. Think I got to ayy lmaos and stopped for entirely unrelated reasons

Before I played it, only seeing the case in passing, I assumed it was a fucking submarine sim. Nice surprise to say the least

Remember to beat the shit out of those ants and don't forget the Good Lightning shit.

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I never see people on Yea Forums talking about this one

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And this one

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I enjoyed the shit out of this as well as hidden and dangerous 2 as a kid.

this one had some kino songs

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That's a classic

No way to save progress. Had to complete it in one sitting.

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I loved how you could just DETROY everything. Rocket launcher tunnel building was the best.

Damn, I completely forgot about this. MediEvil 1&2 were fantastic.

AH SHIIIIIEEET, I've been looking for the name of this game FOR AGES. I had the fractured memeroy of a robot fighting game where you could upgrade every aspect of the robot but could't really find it. But that looks just like the game so THANK YOU, user!

mine is related
>way better than most of the Zelda games of the time

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>that nuke tank you couldnt defend when you least expect

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I don't even know why

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If you thought Dwarf Fortress was autistic...

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every time I see this fucking game I want to try it out

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Yeah if you like the 10 minute wait times for 30-day turns after 100+ in game years.
I'd say don't bother unless the dev releases the c# port or you have the patience of a saint.

What's this? I want to fuck that giant.

based thread

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See I only want to try it for the novelty of fucking around in it at least once. As someone who was autistic enough to learn DF, fuck that shit.

If your cpu is good, you'd probably have better mileage though.
t. nvidia integrated gpu

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The cover doesn't lie, you can have a gun for a head
Or an arm
Or a torso in some cases
You can even equip fucking melee weapons to your head if you want, the game gives you options and if you play it legit, crawling from the bottom floor every time you die, you'll want them when your goto loadout is scrapped

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Sounds based as fuck. I'll check it out, still have my PSP.

>games only you've played
>bundled several times in the last 5 years

if you mean physical copies, yeah sure.


Never played a better rts than this.

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If you're dusting off the PSP, try Key of Heaven/Kingdom of Paradise. It's a linear ARPG (map is basically a loop) and short at 15-20 hours but it's a ride, especially if you like martial arts and wuxia. You collect individual moves from enemy drops, there's like a hundred odd of them from varying schools, including that flying sword thrust in everything, you know the one
Those moves fit into combos you find around the place, that you can equip and do the sequence. Until you get the first create-a-combo scroll at least and proceed to combine cool moves practically on the fly for the rest of the game

It's got a great soundtrack as well

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Looks like Ashen an Epic Store Exclusive.
A trash Dark Souls clone which was forgotten 1 day after release.

never played the game, but i still have the movie and I'm the only person I know who has seen it. It's based as fuck

I surely can't be the only one

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fuck you there the only reason i cared about the death of telltale games

Dark Souls before Dark Souls

Played through this shitshow a few years ago. Grinded through the "campaign" until I realized that I could break the game using berserk and kill every equal level player I duelled. Just kinda did that until they shut down.

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That's literally how my buddy shilled it to me
I only played it last year, it was his childhood defining game though


One of the most Kino puzzle-exploration games to ever exist.

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Anyone know what game I'm talking about?

Old RTS, you deploy white futuristic 'shape' robots, all buildings are connected with colored dots (Player 1 has green dots, player 2 has red dots or something like that)

Wasn’t bad with all the wall running and shit.

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Perimeter? It got an expansion as well so check both just in case

Opening scarred me as a kid

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Sadly it's not it but thank you nevertheless user, I'll check Perimeter out

The game I'm talking about was 2D I think, the 'robots' were stuff like triangles or cubes with metallic parts or something similar to that
I remember playing it as a kid and I never could find it again
It's probably a shit game but it's driving me crazy

Threads about games played not own. I own sam and max but never touched it


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The only acceptable QTE final boss, since it's basically that short random input finisher move, but you much longer since you've got an input for every lost body part


My mom traded a perfectly good copy of Pajama Sam for this garbage (it's just a shitty platformer), even as a kid I knew it was janky as fuck. I think I traded it back for something good, 'cause I sure as hell don't have the disk know.

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Never see anyone talk about Technomage.

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Played it. A real gem and comfy as fuck. I can only remember those underground magic dungeons were very confusing, but this one bug infested dungeon in that big hole was a clusterfuck.

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I've never seen Yea Forums talk about this game

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i loved this so much, i never finished the last level

I loved that game

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This was alright for the time

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Fucking hell I played this till my fingers bled. Spend weeks on that entry puzzle for the ice dungeon before solving it. Only fond memories.

Did one or two levels. Shit was fucking awful.

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This is a very based thread. I hope I find hidden gems here.

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played the fuck out of that. Mind boggling how the devs were able to make some of the shit they did in that. Very cool and fun

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b u m p

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I Rike, I rike very much!

super comfy game

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Underrated shooter

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used to play this shit all the time as a kid

Remake/port never ever

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based Twinsenbro

Don't have an image but space station silicon valley for N64 is still one of my favorite games ever. Was a really neat 3d platform puzzler with just enough to collect and discover that made it a real hidden gem.
