Why haven't you joined House Dagoth yet? Come Nerevar, I wait for you through fire and war where we last met.
Elder scrolls
Because the whims of fate are fickle.
>tfw reading that article on morrowind’s development
So it’s true
Todd was always the hack who thought everything should be more conventional and safe
Nerevar, friend or traitor come and look upon the heart.
>dreamed hams
I’m fucking snickering over here
>Dagoth Urgers
Oh my fuck
I bought ESO exclusively for Morrowind, did the main quest line, and haven’t played since. But Bethesda just let me into the closed beta for Elsweyr.
Should I do it, Yea Forums?
>C0DA makes this canon
Is this the power of CHIM?
Tell us how Necromancer is. I heard they actually put effort into a class for once.
Because the mod to join them isn't very good
What guides do people still follow for modding morrowind?
Holy shit
Argonians are the coolest and best race, and have the coolest naming conventions.
Where did you think kirky quirky got the name from?
Tree's that make lizards drink their cum and have an allergic reaction to it.
2018 was a goodmemeyear.
>molag bal that low
>sheogaywrath that high
todd pls go
When I voted for Sheogorath I was voting for the Champion of Cyrodill.
Already posted but I will listen again.
Just download the flac version for free
and blast it at 4 am every day
I'm actually interested. How moddable is it currently?
>Played Moonblood recently
>Built Raven Rock
>Comfy town
>Learned that Dragonborn takes place in Solstheim
>Play Dragonborn, arrive in Ravenrock
Dunmer culture is cancer.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Sanguine appeared before you in the form of a loli haha that’d be rich
hahaha, imagine if he let you have sex with him in that form? haha