>get home from work
>too tired to play games
Get home from work
This is the most boomer thing I've ever seen. hes right tho
What is your job, anons?
>Television personality promoting the S.L.A.V.E pledge
No, he's quite wrong. The irony is that most of the people involved in those dirty jobs actually have good unions.
What a cuck
Certified NEET.
this dudes a fucking grifter.
you might enjoy this
hes right tho
he's right though
>mike rowe, american tv host
>never actually worked in his life
he would cry after just roofing for a summer or some shit I bet
NEET but I think my employer is going to force me into early retirement so I might have to stop posting wagie memes soon.
Line cook
It has thoroughly crushed any tangent of happiness left over.
>tfw tired and miserable 24/7
Blessed are those enabled neets
the street fight one is better because they aren't fucking nerds like those two
it sucks, dont do it.
You're smart with money right Yea Forums?
>8 hours of repetitive drone work at an assembly line
>"dude bring your passion with you! why aren't you showing up early and staying late?"
Why do wagies, ESPECIALLY tradies, act like they're getting marched at gunpoint into a gulag every time they show up to work?
work sucks but the pay is fucking fantastic
if you are a millionare plumber then chances are you started in the fucking 1960s, are a god damn baby boomer, and the majority of your employees are fucking illegals. anyone who started anything in the fucking 60s and 70s is successful now, and if someone claims they started n the 80s or 90s then they probably got their business from some babyboomer fuck who started it for them in the 60s or 70s. Those fucking oppertunities are gone. Its a fucking nightmare to start a business now a days because these shits have made dam nsure nobody else is allowed int the game.
>The irony is that most of the people involved in those dirty jobs actually have good unions.
Why is that ironic?
>becoming a corporate slave for minimum wage is respectable
Most companies that employ low-level workers don't give a fuck about them.
So see rule 8
I don't even make 2500 a month
>if i am unhappy in my work, i'll either find a new job, or find a way to be happy
tl;dr do drugs
Anecdotally, most of the tradesmen I know love their jobs. It's the people in offices who act like they're in the gulag.
Tractor Trailer Estimator, I sit in an office all day answering phone calls and writing estimates/ ordering parts. most days are really slow so I just chill to music and read manga.
I work at a print shop telling people I can't print their shitty fanart because it features copyrighted characters before getting told off
It's called joining the union. Who gives a fuck about starting a business when I can get 50 dollars an hour and stand around for half the time.
My low self esteem wouldn't allow to call myself a web developer because I suck at it and have no clue what I'm doing most of the time
>rent $825
Are they living in a crackshack or with roommates? Where the fuck is rent even that low besides in places that are an hour outside of town?
The biggest whiners are service/retail wagies.
Master level industrial maintenance technician, mechanical and electrical, cadd cam drafter, programmer, millwright, and engineer.
>Sign SWEAT pledge
>Work your ass off for minimum wage
>shouldve gotten a better job user
Game Developer at well known AA studio. Won't say which one but we're having a release in 2020 and 2021, neither is announced. The first one is about Scifi Cops, the second is about Vampires vs Demons.
In my town rent hovers around $500 for a 2 bedroom. Then again the highest paying jobs in the area cap out around $20.
The image is basically demanding that workers give up all personal rights to please their bosses, while unions give more power to the worker.
The example was something insane like 4 single people living together (in apparently a 1-2 bedroom apartment since it is supposed to be the city) all making 100k a year.
Proven to be BS as he lives with like 5 roommates.
>there's no such thing as a "bad job"
Who the fuck would honestly believe this?
Correctional officer.
It's pretty easy and I'm never bored, plus a ton of OT so I can buy more video games.
fuck boomers
warehouse worker, lowest of the low grunt who is (probably) intentionally never taught or told more despite when i ask about it. 50 hours a week, physically demanding, whatever temperature it is outside is the temperature of the warehouse, meaning it can be 15F or even 110F due to warehouse somehow being hottter than it is outside in the summer by a little bit
oh yeah and I'm 27 and already wearing a back brace, sucks I am a college dropout who doesn't have an outgoing personality
>besides in places that are an hour outside of town
Living an hour outside of Seattle here. Rent is still expensive.
get a work remote job then fuck off to south east asia. thats what a lot of antisocial techies do from around here and bang lady boys all day while rolling in dough.
You are alive, okay
You live in Earth, ehh I guess that's good
How much do you make?
Commercial deep sea diver.
Construction engineer.
This literal jew never worked a day in his life
He tried to be a carpenter, but sucked at it and was fired, so he went to college to study communications
Biggest fake in history, but all the slave-cattle boomers worship him
What are you, 60?
Supermarket Gas Station. Probably going to quit soon and take a sabbatical for a month then try and find work as a kennel assistant at a Vet office. I'd rather clean up literal dogshit then do another year in retail/service industry.
dude fuck you i tried to upload that image but when i was tying my message, it said there was a duplicate file so i refresh the page and there it is, posted while i was typing
student, I had a job some years ago as assistant in an IT office of some local company, it was fun, my coworkers were pretty chill
Registered nurse in the operating. I don't have to deal with patients since they're asleep and having surgery and on any given day, depending on what surgeries we're doing, I spend 20-50% of the day just sitting there shitposting and playing on my phone while the doctors operate.
But the best part is working 12 hour shifts. I only work 3 days a week and have 4 whole days off every week. On work days I wake up at 6:15am and get home at 7:45, and if I have the next day off I stay up until 2:am wake up the next day at 9 and have the whole day to enjoy. If I ever have to work 2 days in a row, there first of the 2 days kind of sucks since I get home at 7:45 and have to be asleep by 11 for work the next day, but I kind of like it because that means I'll have 2 periods of 2 days off in a row that week.
Pays good too. If you value having free time to enjoy your life I strongly recommend being a nurse, or doing any job that let's you work 12 hour shifts 3 days a week.
>650 dollars for a months food
>more than 20$ a day
Fat fucking asshole
Web designer
line cook
His answer would probably be something in 6 digits.
one of the worst feels
That's a big range.
Lazy student who constantly disappoints his parents
>people who can afford to eat better than me are fat
I'm /g/'s wetdream: I work in logistics importing and exporting chink shit, including Thinkpads. Ask me (almost) anything.
$115.23 hr
10-12 hour days 5 - 7 days a week.
Fuck zoomers
Or dating.
can i have one
i stack boxes on pallets
There isn't, imo. Only bad situations to be in. If you have a retail, minimum wage job, and have a shitty life, then sure, it sucks. But you can have any job and have a decent life as long as you are low on debt and don't sit at home all day after work.
That's not that much outside of flyover land (AKA places that matter).
In university for computer engineering. I’m in my second year but I only completed 4 courses because I drop all my courses every semester and just watch anime. I don’t know what I’m doing.
why the hell do you think that is? retail, restaurant, or warehouse is basically the only paying options
Why is that chart missing 4 personality types?
Why work so much? Retiring soon?
>50 hours a week
>warehouse worker
Do you live in New York or some shit?
That sounds amazing compared to my weekly changing days off, random 14 day back to back full week shifts, 6 days a week horseshit $15
It would be smarter to assume he eats far healthier for that price.
My schedule is pretty similar. I usually have three 12 hour shifts overnight (7pm to 7am) and one 4 hour shift to top me up to 40 hours.
I usually just extend my 4 hour shift and stay the whole night for an easy 8 hours OT.
I have gotten fucked over before and had to work six 12 hour shifts in a row, which is ass.
For you
question, when you say web designer do you mean that you only do the mockup designs without any coding involved or do you do that too?
How. What language idd you learn first
100k a year and spends roughly 3k.
so if you make 50k a year you should spend roughly 1.5k.
l o l, good luck doing that living on your own. Double good luck if you live in a major city.
I think it's fucking ironic that these people calling us entitled for not wanting to break our backs for nickels, but when they had to carry some potato bags for a few weeks they called it the greatest genocide in human history
I work in a musco-skeletal department for a tissue bank. I clean bones and a variety of tendons, and then turn them into surgical grafts that will be used to help people restore movement in their worn out bodies.
>Dropping courses
If he lives in the city he is probably paying that much for old meat and past peak produce both at home and out.
nah, im the plant sr. tech and second shift supervisor for all of the plant.
Damnit. Beat me to it.
where did you practice your larp
You’ve never been in a union retard. You still work for a company, that has a boss. And if he’s not happy with you, you’re still gonna get fucked no union is saving you from that
Refurbished units/open boxed are pretty legit. You should buy one of those.
What's some advice you'd give to a 24 year old incel with no college education and no job that wants to improve their life?
Of course there are bad jobs.
The point is that a job presents an opportunity to continue learning, network and earn money so you can move up.
There are so many low skilled jobs that should be filled by teenagers and people in their early/mid twenties but they're filled by people who should have moved up in the world.
If you're in your 30's and you're working minimum wage, have children, debt etc.. then you're a fucking idiot.
The deeper I go into wagie bullshit the more fight club appeals
is it gay if i want this man to sodomize me.
work at walmart
Ya, it is nice. I used to do something similar in the old operating room I worked at where we had to work 8 hour shifts, but I just went their got trained and a year of experience and left for 12 hour shifts and I've been much happier.
Ya 6 in a row wouldn't be fun. And why do you work one 4 hour shift a week to get 40?You should try to just work an extra 12 every 3 weeks, although there'd be no OT that way if that's what you're aiming for.
I started off as a graphic designer so I started only doing visual mockups for devs to code, but then I learnt to code too. Not backend tho so I can't call me a web dev. I mostly use Wordpress, rarely Joomla/Drupal, and just modify the CSS or add some JS.
T. Ahmed mohammed
Get a gun and kill some globalists
Bad decision. How's your job.
go to a technical college and pick a trade, not something you like, but something that is piss easy for you.
Never give up on your dreams and work to achieve it, instead of sitting on your ass all day waiting for things to happen
>donations: 615
nigga what the fuck i haven't even give 615 to donations my entire goddamn life.
Get a job
First semester I did good and got s 3.8 GPA out of 4.0. Second semester of uni I dropped all 5 because I lost motivation and felt sad I have 0 friends. Third semester same thing as second. Fourth (which is now) I only dropped one. My parents have no idea and think I’m doing good and they send me money for groceries and rent but I have 0 energy to do anything and probably should see a therapist and psychiatrist which I’ve delayed for 4 years.
Is there a trade for putting large things in my ass?
>somehow went from cooking on the line to managing and reorganizing the back end of restaurants for pretty good money and benefits
Put aside whatever pride you have, go work a shit job, find something to learn and to occupy your time with.
You're still young and it's only going to become more pathetic the longer you leave it.
That's why he has 100,000 at 25
He donates to some charities, and those charities give him some government money
Sorry man but it's literally over.
yeah, HVAC
no lie, all HVAC guys i know are huge faggots.
>Bootlicker manifesto
>He thinks a lot of these jobs he's doing are gonna be around in 15-20 years.
I wish people would stop underestimating automation.
Donate it to your dad's charity that pays you it back and write it off of your taxes user.
QA tester
Clean your room, find something that bothers you and fix it, start small
netflix and amazon started in the 90s
yeah i hate you too, idk where else i could get my stuff printed at. same goes for 3d printing too.
where the fuck are 2 hamburgers, and 1 bottle of wine that expensive? he is damn well going to the expensive restaurants
i try to eat healthy too but i look up the stuff and its like all the best food for clean bulking or even the healthy food is, well, expensive. i literally cant afford to eat $40 of food a week as it turns out
Molecular biologist, pls no bully
Right now I'm about doing the same thing should I drop my course if I have a D in it?
I'm a lvl 4 sparky about to get my red seal in bc Canada, howd you get into the engineering route? Ive heard from people you can get 2 years equivalency for your ticket, did you do that?
Life coach for individuals with disabilities
God. what is this tripe? Where is the investment ? If you are going to live like there is no tomorrow then you will obviously face the consequences.
Administration/office worker in a hospital.
Story of my life, brother.
"I live in america"
How is that a plus? I'm american but I live in Japan now and it was a huge upgrade, I will never go back
Buy a printer and you'll be accountable for the copyrighted stuff you print
if you aren't born rich its OVER all working is wagecucking
twitch.tv thottery
President of the United States
Good advice
Meme advice
So long as you are good at what you do and don't find it soul crushing you can always find happiness elsewhere. Your job doesn't have to be your dream.
>sign contract
>get free money to find a half decent job
What’s the problem here?
>tfw intp
As someone with a disability I wish I had a life coach. I feel like Killing myself
Posting on Yea Forums
haha nice science fag, does it come in mens
I hate the tendency for people to overestimate the security of the future. The rubber is starting to meet the road in terms of major problems coming to a head.
Firefighter/Medic. Most of my money comes from investments though.
Luxury kitchen designer.
Depends. If you can drop it do it. I don’t know how your uni works. But for mine you have to take at least one course. So I would drop everything and keep one course and just fail it by not attending classes or exams. My GPA would drop but still not as much (I’m at a 2.9 now). Also I lost all my student loans so I’m fucked for tuition and my dad is paying.
Ben Shapiro told me unions are bad
>IT major
>8th semester already
>still has nothing to show for it, no real skills that stood out
>haven't the faintest idea on how to work on my undergrad thesis project
as a union man i agree with some of those but:
>not agreeing with bad working conditions is a bad thing, trying to better them makes you a lefty
>showing up early and staying up late
this has literally nothing to do with productivity, id rather do a good job and then go home to my familiy. who cares if that takes 6 or 10 hours?
>education is your own but it is in the interest of the buisinesowner to have skilled workers. if smoebody wants to do better FOR YOU why not help im out (either through payment or free time for learning)
i don´t know this is shitty "the boss is always right" stuff that is pretty onesided.
but yeah. german workers rights are quite good so maybe i´m preaching from an ivory tower.
kentucky. i only get paid 9 dollars an hour. i know amazon people make 15 but i quit there after certain drama, and commute sucks, like it took an hour to drive there and then an hour back. note that I work 10 hours overtime a week at 1.5x base pay per hour after the 40th hour
i don't know, but anyway being extroverted is generally bad in the business world and working world, gotta network bro
Oh shit that sounds bad.
>having a woman's job
i took the classes at Western while working an internship to finish my double bachelors in drafting and programming.
no idea what it takes to go from electrician to side jump to engineer, its got a fuckload of math so its a tough one.
Capitalism is so fucking BASED, bros!
Butcher. I sometimes draw lewds for extra scratch
>I wish people would stop underestimating automation.
So kind of jobs going extinct are we talking? I'm sure retail and car manufacturing, but what else?
Elementary Janitor
Auditor at a tax firm.
in retrospect it was probably a bad idea to let 20 people have half of all the money, who could have seen that coming
how did boomers get this way
>Most of my money comes from investments though.
What kind?
Eh, I don't care. The pay and schedule is great. Only reason I decided to do nursing was because I wanted to work 12 hour shifts, and after working for 8 hour shifts and seeing how miserable of a life the 40 hour grind was I definitely made the right choice. I'm much happier working 12 hour shifts. I could never go back to working 8 hour shifts, it was hell.
my degree is actually in Biochemistry
>accepting slavery
At 29...
I like the math so far, though it's pretty easy, no calculus stuff. You're American I take it from the internship thing? Would you recommend the engineering route?
from cradle to the grave, they have been handed everything
My spending money comes from rentals I own, my old man money is in an index fund.
It's not so much the jobs going away, as it is automation killing off what's left of the "accessible" middle class. The less people gainfully employed with disposable income, the less products outside of necessities being bought. We're already seeing that in the present day with people lowering their standard of living to stretch their dollars. It's only gonna get worse.
that looks cool
the only bullshit ones are the calcelling vacation, asking if boss wants some back, working weekends, minding working late, and especially the cut in pay. coming in early is only a problem if you arent getting paid for it (like if you are on salary or something)
>I believe I have won the greatest lottery of all time
>I live in America
Well thank fuck for not winning that one
The thing is, capitalism really does spur the most growth. However, when you introduce the human element into any sort of economic model, things will get skewed. Any alternative to capitalism will also have bad actors. It comes down to a smart, educated population knowing where capitalism helps and where the government should step up and regulate anything that would fuck people over.
truck drivers are another big one
also would you like to guess what the number one profession in like half the states is? it starts with a t
are you all hiring? it's cool just tell your boss you know a guy from the anime nazi website who wants a job, i'm sure he'll understand
Construction, a robot in China can do brain surgery right now, taxi and cab driving if Uber doesn't pay off some people like it did for the congestion pricing law and there's probably more I can't think of right now.
Capitalism is a severly flawed system that retards won't admit is flawed and broken because they think they'll be billionaires one day.
>Work your dick off.
>Expected to give $615 of your hard work to an organization.
Go away, Jew.
Dropped out of uni after realizing the only way to get a job is to be really smart or extroverted. Both of which I’m not. Currently a KHHV incel NEET.
Sometimes I thank god that I was born black and I can reap in government benefits without the feeling of guilt on me, it's reparations after all. All this money and I never worked a day in my life (other than my gmom's daycare). Sucks to fucking suck fucking witebois.
Also, video games.
Jesus, it really isn't enough to show up to work and make the customers happy you have to actually love your job and your work which is way over the line.
Listen to me zoomers who haven't entered the work force, you are allowed to love work when your W2 tax form looks like your employers. They just want to milk you to the grave.
yep, i would recommend it, electrical is always in demand because people don't really grasp how it works. dabble a bit in the mechanical side, hydraulics pneumatics, that way you're more well rounded when someone asks you how that robot arm there knows what its doin. it also makes troubleshooting a fucking breeze.
I was born poor as fuck and make 75k base a year (without working overtime or the night shift premium).
Considering the amount of work I actually do, the pay is pretty fucking great. My job is to literally walk around and make sure no one is dead.
That's interesting to think about, but I feel like it gets worse in more fields than others. Like new cars, I'm sure is on the downturn. Technology like phones, tablets, consoles though seem to be as popular as ever and easy to get as ever.
lol no black dude gets hundreds of dollars for being black. I swear to god there are so many idiots who believe they understand how the welfare system works without actually looking into it.
Is it a comfy job
Statists should have no say in private enterprise, if there is any problems the free market will fix it.
I’ll probably never get a job. I went to school for an env. science degree with a single year for an education masters. Struggled to get certified and can’t even get a job in teaching. After many failed attempt at getting interviewed, I decided to pick up programming to become a web dev or programmer. My lack of success with my degrees hit my confidence hard and now everyday I feel like walking shit. Even after I get really good at programming I still probably won’t be good enough to land anything.
Retail worker for Big Lots
Fuck this job.
ASSociate software engineer. Code base is crazy old n messy. Everyone at work is cool though. I feel like an idiot cause I constantly have to ask older people how shit works cause I'm.
i mean, it's literally the only system that makes billionaires.
what do you do with all your money?
What benefits is there other than seeing prime cunny all day
>tfw fell into my position despite the only qualification i had for it was good work ethic
being a line cook fucking sucks but it's better than dishwashing at least
In Houston that's the rent for an above average apartment. Usually extremely shitty ones go for anywhere between $500-$700.
cars, guns, video games.
Except government employees in communist countries.
billionaires are bad tho
That's likely for the tax breaks you get from making charitable donations.
If your salary is 100k like the example, you bet your ass you're going to pay a lot of fucking tax
>My job is to literally walk around and make sure no one is dead.
Unloading trucks and trying to not kill myself every waking moment because I'm 30 and still have no dreams or ambition so I'm gonna be stuck doing this shit until I'm 50 and my body breaks down and I die broke and homeless.
I've really been working hard to crush that last bit of hope that I'll figure it out soon so I can just use my money to buy a gun and blow my fucking brains out as deep in the woods as I can so they don't find my body.
Inspector of Weights & Measures
I bust people for dodgy scales and fuel pumps, and manufacturers for short weight food.
I'm 33 and get $16 an hour in California doing screen printing. About the best I can hope for with no college education. Years ago I tried to get an apprenticeship in a pipefitter's union but didn't make the cut (very, very stiff competition).
Don't really see much of any path forward to a nice life. Just save what money I can.
i also work 12 hour shifts, and imo they're fucking awful, 8 hours is miserable enough without extending it by 50%.
>also would you like to guess what the number one profession in like half the states is? it starts with a t
40 year old boomers are gonna rise up soon.
Any other advice while you're here? I appreciate it man.
You're what. user?
>killing yourself before civil war 2
imagine wanting to miss out on that.
cause you're what???
do you consider yourself someone with a strong work ethic? i'm almost 26 and still making less than $20/hr, i feel like when you're far down in the pit it's harder to find the motivation to get out of it.
were your parents wealthy?
pro wrestler
there won't be a civil war in our lifetimes.
Night maintenance at a hotel. I play Video games all night 90% of the time.
I wake up at 6:15am and get home at 7:45. I stay up until 2-3am because I don't have work the next day and I end up having the same amount of free time after work that I would if I was working 8 hour shifts, and the best part if I don't have work the next day and have the whole day off.
I think you just work a miserable job.
I love how the tea party was co-opted by the elites
I get school holidays and I am always busy
Because it's either that or starve.
Shit that's pretty bad wage for a 33yo.
Do you have any plans to have a family or further education?
When you think about it, any job can be automated.
that's all taxpayer's money my friend, sorry that you are jealous of me, I even have a car and everything. do something about it wh*Te boi
NEET is pretty chill
How is it?
Night shift at a jail.
The biggest issues are suicide attempts, fentanyl overdoses and general health problems.
Every 30 minutes I walk my unit and make sure everyone is breathing. In between that my time is my own.
Shit I was thinking about being a highschool janny just because of the teen girls but I wonder if it's a decent job.
Business Operations at an IT company.
well, my 12 hour shifts are 1st and my 8 hours are 2nd, so it's probably quite worse than yours if it's more consistent
Systems operation technician at a large government agency the police
I get to work 3-shift, we work the schedule out between each other. Deal with alarms coming from various servers and applications, making sure nothing critical goes down, and play vidya when all is fine. Pay is ok but best benefit is a lot of vacation time and spare time off.
It's dead end private contractor work but it pays me way more than any other job I can find with my associates, even with the absurd cost for gas. Going back into university in the fall to finish a bachelors but the constant fear of debt and still not landing a job even with my degree lingers over me.
nah, life expectancy is dropping because people are killing themselves off either directly from guns or indirectly from opiates
the only hope of the fifth international are zoomers fortnite dancing on the bodies of the capitalists, everyone over like 35 has checked out
I know how you feel. In the last year my knee has started giving me trouble and the last three years I've felt my energy level decline. I just can't pull all nighters like I used to and on weekends I usually want to sleep too.
Except for those that...
Skynet being a reality is not fiction anymore.
Shoot the rich.
That is absolute bullshit. You're expecting privately held companies to behave like saints, but boy do I wanna know what sort of response you're going to have for this: what is wrong with a publicly elected government creating regulations to ensure all citizens have a fair amount of rights to prevent being taken advantage of?
Mechanical engineer here. In my experience you should have a mixture of electricity, mechanics, a little of pneumatics and a lot of programming/automation. Nobody will hire a person whose only formation is electricity.
Also remember that you should understand the basics of economics and management.
can therapy be automated? how do we get normies from killing themselves?
bailiff's office clerk.
Send help.
Reminds me of this Wall Street Journal breakdown.
Programmer. Sitting at a desk all day sucks though.
The only respectable option
how did you get it?
Not everyone can be a billionaire. There's nothing wrong with being super rich, but if the rest of the country is kinda shit, then I don't see what's so special about being the gold piece of corn in the pile of shit.
>gather data from clinics and therapists' office
>train the AI for a good decade or more
machine learning magic baby
>my 12 hour shifts are 1st and my 8 hours are 2nd
Not sure I understand? Do you mean you work a 12 hour shift and the next day you work a 8 hour shift? If so ya, I get what you mean and why that would suck. I'm just working 3 12s a week and I love it, I was so miserable when I used to work 8 hour shifts 5 days a week.
Movie theater. The service industry needs to be automated tbqh.
In all my life I've never met a single mother to crack 30k, what the fuck is this bullshit?
i imagine there would eventually be a war for certain resources, or at least there will be a downfall of a society at the cost of ones rising (muslim and china)
>Do you have any plans to have a family or further education?
No. I've never dated anyone and certainly never would now. I've thought about school a lot, but the problem there is just the physical and mental energy to do it. I responded to this thread precisely because I do feel that way; after a full day of work I'm just too exhausted to really do anything be it physical or mental.
There are some cheap-ish classes at one of the nearby community classes. Stuff on welding and other general trade stuff. I've considered that... but without a family to raise, why bother? I think a lot like the other guy sometimes that I'll just work until I can't anymore and I'll check out.
That's all made in China, Taiwan, etc... Look up some videos of their factories on YouTube. They're lightyears ahead of what you see in the states, and the workers that physically have to be there get paid peanuts compared to the states. Overall, I'd say very few jobs, relatively that is, are safe from automation. Automating whatever can be automated is a good thing in principle, but there's going to be growing pains.
There are hundreds of thousands of armed and disenfranchised people on both sides of the political spectrum. How long until something sets people off?
christ guys how do I get rid of my laziness and anxiety to talk to people I deem superior
Ask for a standing desk, its very helpful for ergonomics.
Says the man who never took complexity theory. Tell me what is an NP-hard problem?
process technology and instrumentation is a more practical application of engineering knowledge, but a hyper focused skillset. if you think youre not going to find a job right away as an electrical engineer, look at industrial maintenance, they are desperate for a good reliable sparky. a side field that i normally bump elbows with other classmates is laundry tech. an odd ball field, that applies all engineering trades at the same time.
oh, welding, learn how to weld, even if its something shitty like booger snot with stick, an electrician that can weld more than a screwdriver to a buss bar is a diamond in the rough. learn a little bit of everything, you will become invaluable.
also, i believe in you.
#7 is why I'm slowly becoming a socialist. Seriously fuck billionaires born into money who pay Mike Rowe to tell everyone to put a smile on while getting shafted.
i've heard from my janny friends that it sucks because the school staff are always looking down on you. College level janitor is far more satisfying.
No you aren't. The max you'll pay on everything above $84,200 until you hit $160,725 is 24%.
killed her rich husband for the insurance money and got away with it
oh yeah just 3 12s? fuck yeah bro i'd go for that all day
how old are you by chance? how long did it take you to get to where you're at?
well somebody's gotta do it ungrateful fuck
I jacked my back up when I was 23 which would've been the time to get my shit together but instead the last 7 years has been just sadness and alcoholism. Luckily for me I have seizures from withdrawal so it'll probably be a nice painful death from liver failure before I can buy that gun.
24, student in Uni for Mechanical Engineering in Nanotechnology.
I have an AS as well, but I dunno what kind of job I should get as I wait to graduate.
Nigga stop roleplaying
>yfw I understand all your memes in class
Claims advisor for an insurance company. Mostly phone work. I hate it but I'm not qualified for anything else so I just think every day about quitting and killing myself. I'm almost 30.
get tested for low testosterone, try lifting weights or changing your diet. something is wrong with your brain chemistry, maybe see a therapist or take some psychedelics.
Do you really think high school girls will want to fuck the janitor?
It's a government job so you can find the job postings on your local government's website.
The only requirements are:
>over 18
>high school diploma
>not being afraid to get into fights
I hope so. Like in my doujins.
You can call this what you like, but an 18 year old who truly believes in these points and follows through consistently will be more successful and happy with their life than you.
This kind of work ethic only seems like cuckery when you read it exclusively as "hurr be happy about minimum wage" (if that's as high as you can set your sights, you're the cuck and eternally) and not as an attitude toward WORK in general, which can include working for yourself, working through college, chores and anything you might discipline yourself to follow through on.
Sounds comfy as fuck
i have a very strong work ethic, almost obsessive. and no i wasn't born into money, was born into a loving family with a strong and supportive father.
why is suicide a problem? its just one less mouth to feed, and just cremate the body... oh wait, cremations cost over 1,000 for some reason. seems like the only problem is that disposing of bodies is expensive for some reason, just like "humanely" killing someone
that picture probably relates to the target audience. the single asian woman is probably a business girl married to the job
Will be 24 soon. Went to college after high school, got my BSN in nursing, graduated in 4 years at 22. Got hired in the Operating Room before I graduated and started working a month after I graduated doing 8 hour shifts 5 days a week. Worked for a year to get experience and training then fucked off out of there to a different hospital because I wanted 12 hour shifts 7am-7pm and they wouldn't give me them.
if he's a young attractive dude probably
>Grew up piss poor
>Homeless at 16
>26 now
>Making six figures a year
The only downside is I kinda hate poor people now. Like on some level I realize I'm the exception to the rule, but on another level my brain just tells me "You did it, it's doable. The fact that they didn't do it is their own fault."
Grocer utility man. I deal with idiot children and idiot parents all day, every day. Today somebody got hammered and started a huge fight in the parking lot.
I used to work on a farm but quit after watching somebody get sucked into a combine.
Machinist for the Railroad
thx lad
im happy that you grew up poor and are doing well now
>I jacked my back up when I was 23 which would've been the time to get my shit together but instead the last 7 years has been just sadness and alcoholism.
My early twenties were the worst and hardest years of my life. It's a long story, but I had very little money, tons of stress and depression, and worried pretty much every night how I'd pay my rent. Working my way from inventory to retail to a dead-end screen-printing job at my meager wage is a huge improvement over how things were a decade ago. Still, I know I that's not good enough for the long term.
how did you do it?
The guy who drew those pictures had no context for what they going to be used for, and when he found out he was disgusted.
Neet. I hate it but I'm too lazy to change anything about it.
Bartender at a high volume Irish Pub
No one wants to be the guy who lets someone die on their watch. Surefire way to lose your job and get sued by the family
Pharmacy Technician. It's unfortunate that it pays absolute dogshit because I actually like my job quite a bit.
The original plan was to become a pharmacist, but I dropped out last semester and have decided to try to study programming instead.
>lol I get free money cut my ancestors got fucked over
As a hard working tax paying wage chuck I cordially invite you to go fuck yourself