The average Dark Souls 2 player

the average Dark Souls 2 player

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is that supposed to represent their hitbox?

Do people still play Dark Souls 2 anymore?


nnngg .... HITBOKS

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are DS2 fags the most insecure fanbase on Yea Forums?

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>room full of stink fumes
well at least one thing is accurate

anti-ds2 fags are

Attached: aggregate-review-scores-game-year-metacritic-41-demons-souls-riu-4422589.png (500x738, 100K)

OP btfo

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Deja vu, I have been in this place before

DS2fags on suicide watch

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This always gets posted in this exact thread and it’s the same generic reactions

>everyone ignoring the possibility that first post was OP responding to his own thread
I hate this board.

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>OP being this buttblasted

who cares moron

Can anyone give me a real reason why dark souls 2 isn't the best of the series? Every time I ask people always end of dodging around the question and just throw ad hominems at me.


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Fucking kek'd

>t. Had the idea but didn't want to be "that guy" so the original person must have been a "that guy"

normally I don't spoonfeed but I'll make an exception since it's DS2 I love when people rightfully shitpost about it

OP is cancel

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Once upon a time it was genuine.

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put me in the screencap

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this cesspool has the memory of a goldfish

>recycling jokes from last year

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its still funny, no matter how many times its posted

No they can't. Everyone here is just drones spouting whatever the all the other sheep say.

Soul memory is complete garbage and discourages you from playing while your friends arent.
Monsters despawn after a certain number of kills
Weird deadzone bullshit means if you try to change direction too rapidy your inputs get dropped
Redundant bonfires and shortcuts that save literal seconds of walking
World logic is thrown out the window, monsters wait around trapped in cages they can easily break out of, please light this metal windmil on fire.
Life gems can be farmed like grass very early in the game, this tied with how many bosses have multiple enemies means most of the difficulty comes from not falling asleep while you wait for every boss to use their combo, compare this to 1 where humanity was extreamly hard to farm until the end of the dlc.
And thats after years of patches and scholar, pre scholar you had:
Boring enemy encounters with rooms full of copy pasted enemies
Pvp that was horribly balanced
Some of the worst netcode the series has ever seen.

put me in the screencap of the screencap

>Soul memory is complete garbage and discourages you from playing while your friends arent.
Why do you think it's garbage? I couldn't tell a difference between it and the other games.
>Monsters despawn after a certain number of kills
Bonfire Ascetics
>Weird deadzone bullshit means if you try to change direction too rapidy your inputs get dropped
I don't even know what you're trying to say.
>Redundant bonfires and shortcuts that save literal seconds of walking
Every game has these.
>World logic is thrown out the window, monsters wait around trapped in cages they can easily break out of, please light this metal windmil on fire.
Every game has retard world logic, remember the dogs powering the water mill in blighttown?
>Life gems can be farmed like grass very early in the game, this tied with how many bosses have multiple enemies means most of the difficulty comes from not falling asleep while you wait for every boss to use their combo, compare this to 1 where humanity was extreamly hard to farm until the end of the dlc.
Bosses are designed around using lifegems. In DS1, bosses weren't designed around having to use humanity to heal.
>And thats after years of patches and scholar, pre scholar you had:
I'm not even sure if I'd call scholar a direct improvement to the game, it's just different.
>Boring enemy encounters with rooms full of copy pasted enemies
Scholar has more of this than the original, but these types of encounters were designed with lifegems in mind.
>Pvp that was horribly balanced
>Some of the worst netcode the series has ever seen.
If you didn't play the original, why even say this? This is blatantly false. Can you even tell me what you thought was imbalanced? I don't even know how you can say it had the worst netcode when DS1 online exists.


His head is full of shit, lol.

The average Sekiro player

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Well, to be fair, you and I are the only ones who actually spend all their time on Yea Forums. To everyone else this is their first time seeing this thread so it only makes sense that they're having fun.

>retards think they are special, when everyone knows the joke and making the same thread over and over is part of the joke

No it's the melee of dark souls, that's why we have daily bait threads.




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>Monsters despawn after a certain number of kills
>there are non Covenant of Champion shitters in this thread that think they ever properly beat DS2

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autism isn't a joke, user

someone shoot this stoner

pur me in reddat

so the average DS player has a brain tumor? accurate

Epic, redittor, simply epic.


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Kids with hydrocephalus ?

>mfw i don't get it

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>DS3 > DS1
what did he mean

This post. Every fucking time this thread is posted.

I played it for 6 hours today. I got summoned once, invaded twice, saw three player summon signs, and had my messages rated 6 times. It's fairly alive.

I played it for 6 hours today. I got summoned once, invaded twice, saw three player summon signs, and had my messages rated 6 times. It's fairly alive. Oh and someone waved at me while sitting at the bonfire.

first brap joke that actually has me laughing

Still don't get it.

>Oh and someone waved at me while sitting at the bonfire.
I've observed that all drakeblood wearing characters always greet eachother especially on DaS3 without fail.

Attached: c - 1536048433003 - dark souls 2 bullshit hitboxes.webm (640x480, 2.26M)

Is that a graphical mod? I like how it looks, like smooth cell shading

Ding dong diddly based


I was the original OP ama

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with your fetish

that webm is just an animation glitch. the dragon lifted its foot and stomped, it just bugged out and looked like it did nothing.
this happens in all four games.

Attached: DS2Combat.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

Woah, nice webm, tell me more about those i-frames

Attached: Are you finished yet.webm (720x405, 1.95M)

I want to fuck Ritsu.

>imagine party babies/Godhand.jpg