You you think the PS5 will allow real time and dynamic skindentation in their character models?
You you think the PS5 will allow real time and dynamic skindentation in their character models?
Do you think you will ever have sex?
Short answer: no
Nier Automata already has skindentation on 2B's thighs
They need to go DEEPER
Insider sources tell me that the PS5 sports realtime AI light beam rendering
God I fucking hope so.
i hope their main focus is to make the games fun and not appeal to thirsty permavirgins and that is the objective truth sorry
>You you think the PS5 will allow real time and dynamic skindentation in their character models?
The hardware might, but Sony won't.
>he thinks you can't have both
>he thinks non-virgins don't want more saucy content after getting a taste because he is a low IQ permavirgin himself
This is the answer OP needs to focus on answering
>do you think the company going on a colossal censoring spree will add ultra-lewd shit
No, never
Most of the PS5's processing power will be allocated to a revolutionary new subroutine that detects and alters the measurements of female 3D models. Expect to see reductions in breasts and buttocks sizes while stomach, arms, and legs sizes will be increased far beyond acceptable parameters.
have sex for what ?!
That sounds terrible.
what are you gay or something fag boy
Have sex. :^)
I've been getting laid since 2006
t. not OP but someone who also wants dynamic skindentation in their character models
You'll be glad to even see a semi attractive character in a snoy game.
sony won't allow it, no
You're unironically more likely to see that in a Pokemon game with the way things are going.
You're more likely to see realistic cloth physics so every female character can be covered in a burqa
I unironically want this, loose concealing clothes over lewd bodies is the biggest brain taste
Of course they won’t
>top lewdness
>on Californiastation 5
How about no.
that picture is oppressive to women and is not CORE VALUES
no way, fag
I've been getting laid since 2017 and I second this
does ANY game do this?
>clearly disgusted by the person asking her to show him her panties
>shows him her panties anyway
why are women such hippocrates