How would a perfect /pol/ inspired game work?
How would a perfect /pol/ inspired game work?
Other urls found in this thread:
DmC but it's "Ze Jews" instead of consumerism
What’s with all of these /pol/ threads popping up
Angry Goy series exist, look it up
Postal 2
>Press A to shit
>Press B to shitpost
As a DOOM wad
It wouldn't. There would be too many groups accusing it of being jewish/commie/libtard/mazonic/nazi propaganda because it doesn't align with their ideals.
But if you want to try and make it, make it a RTS where you can play as the different subgroups that pollute their board.
there's already a moonman doom wad
I wish someone went through and made a full Mexican mod of DmC where Mexican music plays throughout and everyone wears sombreros.
Like this, but for the whole game:
Preferably with English parody subtitles
It would be very loud even when you turn off your speakers
Already exists
/pol/tards fucking suck at making games
Friendly reminder
I assume they must be getting desperate since people are telling them to fuck off more and more.
Some low-effort shit like this one.
Yea Forums is /pol/
mgs2 but raiden is hitler
some trannie discord raid
Probably some trannies from resetera.
Hi, OP.
isn't this the plot of hotline miami
lel. This.
Nah, it's all bait.
anyone wanna play secret hitler?
wolfenstein, but you kill jews instead of nazis
I don't want a /pol/ game just as much as I don't want lefty sjw games. Both are shit for the exact same reason
Cyberpunk + Anti gay + anti democracy
I'm not sure since the plot was a clusterfuck and I only playedthe first one, but it's all true. The evidence is all there.
Sounds based tbf
Interesting headcanon, resetgender.
Sounds kino
Remember that all the low quality defenses of Sony censorship come from /pol/tards. The word salad posts come from SJWs in denial
It will not because it turns out that da joos invented videogames to destroy white race or some shit.
>taking a word and putting gender on it as an insult
come on man put some effort into this shit
Wasn't there some white supremacist indie game that had voice acting from that batshit insane girl who made edgy cartoons on Newgrounds?
that explains a lot
Persona 2, except Hitler is the good guy.
Dynasty Warriors but instead of slashing your way through enemy soldiers, you're slashing your way through enemy SJWs such as nu-males, rainbow-haired feminazis, the LGBTQ+, and fat prides.
this, really is not that hard
also a beat them up
furry false flags
In the end you find out /pol/ is a Jewish conspiracy to turn white men into incels
Crusader Kings but this time expelling jews gives positive benefits. Done.
compare this to the discords server that trannies are using righ now
Everything is a false flag according to r/The_Donald
civilization, expect you are Hitler, and you take over the world
Imagine getting BTFO by a furry weeb
>Yea Forums
>Not nu-/pol/
>Some autists acutally wasted his time searching up a person who likely revels in this kind of attention
>kumiko shitter
The Golden Dawn room didn't age well
>it's a stormfront conspiracy to point out leftys and 3rd worlders hate white people
I'm a texan spic, and even i feel bad for white people
This. Playing a just and good ruler while expelling jews and restoring Rome
>posting a constant reminder of this retard
your worse than the console shills on this board
What is the original game she is bitching about?
why are you so mad about seeing this lolcow?
You're supposed to laugh whenever you see a lolcow.
You will not get good answers in tranny land
>The presence of JIDF here is massively overstated
Deus ex