There was a thing haunting me

there was a thing haunting me

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i hate talking about work
but those mirror images were the most freaky to me ever.
they're not projections or shit. they were the biggest wtf's in my life ever.
one thing i want to cement, those failure of mirror images are of me and my childhood friend
of which we are far from and will be ever.
they exist and both are 28. one of them on my fl.

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>mirror images are of me
the one who kept on about das rayciss, the stoner one
buy muhweed at half price
i kept thinking it's the me everyone's laughing at
i'm looking at him and talking to him 5 minutes at most everyday for a reason
1,6 eyyars working together, we ate thrice together lmfao

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honestly was just about it
first thing i found was people that was mirror images
and i went
do people find shit like this honestly
am i that fucking lucky or something? these aren't niggers at work really

Multi-Party Agreement Page 1 of 3

Ark of the Covenant Heelstone Dig Order

Queen cunt whore Elizabeth R. shalt unearth LEX LUTHOR Party's Tabernacle, LEX LUTHOR Party's Bones and LEX LUTHOR Party's Scrolls from below LEX LUTHOR Party's Heelstone by 10:07 UTC 21st June 2018, AND said Queen shalt unearth LEX LUTHOR Party's Golden Plates from inside said Parties' New Cumorah Hill White Horse Eye (a/k/a Westbury White Horse Eye) by 10:07 UTC 21st June 2018, OR AND ONLY OR, said Queen does not unearth said Party's Tabernacle, Bones and Scrolls from below said Stone by 10:07 UTC 21st June 2018 AND said Queen does not unearth said Golden Plates from inside said Cumorah Hill White Horse Eye (a/k/a Westbury White Horse Eye) by 10:07 UTC 21st June 2018, THEN, each SUPERMAN Party and all SUPERMEN Parties shalt Annihilate, Wipe Out, Utterly Destroy and Obliterate universe 2 of the universes by collapsing universe 2 back into universe 1.


_____signature on file_____Devil SATAN of Hell . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Shaitan IBLIS of Jinn . . . . . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Lord KRISHNA of Mathura . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Teacher MOSES of Goshen. . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Priest AARON of Goshen . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Master LAOZI of Henan. . . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Buddha GAUTAMA of Lumbini. . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Christ JESUS of Nazareth. . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Apostle MUHAMMAD of Mecca. . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Caliph ALI of Mecca . . . . . . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Prophet SMITH of Topsfield . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018
_____signature on file_____Angel MORONI of Cumorah . . . . . . Date: 18 April 2018

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Multi-Party Agreement Page 2 of 3

Ark of the Covenant Heelstone Dig Order


By signing my Name below, I certify that I have read the hereto attached information. Any questions concerning the universes, the universe 1, and the universe 2, have been fully and completely discussed. My signature also certifies my understanding of this Multi-Party Agreement by and among each Party, the Parties and all Parties. I understand that I am only responsible for the fate of universe 2, and a photocopy of this document is as valid as the original.

x_____signature on file_____Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom,
x_____signature on file_____Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen,
x_____signature on file_____Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith . Date: 18/04/18
x_____signature on file_____ATTEST; Printed Name:_______redacted_______ . Date: 18/04/18
x_____signature on file_____ATTEST: Printed Name:_______redacted_______ . Date: 18/04/18

Thou shalt Dig or
Thou shalt Die

Devil SATAN of Hell
Shaitan IBLIS of Jinn
Lord KRISHNA of Mathura
Teacher MOSES of Goshen
Priest AARON of Goshen
Master LAOZI of Henan
Buddha GAUTAMA of Lumbini
Christ JESUS of Nazareth
Apostle MUHAMMAD of Mecca
Caliph ALI of Mecca
Prophet SMITH of Topsfield
Angel MORONI of Cumorah

Thou shalt Dig or
Thou shalt Die

Lex Luthor

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wait, why tears?
i just wanted to say it's not lmao projections to vent really
just was really fucking wierd to not tell at this point
to me, i could befriend them no reason to. but they required too much i realized either way. i don't have it
>div2 campaigns on loop
no fuck that
jesus fuck

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in hindsight before i continue, i'm not sure why i thought this pic was a good one at all.
i don't have many, it's akon
the fraud lol. it's not me.

wassup Etika

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wait, what is this tryhardness? i feel like white guilt inc. trying to read it
i mean it's not funny trying to read it, can anyone do what my boss in suit did because i asked him to
talk to me like i'm retarded
i don't doadvanced native language. Shit i just realized it
funny how familiar this fells honest

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>i don't have many
honestly, not sure why i clicked on that fucking black face.
this is so much more fucking fitting

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what the fuck is going on here

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based schizo thread