Yea Forums says a game is good

>Yea Forums says a game is good
>play it
>it's actually fucking shit

What's her name?

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ur mum's pussy game


Yea Forums

This thread is sure to be filled with reasonable and well thought out opinions.

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Risk of rain


The world ends with you

How far did you get?

EYE Divine Cybermancy


Persona 5

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Fate grand order. I can't believe I fucking downloaded it

>Overwatch (don't deny it you fucking followers)
>Any touhou game

>Bet he couldnt even figure out how to pick up weapons.

Red ded redemption

Any Senran Kagura game. The art is great but holy fuck are these games are shit.

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who the fuck think FGO is good? I thought even fatefags hated it.

100% Orange Juice. Yea Forums loves to shit on popular games all the time but I have yet to see it for this game when it's actual shit. The game is a really simple dice rolling game with player input barely mattering. There is a deck building element, but all your decks get shuffled together. There is a ton of RNG in general. The AI literally cheats RNG in single player for the last boss and it's really unfun. In the community, there are (probably literal) autists who play the game way too much and try to justify the game takes skill. If a bad result happens for you, they'll claim you "played" badly but if the same happens for them they say got unlucky and get really salty. I've seen it happen several games. People like it because of anime waifus. If you wanted a silly party game, there are so many better options that involve an actual game.

ARK: Survival Evolved. Who would have though that a game that fucking requires friends to be even playable would be shilled on the most incel of boards.


>friends required to play
Bring that shit to Mormon family game night, not Yea Forums

Dragon's Dogma
Demon Souls

Play Kamidori already, nerd.

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You're just retarded.

The Metro Series
Ori and the Blind Forest
Breath of the Wild
Smash Ultimate

any weeb game

Most JRPGs, I don't know why but I cannot stand most JRPGs.

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This. I've played games like Breath of the Wild, which were overrated but no tterrible. I've played games like Uncharted, which were boring and monotonous, but it takes a special kind of terrible developer to churn out a by-the-numbers JRPG filled with every anime cliche in the book while having braindead mash x to win gameplay.

Hollow Knight. Looks pretty but is dreadfully boring as a metroidvania. The souls style currency has no place in that genre either.

Hollow shit.

One of the lamest games I ever played, and I love Troika's other work, and the original Fallout.

Shitty tech demo, less enemy variaty than 1, boring weapons, shitty stamina bar, unskipable "cutscenes", forced driving sections, shitty AI companions, movement feels slow compared to the previous game, the ""hard"" mode it's fucking easy compared to 1, final part of the game forces you to use only 1 gun, the final boss is literally two fucking gunships.

New Vegas

It might be the best Fallout game (or at least the best written) but wrpgs as a whole are trash

Risk of Rain

Life is strange, The last of us, GoW

Are you baiting? I'm not even going to comment on the actual quality of those games but most people here hate them

I tried deus ex but the gameplay is just abysmal. Even for 2000 its kind of embarassing

Monster Hunter World sucks

Risk of Rain 2 is kino

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Dragon's Dogma, 100% Orange Juice, Risk of Rain, Underrail. There are probably others that've zapped me but those stick out to me the most.

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keep rolling those 1s nerd, I've got my 6s right here

Then why are there threads up about them 24/7? There's like a million fags ready to defend every single negative remark made against them.

Undertale, souls shit, smash

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Cold Steel, Sky was mediocre but CS is offensively bad and still managed to have a fanbase here, I can feel my brain cells fading away reading CS's script


my man

because they know Yea Forums hates them and want attention

Yakuza 0, stunlocking enemies were gay as fuck. Way of the Samurai 4 did the same but better


Lesson n1: Never trust anyone defending a game's story

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Rain World

So there's like a dozen autists constantly making those threads and sperging out when someone disagrees with them? Wait that actually sounds plausible for Yea Forums.

The story is okay (better than 5 at any rate) but it's still my least favorite of the three because everything else either isn't good or was done better in the next games. I never liked the tone either, it's what kept me away from the series until 5

Kingdom Come.

Hey guys I want to ruin your discussion to tell you that Jews run the world. If you censor my comment for ruining your discussion then you are violating freedom of speech and are a communist.
Signed /pol/

UnReal World, after making a full bear outfit and stocking up on preserved meat there's jack shit to do in the game except build a house and jack off


the port is horrible, enjoyed 2 though.

I didnt even wasted my time finishing 3 and 4, just so you know how bad I found them
Oh and the story is uber shit, like , seriously bad, above no other game that I have played till half-way through

Breath of the Wild
Dark Souls II
Deus Ex
Divinity Original Sin 2
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy IX
Gravity Rush
Octopath Traveler
Pathfinder: Kingmaner
Persona 2
Persona 5
Planescape: Torment
Tekken 7
Yakuza 0

Forgot Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics.

999. Are Virtue's Last Reward and Zero Time Dilemma better? I really wanted to like it but it was so boring and the characters aren't even interesting.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. Seriously worth the time. It is not just a meme

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undertale is absolute putrid dogshit. I cant believe it has such a huge cult following
do you have to have played mother series back when you were young and vulnerable to be able to enjoy this autistic furry dribble?

Her name is Tomoko.


Risk of rain was good, but Gothic was dogshit

STALKER. After I played that shitheap for about an hour I decided to never listen to Yea Forums again.

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Mirrors Edge


>normal enemies are boring and too similar
>no real level design to speak of, no real strategy involved with evading or killing normal enemies
>most items are fairly useless
>boss fights must be done one specific way
>absurd difficulty level leaves players who are skilled enough to defeat other games on highest difficulty fighting bosses for 5 to 8 hours each

It's pretty sad because the game is gorgeous. It's a "secretly" bad game imo, mostly because places like Yea Forums are unwilling to admit a game can actually be bad because its hard, or because Sekiro is their first "hard" game to finish and there is a rush of elation in that. But once you've played a couple of games like that and finished them the masochistic enjoyment wears thin.

Nier: Automata

999 is the best in the series. Personally, I really enjoyed it.

VLR is good. Not as good as 999 but still good. A lot of people prefer it over 999. I think they're insane.

ZTD is abysmal.

Shit opinion

Hollow Knight
Monster Hunter World

wasn't just Yea Forums though, everyone talked about how amazing it is, and it turned out to be some of the most boring shit ever

>Grim Dawn
>New Vegas
>Planescape Torment

Viewtiful Joe

Actually shit taste; Gothic 1/2 are amazing.

It's praised here though.

Fallout: New Vegas.

I had to set my character's agility to _3000_ before I moved at a reasonable pace. It's only meant to go up to 10.

Lightning returns.
Garbage of the year, every year.

I can't play stalker without modding the ballistics. The guns are RNG cancer.

I have quite a few hours in Arma, and have never had such rage-inducing ineptitude.

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Alan Wake.
From what I've read here; i thought it was going to be Deadly Premonition but with actually good gameplay and a full town to explore.

Instead; it's a set-piece game with baby's first jumpscares. The so-called town is basically nothing either; just a room or two with proxy-triggered dialogue.

Skyrim, nothing matters.
Praised only because of mods though

undertale and ocarina of time

t. zoomer

>zoomer wants to go fast
>Fallout NV is boring too many words to skip through

The walk time kills the zoomer

Not a zoomer, the games are just shit, especially Underrail which Yea Forums jerks off as the true FO3 when the only thing it has in common with Fallout is that it's isometric.

It ain't fallout 3 but it is still a great game.

New Vegas

t. dropped it at Liberty Island