Booyah, grandma

Booyah, grandma.


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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to ____ Ripper Roo!

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I'm still interested to see how they do some of the CNK tracks. Electron Avenue didn't use the zero grav mechanic a lot so that's fine, but there are a few that rely on it to function.

When's the next fucking news drop it's been 9 days!

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Since Crunch is already confirmed, they should hurry up and make a trailer showing off the CNK racers. At least let us know if the bosses are in too or if it's just the regular racers.

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where are the girls?

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Why the fuck are people excited about this mediocre game

to piss you off

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i feel sorry for the people who supports supah trash broodas deltamine

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I want to fuck Coco

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They have taste

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Where’s my nigga Koala Kong?

>IP count didn't go up
Oh gee, I wonder who could have posted this epic bait post.

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>best non-F-Zero racing game of all time

I wonder if they'll fix this exploit in the remake.

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Been so long.
What exploit. I don't think I see it.

Certain turbo pads in CTR give you mega turbo boost that makes you go way faster than normal turbo pads. They have infinite duration until you get any other turbo from any source (items, other pads, powersliding) which then overwrites that speed. That's why he doesn't turbo during his powerslides after that big jump and why he goes so fucking fast after it.

wish someone would make a webm of the huge level jump on oxide station

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that sounds like a thing but I don't think that's happening here bruh

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>They have infinite duration
not quite, dawg. The long lasting speed you get from those turbo pads goes off your reserves. Hit those pads with no boost and it's basically a normal turbo pad. Those turbo pads are best used when you've basically maintained the turbo the whole time and then hit those specific turbo pads

Yeah but it's a lot simpler to say they're basically infinite because anyone who knows the game well enough to know about that is going to be maximising their use anyway and IIRC there aren't really any levels that have them where you'd conceivably run out naturally before hitting another forced turbo

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So easy to detect the zoomers.

I played the game a lot when I was younger but looking back it really wasn't very good at all

I played CTR for the first time last year and it definitely is good. I think it's better than all the Mario Kart games mainly because of the higher skill ceiling.

Super turbos were just an intended part of the game though. It's not an exploit, it works just like sacred fire does and it's a result of going over a turbo pad while boosting, only difference being that super turbos will die if you receive any boosts after hitting it.

Honestly it was only 'hidden' for so long because only a few tracks have super turbo pads.

It seemed to be working in the new Electron Avenue footage though, or at least some form of it (I think it's just an outright buff to sacred fire).

Ebic falseflag

Attached: CrashOxideSuperTurbo.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

I hope the skip in your webm is in the game. It gives you an insurmountable 10 second lead and is pretty easy to do.Would be a huge pleb filter online.

USF is definitely not intended, it's the result of them using stronger turbo pads for the bigger jumps in the game so that players could make those jumps without forcing them to hop at the end of the ramp.

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This makes pura smile.

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are you the one english comment?

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Nah it was great you just have shit taste.

why do we even care this amazingly much?

Star wars eposode I racer exists

Why is Canada getting NO preorder bonuses?

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Because a simple kart racer that can't run 30 FPS in every console proves how badly optimizated the game is.

Even Mario Kart running on the Switch with it shitty processor can run at 60 FPS this shit has no excuse other than Toys For Bob/ Activition cutting costs or not having the talent.

Racers, Fighting Games and Character Action games should run at 60 FPS as a rule.

this is a new line of thinking for me user, tell me more. Why Ripper Roo?


>Wanting a fucking racing game not at 60 fps

It's once again Activision being terrible at their job.

On the Switch I could see it for being inferior hardware but the fact it runs 30 FPS on normal PS4s is ridiculous. The CTR remake isn't that graphically taxing to not be running at 60 FPS, it's just the devs being lazy fucks and opting for the easy way out.

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>got stuck on Road to Nowhere and dropped N. Sane Trilogy for maybe 4 months
>urge to beat the trilogy rises the more i are about CTR
>go start a new game
>get back to where I was and beat Road to Nowhere with maybe 5 deaths
>stomp my way through the rest of the game with ease

Don’t know why that level gave me such shit but holy fuck what a great game. Going to beat the other two this weekend then go back to try for 100% completions

But you just explained why it's intended

Because fuck you, leaf.

No one gives a shit about you maple nigger canucks

I don't think they intended it to carry you through half the level though.

USF wouldn't work in Nitro Fueled because turbo pads provide much shorter durations from what we've seen. That said, we've seen sacred fire working 90% properly which is good news.

Honestly the fact that any of this is making it into the final game (the fact we're even discussing it) has me immensely excited. It's hard for me to complain.

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>He just drives around fucking murdering everyone with weapons instead of racing

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Attached: CrashSuperTurboHAS.webm (853x480, 1.89M)

that skip really isnt even that hard once you realize its possible. plus you can make the same gap if you cut left off the ramp, which is a little bit easier

Crash with such a relaxed face is fucking weird
should have googly eyes and tongue hanging out at the least

t. Beenox

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The first game becomes super high quality once you get past a certain point. The trilogy really upped my love for that game with the QoL improvements they made to some things in 1.

Coco is dumb and so are you