Never buying snoy products ever again

Never buying snoy products ever again.

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have sex

have masturbate

engage in copulation

have gf

He can't. Why do you think he gets porn games, idiot?

Hope she sees this.


Play Peenus Vacation

The only Snoy products I bought in the first place are phones, and they stopped making those. Or more like they are making generic shit now, which you can get better elsewhere.

SK collaboration with DOA? What? I need to no more. I really with there was art of the DOAs in the SK style and vice versa

sony is based. pornfags btfo.

What if I have sex and want anime titty games?

I wasnt going to buy a console after this gen anyway. Barely used my PS4. Sold my xbox one.

>tfw you own a PC and a Switch and never cared for sony shit

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Are the DOA girls being sexually assaulted????

Already fucked your moms lol.

Hope she sees this.

put your pOnOs in vagOOO

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By your very existence as a male, yes.

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Ayane, Marie Rose and Honoka have been in SK games and Nan did some art of Ayane, plus Asuka dressed as Kasumi and Kafuru wearing Marie's blue bodysuit.

but I like their electronics...

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My Mom's dead, you up-country degen.


Get laid

Have sex posterst BTFO-

>this whole thread

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So much for liberals not taking away our games. Why are they so hell bent on ruining my harmless fun?

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you own a nintendo system, you've been cucked for so many generations you don't even remember what it's like to be free

Trump set them off so they're going all scorched earth and being far more aggressive/blatant with their agenda than they otherwise would have been.

Remember all you fags that said "don't worry guys, SJWs won't be able to to touch Jap games".

Well here you go.

The switch is my first Nintendo system since the N64

videogames created:
the rise of the alt-right
school shooters
white nationalist terrorism

This is agood thing from sony

PS4/Xbone give the most cucking to their customers.

Thanks Sony for keeping my console from them weeb games.

But that was two years ago.

nintendo hasn't had one backwards compatible system

>wii u
>like all their handhelds
can you tell me how you are able to be so wrong?

It takes time to forcibly mould all culture to fit your worldview. They won't stop even after Trump is gone either. He was just the catalyst/excuse they use to throw subtlety to the wind.

Fuck this gay earth, then.

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you got him! all the girls will want to fuck you now for sure!

Good thing they can all be emulated

I am going to go all out on this war.

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didnt they remove this from steam

I'm rooting for you user

I just imported a vita

that doesn't count, right?

PS5 will be the best selling console of all time

Stay fucking mad you virgin pedo weeaboos

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we try to retard

"No one's trying to take your video games away"

>don't worry guys, SJWs won't be able to to touch Jap games
Well to be honest, it seems only be sony thing.

I know this post is a joke, but you forgot neets and weeaboos

Have you tried engaging in intercourse?

God I love anime girls.

>We're not trying to take your videogames away!
>takes our videogames away
What did they mean by this?

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My mom is dead and she was a worthless junkie when she was alive. Enjoy your necro AIDS.

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How else am I supposed to interpret this other than Sony doing damage control before sexual assault or harassment allegations come out against one of the top execs at Sony?

You have shit taste in electronics, their TVs are overpriced garbage. Fuck I got a Sony alarm clock for Christmas I tossed out because it doesn't even keep proper time. It loses five minutes in a months time, even chinkshit doesn't fuck up a clock.

seethe more, pedos

I'm a wizard.

As someone who has access to nearly unlimited, uncensored porn games on PC... what's the issue here? Sounds like just a bunch of angry Sony fanboys blaming the west for everything again.

Only because the average "gamer" is a literal retard that will either buy a Playstation or give twitch bits to thot streamers.

You aren't because that's exactly it.

Same, can't support them based on principle now. I'm just gonna upgrade my PC and wait a decade to emulate their good exclusives now. Anime girls are beautiful and don't hurt anyone.


Not yet thank god

>"Stop buying Sony, they censor games!"
>PS5 sells three billion units in a week anyway, historical records broken forever

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This is so sad

Who cares? point me to a game that was censored that wasnt loli(you cant)

>Marie gets Mirai's regular outfit but Ryoubi's bikini
Shame she doesn't have a cow-titted Super Saiyan mode to go with it.

None of the games Sony censored featured any illegal or explicit content to begin with.

How many spells you've gotten?

DMC5, Dead Or Alive, Senran Kagura (implying 16yo is a loli)

possibly: God of War, Mortal Kombat (guys we respect women now because we want to not because we were told to we swear)

Have surgery.

have you*

Well I wouldn't buy a Sony product after the shitfest that was PS3. I wonder what the japanese are saying about this...

Why do they hate fun?

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all consoles are fucking trash for censorship.

only PC is good.

PC is the land of the free
join us sonybros

>They're so soft and supple. And so jiggly!
Misaki is a closet lesbian isn't she?

It's pretty obvious.

I kind of like playing Minecraft on my PS4 though. PC is for Peenus Vacation, Sim City 4, Baldur's Gate and the like.

Seems pretty blatant after playing the English version.

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Can't wait for Kaede to come to the Steam version then.

Based anti-anime poster

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>falling for the #metoo fad
thats a big yikes from me but not out of the blue for Sony, desperatly moving from fad to fad to stay relevant.


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>Aimed at protecting real women from harassment
>Censoring video game women and protecting them from being oggled accomplishes this somehow?

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>so what did Sony's executive say to lure you to his house?
>"h-he said he wanted to play video games with me"
>and what happened when you got to his house?
>"h-he only had a ps4!"
>jury gasps

School shooters have existed since guns have
Back then they were just called duals or simply murders

american """humor"""

You’re an idiot who gave Sony money
Stop giving them money retard.
You better hack that thing and never pay a dime for a vita game


Patch 1.07 removed the censor.

Nintendo censored the blood in Joker's all out attack. It is now stars.

>durr based Nintendo wouldn't do that!

you are all fucking plebs, at least PC doesn't do this.

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Sjws think that grown adults can't distinguish between fantasy and reality and must be coddled like toddlers. Seeing as how most of them act like petulant children throwing a tantrum when they don't get what they want, I suppose that makes sense.

How long till Sony realises theses "people" don't actually buy games?

Why is nudity worse than murder?

Nintendo has stopped caring and basically everyone is begging and crying to Nintendo to keep this standard
Sometimes the best move is do nothing

Trannys, dilate up!!

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Anons, what's going on with the world? Why is everything so shit?

only in the US

It's not.

Why is rape worse than murder in video games?

I'm hoping Japanese developers group up and sues the shit out of Sony.

Doesn't matter as long as normies keep buying AAA games by the truckload. Small devs who try to get woke are doomed though, as the colossal failure of DOA6 shows, but more and more keep making the same choice.

Nigga sometimes I want my heart strings pluck while I see nice tits
Modern porno has less of a budget and feels more rushed than a god damn soap opera

It's not.

Sony is Confirmed literally Satan

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Wasn't this like a year ago? Why are they suddenly changing now?

Globalists want to homogenize the planet, eliminate competition, and outlaw exceptionalism. It's the feminists' fault really, because those things are what feminism is all about

Then why don't we see more of it?

Women scream louder

Leave it to Americans to tell us that excess blood and gore is OK but tits and ass are unironic genocide. You don't know how much I fucking hate Americans now. Why do they have to force their ideals onto the rest of the world and get away with it?

if you read the article, they say that these new guidelines have been active since #metoo started and were just learning now

>Doesn't matter as long as normies keep buying AAA games by the truckload.

Won't last any longer since AAA titles have been selling less and less over the years. COD is one of them that is selling less and less.

Catering to American values, where sex is worse than violence.

Same way I feel about Loli getting censored
Lines on paper don’t need protection real people do
Don’t blame lines and ink on paper for the action of real criminals
Hate the commiter not the commission

Because an entire generation was groomed into thinking that mobile games, cash grabs, online multiplayer filler, and microtransactions were great.

Blame millennials and zoomers for this; they drove the market and sent it into this direction.

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The amount of people legitimately upset about not having sexualized children is extremely concerning. You guys really should try dating someone your age or older js.

They also just gave him a straight up gun
Like not an orange nerf gun or Bayonetta’s oversized pistols just a Grade A gun

>why are kids doing childish things waaaaaaaah
Grow up.

PC + modding is the only way to avoid all this shit.

“psychological damage” is more loud than
“Ooops I can’t believe blonde slut 8 is fucking dead”

>sexualized children
See >You guys really should try dating someone

They like to think they're the world police user. Sticking their noses in everyone elses business, when they should be worrying about themselves. They are the most arrogant and ignorant people ever.

Fucking make me. I dare you. Tell me to have sex or call me an incel all you fucking want, call me a sad piece of shit all you fucking want, hell, fucking track my IP and deliver pizzas to my house, I will NOT bother with 3DPD ever again.

That's a generalization user. I'm a zoomer for instance (legal zoomer, mods please don't ban) and despise every single thing you've listed.

>the point
>your head

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what does vidya have to do with metoo?

That’s because the games feel to samey and for some time the whole industry was stagnanting hard.
Why do you think everyone has been riding Nintendo’s dick?
They’re the only dev that making
“Third person over the shoulder cinematic action game fucking 36”

user please, don't say it's all Americans that want this. California does not speak for all of us. We KNOW how you guys feel and it's fucking disgusting. Californians ruined my beautiful state before via forcing their ideals and getting away with ruining the fabric of what was once good. They're the modern day equivalent to Sodom and Gomorrah and resemble absolutely everything I detest about my country.

absolutely nothing. It basically comes down to "female sexuality and sexiness is bad, censor it."

You should really drink bleach and go back to your shithole faggot.

Your pearl clutching religious lot went through this too. It's never been just California. You're a country of puritans who are afraid of the human body.

You know what? Scratch that. It's just San Francisco. The origin of the worst fucking ideologies this country has produced came from there. Why do you think Osaka broke their sister city relationship with that god forsaken shithole?

I unironically hope Kim Jong Un nukes California. It would obliterate so much that is wrong with America.

Tfw the ps4 version of this softcore porn game still sold more than the switch one.

3D pigs can be really annoying
I’ve already fucked some drunk girls and some lonely wives
Now a days I don’t really bother

goddamn, have sex posters get so many fuckin (You)s its unfair

>like to think

I fucking hate Puritans so much
I see why they got kicked out of so many countries

We need a fucking wordfilter for that. And "incel" too while you're at it. If "s.o.y" "cuck" "t b h" and "f@m" get wordfiltered for overuse, then why can't "have sex" and "incel?"

>Kim Jong UN
>Nukes California

>The US replied
Thank you! We hated them

And thus we come to the part where you shame your opponent into submission, as you are out of arguments.

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Tech companies could move to Arizona/Texas and all the SJW nonsense would go away. It'd be nice.

>Japanese core userbase reported dropping support for Sony!
>Massive exodus to Nintendo Switch!
>Still nobody buying Xbox!

That'd just transfuse the faggotry there. And as an Arizonan myself I'd hate this.

The good part of California is that it's a giant cancer containment zone.

The bad part is they affect other states.

I’d also add
Red pilled
Cringe and Bluepill

Based avoids the filter listed because *Word filter* on makes no sense and would be more confusing than cut down on spam

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Fuck Sony and fuck Commiefornia.

Did it
Hated it
You can’t shame a degenerate like myself you pearl clutching boring Puritan

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I’m willing to accept those risks

>older js
So around 11-12?

came here to post this

are you retarded? funimation is in texas, and all of them are sjws

it's just the usual anti sjw crowd crying about loli being removed, maybe if this outrage was directed at stuff like that DMC5 thing I would agree. But they care more anime pedo stuff.

if you wanted to fap why not just watch porn? it's seems immature that you complain about not seeing tits in video games

>hating censorship is anti-SJW
Glad to hear it from the horse's mouth.

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I hope these retards will release new doa-x on pc at last.

Then you don't exist.
Simple as that.

microsoft don't care. nintendo is letting them put xbox live on the switch

Well fuck Censorship and SJWs then

If being anti-censorship= being a pedo that complains very loudly when devs decide to remove sexualised children. Sure.

Do women exist only to ruin fun?
Think about it, every time women enter a hobby or fanbase, or even just the room, they make it less fun for everyone else

Might be time to trade in my PS4

which senran game is that?

not sure
it was nicer when they kept to their own hobbies

>character from Cero C game gets added to a Cero A game
>wtf why did he get censored
>this is exactly the same as a company forcing entire game series to change

Name seven (7) games censored by SIE that had """sexualized children""".

Patrice O'Neal had a comedy bit about that
When a woman enter a room of dudes it's like a black hole sucking all the fun and joy out

What we're seeing in gaming is just that on a bigger scale
Women are mad at men having fun, so they ruin it any way they can

The Wii U had the Wii built in, which makes it more suspect to why it couldn't play GC games. 3DS was with the DS, DS with the GBA, Switch with the Wii U

same shits cancer

to boomer women, anything younger than them that appeals to men is pedo

This is why I had to switch to the English version.

If GoW was it was because of Balrog I would think the pretentious cunt. Wonder what Jaffe thinks seeing the blatant disrespect of his brainchild.

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The DOA Xtreme games have always been renowned as complete fapbait garbage with practically no gameplay and nothing more. Found it hilarious when the board got up in arms about 3 not coming out just because muh SJWs. Mind you I 100% support them coming out over here but don't pretend that they're anything else.

Is the gamer any good outside of porn? It looks pretty comfy.

recent neptunia shit, zanki zero, nekopara shit,omega labyrinth and no doubt a lot more. Loli=depiction of children, if you sexualise that you're a pedo.

It's like people in other countries calling 911 for emergency services. American culture is pervasive and saturated and they expect everyone else to care about everything they do.

Weebs seething

Doesn't CP statistically make it less likely that paedophiles will molest children?

Thanks California.

if you look into it, the people being autistic about protecting virtual kids often eventually get outed as actual child abusers
it's possible they desire the abuse to happen more frequently

Microsoft have been trying to court the Japanese market for aeons now. It just won't happen but they keep trying.

Well the top execs at Sony are now Californian after all.

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Rape is a more "personal" crime that literally have no valid motive other than torturing someone. Not to mention that victims aren't taken seriously most of the time and are blamed for being sluts or some dumb shit. When you vaguely hear about someone killing someone else you can assume it because the killer wanted revenge on someone, was defending themselves or someone else, was an asshole, or maybe it was an accident, etc.

>Loli=depiction of children
>if you sexualise that you're a pedo.
Where's the causation? Also,
>could only name 4
You were over halfway there, why did you stop?

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>Sony might be the first of the major 3 I end up boycotting

Feels bad man.
I haven't bought Microsoft shit in years but it was never an outright boycott.

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very barebones classic JRPG like 90% of Alicesoft games that don't have a strategy element. Competent but boring.

Forgot to add, this means in video games you'll have to kill enemies to save the world or survive but for rape there's no excuse whatsoever.

>that literally have no valid motive other than torturing someone
Someone could just, you know, want to have sex?

Then have consensual sex or use you're right hand. Rape and actual sex aren't even remotely comparable. That's like saying you want more money so instead of working overtime or getting a better job you rob a bank and murder everyone in it in cold blood because lol it's fun xD. There have been studies about rapists being fucked in the head compared to other criminals but I don't have a source right now.

Can someone tell me what nips = wrong and those two Little girls kissing in tlou = good?

So why dont we forbid muslims too? because they want to marry REAL minors


So why is Islam ok? because they say that raping a dirty woman is ok

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No because those children are ugly and have the same greasy potato skin as SJWs. It empowers them.

>All wymen like when they are raped, they dont like being touched by you but if a spic chad open all their holes be sure they will not even report to the autorities.

>they say that raping a dirty woman is ok
Based Islam. I'm thinking about converting because its the only religion left in this world where you can act like a man.

When did I say it's ok? Anyway the muslims I know are women and I know a lot of them, and they're all cool and think rape should be punished with the death penalty. It's really a problem with men from all over the world and from all religions. Don't you watch the news?

Ok virgin.

the most forced thing ever on this board, it sounds stupid and doesnt make sense
why not basedny?

The reality is that you have already been replaced several times over. You need to learn to accept this.

The fact is that no one will talk about it, and those that do will talk about it for a week (the mainstream will praise this decision due to xenophobia) and then never again.

Normies and casuals do not care. They care about FIFA. They care about RDR2. They care about Spider Man. All these titles have sold millions. They do not care niche Japanese weeb shovelware.

And if you think Steam and Nintendo won't fall in line with what Sony is doing, they eventually will. They all will follow the large dollars - the niche does not matter. Steam flip-flops on a daily basis, and the Wii U was just last generation.

>Ok virgin.
I know you still think all the girls you hit were "lesbians" as they told you. And you still believe all the ones who told you "nah i dont like muscular man i like someone like you, but not you".

oh i see, you can't type "s.0.y"
i thought they stopped that a long time ago

But muslims have a high rate of rape and violence on woman. How many nerds rape women and Little girls in real life compared to those following the Islam?

Most of those games have a number of scenes removed/censored that had no loli involved and if we look at SK:Burst Re:Newal that game had the touching removed from it on the ps4 but left in the loli fanservice and Sony was fine with it

Sony has no standards in this we have returned to the good old day of random censorship

We shouldn't make any comparison to see who are the least worse, they should all go to jail or die.

muslims have a much higher rate of rape
which means the more muslims you have in your society the more rape you will have
you will especially increase the rape on children

>They all will follow the large dollars

all this does is remove money and adds nothing

>w-we shouldnt look at the numbers
Why? because nerds buying those products dont rape, yet muslims do?

Why do people never learn that you can't stifle expression

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Islam should be censored then

You're an idiot

Yet those women support Aisha being someones bitch since she was a little girl

>I-I'm not a cuck! Y-you are. Stupid nintendo
>worships last of us me2, horizon dawn, and snoy of war
>not a cuck

You can't make this shit up!

But do they even know about that? I think it's like some Christians for many people, where they believe in God and celebrate specific holidays but they don't know much about the details and they never actually read the Bible or the Quran.

This is getting off-topic but how do you suggest Sony act to lessen the number of rapes committed by Muslims in whatever countries you're thinking of?

have sex

>censoring because of metoo
What the fuck? For what purpose? Are they afraid that VN girls are gonna sue user-kun or Sony for inappropriate route picking or something? How the hell is 2d panties = sexual assault? These aren't even porn games for pete's sake.

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>sony censor ONLY weebshit
nothing fucking wrong here
stay mad weebfag

>But do they even know about that?
How ignorant can you be? muslim women support pedophilia and rape on "slut".

give sex

>dont be disgusting weebfaggot
>problem fixed
thank me later

They aren’t children
They are lines on paper and code in a game
You don’t need a controller to play with your niece

Already fucked your mom lol.

No games for you I guess, most of these games are still exclusive to Playstation platforms.

Feminists are more disgusting tan weebfaggots

open your legs then you fucking whore

It is clear that they want to protect the brand, which is more important in the longterm - the name "Playstation" has a reputation with normies and casuals, and they do not want be known as the weebshit company.

Here's what happens: most people that only have a casual interest will only pay attention to a few simple buzzwords - children, exploitation, sex. They are designed to get an emotional reaction, but most people will not care to investigate further - they have already made up their minds. Just look at that WSJ article as an example. This is the case with most things in life.

I got called a pedo because I was posting this cute girl who was 4’10 I met at the bar.
She was 24 I’m 22
Stupid fucking pearl clutches

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You were talking about something very specific in whatever book. A bunch of people don't know the details because they're Muslims because of their Muslim parents. Now you're talking about something else.

>muslim women support pedophilia and rape on "slut"
Some do and some don't. It's something that also depends on the country they come from, Muslims in North Africa are way less likely to have this mentality than the ones in this festering shithole called Saudi Arabia.

Aren't developers trying to make games for other consoles or for PC because of this though?

same this gen was a joke
>paid online
>pro version fucks over early adopters
>nearly all the exclusives are pozzed cinematic shit
>the handful of exclusives I was excited for were announced before ps4 released and came out near the end of it's life cycle

The future of sony looks bleak. I'll probably never buy a product from them again
Playstation 4 was shit and only had a few games and now sony wants to make less but bigger games.
That means no more bloodborne or gravity rush, their only worthwhile games.
I hope the ps5 will flop

Sony us literally a SJW company.


You keep using pedo and have no idea what that word means
Real pedos are criminal rapists
How can you be a pedo rapist if you’re a virgin?
Stupid faggot

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>not buying sony console only at near the end of its life cycle
you can only blame yourself retard

And how exactly censoring visual novels help little girls in real life? because they are way more in danger living with muslims than with nerds.
Though most of you puritans are potential pedos, like neogaf and resetera

>gravity rush
>worth anything
kek fuck of weebfag

videogames created:
>the rise of the alt-right
And that's a good thing!
>school shooters
Nah. Retards having guns did.
>white nationalist terrorism
Does NOT exist.
And that's a good thing!
Nah lol.
Trannies aren't humans.

>pedo jerking off to kids
>he is not pedo because he never fucked one
ok retard

majority of gen z are dumb kids that'll grow out of it what's your excuse millennial faggot?

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>thinking gets work like this

Lolicon does.
It’s pretty simple really
If you’re too busy jerking off to Chinese cartoons in the privacy and safety of your own house why would you bother stalking real children?
Stalking takes time, effort, knowing exactly when the parents get home, how secure the neighbors is, how willing the kid is to rat you out, your personal relationship with the kid etc
There’s far more work involved in sexually assaulting real kids than just
Google some lolicon
Find some pics you like
Jerk off
Wash your hands
Go watch TV
T. Law enforcement in support of Lolis

>he prefers looking at cutscenes and movies instead of playing an actual game
Fuck off back to

I never said it was going to help real girls. I also think it's silly but here's the thing: it's all about marketing. Sony wants to have a specific brand image and in order to appear more woke or family friendly they monitor more which games will be available on their consoles. Problem is that they look like they're focusing way too much on niche games that barely sells this way, so I don't get what they think they're going to achieve with their customers. The people who are going to think this is a good decision were never going to buy these games and already have a PS4 or they were never going to buy these games and they're not even into video games in the first place.

> Nintendo censored the blood
Games in Japanese region censor gore and violence, see RE7. This is strawman.

When you have #respectwoman "fist" being used as a culturally taught thing from the day your born and then spammed on social media it really fucks with peoples priorities.

Far far less
Most don’t have the guts to pull it off

>edf 5 and edf iron rain
go back to your stupid kiddie animations

> >PS5 sells three billion units in a week anyway
Hell, I'd get one, just in hopes of getting an exploit on a low firmware.

The ps5 will not flop - they have the normie audience. It will only flop if they do something really stupid, like make it $600 or $700.

If normies and casuals were smart, they would wait for the inevitable ps5 pro, but they won't. Gotta play the next FIFA.

Also, many of the weeb audience will still buy ps games. The next persona game will undoubtedly be ps exclusive like all the others, for instance.

>fictional high school girls
Can I throw you in jail for murdering thousands too? Since all those civilians you killed in games could clearly only be done by a murderer.

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Pedo implies a crime
That’s like being called a thief despite not stealing anything
That’s hair spilting and weakens your argument


I accept your concession

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>thinking this is just going to stop at weebshit
Retarded normalfag

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He is right tho tranny

oh so all furries are not real furries because they never fucked the wolf???

Then why are non-pedo games censored too? You are a moron.

>Buying Tranniestation 4/5


PS5 will be the new PS3
middle and small developer will probably migrate other console just like back then

>Aren't developers trying to make games for other consoles or for PC because of this though?
Not really, loads of games are still PS4 only.

Furry and bestiality are completely different things
One is cute basically human girls with animal properties
The other is a crime and frankly gross

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>One is cute basically human girls with animal properties

your dog's gaping butthole says otherwise

I don't see what hollywood chicks whoring themselves to move up has to do with fictional titties
Censoring so streamers can safely play for their zooomer retard audience sounds more believable

So what happens to console wars once this shit starts taking effect? Cause the PS5 is already looking to be a faggot containment console and no amount of exclusives is gonna change that.

Jokes on you
My dog got hit by I car so my mom had to take her to the vet to have her put to sleep so she wouldn’t have to suffer.
Fuck you thanks for reminding me why I can barely enjoy my vacation dickhead RIP Pam

Eh Snoyggers will either start demanding people buy a PS5 and
PS4 games will continue to be made for like the next 5 years
They try to be smug again meanwhile they’re getting completely left in the dust

Lesbians exist and If every woman you met lied about being one, then maybe it's you who's the problem.


>Admitting to not knowing what the fuck you're talking about
-DS lite could play GBA games
-2DS and 3DS can play DS, DSlite and most DSI games
-WiiU and WiiU could play Gamecube games
-And the WiiU could play Wii games.
-And that's without the need for addons.

Yea Forums is full of fucking retards that don't actually play video games.

*Wii and WiiU

If this were true they wouldn't do it, people have zero self discipline though.

I wish they’d make a /vanilla/ board for all the normies hogging up Yea Forums so all the newfags will have a nice dumpster to play in

And that's a good thing

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most child molestation and rape cases come from relatives who are regularly in contact with the children. Random CP jerker ain't gonna do shit, theyre already a failure at life it's not like they'd even have the motivation to abduct some random kid

which game?

>It's Q2 2019 and there are still people who don't recognize Evenicle


>Buying Tranniestation 4/5


Damn I had no idea these cartoons were exploited by Hollywood executives in the 00s. Which of the DOA girls have come forward so far?

Honoka and Marie Rose. Incel shitlords are trying to silence them though with bullshit excuses like "oh they didn't exist in the 00s" though.