Moga Village... Home...
Moga Village... Home
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I started in MHFU and played all of them from that point to GU, but 3/3u's hubs are the best.
my negro
THIS is home
I’ve been playing mh3U again all week it’s so comfy and has the best monsters and maps. Underwater isn’t even that bad
Moga > Pokke > Bherna > the rest
shame 3U doesn’t have loc lac or comfy night time moga village
>underwater isn't even that bad
What weapon are you using? Because I'm pretty sure it's not SnS.
>playing SnS in 3U
Lmao @ you
It's actually pretty good, but it's definitely not particularly interesting. That's the biggest problem with all the weapons in 3U though, they're lacking a ton of moves they would later get. The only 'complete' weapons are the bowguns, and even then not really.
who the fucks idea was it to build a village of wooden planks around a tiny island like that with a giant ass bridge to the main island and why did they think it was a good idea with threats like caedeus and lagiacrus
3U was peak MonHun. Worldbabs and FU arthritists don't @ me.
Are you sure you don't just mean
>playing SnS
>poisons you
I'm a Triflvabby so I don't know if my opinion matters, but Moga Village is still my favorite hub by far. Super comfy, as was the rest of the fame
no because it’s actually good in gen and world
Still mad that 3U removed the day/night cycle.
If Yukumo had the organization level of Moga, rather than being a weird layered branching thing, it would have been the best. But Moga is just so fast to get to whatever you want.
forest and hills now there was a map
You fuckers still playing 3U online?
There are maybe 30 or 40 players left tops at all times. At least in EST mornings, there's a range from 25 to 30 players.
You know what's cool? With so few randoms available, you eventually start running into the same hunters everytime and you start making dome friends. It's cute and comfy, there are even girls (male?) playing too (they are probably just kids tho)
Still, it's a nice change of pace. Come back and we will welcome you with open arms!
Lucent Narga kicked my ass at first but since then it has become a fun fight. 10 minutes tops with randoms and one faggot ocasionally carting.
Can't wait for Narga in World. Considering the significant upwards trajectory they've been taking for difficulty with all post-release content I have to imagine it's going to be a great fight. I hope they add some new behaviours or attacks for all the jobber-tier monsters in notG too.
3U is fucking awesome but underwater is so terrible.
This looks like that one village from Chrono Cross. The one where Kid is poisoned and rests at.
World is good and is the future cry more pussy baby
I play 4U, and if I ever bother to play online I might start seeing the same people as well. Seems like it'd be cool.
>that comfy late night waiting around Loc Lac for someone to post the next quest
>you ought to get to bed soon but it's okay one more quest
Take me back to days like those
We all have to go home from time to time
>I started in MHFU and played all of them from that point to GU, but 3/3u's hubs are the best.
You're a good guy, user.
But user, I can't go home. Loc Lac got destroyed by the Dahren Mohran.
Has anyone ever actually went back and played earlier gens since 4/XX?
They're so unbearable and slow compared to all the many QoL changes in later titles
The comfiest village
Also yes, I completely agree. For me the absolute clincher is the lack of move variety for weapons. I CANNOT play pre-4 DBs ever again.
Yeah, I tried to go back to 3U after 4U and XX and god damn is it slow and weapon movesets are objectively worse.
Based Norway
>that one guy who would challenge everyone to an arm wrestle
>that one guy who after joining your room would immediately run up post a quest and stand at the spot where you begin the quest without saying a word
>that guy who you and 2 others waited on for 30 minutes to finish crafting and gemming their gear only to grow impatient and go on the quest right as they just finished
>that one guy who would keep spamming the drink option at the table until his character was drunk and refused to get up
>that one guy who somehow glitched into the bar
>that one guy who somehow glitched himself into doing gestures while moving
>that one guy who wore armor with no skills but who proceeded to carry the hunt
>that one guy who wore armor with 8 skills but who triple carted
>that one guy who was legitimately hr 999 and who speedran the fuck out of your urgent quests
>that one guy who used hacks to kill the deviljho in 1 hit at the beginning of high rank allowing you to access deviljho equipment early
You think there will be a more traditional MH for switch?
What's happening with World's? What the fuck is B team doing?
>more traditional MH for switch
After MHGU, I'm not so sure.
I'd like one, but World sold pretty damn well so Capcom might just throw their money behind that instead
Good times. There is something about the old Monster Hunter games' online that no other game can replicate.
How did you glitch into the bar again?
Wasn't it get drunk and stand behind the bar so you fall backwards into it?
And they dropped the ball with World's online, so now we don't even have that.
I really liked water combat. It shook some battles up and gave me even more chances to break certain parts.
>>that one guy who used hacks to kill the deviljho in 1 hit at the beginning of high rank allowing you to access deviljho equipment early
You don't even need to do that, just bring a thunder or dragon weapon and beat his ass in, you can easily do it even with end of low rank weapons
Getting Berserker Blade at the start of HR is fucking worth it though
World only sold 2 million in Japan though. And they'll want to put something on switch to capitalise on the massive success of the switch.
Also GU sold 1.5 million in the west. Obviously not 10 million like World but World's playerbase were 90% casuals that dropped the game in a week let's be real here.
GU is still around and that game's tavern is pretty comfy, though the future looks grim.
Not canon, since characters from Loc Lac come back in X/XX and they still talk about it as if its still alive and well
>Also GU sold 1.5 million in the west.
Are you for real? 4U barely got over 1 million sales in the west, Gen sold even less, it's surprising to see GU do so well.
Flooded Forest NEVER EVER now that underwater combat is gone
>fighting Lagiacrus in the kiddy pool
the horror
>break certain parts
You just reminded me of the abject horror that was breaking Lagi's FUCKING horns ten trillion billion quadrillion times, god why the FUCK did you need so many of them for fucking everything, and they were a fucking 40% or some shit drop chance too!
I prefer Pokke by a far margin
But Aisha is a gift
*carts 2 of your teammates with a single charge*
Step it up.
Underwater unironically made Plesioth fun to fight. Plesioth on land is cancer without a bowgun.
Yukumo is pretty cool looking but it's nigger AIDS for usability. It's all too arbitrarily separated.
>make some charcoal to warm myself and my family up during winter
>take all my coals
shit world 0/10 won't live in
I'm slowly more and more convinced that if p3rd had G-rank it'd be the best MH game hands down. Only true successor to Unite despite its piss easy village quests. That quest complete theme is the best in the series
That's really cool but I can't go back to it regardless unless you show me how to change Tri's files to access Loc Lac offline
I played FU for the first time after playing 4U and it's really good, but going back to actually having to spend minutes of inventory management after every hunt as a gunner is something that I absolutely can't do.
G Rank Narga speed blitzing you is gonna be a fucking nightmare now with how easy it is to get stunned and how long it takes to shake it off
no one cares nerd
Its an okay fight with [spoilers]Brave[/spoilers] dual blades
I hate the fucking thing otherwise though
Just use evasion+ or a weapon with shield and plesioth becomes child's play with a melee weapon as well.
peak comfykino
Brave anything is literally cheating.
What is this? A zoomer version of the MHFU village?
Underwater combat was really great and way better than the verticality meme they added later.
I miss it but it's sadly never ever coming back and we're stuck sliding everywhere. I even really liked doing fights in the small water zones.
this song used to give me goosebumps every time as if i severely fucked up and died horribly and got eaten alive by the monsters
There's a lot of big monsters on the island, they're probably safer there before Ceadeus came in.
Don't care, it's fun as fuck
>Bow double power shots
>Fast fucking GS charges
>brave hammer super pounds and the godly fucking upper cut plus quickdial golfswings
Brave was just too damn good. It will be missed.
One of my favorites.
>the rav party started by Cha Cha.
What a fucking animal
I absolutely fucking LOATHE that map. Everything about it is specifically designed to be frustrating and time wasting.
Git gud faggot.
How about you delete all flying wyverns
Yes, I didn't played FU in years and I played it again after finishing world and I definitely prefer it way more. It striked me how many things were changed and some for no reasons.
MH was a slow game back then and that's how I like it.
I also hate the vertical side of the modern games though I would really like to see how the Yama Tsukami would be in newer games.
Yes but you couldn't see it, only the others.
>that one guy who would challenge everyone to an arm wrestle
That's me and I usually won.
>that one guy who somehow glitched himself into doing gestures while moving
IIRC you had to use a keybord to do this. Some guy tried to explain to me in english/german but I'm not sure I ever entirely understood what he said.
Something I also used to do was get people to do quests naked, shit was retarded but really fun.
>Other guy: guys rathian is coming
>Bow girl: oh fug I forgot tranqs D:
Bowfags, not even once
It would be cool if a private server was being made.
Other guy could be helping a bit though.
*clacks your path*
>transparent background saved in a jpg
How fucking retarded are you.
hey man whatever gives me (You)s
I've seen this picture a thousand times and I've never before noticed the guy on the hill pointing at a Rathian coming in
I seriously hope Iceborne step up the music game, the music in World is so dull and the village music isnt very comfy at all
especially not when its constantly being interrupted by the Zora and Xeno quests music
And the music mods still have broken loops.
When did we go from pic related to
>They're so unbearable and slow compared to all the many QoL changes in later titles
I remember when everyone made fun of retards saying MH shouldn't be so slow, what happened?
>I remember when everyone made fun of retards saying MH shouldn't be so slow, what happened?
XX happened
Women ruin LITERALLY everything.
It feels so much better in the old games I'm not even sure I'll buy iceborn now that I'm replaying them.
I remember in my first few hours of MHW the forest theme got annoying real fast, it's just soulless orchestra braps.
The shift from a huntan' game to boss rush action game started with tri and just got worse and worse with each installment
They're all fine games sans tri and all,but I miss the hunting aspect being more prominent
>That rotten vale theme
>ww2 theme
And that's it,there isn't any other cool tracks
Early on I agreed with that, but now I'm pretty attached to it, at least the 'full' version when it's a monster more threatening than great jobras.
Home was whatever game had tanzia chips
I miss them so much.
>playing with bros at /mhg/
>suddenly someone enter the room
>join kirin with glaive
Why are you guys doing this
>playing with bros at /mhg/
There's your issue
I like Vaal Hazak's theme.
Oh fuck,I forgot that one.Agreed,it's good too.
Best house in Loc Lac was the second one. The manor was soulless.
Does anyone else think Hazak's theme sounds a fuckload like a track from Evangelion? It's literally all I can think about every time, but NO ONE else has ever mentioned it anywhere I've seen.
>git gud
There aint no getting good at navigating this shithole, I could do it with my eyes closed but that doesn't make it tolerable
you're all doing it wrong guys
Over the top Orchestra, but otherwise my brother from another mother.
That's YOUR job!
I feel world captured that feeling of hunting, The way you could interact with the enviroment so much more, the stealth mantle, the slinger, Its a shame you never really needed to use any of it though with the lack of difficulty.
In general i wish the monsters were way way WAY harder in these games, So you'd actually have to slowly observe a monster, How it acts, And find the perfect time to ambush them and use everything you can find to your advantage. I want more ways to test monster weaknesses and way more interactions with the monsters. Water pods on barroth for example.
i'd still want boss rush style games however, those are so much fun
Yeah, although sadly I think the private server project went nowhere.
Stealth mantle is so useless though. If if by miracle you need it there's plenty of places to hide anyway.
Yes, a shame.
The game giving you all the weaknesses of the monster is really stupid.
Those were in 3u I believe
>World adds a mantle so every weapon can deal exhaust and KO damage
>World DIDNT add a mantle so every blunt weapon can deal slash damage
>Tri servers have been down for 6 years now
Man I miss that game, it's a shame that so many quests were tied into the online mode. I still remember the last day that the servers were up too.
>dude with a bowgun joins my lobby
>he posts difficult quests and queues up immediately
>fires his bowgun like a fucking minigun, doesn't even reload during hunts
>every monster dies in a matter of seconds
>sit around in the lobby for a while, drinking and arm wrestling and talking
>servers get nuked while we're hanging out
He was a good bro for the brief time I knew him.
The most fun I have had playing MH was when I loaded up the very first one on an emulator 3 years ago as my first MH game. My battle with Yian Kut Ku in the jungle was legendary, and the first Rathalos fight took me way too many tries. Even velocidrome was a hard fight. I moved on to MHFU and now MHW, but nothing beats the feel the first game gave me. MH had some serious fucking soul. Just look at this beautifully outdated shit.
Replaying it between 3DS and WiiU. So fucking comfy.
>didnt even come back in Gen
Why do people shit on generations ultimate so much? Honestly i fucking love the styles and arts, Some can make the game easier and it can get a bit anime for some peoples tastes, But after valor gunlance, aerial gunlance, aeriel greatsword, alchemy hammer, aeriel lance, im gonna have a hard time going back
Boomer reporting in. Neriak. Home.
Best tastes. My man, my dawg, my ace in the hole.
Ichinose has to shill his weaboo hot spring town whenever he can
Lol you fucking faggot. Gold rath bell. No poison, plus fire, plus divine blessing. Eat my ass. God i missed mh3u, was good shit, mh4u is acceptable, but challenge was still toned down. Gens and world are such fucking shit.
MH is dead, capcom doesn't care, embrace Dauntless.
For me it's pokke
All of the towns in Gen represent the portable team's games
>Kokoto for Freedom
>Pokke for Freedom 2/Unite
>Yukumo for Portable 3rd
>Bherna for Generations
You're not wrong but the mansion had a nice view
One thing I'm really hoping for is more ability for play interaction in the game. I was hoping World would do that. What's stopping the game from sticking me in an expedition with other players when I go out to farm mats? How about making the areas where players can see one another larger? I want to see everyone preparing for quests, upgrading their gear and picking up quests.
There used to be a guide out there to manually alter the rom to replace the offline quests with the online ones.
>You will never play Mh3 online ever again
>You'll never hear another person call Uragaan Jay leno
I-it's not fair bros
I call gaan jay leno all the time?
Why did you mark that as question
Only pros use SnS, shitters like you can stick with the casual tier greatsword
All I meant was people were very talkative on tri compared to world, I've barely seen a handful of people actually message
I'm still drawn to 3U simply because of the environments.
>That quest with the tiny-ass Uragaan
The fact that his rollspeed was unchanged and his chin slam still had normal sized shockwaves made his fight fucking hilarious.
Tiny Uragaan and Tiny Uragaan + Volvidon were the best.
The Tiny Peco horde fight was good too.
The only problem I have with them is how shit the camera is. I still can't quite believe the gall of Capcom to demand that Nintendo release a half-assed second analog stick for the 3DS, and then proceed to never actually implement analog controls for the camera until X.
My favorite is the father and son Plesioths in 3U,
I liked the tiny red peco that called a tiny uragaan
I'm still playing it on 3ds, and don't know why I should buy anything else
as much as I love mhw i still miss a ton from FU and 3/4
Im, scared to buy MHGUXX for switch due to alot of the gameplay QOL world has but damn i want more variety in weps and monsters
regardless im still very hyped for iceborne.
Would it be better to emulate GU and netplay with friends than buy it for switch?
Peak fucking nostalgia and how I started playing this series.
Nothing compares to the comfiness of Tri.
I also learned a lot of english thanks to this game. It carried me with top grades through high school.
Honestly I'm on the other side of this. I held off on MHW and got GU on switch because at the time there wasn't a lot going for world's endgame, no G-Rank at the time but it sounds like nows a good time to dive in. Is there some decent difficulty in MHW now? I haven't been keeping up with it at all.
Was that Iceborne thumbnail leak debunked or is there a chance we'll get news soon?
I_ bunked your mom
Iceborn what now? I'm out of the loop since fucking nothing happened during MH's 15th anniversary.
MHW is ugly as fuck. The colors look washed out and daytime is overly bright. Not only that, the game lacks a certain atmosphere that the other games had. That being said Ive played the shit out of this game. But given the opportunity i would play any other Monster Hunter.
This cropped up yesterday, along with a screencap of it as the thumbnail of an unlisted YouTube video.
Wouldn't be difficult to fake, but you never know.
Already blown out of the water
I've seen that fucking snake a million times already, that ain't real.
What IS that snake anyways?
fucking missed these
I just looked up "video game giant snake", it's from Assassin's Creed Origins. How the fuck nobody in yesterday's thread pointed that out I don't know.
GL or Lance make underwater kinda fun
>caps words
>time wasting
I bet you're one of those ''quality of life improvements'' spammers too.
Living there is comfy until you get appendicitis or stuck kidney stones and there are no hospitals nearby.
>Assassin's Creed Origins
Recent Asscreed is fucking weird. Thanks user, that fucking snake was haunting me for a few months, I thought it was just some random model someone patched up and photoshoped it instead of a real game monster.
PC World with imported monsters when
>Why do people shit on generations ultimate so much?
XX/GU is bloated. Village LR is padded like fuck, styles aren't as fun as the classic, methodical, slow paced hunting and the monsters got even more schizo with huge AOE attacks. The OST is also mediocre, especially when you compare it to orchestrated ones like Deserted Island's.
It's not a terrible game, but I don't enjoy it as much as the past G/Ultimate entries in the series.
>The OST is also mediocre
Can't agree with you there.
4U brought them back and made it cure Bleeding, and then MHW renamed them to be generic dried fish chips but it's the same item
Mos Eisley...
If anything playing world extensively teaches you bad habits you have to unlearn when going back to GU or otherwise.
It plays like any classic MH. You'd have to be pretty shit at a game if you find yourself unable to play it because a newer game removed most of the thinking required to play it.
I only posted it because it literally looks like Pokke village if you visited it in springtime
the deviant themes are soulless and sound like a bunch of samples stitched together, it's jarring when compared to the old maps music
I like World. I don't like the handler. Please save me from the handler, Iceborne.
Kneejerk reaction to gen being average plus assuming the fights are shit because they didn't like valstrax' design(even though the fight is one of the best ED fights in the series)
Best GU hub theme coming through! make way! stand aside!
>The year of our Lord 2018
>Still loading between areas
Fucking Shitch.
Cathar is my true home.
I'm mad that they removed the hot springs in GU. I need my fucking spa time.
Who else /retiring/ here? Soloed every quest in every MH, but World made it clear that this is a good time to quit, in order to preserve its memory.
They should remove fast travel permenantly from skyrim. I need to immerse myself by walking manually from one side of the map all the way to the other side for every little errand. Fast travel is so outdated and unrealistic!
now THIS is strawman par excellance
I like the brass in the new mix. It is vibesy. Come on!
>terrible mashup of all the good ones
This is exactly what happens if you practice incest too much.
i'd be mad if i wasted the money and bought GU too
>3DSbabbies still salty over not getting GU
This is probably more your speed.
More like have fun going grocery shopping real quick if you need anything or decent internet speed and latency. What a shithole to live in 2019.
Why so?
Maybe you should listen to the originals zoomi
You cannot bait a true MH fan. Stop wasting your time.
at first glance, I thought this was a soulless 3d recreation of the first village in Chrono Cross.
cause it's shit and for casual retards like world
is mh tri worth playing today?
i remember trying it on the wii emulator back then and it was meh
I see.
Shit makes me sad. It's also the first game where I had online interactions that weren't just shooting others.
Same. For me it was my last year of high school and the years after it where I was working part time and going to school part time. Plenty of free time, see my friends easily, no stress, living at home, dog is young, just sitting on the back porch playing tri online with randoms. Everyone chatted, there was a weather system, you could run around town together. I miss it so much. Now I work full time and I’m miserable constantly
3G is pretty much a strictly upgraded Tri, besides some of the lighting effects removed and monster nerfs from P3rd carried over, it's worth playing if you're really into the series but it's certainly lacking in a lot of areas
Moga has way more Soul than this gay JRPG shit
Topkek. But literally no.
>what happened?
World? It's a normalfag franchise now
I still enjoyed World for what it is, but I worry about the next game doubling down on pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Luna and Teo combined
AT Kulve
>But after valor gunlance, aerial gunlance, aeriel greatsword, alchemy hammer, aeriel lance, im gonna have a hard time going back
Yeah, that's you. But some people like playing Monster Hunter.
Man I really thought the whole city would be the gathering hub when i saw the trailer. I thought it was so obvious with the new online system but no. Now you don't see anybody outside quests.
>tfw comfy /mhg/ threads during 4U era will never come back
there's so much shitposting there now
World's endgame content is literally some of the most difficult the series has ever had, and notG-rank is likely going to raise that bar even further
blame eternally assmad tendies that are still buttblasted about no World and XX being delayed for over a year + skipping 3DS + having its multiplayer paywalled
Only person with good taste
>comfy /mhg/ threads during 4U
>blame eternally assmad tendies that are still buttblasted about no World
You're delusional, dude. World is over a year old already, and can even be playable on relatively weak PCs now after many performance patches.
>XX being delayed for over a year
Anyone interested in XX had already played it way before GU announcement.
>skipping 3DS
Yeah, that was kinda shitty indeed. Still, no reason to get stuck on eternal shitposting.
>having its multiplayer paywalled
Not on PC, but then again, PS4/X1 users are already used to pay for that crap anyway.
Ridiculous. Even with a dozen self-imposed handicaps I had no trouble whatsoever.
Git gud scrub. It becomes natural after a few hours if you really try to learn. Even after years of not playing it's still feels normal for me.
There was still shitposting back then, but it was not really console-war shitflinging so much as the typical weapon arguments and Relic hunting/Rajang farm simulator hate.
Was still better days.
MH has the best camera of any game ever made. It's completely within your control and never, ever does things on its own to fuck you over.
>besides some of the lighting effects removed
Why does it keeps happening. In every fucking game getting remastered/upgraded the lightning always get fucked up.
MHFU is the only good MH game
In what reality
>inb4 hur dur EX Behemoth one monster means the whole game hard durrr
guys stop bickering and unite against World fags for enabling Capcom to destroy the armor skill system and the way hubs function. Two core MH soul aspects
Because it's a console game being ported to 3DS
Also the near total darkness in caves didn't play well with 3D which is why most 3DS games don't bother with very dark scenes or dark scenes look washed out.
>but RE Revelations runs on the same engine and looks better!
Revelations was designed for 3DS from the ground up and its graphics were built specifically to look good in the confines of the mobile fork of MT Frameworks, while MH3U is, as I said, a port of a console game, it also has larger levels unlike Revelations which is a bunch of corridors
EX Behemoth isn't hard aside from running out the clock, because they cut down the quest timer for no reason.
Pukei-Pukei would be super hard too if you only had 30 seconds to kill it.
I dont hate the Worldfags for being Worldfags. I hate the Worldfags who think themselves better than any other MHfag by the virtue of graphics or casual appeal.
Don't worry I already shit on that. But what I want in MH is long gone so I don't expect anything, anyway.
>mfw they made the absolutely garbage auto lock-on camera the default in world while the normal camera has to be enabled in the settings
World's already one of if not the easiest game in the franchise, I doubt they needed yet another set of training wheels
I was talking more generally though. It's something that happen in a lot of games. Metroid Prime on the wii for example lack some effects.
It fucks you over more than helps you anyway. Idk why would anyone play with the new system.
better play xx on citra with friends on pc desu
That imply all the other games are shit and doesn't make MHFU that good either.
MHFU is the GOAT of MH but some other games are good too.
Really? I just modded it out right away.
What makes MH work is that the camera and contorls are the same everywhere, in every situation and in every area. You can practice with your weapon as if there was a Gravios right in front of you; it's no different.
>lukewarm on MHW upon release
>mfw slowly watching it become a chink MMO crossover vehicle post launch
I hate this future
Feels like PSO2 where you have all the time some kind of stupid crossover.
>Seething cityfags
Yeah it's so hard driving for 10min to make some shopping.
MH's had tons of crossovers, just that they rarely left japan.
>tfw couldn't get the best armor in the game in 4U unless you went to some expo in japan
The E3 2003 video is really interesting. Shows lots of stuff that isn't in the final game
>weather systems
>different areas in maps from final
>areas that don't exist in any map in final
>hints of possibly 4/4G esque cutscenes and JRPG style dialogue
>placeholder rathalos set that's just recolored rathian with a different belt
also remember this tent from the artbook? It actually made it ingame apparently
PSP camera controls are the best in the series.
Since you control camera and movements with the left hand, you right hand is totally free. You can move the camera while pressing the attack buttons. Also it doesn't have those trigger buttons that are shit for everything but racing games.
Remember when 3 was released and everyone complained about how it was the worst in ther series jadda jadda?
The focus lock the 3DS games added is a fucking godsend
You don't REALLY need it with a proper second stick but it's still great
That just makes 4U an even shittier game.
It was worse than the ones before though. I still like Tri a lot and find underwater combat very enjoyable.
Because it's a 3ds game, so they didn't bother bringing over the Tri lighting, which is a shame because it was really cool and made that cave in the tundra a really fun area to fight in, having to light up the area and seeing the monsters eyes glow in the dark, sucks they never brought the mechanic back
Crossovers aren’t a new thing for the series and now they actually add content other than armor so I don’t mind. Wish the DMC event had added a demon from the series.
No? People loved it over at GameFAQs.
why the fuck MHW is so shit?
Like amazingly bad
You have a really shitty memory then.
Besides the graphical upgrade, I can't think of anything good World brought in the series.
I have always loved the monster hunter games until you reach endgame and the only thing left to do is kill the same monster over and over again.
At that point you've learned and mastered the game so there is no challenge or effort required anymore, you grind to get stuff so you can make an already easy game easier.
>MH crossovers in the past
>fight a normal monster, sometimes with a size modifier, and get a neat armour set that's usually just pretty meh outside of Star Armour
>MHW crossovers now
>entire quest lines of wasted development to add Witcher man or Behemoth from Final Fantasy™ that don't fit the setting at all and could have been spent on a actual MH content
The fact that the witcher monster is the last actual new monster World got in it's base game is genuinely sickening
I've been a member since before you were born, kid (March 11th, 2004). People loved it, adored it, ate it up, and casuals like you were not tolerated.
>3 releases
>micro dick roster
>people hate it
>World releases
>shit tier roster
>shit tier difficulty
Lol retard I really liked it too. But that guy wasn't talking about gameFAG.
Because you're a buttmad tendie who can't play it
It's like that one hot actress who refuses to do porn and then you get a video of her doing 6 puerto ricans for ecstasy
>Trying to show your forum epenis on Yea Forums.
You don't anything about this place don't you ? Get the fuck back there.
That's because the gameplay was actually good in MHW.
wow congratulations you soloed a tutorial
>Fighting Duramboros in the comfy Flooded Forest
Try a better bait next time.
>the way hubs function
yeah i just miss creating a lobby that only 4 people can join and then fighting over which quest to post even though everyone joined a lobby named "KHEZU" but everyone wants to post their fucking key quests and force everyone else to run their key quests so that they can unlock HR at hr 20 like a fucking scrub who hasn't even learned how to play the game yet and can't stop fucking carting because they're shit because all they do is rush key quests
yeah that was the shit right there i wish they would bring that back
saying MHW had good gameplay is like when people said DMC4 (Not SE) had good gameplay
It's technically true but the game's content is fucked and there's nothing to do with it
Witcher Man is fine since he is literally a monster hunter. If a crossover event is going to happen They might as well put some effort in which they did in World.
He doesn't know.
I think at the time people questioned 3's move to the Wii, the loss of several weapons, and underwater combat being a divisive aspect at the time.
MHW gave people access to the game on multiple platforms and the game itself doesnt have much glaring issues to harp on that most wouldnt write off as "QoL". It doesnt make the game "great" but it makes it accessible, I guess.
>he doesn't have 4 friends to play MH with
Stay pleb
Theres always guild style no arts when i want more traditional monster hunter, Which is still completely viable. More options is never a bad thing
Just cut the pretense and ask for cheat codes, thanks. Styles completely and utterly break the game.
Gen 3 was ass. Don't @ me if you're a tribab or later.
if i say completely and utterly it makes me right
Iceborne better let us have Lagombi or Gammoth girls again.
>Infinite whetstones
>Much faster gathering and a seperate inventory for materials
>Changed the skill system to allow for more variety in builds
>Cosmetic armour to cover that clownsuit
>Don't have to tag a monster with paintballs every few minutes
I'm sure there's more but world added a lot of quality of life, even people that don't like world can admit that
I don't think we're gonna get anything even kind of sexy. Snoy is going full on SNOY and Iceborne could very well get SNOY'd if any of its costumes are too sexy
fem Kirin set probably wouldn't fly under SNOY's new rules if it wasn't already in the game
Several weapons have never had a better moveset.
The only good thing in that list is the separate inventory for materials. And even then it's not a great improvement since you could just sort the items in your box and materials would always be last in order.
Which weapons for example ? I'd like to know since I haven't played the last MH before World.
>Changed the skill system to allow for more variety in builds
Is the 'meta' still 4 drachen pieces for everything bar Bow or did they add something else?
>Infinite whetstones
>More inventory space
>Casualized gathering
>a good thing
Fuck off worldshitter. This is why western society is degrading and becoming degenerate, Normies and basics need everything just handed to them, they need everything SLIGHTLY inconvenient changed JUST for them
Imo and it's just my opinion but I started with gen wun and played every gen, LS CB Lance hammer.
I play a ton of lance so I feel comfortable with that claim, the others I spend a lot less time with so take it with a grain of salt.
I wouldn’t worry too much.
>removes resource management, a key part of the intended gameplay
>removes resource management, a key part of the intended gameplay
>dumbed down the skill system so retards don't have to learn what + and - to skills means, also introducing powercreep levels unheard of in the series
>don't have to pick between having all your crutch skills or looking good, can have your cake and eat it too instead of, god forbid, learning to compromise or sacrifice
>removes resource management and actual hunting/tracking mechanics, a key part of the intended game play
All dumbing down for zoom-zooms, this is not something to be proud of
none of those are "QOL", they are all casualizations to one system or another aside from transmog
>de-emphasize item management and preparation
>faster gathering could be good, but an entirely separate bag for mats along with the ammo pouch has completely destroyed any sense of item and inventory management the series had, as well as being able to restock things infinitely from any base camp at any time during a mission
>the skill system no longer has negatives and a has lead to extreme bloat of skills because of its simplification, late game HR sets have as many or more useful skills active than most optimized G rank sets for earlier games
>having permanent psychoserum and capture guru just leads to lazyness and a removal of a key system of earlier games, you no longer have to pay attention to monsters or where they go, just follow the pretty glowing skyrim lights and stop hitting the monster when a giant skull flashes on the screen
wow her feet must get really stinky and sweaty in those fur boots haha eww
No one EVER ran out of whetstones unless they were a massive retard. Been playing the series 15 years and I ran out like twice when I first started MH1.
I honestly don’t see the problem with just having one Infinite use whetstone. You could carry so many it may as well have been infinite. I have never been at risk of running out of them.
Fixing things that weren't broken makes sense if you're already selling out
This shit was revealed and in dev before shit started getting SNOY'd, and well before they made it official recently and more or less said 'no more sexy in Japanese games'.
so no there is a very real chance Snoy still gets to veto any remotely sexy armor sets like that Anjanath X/Z set in that image.
If Capcom pushes release back from its projected autumn 2019 date that's a bad sign and suggests they might have been SNOY'd
You're a retard, the two armors the guy posted are very very far from being as sexy as some World armors. They're more cute.
I'm a hammer main, what was added to the moveset that makes you say that ? The slide spin ? It's fucking awful, it goes at the opposite of what the hammer is supposed to be. The hammer was always a weapon where you had to be careful of when to hit. Now you can just spam slide. You don't even need to care about your stamina, I can go from one end of the other while charging and still have stamina left. Lance I agree, the new charge is funnier than ever. LS was good enough for me before, I don't think it needed any improvements and I don't play CB.
What's the best weapon type in 3U?
>This map will never return
GU had really bad representation of maps. They had every single 4th and 2nd gen maps except Heaven's Mount and Great Forest. There are only two 3rd gen maps, and two 1st gen maps (and one of them barely counts because it's a 4th gen remix of the map). 3rd gen volcano, flooded forest, old swamp, and old jungle all deserved to show up again. Instead, we get boring maps like Volcanic Hollow, Primal Forest, 2nd gen volcano, and Dunes.
I just mean in general, but even merely cute sets might get hit if Snoy are REALLY evil and nix ZR as something 'too sexualized'
Val habar is the best hub of the series
>implying skills even mattered in previous games
>"levels unheard of in the series" as an argument
>resource management meaning you might have to delete some potions to fully skin a monster. this feature added unheard of levels of depth that will be sorely missed
literally no one cares about tracking either. you either use a tracking skill or pop a psychoserum. who cares? none of this shit even matters to the actual gameplay that is fighting monsters
I will how everyone says how hard the series is, but that is only at the start.
Later on and especially if you play with others you just down the monster 90% of the time while killing him in a few minutes.
bow and hbg as usual, especially with slime and how op it was
Lance feels incredible in World and now I never want to go back. I also like the changes to LS.
AT are pretty much old HR
Behemoth is a decently difficult fight
AT Xeno makes the fight really, really cool
Ancient Leshen (coming mid May to PC too) is also pretty hard and chaotic, but really fun
Temp Jho is decent too
well maybe you're not but i'm a giant faggot who takes pride in having to buy whetstones and using the fact that i enjoy that as proof that i am a serious hardcore gamer guy
The verticality and anime fights aren't great, either. But at least it's better than underwater lol.
Lance wasn't that bad before.
Gunlance has never been better and never will be better. It's all downhill from here as Capcom decides to once again nerf a weapon that needs buffing, and buff a weapon that needs nerfing
Funny that there is both the best and the worst volcano maps of the series in the same game.
why do people act like G rank is ultra hard or anything? It's all relative. G rank is just a gimmick so they can sell you the game again. Once you get g rank armor it's just as hard as high rank was but it has additional monsters, most of which you won't fight once you get to the end game again.
The only reason G rank is ever seen as hard is because there is a large gap between finishing high rank and starting g rank since people completely skip the vanilla version's end game grinding.
>yet another MH thread devolves into gen wars
sasuga Yea Forums
user i agree with you that these are all good things, inventory was never an issue unless you're a gathering fanatic when you never EVER really needed to be one, Whetstones were so plentiful that you literally never run out, I think both skill systems have their merits, Worlds could do with tweaking, Cosmetic options are NEVER a bad thing, and painting monsters is so braindead easy that it may as well be automatic
Most of the QOL chagnes in world people complain about are just mindless busywork that never once challenged anybody, unless talking about monster difficulty and variety
one of the replies shitting on you is actually me baiting. probably not hard to tell which
No. Water combat is way better than that.
You’re right but I personally just really like the changes it got.
Yeah, CB in mhw so far is best iteration so far. Kinda flowcharty, but extremely comfortable to play. You may argue saed spam made cb dumb.
GS tackle also deserves a mention.
>he skill system no longer has negatives
and the game is balanced around it
literally who cares?
>GS tackle also deserves a mention.
I'm not sure about that, it makes GS very easy, now.
obviously not considering what was said, regular ass HR sets have as many if not more active skills than most optimized G rank sets in earlier games, not to mention garbage like the Behemoth set bonus
Yeah, I made the leak and I was 100% sure somebody would have found out the AC snake in like 10 minutes, but apparently it took them hours to realize it. Weird.
The old system made it so you wouldn't use some set on some quests because of the negative skills. That would force you to create multiple sets for different uses. In world you just have to make one that works for everything.
>Yeah, CB in mhw so far is best iteration so far
I maintain that 4U's was the best considering that SAED was a viable option (especially for elemental) but still not totally spammy as World's.
except that's literally not true. at least it's as true as it was in previous games
MHW is piss easy and the skill system is 50% of the reason why
At least it got a fair number of replies before going to hell
Sometimes i like to make threads about older monster hunter games even though i never played them because the discussion is a lot more civil until about halfway through instead of shit right as it begins
The game isn't balanced around the skills at all which is why every hunt is incredibly short. Shit is going to be insane in iceborne when we already have 90% of offensive skills in the game equipped and fights last 2 minutes. If g rank doesn't rebalance it we will have every offensive skill plus ear plugs and wind resistance and tremor resistance equipped at once
yeah mhw is piss easy but retards still can't stop carting to AT xeno so riddle me this
I haven't played gen and 4 so I'm jumping in World straight from FU and Tri. And it's not pretty.
In 4U you just spammed the normal version with cancelling then maybe used the SAED if you were on flashing shield. It's the same shit.
SAED needs a cooldown like Wyvern's Fire otherwise it will always be optimal.
Everyone can at least agree that homely village > whatever the fuck that abomination in mhw was
also pokke best hub
You said it, because they're retards not learning the game.
>the game isn't even hard!
>people can't stop dying
>guhh they're dying because the game isn't hard you idiot!
do you forget to breathe sometimes?
World is supposed to be uncharted land but this guys shows up.
I'll give you an example, I'm shit at 2d platformers, I die to easy simple shit. Does that makes the thing that killed me hard ? No.
AT Xeno is actually different from regular Xeno in a significant way so it shouldn't be surprising that people are getting caught off guard
So world has AT Xeno and EX Behemoth that are actually hard. Neat, nifty. That's 35+ other monsters that are piss easy.
America is supposed to be uncharted land but this guy shows up
>a new world
>4 out of its 5 monster roster are returning monsters
World is shit and I'm so fucking mad that I bought it.
>4u has apex jho and apex rajang that are actually hard. neat, nifty. that's 65+ other monsters that are piss easy
I'm not mad because I had good time with it and it's the first Mh game i played in years but I'm a bit disappointed.
Nobody says that anymore though. Specially since we know that vikings already went there before too.
Wyverians are the oldest race, who knows how long they've been living there.
did you miss the entire thing about monsters being drawn to the new world, which is the entire reason the commission is even going there to find out why? Or it being called literally 'The Elder Migration'?
>did you miss the entire thing about monsters being drawn to the new world
>Or it being called literally 'The Elder Migration'?
As the name say it, it's only elder dragons. That doesn't explains why there's a Barroth there too.
>Soloed every quest in every MH
they just clipped a watch tower into a house? there's not even a ladder. shameful.
Every monhun except your first will be a joke other than a few monsters until g rank. I didn't really die much at all until G in 4u but I bet some people ate shit the whole time, doesn't mean anything.
>New World
>almost all the monsters are returning
I was about to smash my fucking disk during the "WHAT ARE THESE RATH SCALES WHY ARE THEY PINK WHAT COULD THEY BE????" shit
So how did Jho get to the New World and how will Narg get there?
World is fun. I'm sorry that you can't have fun.
>that one guy in full rathian with a guan dao and an autoguard charm
All ATs (except Zorah), Behemoth, T Jho and Ancient Leshen are worthy of old HR.
So it's like 10 fights, around 30%. I mean, at the end of the day it's not that bad.
Monster hunter before world was shit
What monster will get the lavasioth treatment next and mutate into a completely different monster because they didn't want to bother making plesioth in world?
They probably picked retards from the old world for the expedition, to get rid of them. That's why the third fleet got stuck there for years and why the old hunter gal who understood the point of the elder migration never had the idea to even tell the others and why absolutely nothing was done until you arrived there.
MH3 has the best maps in the entire series.
I really don't get why they changed him, they already had a completely revamped moveset for X and XX that was good, but then they just turn him into a discount Agnaktor with an even shittier armor gimmick
>Gathering hall let everyone get together, emote and chat, have a good old time before the hunt
>Removed the need for it in world
>Now nobody talks, interacts in any way, you're given no time to friends up with good hunters or anything like that
Your EX Deviant solo proves, please.
Like this.
Some gen 2 maps are really great too. Combining the two we get the best of the maps in Monster Hunter.
How can one dog be so mad?
GH just dropped this. Pretty much nails how I feel about armor skills.
In iceborne there will be a new village that is 4 times the size of the old one so everything is even further spread out. Also there will be multiple minute long loadscreens if you aren't playing the PC version. But the PC version won't be out until 7 months after the console versions so people will double dip again
Pitbull blood in his veins.
Go away.
I never did any of that shit before desu. I hated people who emoted and fucked around, I'm just here to get my quests done.
I have the best trick in the world to not double dip.
I miss her.
>character assassination and ad hominem instead of paying heed to points raised
die shitter
get your own opinions redditor
they do this every game.
It's like people who criticize world just bandwagon to be cool and don't actually have any investment into the series
>fucking GH
using that phrase for any cunt with a youtube channel just makes it loose all meaning
>It doesn't count because I like him!
Jeez that video really burnt worldsperms / "vet" falseflaggers, didn't it?
I started with MH1 and love world. I also love FU and 4u, gen 3 was ok and I didn't like gen.
in any other MH game an NCP would say something like
>ohoho, a Pink Rathian eh?
and even if an NPC didn't know what it was someone would quickly set you straight and send you off to hunt it
In World it's a fucking RESEARCH COMMISSION with a literal mountain of books on monsters pooling all hunters and resources to try to figure out why a Rathain's scales are for some reason pink. Stop trying to act like you know anything about the old games, World babies just need to either discuss earnestly or fuck off.
it's a lot of people's first pink rathian. so if you can suspend your disbelief it's not all that bad.
I never played the PS2 games, but for me
Pokke > Yukumo > Moga
All three are comfykino though. 4U had decent hubs, and World was just okay, but they pale in comparison to what came before them.
This thread is making me want to pick 3U back up, are the servers still around?
>no game will have a tropical setting as beautiful and comfy as Chrono Cross
Its not fucking fair
>a bunch of horse shit i made up in my head
ohohoho what a bad game am i rite
I think the servers are still up, some guy said in this thread that he's still playing it online.
Wasn't that the guy who told everyone XX was shit when World was announced then 180'd and told everyone XX was amazing when GU was announced?
Alright, to bring the thread back on track, let's have some discussion.
What kind of maps are they going to add in Iceborne. Most of the World maps ended up combining two types of maps (eg. AF is a forest and jungle, WW is a desert and swamp, ER is a volcano and mountains) so what would be some maps to add in?
>A frozen forest in the mountains like a taiga
>Frozen Volcano as an inverse to Gen 2's Desert
>Another goddamn Frozen Seaway
>Ruins from the Ancient Civilization in the mountains to make an intricate cave system, also show signs of more advanced tech than the current civilization
Not relevant. His weapon tutorials are easily the best on YT. Arekkz is the poor man's GH
it looks like IB is going to be a typical G expansion so only expect 1 map, probably a tundra or something
>Ruins from the Ancient Civilization in the mountains to make an intricate cave system
>also show signs of more advanced tech than the current civilization
I expect at least one non-ice map. Maybe another Marshlands-like area that's cold but not ice.
Why not, user? it already exists throughout the series.
not canon shitbag
I wanted to believe but iceborne news is going to be in June isn't it?
I don't get why would you want to do that since a trained hunter can fuck up any elder dragon that isn't mountain-sized by himself.
your extremoth prooves please
Not canon.
world is the ONLY canon
It's not canon to world either.
>Classic MH thread turns into MHW shitflinging
Fuck every single one of you.
llamabased and catlolipilled
He's certainly changed his tune
>Thead devolving into bullying
Only the best monster can save this thread now!
He's seen the light.
Well, I tried. Back to /mhg/ with no content!
I hope you guys are still playing 3U!
There he is now!
>the fact that he's an obvious paid shill is irrelevant because he made videos that taught me how to do something I could have learned by myself
>Suddenly everyone is talking about the shit that I was talking about since the game released
World is fucking garbage, hope this video open people's eyes.
>Iceborne trailer shows off a bunch of new and returning monsters with triumphant music playing.
>Cuts of the second it gets to Khezu.
>Gaijin Hunter
look how butthurt theses worldsperms are. obviously GH is influential or they wouldn't be so threatened