Show me the best protagonist in the world, or I'll EAT YOUR SOUL

Show me the best protagonist in the world, or I'll EAT YOUR SOUL

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I'm a big fan of Alan Wake as a protag

Not if he blows a hole in your soul first.

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Uchiha Sasuke

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Based and best Doomguy

came for Doomguy
was not disappointed

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I had being so basic but link because he's a silent protag but is still definitely courageous, curious, and redoresourceful. personality-wise. Fits perfectly with the setting and is a perfect avatar for players to project themselves upon.

I don't know about being the overall best, but he's got to be my favorite silent protagonist.

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>he's got to be my favorite silent protagonist.
gordon freeman is mine

motherfucker beat me to it

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what do i win?

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>Calling the Doom Slayer Doomguy

Kazuma Kiryu

>Calling him Doomslayer
Sounds like it's trying too hard. Fans should call him Doomguy, he should officially be called the Doom Marine, demons are the only ones who should call him Doom Slayer.

No way dude

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The only choice

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Are you saying Shulk or are you just making a funny?

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>makes your whole cast blush

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That means only one thing user

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Man I need to play Rance

Where are my MarkCHADS at?

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Kiryu exists in this bizarre space between stoic and goofball that I absolutely love

Master Chief

The only correct answer

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Even the dudes?


no competition really.

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Gordon Freeman is not a protagonist, he is box art.

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>best protagonist in the world
it is you, the player

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Came here to post this

I am more of a GUREITOMAXXUchad.
But were all CHOUJIGEN SAKKAfriends

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Just a cheap Sam Fisher knock off.

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who the hell are these generic looking dudes

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This, bscly.