ITT: only certified kino video game romance moments

ITT: only certified kino video game romance moments

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If you played (watched) this past the first season, you're an idiot.

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that's blessed

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based posts

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TellTale went bankrupt for a reason

If any of you think this is on-par or worse than them then you're being delusional

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Chloe's probably thinking about that dead whore Rachel. She never deserved a qt Max gf and the best ending to Life is Strange is letting Chloe die so Max can move on with Victoria.

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Fuck off /u/gly Trannys

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There's no way it's fucking you again

I'm everywhere, user.

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Wow, wow. Sony! Didn't you say you were going to protect me from sexual filth like this!
How is my impressionable mind going to survive seeing this!?

That's it! This was too far! If I fail to get out of unemployment I am now going to blame you Sony! You were supposed to protect me!

This was way more kino as a romance for Chloe but Pricefield was more kino for being flirty bff's

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>a tumblr cunt and a raging neonhair cunt
I'll take my TWD survival cuties, thank you very much.

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Based and Texas Twopilled

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They made her lesbian? Fucking seriously, TellTale? Glad that companies dead

>Texas Two

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She's lesbian only if you make her that way, no need to get upset.

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You can fuck a dude if you want but hes kinda bitch so i went with the chick

cringe and larrypilled

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Still can't find clementine as engaging as Lee was. Man did the seasons dip after the first one

How is it that videogame lesbians end up lesbians because the only male love interest they get is a quivering faggot?

These games are written by quivering faggots or women, so (though I shouldn't bash women, they probably write better male love interests than gays do).

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I'd rather a male interest that doesn't literally admit to the fact he's a massive incel