Lmao, they literally censored the blood splat and replaced it with shitty stars.
Lmao, they literally censored the blood splat and replaced it with shitty stars
Lmao, you made a pointless shit thread when you could have put this dumb shit in one of the 40 other smash threads that are being spammed on this board non stop.
unironically looks better
Blame this
Well obviously since Smash is pre-dominantly played by pre-teens.
Well they can't have their precious and beloved Nintendo characters bleeding, can they?
B-but muh snõy is th-the one that c-censors!!!
A bunch of the characters probably don't even have blood.
this is inconsequential to snoys censorship and godrays, you absolute drama queen
Should've had them shit out their franchise symbols
Have you seen some of the personas?
>Encourages lewd
>Discourages murder
>Encourages murder
>Discourages lewd
I know which one I prefer
>Nintendo: Keeps adult content out of kids games
>Sony: Keeps adult content out of adult games
Please play P5 before shitposting from position of knowledge.
I did. 3 times. I still don't think a fucking paper doll has blood.
It's Demon Goo. Gaman Dwach is the only character that applies to in "canon"
They kept the gun though, even snake just has bombs and shit.
What the fuck are you talking about, you illiterate retard? This is a thread about smash not having the blood splat that's in persona 5. Every fucking enemy you kill in an all out attack with joker downing them has it. Every thing, not just some "canon" whatever the fuck you mentioned. Even if it's a fucking paper doll, a slime or some ghost. They all fucking bleed.
It's not a real gun. Play the fucking game.
I dont think ROB, piranha plant, kirby, and a few others even have blood...
It's not blood.
It doesn't matter what it is. It's censored in smash and replaced by stars.
>Nintendo: Censors shit
>Sony: Censors shit
Yeah but you know how sensitive people are. I was expecting an orange tip to be put on it.
We're gonna call Fatal Frame 5, #FE, XBCX, Fire Emblem and Bravely Default children's games now?
so? they kept the blood splat on his stage
Good luck persuading CERO with your bullshit
All generic encounters are with shadows.
Sh-sh-shut up and let me play with my ps4 advertisement, f-f-f-fuck you
>lmao they didn't include blood in this game aimed at all ages
What the fuck is your point, OP?
It's the rating system, you dumb baiting nigger. Mythra got her design altered for her spirit artwork because she comes from a higher rated game that could get away with the original costume.
Kill yourself and all the faggots who keep barking about this shit.
Yea Forums does it
You seem upset.
So it's agreed?
>samus bleeding
>dark samus bleeding
>Kirby bleeding
>mr game & watch bleeding
>meta knight bleeding
>r.o.b bleeding
>mega man bleeding
>pac man bleeding
>inkling bleeding
You seem like a hypocrite
Nintendo decides what's in Nintendo games. That's not censorship.
Sony decides what's in third party games. That's censorship.
Censorship is censorship user.
>sony censors a million games
>"pff who cares"
>nintendo censors one game
I guess you guys gotta take every victory you can get.
This fucking gen Nintendo censored ADULT third party games you absolute fucking mong. Why do tendies have such short memories?
Comparing Nintendo's censorship to Sony's censorship is like comparing a bank robbery to the holocaust.
100 million victories actually
Nintendo's censorship has gone back to the Gamecube. Sony only started censoring shit with the PS3 and I guarantee you won't find out what game started it.
>Sony only just starts doing what Nintendo has been renowned for doing for decades is now suddenly worse
The absolute state.
Bayonetta is wealthy, Ken is a trust fund kid who makes extra money from championships, so very wealthy.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
>inb4 n-now include the walkmen...
>Kremling Coins
>Splatoon shell things
Ryu literally gets money from winning tourneys
>Comparing these two things is like comparing these other two things
I wish
post some?
>Game & Watch
>Animal characters
Do you think these characters bleed or in the case of the latter that Nintendo wants to show them bleeding?
Yes, that's how an analogy works, brainlet.
When will we a Lawful Evil character?
>Having to combine the 64 and GB to beat the PS1
>Having to combine 3 fucking systems to beat the PS4
Jesus fucking Christ
Yes, Sony has actually managed to catch up to decades of censorship in just a matter of months.
That's just how bad it's been.
>These censored videogames are like crimes
I haven't even got to playing P5, but when I saw that, I had a hunch that the original game wasn't sparkly blood.
>Sony is getting worse and Nintendo learned from their mistakes
Already did. Read the thread
>mfw the vita is even invisible to snoys
Porky, right? Specifically Mother 3 Porky.
Do you think this thing bleeds? It still does in P5.
Considering Bowser's and DDD's kingdoms they should be extremely wealthy unless this is considering magic wealth
>retarded snoy doesn't know what an analogy is
go figure
Wario is chaotic neutral, and Ganondorf is lawful evil.
Literally everyone accepts that the VIta was a complete failure. Even Vitacucks get shit on by Sony fanboys.
>its nintendo's fault Sony could only support one console
Pyramid Head would work I think.
What is this thread about I wonder?
>implying there weren't dicksuckers who sent Nintendo a fucking thank you card for shilling to them at the height of it, while likely still giving Sony shit years after they stop
It is honestly just pure uncut jealousy
And that one console is the best selling console of all time.
Calling what you typed a good analogy is like saying you're a faggot
Those were "localizations" which is still bad and still censorship but Sony is telling Japanese devs that they can't make lewd games for the Japanese market
>counting hardware sales by gen
>p-please do not include these hardware sales so that I may win!
Fucking lol
Still not tetting the actual game, nin-toddlers ;)
>Could only
What does it say when Nintendo repeatedly cannot beat or only just scrapes by Sony systems, especially on Sony's first try?
Wolf is lawful evil
Sony can keep the PS4 alive for longer than 3 months.
Which is more you can say about Wii, Wii U and soon Switch.
>implying there weren't dicksuckers who sent Nintendo a fucking thank you card
Why do you always bring up that nintendo has the best fans?
Because the game is rated T here in America. When they port Persona 5 to the Switch, it will be M rated with blood and hopefully sex scenes with female confidants.
Why don't we include the PSP then which you conveniently left out? There's another 80 million
>thinking there would be blood in a smash game
you set yourself up, retard. this isnt the devs censoring themselves for #Metoo wahmen, it's sticking to the rating they set in the first place.
It's amazing that out of 5 games there are 4 different genres there, meanwhile the Sony image has all the game doing the same thing.
>best fans=corporate apologists who weren't even directly acknowledged
Lol ok
>games all have grass and trees
brb, selling my switch
So is Persona
>What does it say when Nintendo repeatedly cannot beat Sony
>console wars exist
They're all kiddy bing bing wahoo shit.
Of course Sonyfags have to interject themselves every time
Xenoblade 2 is a game you would love if it was PS4 exclusive.
>tfw people still don't understand the difference between changing something in an E rated game in order to keep it an E rating, and changing an M rated game to make it E rated
Have sex already
Nintendo has also put out double as many systems.
>tennis game
>jrpg open world game
>jrpg top down game
>open world adventure game
>3d platformer game
What am I supposed to be seeing that is wrong with this?
It's amazing how you faggots can't stay on topic for a single thread and absolutely have to declare your loyalty to a piece of plastic every. single. fucking. thread.
This honestly could be the real reason, as funny/stupid/ridiculous as it sounds. Blood wouldn't make sense for certain characters, and it'd be too much effort to individually remove blood from them
um no sweetie
PSP was the in that pic you braindead retard
He managed to take screenshots in places that all look green, maybe he could fool someone who doesn't know anything about videogames?
>Kids shows don't show adult content.
>Adult shows don't show adult content.
>sequels in a series need to change genres
Do you even know why you post this image or what argument you are trying to make?
Since you're the voice of reason that always goes ignored in these threads by the console-warfags, I'll give a reply to let you know it wasn't for nothing.
>>best fans=corporate apologists
Who are you quoting?
>doesn't count
No see it's cause they're not dying, they're having so much and can't contain it
>B-bing bing wahoos
enjoy your light bars, snoyboi
i just played 10 matches with joker online. i met like 5 other jokers and beat them all except 1. and i lost to a wii fit trainer, but won the rematch. fucking love this character. i swear i saw somebody do a jump gun bayonetta swirl style in the air with him though, but must have been my imagination
Why are nin-toddlers so quick to defend cenorship when Kiketendo does it?
You do have something in common with Nintendo fans, both hate the NSMB series.
> i swear i saw somebody do a jump gun bayonetta swirl style in the air with him though, but must have been my imagination
they literally showed him doing that in the smash 3.0 update trailer multiple times
oh really? how do you do it though
they are all good platformers, even if they used the cookie cutter template shit of "NEW!" the level designs are solid.
>This censorship is different cause my arbitrary rules
>Nintendo adds content to a game
>fan complains content should have been different
>"this is censorship"
You spend all of splatoon earning money to buy designer clothes
Palutena has any concept of wealth?
>>This censorship is different
Incorrect, brainlet. All censorship is bad.
>hold B to fire bullets repeatedly
>if you're pressing/tapping b and you input a jump, joker will jump to the direction you're pointing with your left stick and shoot multiple bullets downwards
I didnt playmetal gear but I'm assuming he gets payed to do what he does, as does everyone in the military/government
>Samus Aran
What kind of genius thinks bounty hunters have no concept of or desire for wealth
oh i know that, i meant jumping and spinning around in the air instead of like dante.
>why doesn't this movie aimed at children and made to be rated G have gratuitous violence and sex in it
You're trying to argue for something that was never in the game in the first place. Censoring would be if the original design was the screen showing blood splatter, and then changing it to stars. It was literally designed to be stars in Smash.
Wolf is Lawful Evil, he's a merc for hire.
>Little mac
Would be a multi-millionaire at least. Do you know how much money a world champion makes? In little mac's universe he's stronger than Mike Tyson.
A literal king and a pirate, should also be extremely wealthy.
This list is hot garbage
imagine the smell, oof
it's e-rated dumbass
I'm not trying to argue for anything you fucking retard.
>if you jump, press special and press the stick downwards joker will shoot downwards similar to what i mentioned above
>if you jump, press special and press the stick upwards joker will shoot like bayo's held up-air
You're arguing that it's censorship fag. You can't censor something that was never put in the game in the first place
>bowser and DDD
>not extremely wealthy
I'm just saying any kind of censorship is bad, you retarded little cocksucker.
What? Bowser and Junior are totally lawful evil. This guy doesn't know what LE is
If you take elements of an M rated game and put it into and E rated game, ESRB legally has to change the rating. Making every E for everyone rating on the cover of previous games false advertising. This is common sense.
You can make millions in P5, what. They are phantom thieves, stealing shit and selling it and making bank.
Sure, but that's not what this thread is about. This thread was specifically created trying to say the Smash is censoring content. Not censorship in general. You're deliberately going off topic which makes you a fag.
Reminder that Joker is technically the only real person in Smash, everyone else is a fake doll created by imagination
Joker can only use his Persona and weapons in the Metaverse, meaning Smash takes place in it, every character is technically a shadow, and Galeem and Dharkon are Sakurai's twin shadows, hence why Kirby escaped - even subconsciously, he's still his boy
I'm not going off topic. I'm just saying that, and user keeps replying to me for some fucking reason I have yet to discern.
It's a ps4 character, you idiots literally begged for it
It's not even censorship. This isn't fucking over an already established game, it's an aesthetic choice in a fucking crossover.
woah, video games are for children?? no way
trying too hard desu
>Uhh, they all have forest areas so they're the same!
Really hit hard with that, kiddo
Glad the original image triggered you so hard to make such a stupid image
instead we have a ps4 character on nintendo consoles.
Doesn't Mario get a ton of money in NSMB2? There's no continuity for this shit, but still. Mario can afford a fancy suit in Odyssey
That's a demon following in-universe rules. That is nowhere near the case here.
>but only when Nintendo does, it's bad
>neutral good
She's chaotic neutral at best, user.
Don't misquote me.
Cope and seethe nincel
>Why don't we include the PSP
AHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's fucking there, dude. Are you nervous?
You tried to replicate the "Sony exclusive template", right? The results were hilarious.
I think we can agree on this one.
Richter is wealthy but he's not even nobility, Simon is a literal wanderer without anything but the clothes on his shoulders.
Just imagine how nuch more BTFO Nintendo would be if Sony was releasing systems for as long as they have?
So what's the consensus on joker's potential?
You're not going to find that here. Just consolewar shitposting as usual.
Was there a point tot his thread other than yet more consoleway retardation?
Bananas are also money in the DKC cartoon.
Why would you bump the thread after 20 minutes you fucking retard?
Explain the lower right corner.
Nintendo still would have sold more
someone make a Yea Forums arena, i want to kill some anime teenagers
Someone spilled milk on the screen
Mythra is unironically improved. Leggings are god tier.
you're joking.
>it's real
>censor camilla's cleavage
>censor joker's all out attack
fuck off, censorship is censorship.
PC is the only platform that doesn't cave to idiot SJW americans.
It is censorship but people have somehow convinced themselves that somehow it's okay when ratings boards do it.
If you're really against censorship you should be against the very concept of age ratings. And no CERO and the ESRB are not government entities, they're private entities that all the publishers/retailers just agree to follow.
Fuck dumb shitposters, what are Joker's alt colours?
please tell me some of them are other Persona protags and they're not all just his party members like Shulk has
Literally how is Ganondorf not chaotic evil
>power rangers and spongebob
Are you twelve?
Look up the history of PG-13.
Age ratings are censorship by definition, and they do impact the creation of media. If you're angry by that fact then you should examine your own thought processes and consider what you really believe.
>people are unironically shocked that they didn't allow blood in a game who's rating is for children
it's like you people have no idea what the fuck ratings boards exist for...
Luigi got killed by undead
no blood though, it was a cartoony death where all you saw was his ghost fly out. It's not like it sliced him in half with blood splattering everywhere.
Lol, what stupid fuck has mr.game and watch bleed
>cartoony death
lol, the only missing was color red, that scythe sliced lugi's ass, gooey spiritual plasma and all
Isn't it a lore thing, though? The characters in Smash are canonically not the real characters but only a representation of them, like puppets or trophies. Of course they have no blood.
I see you haven't played persona 5. Fucking faggot, never post again.
These people are have become so retarded through their anger and hate that they think nudity, sex, blood, and gore should be allowed in everything including things specifically for children otherwise it's censorship.
the real crime is the anti ass movement
Sony would blow their load and quit videogames if they tried to enter the stage that early. They wouldn't have shit on Nintendo or Sega and would have trouble persuading Capcom, Square, Konami etc. It's cute that you think it would have a positive impact.
thats IT? the stars barely changed anything.
>nukes your testosterone games
>nothin personel kid
t. valve