Post your idle animations
Post your idle animations
Other urls found in this thread:
>staring at floor
>slightly hunched
>checks phone pretending someone would ever text/call
>they didn't drop even one
>those moves
how does one achieve this level of based
what is wrong with them
why can't they just be normal humans
Practice. At first they used an empty coffin, then one with a kid, then a fat kid, before they moved up to dead adults.
do you think casket dancer is a profession
You're boring.
It's have a more professional name, like Bereavement Entertainer.
you're nigger
One of the cooler aspects of black culture are their upbeat funerals. I really like this stuff.
Those are some good fucking legs.
>when your skin looks like shit
how the fuck are they doing that?
That sounds like a fucking sick RPG class
>ITT: boring suburban white middle schoolers
hoyl fuck
Have sex
welcome to modern Yea Forums
unfortunately we're still stuck here with them
i fucking hate cutesy anime shit
Those first dudes were pretty snazzy, nice.
negros are incapable of being solemn. Not really contemptible of them in this context because their dead aren't deserving of it anyway.
Fucking ebola spreading monkeys
Minstrel race. The observation goes back to ancient Egypt.
The fuck is this?
stay mad incel
>Melee AOE debuff support class
>Can do the dance of the dead every 5 minutes, temporarily reviving someone who has fallen
>implying they wouldn't eat that shit up
It's probably the friends of the deceased and they practice it before the funeral.
I can't tell if I have a boner or not
she do porn
Says the guy who can't speak proper English
What is it with black people and dancing?
They break out into impromptu dance parties at the drop of a hat no matter how serious the situation.
It's cringy as fuck.
she needs to unretire. she made far too few videos
Have sex
And you're a dull faggot, no one will attend your boring funeral when eventually you die of aids from being a professional cum shallower
Ignoramus detected.
If you criticize how other cultures do their shit in terms of culture, you become no different than SJWs.
Mira is CUTE
Blacks have been buttblasted for over a hundred years at blackface banter. When whites started making fun of their goofy jester natures. It made them panic because the negro lost his purpose in the world. He's supposed to entertain his betters with his ridiculous antics, and not white people were doing it better.
Is there more of whatever the fuck is going on?
Kys moeshitter
>The fuck is this?
Gimp Dynamics newest creation.
What is it with white people and mass shootings?
They break out into impromptu shooting sprees at the drop of a hat no matter how serious the situation.
It's cringy as fuck.
btw subscribe to Pewdiepie
>People enjoying things is cringy
What the fuck is wrong with you
Have sex
Porn is illegal in Korea
Part of the reason why they have SO much content like
Have sex.
She does porn everyone
Is that a robutt or just some women in a kinky fetish thing?
Black people commit way more mass shootings.
They're all just gang related so nobody writes news stories about it.
Man you can't even enjoy this thread without spouting shit?
How long until this is considered sexist or whatever they call it
y'all ever notice that brothers walk like this, while white folk walk like this?
she's japanese and did jav
learn new insults faggot.
I am enjoying these. Thank you.
...Oh... Well this changes everything
You wouldn't say that if you were watching two furries in my little pony costumes having sex.
Bereavement Boogier
Pls sauce me up
f i l e n a m e s
first guys are based as fuck
When is this slut going to do hardcore?
I'm enjoying laughing at slave-spawn, I literally said I'm not upset with them making a mockery of a persons funeral because it's not really a person inside the casket and black lives don't matter.
source and name now
It's a women in a kinky fetish thing making a parody video of boston dynamics.
Porn folks like to have fun.
>niggers are humans, they said
that ass is as flat as it is wide
no, I would say that. If they want to fuck 100 guys and destroy their bodies and be happy doing it, I don't give a shit
Have sex
I actually drooled.
I know this is parodying the robot thing,. but why the fuck is she in a leather suit
Have sex with children
It's not a mockery. They want to probably put the dead down how they lived: while having fun.
A shame you will never have people to care about for you when you die, seeing as you're so pathetic kek.
Have s&m sex
>Why can't we have fun threads anymore without constant crying about muh niggers? It's every fucking thread every day with you faggots. It's like an sjw talking about why they hate men over and over agian.
>spooky dancing pallbearers
feels like it should've been a soulsborne boss by now or something
It's latex. The video was made by a porn company.
Who are you quoting?
get surgery, tranny
How retarded are you? This shit is lit, they celebrate with you in death. Better than shitter white culture where they throw you into a hole say a couple thing and they fuck off back to their homes. That shit requires no commitment or actually involvement, you just stand around being bored waiting for the funeral to end.
What even is this show?
Love how this makes people seethe
>people fap to this normie softcore shit
Impossible, they'd have zero weaknesses
It's called soul.
tfw she rarely posts good shit on instagram. it's so tame it's a shame
>He doesn't know how green text works
Please fuck off kiddo
You mean a pea-sized brain
please do not actually get surgery and mutilate yourself tranny. The dick makes it better
Thank you
This is just gross. There's no ass in that gook at all. Is this the power of Korean women?
After the other webms, this ones disappointing
>Wow someone does something differently then what I would do they must be retarded
How does being 12 feel?
Fuck off tranny porn watching fag
you weebs need to die
Why the fuck are people here getting buttblasted over this? This looks so great.
that's because he switched from a superior japanese woman to shitty korean women
Better than anything you will ever put your dick into kiddo.
Shut up, monkey. Niggers only do this kind of thing because they lack empathy. That's why they're so violent and aggressive.
It's amazin how one screencap from a shitty discord is enough for you spergs to accuse everyone who doesn't agree with as being a tranny
being solemn Is beyond your negro brains comprehension. People don't have the desire to use death as an excuse to party. I've be a negro funeral, they aren't "celebrating" a passage into heaven or some shit, the corpse is just an afterthought pushed to the side so they can indulge themselves.
>RIP gramps. Imma miss you *dabs*
Nope, too perfect. Still admirable though.
You know ebola spread because retarded niggers, yes i know that's redundant, fucked around with dead people, right?
Different cultures have different values and traditions. Not all of them consider death to be something that should be met with grief or that it should be a big formal production. How sheltered do you have to be to consider your own to be the norm for the world?
Go back to 9gag.
get surgery
Can we actually post idle animations instead of cry about black people doing something you don't like now?
This must be some degenerate german or french shit
Remember Mike "Miguel Rossington" Ross?
This him now. Feel old yet?
Fuck off tranny.
>Japanese women
>Korean women
Is that supposed to be a fucking insult? I'm probably older than you and still a virgin, there's absolutely nothing you could say that can offend me. It still doesn't devalue my point. That ass had not even a slight jiggle.
I unironically do this but I'm mostly just browsing clover
Get therapy, tranny
When I die I want them to turn my coffin into a missile and fire it at Snoy headquarters.
>there are people who still find nigger shit endearing
I'm amazed the negro fatigue hasn't set in yet. blacks are obnoxious and annoying.
>me in highschool when girls would ironically flirt with me, the weird quiet kid, to make the other students laugh
It's not fair, I was just there to study
>Racism is cool and funny
Way to act cool online kiddos, yall can tell your m8s at school how cool you were with acting racist on an anonymous image board. Its ok though cause you will never achieve anything in life anyways and will probably kill yourselves at some point, at least we can all hope.
Thats not really attractive, honestly...
It only comes from people who don't live near niggers
I never understood posts like this. Is nitpicking women so unbelievably far out of your league just your way of coping?
I am 28, I banged my first girl at 18. You sound pretty fucked.
>implying there are non-trannies on Yea Forums
>his fucking eyes popping open trying not to look
The strongest of men.
have sex
>still a virgin
Well your opinion on any female aspect is completely irrelevant
Yeah, now try defending cultural relativism while watching chinks boiling a dog alive, eating a live fish, torturing cats etc. This kind of pathetic rhetoric is only used to defend niggers because of white guilt.
get surgery
What's with /pol/ posters leaving their cesspool?
no they don't lmao
>I've be a negro funeral, they aren't "celebrating" a passage into heaven or some shit,
But that's litterally what it is. Blacks have made the most gospel funneral music yet
Here are three songs played at most black funerals
Get laid.
How sad is your life? Tell me?
Trannies BTFO
sauce mate?
Says the virtue signaling white knight/thot. Got to work on your peers, right?
So who is this?
Not as sad as yours, nigger
that's just cruel
poor android
>post a webm of a group of blacks doing funny shit
>/vpol/ has a fucking meltdown
Good thing you guys don't have a thin skin like the libtards.
>Thread instantly devovles into anons racebaiting and bitching about blacks
Ass flatter than 3 week old soda
I bet you, yours will always be shit.
Man, the western food industry is full of suffering. Your examples are only especially shocking because it involves animals that are viewed as companions.
No one gives a shit that baby chicks get tossed into meat grinders or lobsters get boiled alive. But only a monster would touch a pupper or cat.
they are disingenuous. Obviously it's presented as some celebration but it obviously isn't because blacks aren't mentally and spiritually capable of having conviction to their faith. it's a religion themed dance party. "the O LORDY PRAISE BE TO JESUS" and wailing cries of old black woman is so artificial it's funny.
She’s pretty hot but upon further inspection her torso is too thick front to back and her nipples are too small. 8/10 is the best I can do.
The obsession this board has with blacks is amazing.
>comparing chicks and lobsters to dogs and cats
The SJW brain.
>The obsession this website* has with blacks is amazing.
It added soul...until the generic woman'a audio clip goes into infinite repeat.
>Obviously it's presented as some celebration but it obviously isn't because blacks aren't mentally and spiritually capable of having conviction to their faith.
They had Faith in God ever since they came to America Negro Spirituals were sung in the fields and now in the churches, you can hear passion in those singers voices when they praise God. Saying it's fake because you hate black people is fucking autistic as shit because that's the exaxt same shit sjws do to white people who have suffered greatly. You faggots and sjws ahould just fuck off already. Here's my final (You)
>lol thread with videos
>but niggers
it's like they can't help themselves
Whatever you say, resetera. Meanwhile if a video game doesn't feature an ape as the main character you start a petition to shut down the developer
Have sex
dancer combined with necromancer,carry the casket on your back, you control a puppet skeleton that dance and debuff enemies. higher level you can revive zombies of your fallen enemies and dance like a group a long your skelington
why are you on this site? And she's actually disgustingly cunning. That scene made me want to punch the screen at how she good she is at manipulating people.
>The obsession this board has with blacks is amazing
It goes far beyond that. Mexicans, for example, hate black people. Same can be said to arabs, jews, chinks, gooks. They all hate niggers. Only virtue signaling retards protect them.
And if it does this board has a meltdown calling it white genocide and Jewish tricks
Do they feel like talking about them 24/7 like Yea Forums does?
unironically wish white people would dance at every single occasion no matter the circumstance
>And if it does this board has a meltdown calling it white genocide and Jewish tricks
It probably would be true in that case.
Science truly has gone too far.
Arabs and Mexicans also hate whites. There's a reason we're trying to keep them out right now user
>unironically wish white people would dance at every single occasion no matter the circumstance
It's amusing at first, but annoying as hell after awhile.
Yea Pokemon Sun and Moon having a dark skin option really did kill alot of white men and women
No, because they aren't affected by the behaviour of those vile creatures. Plus, (((media))) don't shove them at their face the entire time.
Arabs are white, moron. You mean anglos?
>Yea Pokemon Sun and Moon having a dark skin option really did kill alot of white men and women
Yes actually, it proves that demographic replacement is real and sponsored by the UN.
good fucking lord bros
This is Mike "Presidential" Ross, and Justin "I did nothing" Wong. This picture was taken three days ago. He really cleaned up his life, and is in no way bitter and resentful of Capcom, especially now that they are winning so hard with Monster Hunter World a DMC5. Yes, he is not mad at all over them abandoning fighting games.
>Arabs are white, moron.
Nah, get the fuck out of here Habeeb.
>Mexicans hate whites
Hahahaha. Just like Cubans hate the Capitalism, right?
You know, there are fine arab countries like Qatar, Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman.
>Plus, (((media))) don't shove them at their face the entire time.
But they do, Black Panther and Spiderverse were shown in all those countries. If you want to get technical Hispanics are shoved in our faces more but you think they're based
>Hahahaha. Just like Cubans hate the Capitalism, right?
Yes? What do you think the wall is for user?
>/pol/tards still don't realize how easy it is too work em into a seething shoot
What's he up to now? did he give up goober gear?
>You know, there are fine arab countries
Every one you listed has terrible crime
t. ignoramus
criticizing others for criticizing makes you no different than SJWs.
>hurr durr whites are boring
>continue to play vidya and surf internet which was invented and predominately innovated by whites
niggers are sensitiveretarded
>Black Panther and Spiderverse were shown in all those countries
That's probably bullshit. Hollywood shit is most likely forbidden in muslim countries.
>What do you think the wall is for user?
What wall, exactly? Why do you think Cubans swim through a big part of the caribbean sea just to get to the US?
>leftard showing how easy they are to get extremely butthurt in proximity of a chad /pol/lack
How about "Whites are boring now" is that better?
>>continue to play vidya and surf internet which was invented and predominately innovated by *Asians
The irony when talking about niggers
>That's probably bullshit. Hollywood shit is most likely forbidden in muslim countries.
You can litterally google this
>>What wall, exactly?
Pls be shitposting
You literally look smeared in shit nigger
Based Luhweejy
>Arabs are white
Nani the fuck? You live in some African shithole?
t. dishonest faggot.
Take a look at the data:
>blacks are so retarded they literally can't fact check simple shit on the internet
Checks out.
Isn't it more ironic that you're praising arabs who are still at war with the white race since the crusades?
ellaj420 tiktok ellaj is her insta. Hopefully whoever sees the archive can see this source info too.
Looking at op and thinking
Name the last time a white person made a worthwhile video game, i'll wait
Isn't it more ironic that you're talking about Arab hating on whites when the biggest Arab there is (SAW) literally have no problem with white converts and so is literally every Arab.
Thanks. Was looking for this for next time someone says why would people make sexy robutts in a 2B thread.
I-is she pretending to have a dick?
>Risk Of Rain 2
Now go pick more cotton just like my Sims game invented by whites you jiggaboo melon eater.
Google Iranian people
>Same can be said to arabs, jews, chinks, gooks. They all hate niggers.
I can bet you that they hate 'whites' a lot more. Anyone with a brain can see niggers are laughably low on the food-chain compared to whites, who legit think that every other race is inferior to the point they've deluded themselves into thinking that the world would end without them; that a minority of this generation believes that whites are both endangered and superior is the most hilarious shit since you faggots started/continued to deflect all your failings on kikes--who seemingly are only white when it's something you can take credit for.
While niggers and nigger-culture is shit, just like brain-dead communist chinks, 'whites' or whatever you LARPing faggots are calling yourselves these days, are the biggest niggers in society, since you're not even entertaining or original in your thought process; only the self-hating latinos and Asians; who consider themselves honor whites are bigger losers.
Her body is perfect. Goddamn.
Iranian are more Levant people than Ar*b.
>Rouglike indie shit
absolute state of you
Name is Tsunamayo Sakuya.
How about pigs?
Someone butthurt.
>a nigger is a newfag and retarded
Checks out
>Its ok though cause you will never achieve anything in life anyways and will probably kill yourselves at some point
A lot of projection from less than .1% of the population who off themselves at 40%
>a buzzword buzzword is a buzzword
Why are you normalfags even on this site?
Based nigga
Be careful with the strawman, buddy.
>yoooo this shit is littttt!!!!
Fuck off, nigger.
I thought the whole issue with nu-socialism was to let the wicked have their vices and containment? Nordic prisons are some of the most lax in the world, half of your economic policy is to curb social ills with relieving economic stress. Why then is it acceptable to come to a website full of angry white racist weebs who know they're the outward dregs of society and try to fit in? I don't get it.
>Literal Necromancers
>Yea Forums has sunk so low I'm actually agreeing with a monogatarifaggot
Jesus christ
>Why then is it acceptable to come to a website full of angry white racist weebs who know they're the outward dregs of society and try to fit in?
Because long, long ago this website had more than underage zoomers pretending that only white racist weebs propagate this corner of the web. But sure let's keep pretending that this place was always a secret club.
> not knowing who Gemma is.
Moot has been battling /pol/ being stormfront since he made it and had to split it from /news/, racists have always been here, stop pretending to fit in tourist
This movie ended so abruptly
Because they aren't humans
Holy shit zoomers deserve to die in boiling sea water, glad my truck only gets 8 miles to the gallon
Post your waifu or gtfo
leave tourist
>This is what stormniggers still believe
Rent free.
>Kids having fun
>i never did cringy shit as a kid
sure buddy
That's right, only us white people can have true fate in G*d.
That must be really uncomfortable to carry that heavy ass casket on one shoulder.
Nobody cared until you trannies showed up
pretty easy for a gorilla desu
Typical wigger: Lol white boiz b borin n sheeit dey don't shake dey azzes and scream in movie theaterz dey be all quiet n shit reading books mufugga black boiz r lit as fuckkkk *fire emoji crying laughing emoji* [insert semi ironic reference to flavor of the week drug addict rapper here]
Plot twist of the year
I'm still gonna drive my truck irregardless, what are you liberals gonna do about it?
>normal humans
Mexican men absolutely hate whites. I get mad dogged constantly by faggot Hispanic Squatemalans and Mexisharts because I'm not 5 foot 4 and look like I was squeezed out of a dirty asshole
Is 458964665 ironic
>Everyone who disagrees that every single person who posts/has posted on Yea Forums from its inception is a 1000% white, thin-skinned, sister-fucking, redneck racist that get triggered by niggers to the point that they can't stop talking about them 24/7 and need a containment board is a tranny, but only leftist would dare to disagree
Based stormnigger NPCs
lmao this seething
Drive bys are mass shootings by incident not by intent.
>Seething user buttmad that white bois can't jive like the black man
If whites were gone it would without a doubt be the end of the civilized world. Whose gonna be behind the reigns? Fucking China or Russia, have fun with that.
Yea Forums was objectively whiter in 10 years ago because less third worlders had access to the internet and non whites didn't have their Obama phones connecting them to the internet
receive intercourse
That makes them worse honestly, if we can't even track ideologically driven violence why do we allow animals with innate chaotic, godless violence into our society?
I guess this will be the new buzzword for every argument on Yea Forums for the next year.
That makes it even more retarded. Do you think it makes niggers look better that they're too impulsive to aim their guns properly? Guess that's why they got colonized, because they're fucking cretins.
Yeah and marvel our efficiency while at it. Breivik 99 kills, that other guy 50, lone wolfs. Now imagine us doing that in a more organised manner and not as lone wolves.
More people should read the Turner Diaries unironically
There have been MUCH worse weeb trends, like Black-hole chan. This is the least offensive one, I don't get why fags are so triggered by it.
You mean:
>Yea Forums was objectively mutter in 10 years ago
William Luther Pierce was absolutely based and redpilled but that book is fantasy nonsense that provides little information.
how has not anyone posted this yet?
No, it would be objectively be more "mutter" now as demographics are significantly more mixed than they were 10 years ago. Keep coping
You just need to inspire and wake people up, Pierce knew that
if germany didn't exist the Japanese would be the most degenerate people
would you rather part ways with your beloved ones feeling joy, or grief?
define "Normal" Humans
I find it funny how you anti racists resort to racial impurity accusations and nordicism when you get BTFO. I guess you're more racist than we thought
>If whites were gone it would without a doubt be the end of the civilized world.
Oh. So kikes don't rule the world now?
holy shit why are you here? go back to r*ddit fucking loser
t. gook
You just know this kid was bullied by a black in school kekek
>Source: NYPD
Yeah, total reliable surce the r
Yeah, i totally trust those fascist pigs killing my brothers for data on crime
fucking thots need to hang, guy was just doing his fucking job
How much you want to bet all this off topic trolling is just some org like Center of American Progress prepping their interns to bombard /pol/ and push their king socialist jew in 2020?
are pigs usually considered a family member?
So true man man. Where would be if it wasn't for Jewish banking cartels, neo-Bolshevik heeb professors, and the Israeli funded military industrial complex? We would be living in a hellscape!
where can I see more of this
I find your effort to put me into your little /pol/ dismissal box adorable, but no and that's not even a relevant counter-point. Whites built the civilized world over a span of centuries, it will take time to fall as well, but I can assure you that without whites it is guaranteed to fall. No one else actually gives a fuck about maintaining what was built and achieved, they just want the fruits of the white man's labor.
Shut the fuck up nigger
>some weebcel LARPing
Man, you are all NEETs. Why pretend otherwise? You niggers aren't living good lives.
Sounds like you're projecting. I find it fascinating that you associate blacks with harassment and intimidation, though. Wonder why you would think that?
then leave you absolute faggot. go back. .
also it's *Niggers
They must have never dropped the box. Alternatively, consider how many of their homies they get to practice on.
>How much you want to bet all this off topic trolling is just some org like Center of American Progress prepping their interns to bombard /pol/ and push their king socialist jew in 2020?
It's literally faggots LARPing as 'red-pilled' white racists vs faggots LARPing as 'blue-pilled' nigger liberals. It's all bots at this point, just like 25% of the traffic on /pol/.
god i wish that were me
Take off the tinfoil hat, conspiratard. Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill
4 more years.
People who don't dance while carrying a coffin, user. It isn't fucking rocket science.
Obsessed, holy kek, must be a dicklet
Nobody shitposts this diligently every evening unless they're being paid or mentally ill
I miss the times we weren't always so upset about blacks.
And yet here you are, being mentally ill and contributing to the shitpostfest that is this thread
>not knowing a random thing
Because might makes right and you were most certainly a dork in school
>le projecting
If you didn't care you wouldn't make the post lmao
You fucking wish you could be that cool, whitey.
You mean when this was basically Reddit 2.0?
>being glad you have to spend more money buying gas for your shitty ass rusty truck
You're fucking retarded
I'm here to discuss vidya but trannies keep shoving their bleeding, mentally ill politics everywhere
>He can't afford a Raptor
Poor niggers aren't allowed to post here
>Might makes right
It's funny how you counter signal as a darwinist while defending niggers who are probably one of the most dependent demographics on the planet.
>Niggers appropriating European culture and disrespecting it
Colour me surprised.
Who is that and why did he get stabbed?
Why do leftists always think they were the cool kids in school? Nobody gives a shit about the debate club or history
thats awesome
Yeah and whites will literally die breaking their back for nonwhites kek. No backbone. No balls. Just online LARP. Show me where Daquan hurt you in school for you to have made that wigger post lmfao
the current president of brazil
he got shot but he survived and it only really boosted his popularity
>if you don't have an anime profile picture, you're a dumb libtard
Nice way to out yourself as a newfag.
Jair Bolsonaro. President of Brazil. At the time of the webm he was campaigning and was stabbed because people didn't agree with his messages.
Gee what an asshole
Still projecting I see. Sad
He might want to get a pope mobile soon.
Says the "man" who made that paragraph obsessed with blacks.
Might makes right though even though my race is dependent on foreign aid or public benefits in the country gracious enough to host my useless race of perpetual babies
>Whites built the civilized world over a span of centuries, it will take time to fall as well, but I can assure you that without whites it is guaranteed to fall.
Show me proof or GTFO. You can't have it both ways. Either jews are white or not. Because, by your flawed logic jews are whites, since they contributed to building civilized society, so are Asians, Arabs, Slavs and the other races 'whites' interacted with/stole from/subjugated/killed off/fled from. So answer my question: Do kikes rule the world or not?
Since whites and whites only built civilized society, then clearly you can personally trace the ancestry of every single contributing member of society, irregardless if they are actually what passes white.
The only thing /pol/ about your post is the assumption that only whites (or whatever the fuck passes for white nowadays) were capable of being civil and no other race contributed during these past centuries and never had instance of acting like niggers to other races and their fucking own.
Make a Martyr of him, see what happens. Leftists can't even stab a man or shoot him correctly it's probably time to show them what talking shit ends like
Probably desu
Says the wigger obsessed with cool dancing monkeys
I want people to so this with my coffin but to the rhythm of Caballo Dorado.
have sex
It's just a cartoon user why are you so averse to it?
Cool it with the anti-Semitism
>because people didn't agree with his messages
WRONG you fucking commie scum. The assassin was hired by the opposition politicians
Just seeing a webm of them having fun is enough to make you seethe this much? You were definitely bullied in school lmao
Yikes user, not a good look, should I have you petitioned to get kicked out of the DSA for racism?
Jews get removed from practically every nation they inhabit at some point or another. Even the Jewish state is dependent on tax payers from Western Europe and North America. Jews don't build shit, they are a transient band of roaming hobo gypsies that destroy countries with Rothschild monetary policies. They aren't whites, they're hook nosed gypsy sand rats.
kys retard
I need this bros
When you were young and your heart
Was an open book
You used to say live and let live
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
But if this ever changin' world
In which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
What did it matter to ya
When you got a job to do you got to do it well
You got to give the other fella hell
You used to say live and let live
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
(You know you did)
But if this ever changin' world
In which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die
>implying it's a raptor and not an old rusty truck with a fucked carburettor that your uncle gave you when you married his daughter
White niggers such as yourself are embarrassing desu
Why do you like you have higher priorities faggot? you don't, newcuck
Now, now lad. Just because I made a small mistake doesn't make me a commie. Don't jump to conclusions so quick.
Poorfag cope
>He doesn't mod trucks
Destitute negros keep moving, this is a white man's board
You are the type of faggots making these shitty threads
"Goddammit, not this shit again"
>Girls aren't "asking for it"
shut the fuck up white nigger
thank you user