What's the most polished video game you've ever played?
What's the most polished video game you've ever played?
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The Talos Principle or The Witness
First thing that comes to my mind is Kirby Mass Attack.
Graphics are beautiful for DS standards, it makes amazing use of the DS Touchscreen, almost all levels have unique stuff and mechanics in them and I've encountered zero glitches. It's an amazing DS game but it released after the 3ds so it didn't get the attention it deserved.
Just another word for hand holding. The game does everything for you.
quake 1. half life 1 prob close after. wc3 is up there. smooooth as butter
I beat Ace Combat 4 recently, it felt more polished than KH3 and the time gap is 18 years lmao
A game can have no bugs and be hard. Anno 1800 just came out for example.
Could you possibly have been any more wrong?
I don't even like that game but Cuphead is a strong contender.
>game is well designed, little/no bugs or glitches
based retard
Red Dead 2 hands down
Super Meat Boy
>quake 1
That game is not even close to the game it was supposed to be.
Probably MGS4, only one I can think of, it was known as a technical masterpiece. It does have bugs though, rare but not erfect.
Tetris. 12734 days after it was published and it's still fresh.
FFXIV (I started playing around the end of ARR).
>reading comprehension
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl v1.0
Starcraft 2, it still looks and plays as good if not better than rts games made 10 years after it came out.
That doesn't exist, user.
Spelunky hd. I'm sure glitches exist but I've never encountered any. I've died in many hilarious and frustrating ways but they can all be pinned on recklessness/stupidity. The mechanics are tight and simple but after reaching a certain skill threshold you really feel like a master of improvisation.
Hollow Knight was pretty nice in that regard, along with many others.
Is it weird to say this game is absolute perfection?
I can't find a single flaw except that people seems to forgot about this game.
It truly is an underrated game.
He said "most polished video game YOU'VE ever played" not "the perfect game," nerd.
Alien Isolation without a doubt.
half-life 2 or the counterstrikes or tf2. the source engine is tighter than virgin asshole
Alien:Isolation? The game with plenty of graphical and audio glitches and crappy animation is the most polished game you've ever played? Is it the only game you've ever played?
I experienced none of what you said but i PC configurations vary I suppose. Game is extremely well optimized that it ran on a toaster and is graphically impressive for the feel of the time setting of the original movie. So yes I stand by my statement that it's a well polished game.
Easily the best Splinter Cell game.
I've been so disappointed in every other release from this series.
The split screen co-op was fantastic too.
Optimization and polish are not interchangeable friend. It may be well-optimized for you but it is undeniably jank in many regards.
Divinity Original Sin 2 has been smooth sialings for me
>I experienced none of what you said but i PC configurations vary I suppose
"PC configurations" have nothing to do with the animations just not being very good. Seriously, they are right up there with Bethesda for "quality". And I know for a fact the flamethrower audio glitch and floating player weapon glitch, which both happen constantly through the game, is on all platforms. Either you are such a massive fucking retard you completely missed stuff happening right in your face or you are just lying for some silly reason.
Quite possibly the most retarded thing I've read today
gunman clive 2
i don't know, probably starcraft or some shit.
Cave Story. The original version, not one of those rubbish remasters or re-releases.
By what authority are they not interchangeable? They're most certainly synonmic terms and your experience with the game is not absolute authority at overriding my experience and value of the game. The question stated was open ended and just wants personal input for it. Game is fine
Aah, heart of darkness. I would like to offer an interesting compliment. The way the enemies treated you, the way they are animated, the abundance of ways in which you could die, all of it was animation perfection. Back then games simply did not look or feel like this. I still feel that it is a 2005 game (mechanics wise and animation wise) but simply happened to be made in the 90s.
>"PC configurations" have nothing to do with the animations just not being very good. Seriously, they are right up there with Bethesda for "quality".
Now that's an incredulous statement if any by even comparing with Bethesda, i scarcely believe that even you believe that it would be at Bethesda level animations if you actually break it down and analyse it properly.
>And I know for a fact the flamethrower audio glitch and floating player weapon glitch, which both happen constantly through the game, is on all platforms. Either you are such a massive fucking retard you completely missed stuff happening right in your face or you are just lying for some silly reason.
Or again, I never actually experienced and replicated those bugs on my end with my experience playing the game because you know like I said PC configurations do vary and because of the variation the possibility of something being different on my PC and someone elses which can cause these things are a distinctly high possibility. I'm not doubting that maybe those bugs did exist and you encountered them but I never encountered them just like the weird floating head bugs in Dragon Age Origin that some people were able to get.
Literally only 2 people in this thread even understand what a polished release means. Fucking amazing. This board is retarded as fuck I swear.
This. All memes aside that game ran fucking smooth.
You're playing with semantics. Polish colloquially refers to refinement of mechanics and production values as well as minimization of bugs and glitches. Optimization on the other hand is a appraisal of how well a game runs on certain systems at certain graphical fidelities. I understand that you feel your opinion is being attacked but your interpretation of the question still falls outside of implied boundaries and your subsequent answer is going to be universally deemed erroneous.
It's not semantics, the terms are synonmic. OP's question was abstract in the definition as to what polished meant and is thus open ended to the nature of what one can interpret as polished, perhaps it does not fit your interpretation of what you consider what polish means but OP did not elaborate further. My statement is not in error and holds merit.
>i scarcely believe that even you believe that it would be at Bethesda level animations if you actually break it down and analyse it properly
I'm genuinely wondering if you've even played this game now. The animations are pretty bad and anything that involves two characters interacting, e.g. an alien doing a kill move on an NPC, barely fucking works. Did you only play this game for five minutes or something?
lol polish has nothing to do with optimization, they're completely different things. Polish is stuff like having a menu that is smooth and intuitive to navigate
Vanilla WoW
Yes I have seriously played the game for about 40 hours. Did you play like an early unpatched version because I definitely played a much later build because I did not play it at release and didn't experience of the issues like you mentioned.
Mario world, link to the past, or chrono trigger. Definitely something from that era at least
klonoa door to phantomile
Dying Light
cant wait for the sequal
Fuck, I loved DL. Any recent news on DL2?
>lol polish has nothing to do with optimization, they're completely different things.
>Polish is stuff like having a menu that is smooth and intuitive to navigate
By your own logic that would actually be aesthetics and not polish. Also by that same definition you give and account for what is Polish then my statement is still stands because the menu system and interaction with the same menu in Alien Isolation is well polished regardless of how you argue this because it's definitely smooth and intuitive to navigate. So which is it user? Either way you argue this by your own rules i'm still correct on this.
No, it's the game. It wasn't fixed with patches. It's how it still is today. These bugs and crappy animations are universal. They appear on all console versions and all PC regardless of configuration. You are just full of shit. Would it really be so bad to just admit "Oh yeah, now that I think about it A:I does have a lot of bugs and issues. It's a bit silly to call it 'polished' after all, isn't it?" You are just objectively wrong to claim A:I is flawless. It's not up for debate.
>it's not semantics, the terms are synonmic
Not in the context of video games. The terms in this context differ in ways that are easy to differentiate. Most people versed in technical aspects of video games could easily contrast the meanings. By your argument of vagueness someone could interpret a shiny, hand-polished cartridge as the most polished game. After all, op's question was open ended and didn't specify his definition of polish. But the two of us recognize that as an erroneous interpretation, though not explicitly stated, it's evident in the context of the discussion. I think you have an interpretation of that falls outside of what is supposed to have been inferred.
Most indies good indies, they tend too have no bugs and good animations.
Cave Story, duh
However, Titanfall 2's campaign is pretty up there
I guess maybe The Witcher? Or Kingdom Come? Those were both pretty Polished.
nope, im checking daily though
I like both of those games a lot, but don't understand the comparison at all. Both are polished for their times imo.
>No, it's the game. It wasn't fixed with patches. It's how it still is today. These bugs and crappy animations are universal. They appear on all console versions and all PC regardless of configuration. You are just full of shit.
I'm sure you had the time and effort to test every single PC and every single configuration do you? Like I said I didn't experience these issues but i'm sure you're an authority on the subject of my experiences.
>Would it really be so bad to just admit "Oh yeah, now that I think about it A:I does have a lot of bugs and issues. It's a bit silly to call it 'polished' after all, isn't it?" You are just objectively wrong to claim A:I is flawless. It's not up for debate.
I never made a claim that anything about the game AI or itself was flawless, I just said that I never experienced these issues myself in my experience playing the game. It's almost like my point of different configurations actually holds merit here. You're trying to argue the fact that I must have experienced these issues when you certainly didn't play my game for me especially on my PC. I have no qualms about being wrong but you cannot argue that my experience never happened as fact because i've not once claimed that you were lying or that your experience never happened.
Dishonored 2
Shits tight
>Not in the context of video games. The terms in this context differ in ways that are easy to differentiate. Most people versed in technical aspects of video games could easily contrast the meanings.
Actually polish in the context of video games is not a technical term, it's an abstract term. A technical term would have established boundaries and criteria.
>By your argument of vagueness someone could interpret a shiny, hand-polished cartridge as the most polished game. After all, op's question was open ended and didn't specify his definition of polish.
Yes someone could say it that way too and be clever and cheeky about it. There is after all a crapload of chromatic aberration in the game too which would still make my answer valid on this ground.
>But the two of us recognize that as an erroneous interpretation, though not explicitly stated, it's evident in the context of the discussion. I think you have an interpretation of that falls outside of what is supposed to have been inferred.
Again by who's authority? It's an open and abstract definition there is not enough information for it to be as inferred as evidently as you explicitly claim.
Duper Metroid
No, aesthetics has to do with how it looks, not how it plays or feels. I don't really care about the specifics of A:I is polished or not, just clearing up your mixup with optimization and polish.
Alien Isolation is very polished, I just wish they made more than 3 hours worth of content repeated for 15 hours.
>No, aesthetics has to do with how it looks, not how it plays or feels. I don't really care about the specifics of A:I is polished or not, just clearing up your mixup with optimization and polish.
Actually Aesthetics is literally all to do with feels. Visuals are a key factor in interpreting aesthetics yes but it's actually all about how it is interpreted in your mind and the emotional reaction it illicits which govern aesthetics.
Would Mario Paint count?
Again your staking your argument upon lack of clarity and specification when the colloquial definitions generally fall within universally agreed upon definitions, when there is a common inferred definition.
It's clear in the above article that many prominent developers have a cohesive underatanding of polish. Optimization is a component, but it isn't used interchangeably. To say optimization equals polish 1:1 is erroneous. There is no need to create a static technical to define to OP's question because those familiar with game development can easily differentiate the two. To state that there is no clear differentiation therefore any interpretation is acceptable is incorrect because there are commonly accepted parameters for both terms in the context of the discussion. You can state that no singular authority dictates the strict definition but there is still a common communal interpretation that creates a de facto definition.
And that's a polish game.
Red dead 2 or race driver grid
Super Mario Odyssey, by a massive margin. Just pushing the joysticks in that game feels good as fuck.
I thought Enter the Breach played perfectly and was one of the most smooth experiences I've had in a long time. Only issue is that it feels like the concept could have been expanded. More than 3 mechs, larger maps, etc.
Did you actually read the article you posted because none of it actually helps your argument and actually further strengthens my own and there's several developer quotes that even strengthen the point of optimization being a valid criteria for definining a polished game. That same article even states that the definition of polish has quite a large amount of variance in the criteria."
"Different disciplines spend different amounts of time polishing depending on the feature," says Robomodo's Patrick Dwyer, lead designer on Tony Hawk: Ride. "For a designer, polishing means can we make the game more fun. For an artist, polishing means can it look better. For an engineer, polishing means is it optimized."
"When a period of time is scheduled for polish at the end of a game project, what exactly is being worked on during that period? Again, our developers had many answers, but all agreed that the final "polish phase" is about stability, performance and smoothing out rough edges."
None of these quotes actually disavow my argument of using optimization as a valid criteria for a polished game.
I don't know if that counts, man. It's more of a chess game. Not exactly running on the most complicated engine.
I mean, shit. Battletoads was a really well polished game if you want to go that far. I think it's a more impressive feat if it's not a 2d indie game.
kirby super star ultra was the first thing that came to mind
i really just want to give a handjob bros
Yes, I stated that optimization is a key component. But it is a component.
>"To me, what defines polish in a game is a consistency of experience," says BioWare's Mark Darrah, executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise. "If you can play a game that has really great graphics but terrible balance, and that's not a very well-polished game because there's something that's pulling you out of the experience. Polish is when everything comes together in a cohesive whole."
>Also I say 'small' as I consider polish getting a system from 90 percent to 100 percent. But really, that last 10 percent takes just as long as the first 90. Polish is no small task; it is just about small unseen things." Alpha Protocol's lead programmer Frank Kowalkowski added, "Polish is often adding things nobody will ever notice, comment on, or appreciate, but will notice, comment on and appreciate when they aren't there."
>Lastly, programmers spend a lot of time as fixers for the design and art team. This is where we have a creature that isn't rendering properly, quests that have scripts being used in unusual ways, or any number of other scenarios that aren't apparent until you try to finalize a game.
>Before we went into that last phase, it was almost like going back to an earlier time on the project. We kind of had a second alpha stage. For instance, we were able to balance the economy a little bit better, we balanced some of the fights and some of the combat better. We were able to fix some of the problems with areas that likely wouldn't have gotten fixed. Pathfinding problems or exploration problems, that sort of stuff. That was probably where the biggest win was."
>None of these quotes actually disavow my argument of using optimization as a valid criteria for a polished game.
Exactly. Criteria. They aren't interchangeable. A game can be impeccably optimized and still lacking in polish.
Let me add on further from >It's clear in the above article that many prominent developers have a cohesive underatanding of polish. Optimization is a component, but it isn't used interchangeably. To say optimization equals polish 1:1 is erroneous.
Let me clear some things up. First of all I never stated optimization and polish was 1:1 at any point. However you're backpedalling now from polish has nothing to do with optimization to "it's a component."
> There is no need to create a static technical to define to OP's question because those familiar with game development can easily differentiate the two. To state that there is no clear differentiation therefore any interpretation is acceptable is incorrect because there are commonly accepted parameters for both terms in the context of the discussion. You can state that no singular authority dictates the strict definition but there is still a common communal interpretation that creates a de facto definition.
Second of all your own source article that you linked even has multiple sources of definitions of what polish means to different developers and different people. Thus my claim of 'polish' in video game terms being abstract is correct because it's not hard defined as you claim it is because polish means widely different things depending on viewpoint.
You've honestly lost your own platform to argue with in the first place.
Except they are interchangeable user, when everyone gives a different answer to the definition and everyone agrees that it can be different that's the definition of something that can be interchangeable which I already claimed that the terms can be synonmic.
Only thing bad is the cgi cutscene before the game, it sucks
good bread
Battlefront 2015 was all about the perfect Original Trilogy aesthetic. Too bad the gameplay sucks.
>Optimization and polish are not interchangeable friend. It may be well-optimized for you but it is undeniably jank in many regards.
That was my original statement. Please point out where I inferred that they have nothing to do with each other
>Thus my claim of 'polish' in video game terms being abstract is correct because it's not hard defined as you claim it is because polish means widely different things depending on viewpoint.
I specifically stated that it has no strict definition. The developers in the article also have an open-ended view that moves beyond mere optimization. It accounts for many things and cherrypicking one highlighted element and stating that the singular element is a definition doesn't hold up when multiple elements are present and multiple sources agree upon them.
Persona 5 is super polished, so polished that it becomes boring, RDR2 as well. Games like BOTW and Sekiro are polished where it matters but janky enough to be fun.
Video games are complex, time-consuming projects often involving hundreds of people and millions of dollars, so it's not surprising that there's no simple explanation for what defines polish in a game. In many ways, it's easier to spot where polish is lacking in a game rather than where it is present, as some much of polish is about preventing the player from noticing technical issues. Perhaps Dragon Age lead designer Mike Laidlaw summed it up best by when he said polish is when "You take a game from 'this is functional' to 'this is art.'"
Oh wow, something explicit for you.
>"You take a game from 'this is functional' to 'this is art.'"
Optimization is merely
>no strict definition therefor any definition is correct, regardless of context. The definition has multiple elements therefor any singular element is all that is necessary to meet the criteria.
Your argument in a nutshell
>Optimization and polish are not interchangeable friend. It may be well-optimized for you but it is undeniably jank in many regards.
>That was my original statement. Please point out where I inferred that they have nothing to do with each other
So which is it then user? It's either Optimization is not polish and thus your own source which quotes that optimization means polish for an engineer contradicts you or that optimization is a valid criteria for arguing polish and thus my point is valid. Either way you argue this your argument collapses.
>I specifically stated that it has no strict definition.
Yes when something has no stricty definition then it's an abstract term like I said. If you agree with that and what I said then why are you splitting hairs?
>The developers in the article also have an open-ended view that moves beyond mere optimization. It accounts for many things and cherrypicking one highlighted element and stating that the singular element is a definition doesn't hold up when multiple elements are present and multiple sources agree upon them.
Yes but none of it disavows any of my original point of using optimization as a consideration for naming any game I choose as OP's question of playing a polished game. My original presentation is still valid and holds.
*optimization is merely a component, it is not a pure measure of polish.
Dragon Quest XI is god damned beautiful too look at. if there was any problem itd be the weird jumping animation and no default symphonic ost
>Video games are complex, time-consuming projects often involving hundreds of people and millions of dollars, so it's not surprising that there's no simple explanation for what defines polish in a game. In many ways, it's easier to spot where polish is lacking in a game rather than where it is present, as some much of polish is about preventing the player from noticing technical issues. Perhaps Dragon Age lead designer Mike Laidlaw summed it up best by when he said polish is when "You take a game from 'this is functional' to 'this is art.'"
Again none of it disavows my original point and actually only further strengthens my arguments. You're trying to argue for what is polish when that quote literally says "there's no simple explanation for what defines polish in a game" and yet you keep insisting that you can define what polish is and isn't. So either it is definable nor definable and abstract, either way your logic fails here.
>no strict definition therefor any definition is correct, regardless of context. The definition has multiple elements therefor any singular element is all that is necessary to meet the criteria.
>Your argument in a nutshell
No actually that's not literally what I said at all and you've changed the very subject of my statement and then telling me what i'm saying with the changed statement to fit your argument which is extremely poor form.
>It's either Optimization is not polish and thus your own source which quotes that optimization means polish for an engineer contradicts you or that optimization is a valid criteria for arguing polish and thus my point is valid. Either way you argue this your argument collapses.
Optimization is polish from an engineers standpoint. In the context of game deaign however it is merely a component, because games are defined by more than an engineer's contribution to a game. If the topic was on computer science or programming you would be correct, but again the context of the discussion goes over your head.
>Yes but none of it disavows any of my original point of using optimization as a consideration for naming any game I choose as OP's question of playing a polished game. My original presentation is still valid and holds.
The question clearly states "most polished". Merely being optimized enough to be considered polished isn't criteria for an answer when other factors are absent
It is quite easily interpreted through recognition of a multitude of factors. To define it would be to define numerous other aspects and compile them. You knowingly choose one aspect from an agreed upon multitude and state it to be a sole defining factor.
>No actually that's not literally what I said at all and you've changed the very subject of my statement and then telling me what i'm saying with the changed statement to fit your argument which is extremely poor form.
Yet you've been changing the subject of very simple statements that I've made and arguing your perceived points to me.
Probably the Witcher 3
>Optimization is polish from an engineers standpoint. In the context of game deaign however it is merely a component, because games are defined by more than an engineer's contribution to a game. If the topic was on computer science or programming you would be correct, but again the context of the discussion goes over your head.
Yes it is from an engineers standpoint but it's a valid point and still doesn't disavow my original statements. We're not arguing the question of "what is the most well designed game" here but the question of "what is the most polished video game" here. You've gone completely into a different field and subject and have been arguing things that have no bearing on the original points. Also OP's topic once again does not have any specific limiting areas of "polish". It is not "most polished engine/level design/art" the question is open ended and abstract and doesn't make me incorrect in any way.
>The question clearly states "most polished". Merely being optimized enough to be considered polished isn't criteria for an answer when other factors are absent
And again it doesn't disavow my answer. You yourself just stated that I would be correct from a programming standpoint and for all you know that could be the criteria I chose to give my answer and it would still be a valid presentation on my part. You're making the egregious error of trying to define OP's question into a hard lock criteria definition when it's phrased to be open and abstract and not taking the statement at that level.
>It is quite easily interpreted through recognition of a multitude of factors. To define it would be to define numerous other aspects and compile them. You knowingly choose one aspect from an agreed upon multitude and state it to be a sole defining factor.
Yes but you do admit that is an agreed upon aspect and is thus valid. Furthermore I did not state it as the sole defining factor but as one of the defining factors as being an aesthetic presentation of the game. To quote myself "graphically impressive for the feel of the time setting of the original movie."
>Yet you've been changing the subject of very simple statements that I've made and arguing your perceived points to me.
I haven't been changing any of the subjects of your statements because you've been flip flopping from different points to different points and it's a far cry from what you did of literally misquoting me and attempting to present it as my own and then attempting to make me debate and defend a statement I never even said word for word.
Meant for but you're the same person anyway.
The combat and controls are pretty unpolished IMO. Everything else is smooth and shiny af.
Yet this is a board of discussion of vidya games. For you to state "x is optimized, it is most polished by my definitions" to be met with the response "i disagree, x is not well polished because of poor animations/bugs" only to respond with " the criteria of polish is not defined, so any definition is valid, meaning my definition is immutable correct regardless of argument" will lead down the semantic rabbithole we have entered. You could've responded with "I disagree, x's is so well-optimized that I can disregard etc." but you respond with "optimization is my only criteria, I will now only argue from the point of optimization because it wasn't specified that I couldn't". The argument is has strayed outside of common inference into semantics. For someone to say that your answer is absurd for reasons outside of optimization and you to disregard it due to unwillingness to recognize seperate criteria demonstrates an unwillingness to actually have a discussion. We can argue implied definition all night but it will lead to a standstill.
I only just played it last year on PC with an xbox controller. Don't remember any clunky movement or combat. Maybe because it was the up to date version with all the DLC. Never tried it on launch.
I was explicit from that outset that optimization and polish are not interchangeable and I've stood by that statement. You stated that my argument was that they are independent from one another completely and rode with it.
overwatch when it came out actually really impressed me with the accuracy of its hitboxes and number of weird shit they managed to implement successfully within one game
>Yet this is a board of discussion of vidya games. For you to state "x is optimized, it is most polished by my definitions" to be met with the response "i disagree, x is not well polished because of poor animations/bugs" only to respond with " the criteria of polish is not defined, so any definition is valid, meaning my definition is immutable correct regardless of argument" will lead down the semantic rabbithole we have entered.
I never once disagreed about the possibility of animations or bugs, i'm stating in MY EXPERIENCE I never encountered them and even gave valid explanations as to why. You yourself could have even accepted my personal experience with "really? I faced X and Y issues a staggering amount etc." But your response was "No you didn't and this is why and you can't use that game because of Z reason"
>You could've responded with "I disagree, x's is so well-optimized that I can disregard etc." but you respond with "optimization is my only criteria, I will now only argue from the point of optimization because it wasn't specified that I couldn't".
Actually optimization was not my only criteria listed in my original statement. You attacked my reason of using optimization so that's the only point I argued to defend, if there were other points to defend I would have done so but there weren't any.
>The argument is has strayed outside of common inference into semantics. For someone to say that your answer is absurd for reasons outside of optimization and you to disregard it due to unwillingness to recognize seperate criteria demonstrates an unwillingness to actually have a discussion. We can argue implied definition all night but it will lead to a standstill.
A semantic that YOU YOURSELF brought up, if you didn't want to argue the point then you should have kept your mouth shut. You say my answer is absurd but have not actually proven it to be so when even your own source articles contradict your arguments.
>I was explicit from that outset that optimization and polish are not interchangeable and I've stood by that statement. You stated that my argument was that they are independent from one another completely and rode with it.
You say it's not interchangeable but your own source given logically clearly states otherwise and then used your source as an argument to do so. So do you either stick with your source and logically be in error or admit your source is incorrect and still be in error? You even agreed here and to quote "that optimization is an appraisal of how well a game runs on certain systems and fidelities" of which Alien Isolation actually succeeds in this area and thus proves my original point of it being a well optimized game. But then your earlier statement states that polish is nothing to do with that but rather just "refinement of mechanics and production values and minimization of game bugs" but then later you state that optimization is a key component of polish. So either way you go from your own arguments you've trapped yourself with your own logic.
So you see you keep changing your argument all the time and backpedalling from your points and then you have the gall to be peeved at me because of it.
Resident Evil 4, it's pretty good overall.
Mario kart 8
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
One of the most love and soul filled games crafted with immense care. Beautiful, challenging, rewarding, and fun on top of all that.
Metroid Prime 4 will be the one
That cutscene was amazing by the standards of it's time.
>wojakposting in 2019
Any MT Framework game of Capcom.
DMC4 runs at 8k 300fps on any toaster.
Best engine.
But DaS 2&3 are extremely well polished
do you have are stupid
"Polished" just means the game looks very good, has nice graphics and runs seamlessly well without glitches or bugs. It's another meaningless meme word, like "cinematic" which is basically the same but Yea Forumsintendogaf fan base invented it to bash any game that's well polished but a Sony exclusive, out of pure spite
Legit? Sony exclusives. Yes, the movies. I will keep giving sony shit for their direction but they at least give their studios time to polish shitty C rank movies.
the witcher 3, when it rains there's this shine to everything including the character like it's oil instead of water falling from the sky
Which game are you talking about? Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Spider-Man, are all gameplay focused
It runs at 15 frames per second what the fuck
I unironically played the shit out of this and it's my favorite game of all time. I should probably install those patches some time huh.
Probably Soul Calibur on Dreamcast.
Spyro 1
>Literally burned some GPU's during one patch
>most polished
Wizball on the C64
Can confirm that Frozen Dongs is one of the best 2D platformers out there and I'm still mad that it got shat on by reviewers.
>Not Spyro 2
It has the perfect balance between platforming and gimmicks. Crash 2, Ratchet 2 and Sly 2 are the same.
arkham asylum
Spyro 2's minigames were shit though, at least in 3 you could skateboard and fly around shooting missiles.
Black Flag and Rogue I guess
Stop this meme, i finished it and it's just as good as Pandora Tomorrow, mechanics wise (while the latter has cooler levels).
how dare you
probably dmc5 just off the top of my head. it's like the actual fun older cousin to kingdom hearts 3.
patrician taste
Probably Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition (remix)
I have fond memories I playing Midnight Club 3 at my friends one evening. We both ate shrooms and fuck me...it was impossible to play. All the buildings became two long walls on either side of your car as you race and you couldn't make out any corners at all.....next thing we knew, we were doing the same shit of driving into a straight line and smashing at the end for over 2hrs D:
Maybe I don't have the best opinion since I only played the fan translation and not the original, but I felt that The Great Ace Attorney was pretty polished for the most part.
I know that in terms of story it really feels like just the first half of something else, but the graphics, the characters and the "new" gameplay gimmicks gave the game something different that made me think that they really took advantage of the tools they had, instead of making another "Ace Attorney but 3D graphics" like the latest mainline games were.
the Witcher 3