What games have great ranking systems?
What games have great ranking systems?
this is bait right?
None and even if they did it'd be way fucking better than that piece of shit chart.
That nigga ain't never ate at Arby's in his life.
>tfw not American
>tfw a leaf
>only have access to subways, McDonald’s, and Popeyes
but Starbucks does start with an S
duh and it's very poorly done because it's a caricature.
Based shitchart poster
I like taco bell
me too
> jack in the box
> s tier
This has to be somebody's real opinion, because even a shitposter wouldn't use bait that bad.
>Starbucks S
>Chick-Fil-A F
this has to be bait
what do you mean by ranking systems?
tier lists are community made
I was going to say why are local regional places the best but the one I really like that isn't mainstream fast food is anything but regional.
>Starbucks that high
>Five Guys that fucking low
>Chick Fil A at the goddamn bottom
could be a great bait master
why Jack in the crack?
>F for Chick Fil A
Take a look at this faggot
I agree with subways placement just because tasty sangwuich
>west coast
yea they dont have taste buds disregard this image
What is this
only thing that is right is del taco and taco bell.eveything else is trash
>Whataburger that low
why is taco bell in F?
why is Starbucks in S?
why is DelTaco above Taco Bell? the only good thing about it is the price I love DelTaco but Taco Bell is clearly better
why is there a combination of KFC and Taco Bell in B?
why is there a combination of Pizza Hut and Taco Bell in D?
why is chick-fil-a in F?
what the fuck is this list?
to answer you question, DMC, Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta unless you mean something else since you posted a tier list
good thing in n out is low
Yasssssssss Queen, Slaaaaay
never been to Starbucks but what's bad about it
>chic-fil-a in F
faggot/tranny spotted
DESU Whataburgers near me are super shit and have no quality control
That's a shame man. What do they do
christfag spotted
>not SSS+++
jesus chirst
its mediocre, but extremely overpriced, and the people who consume it give of a smug sense about it. The fact thats its considered the best and not F/E (maybe D) is pure bullshit
this is better
fuck burger king lol shit's inedible
>and the people who consume it give of a smug sense about it.
Smuggies don't drink Starbucks anymore. Literally the only people who do are teenage girls who don't know any better or boomers
>5 guys
For their prices I can go to a real restaurant and get a chef crafted artisan burger.
>Starcucks over Tim Hortons
>taco bell
>on the level of del taco
>dunkin donuts anywhere but Insult to Humanity tier
shit lists
the only thing they got going for them is timbits and spiced apple cider
b u m p
This is the shit right here.
>KFC and McDonald's that low
>americans eat so much fast food they can accurately rank 32 different fast food joints
o i am laffin
>Taco Cabana in S
Absolutely based
>Taco Cabana in F
You're a fucking faggot