Should I move to Sony next generation?
I have been an Xbox gamer since the original Xbox
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Why not PC? Sony has no benefits over PC gaming.
Do whatever you want
Wait until the full specs for both PS5 and Nextbox come out, chances are you'll probably stick to Xbox since Sony is literally shit.
if you're into censorship then move to Sony. The Xbox had a bad run this gen but that doesn't mean it will continue into next gen. Right now Sony is fucking up badly. That's why there was no PS Experience last year or E3 this year.
PC gaming only has old games. It lacks attractive new games.
>Company loyalty
>Console loyalty
I sincerely hope none of you people do this.
>Big game for 2019 is apparenlty Baba is You
If you dont have a midrange PC get one but the days of building $4000 Crysis boxes are over
How much adderall do you take to show up in every thread at all times of day
Yes, even the most die hard xbox fans are switching.
>2017 GOTY was Doki Doki Clicking Simulator
>No decent exclusives since then
OP, be aware of shills like these who drop buzzwords and lies to get you to spend your money on something bad.
>warn OP to wait because sony is likely bullshitting specs/performance claims
>warn OP about sony's shitty 1980's style censorship
>d-d-d-don't listen to the shills!!!!111
don't you have some anal vore to obsess over?
If you want your games censored sure go for it.
If you have a PC that is good enough to play Microsoft exclusives, sure. The Xbox has nothing left as they are doing Play Anywhere and I wouldn't be surprised to see Cross-Play more even for Halo.
Name those so called censored games off for OP to see how much he should care
If Halo Infinite's shit I'm moving to Sony, cause Halo is the only reason I became an Xbox gamer.
Since Sony is in lead they are going to succumb to greed incompetence and fuck up Xbox will return stronger from being in a weaker position and having to compete. Then they will switch places for the same reasons. This is not the first time it will happen. It will not be the last time it will happen
Enjoy censorship, a weaker console, and no games worth getting, along with a shitty controller.
Seethe, lies, no proof.
I can see Halo Infinite being great, it's already better than Halo 4 and 5 and they didn't even show anything.
Microsoft and Nintendo aren't switching again, once Microsoft takes next gen they will stick in the same direction they have been pushing, Microsoft is done with generations with the Scarlett and the Switch is Nintendo's future what this means is Sony can't recover this time if they fuck up again, there will never be a repeat of 2013 again due to Microsoft and Nintendo changing directions.
Name off those games OP is sure to care about.
Lmao, nice wishful thinking. MS still can't cater to gamers and Nintendo is still selling cheap hardware at high prices while having no games.
I would definitely worry about the way the campaign is designed. I have a feeling its going to be an open world, with the main missions being instanced into linear corridors like most past games.
Doesn't matter, honestly, every game on PS4 that matters is on Xbox anyways. Silent Hills got shitcanned and Death Stranding is never coming out seemingly.
Die Hard xbox fan, The PS4 has nothing that 3rd party games haven't done, while also not having a single MP exclusive to warrant ever playing online.
Ha, it's true that showing nothing is better than the shit 4 and 5 was.
If ps now were as good as game pass probably, since I rarely buy games anymore.
Keep the Xboner name out your mouth traitor
Every die hard xbox gamer with a brain is switching.
Because you don't need a high end PC to play games you simp. Literally buy some random shit from Best Buy and it will work. People buy consoles for great games like Smash and shit that PC lacks.
It still took them one whole MONTH to fix this shit, you stupid nigger. Something that Xbox and PC didn't have. Also, Oneangrygamer is a shill blog.
If youre that invested with xbox, then no theres no reason to switch. You will be throwing away almost 2 decades of purchases, history, achievements etc. Just stick with xbox and you can keep your account and game compatibility
Crapgamer is a noted retard, so he'd fit with the Playstation fanbase.
Its smarter to switch now than to keep getting screwed over for another whole gen
Why? So you can get screwed when Sony fucks the PS5 up like the PS3?
Why are you posting more videos of fags taking gaming seriously? I am a die hard Xbox fan, and I still own a PS4 and Switch. What kind of retard would drop, lets say over 10 years, of gaming they accumulated on Xbox and 360 just because a company made a misstep? If that were the case with everything. Nintendo would have died long ago, and the PS3 would have killed Sony.
astroturf. And you know who's responsible for that don't you?
>posts article talking about how sony tried to censor a game then meekly back peddled when fans called them out for their shit
What do you mean screwed over? Playstation has nothing. I understand where op is coming from. I had an xbox and a ps2 as a kid and never used the ps2. Were in similar positions so we can understand each other more than some fuming snoygger who has to cry in every xbox thread that exists
>Should I move to Sony next generation?
maybe, but regardless you should move away from xbox. If anything go to PC, it offers everything xbox did but better
Keep telling yourself that, Sonyfag.
Take the redpill and wait 7 years after the release of next gen to buy a new console.
Trust me.
Depends. Do you like Asian pussy and willing to support it?
I had an Xbox and PS2 but I only used PS2 for the exclusives. 480p output and a controller that was a joy to use made the Xbox my favorite. Dualshock is so shit. I cant believe they kept it for 3 generations.
Keep seething, Microsoft and Nintendo already have a future plan, they realize if they kept in the direction they were going, Wii U and Xbox One, Nintendo would end up out of gaming and Microsoft would have sold off the Xbox brand, now Nintendo and Microsoft have made it where they can keep going forever meanwhile Sony is fucking up and when they try to pull a PS3 ending and recover this time, it won't work, Microsoft will continue the direction started with the Switch and Xbox Scarlett.
Why? Xbox1 was better this gen
They already hinted that the campaign is going to be like Halo CE and Halo 3 in terms of how big levels are, meaning they plan to make levels bigger, it isn't open world, don't know where that meme came from.
Holy fuck your fear smells
Xbox is a dying brand.
>Master Chief campaign
>4-player split screen
>lan at launch
>all features and modes at launch
>massive campaign levels with Marines
>possible return of the Flood
>art more in line with Halo CE-3
>not going for the fear storyline of Halo 4 and 5 but the hope storyline of Halo CE-3
It's already better than both Halo 4 and 5.
Crapgamer is a console warring faggot that belongs with the PlayStation fanbase.
Hasn't Xbox1s sales grown every year since 2013?
How can I possibly hope to fit in here if I act on my volition?
Still only 40% of PS4
Unless you're an investor, why would you care about PS4's sales?
Doesn't that mean more children and spics own the PS4?
No, it means more people went with that to play sports games, COD, and Battlefield this gen because it was marketed better. Also a few million jap consoles moved. Thats all it is. Whoever gets off with the better foot and image. Sure theres some NPCs who pretend Horizon, Spiderman, and Persona 5 are good, but thats not the majority of console owners
Why jump to Sony right after their only games already launched. Unless you really need to watch the Last of Us: The Movie 2 whenever it releases there isn't really anything on the horizon for them other than censorship and probably another shitty controller design.
It means ps brand has more sway in getting exclusives.
When will they get good ones then?
May as well do it now. Shitbox is dead anyway.
>J-Just wait!!!
Seething Xcuck.
The companies that are doing console exclusives for are either Japs or indie devs. Pretty much every AAA 3rd party game is multiplat.
Been dying since 2010 and still isn't dead
It died six years ago.
Are PC players this delusional? Literally the only major PC games are multiplayer titles that are half a decade old or older. Not to mention constant mishaps by devs who rightfully don't give a shit about PC.
Wait and see, OP. I really hate what the Xbox One has become. This gen was lost but the next one genuinely feels like they're going all out.
I know, it's been dying since 2001 like Nintendo since 1889.
>I really hate what the Xbox One has become.
a threat?
>This is what Xfags actually believe
reminder that a person must be
>really young
>really elderly
>mentally challenged
>or low-IQ
to not be able to work a PC. even middle schoolers are building one these days.
oh, it also has the most games and the games aren't tied to a console and/or generation
I'm the creator of this thread, and I've made up my mind.
I'm switching to sony next generation
how is that possible when the final number released by Microsoft was 10 million in 2014 and it's around 40 million in 2019
>Are PC players this delusional?
Yes, about as delusional as a Sonyfag, they see Xbox Scarlett as a threat for some reason because they know it will make PC completely irrelevant, they're trying to force people to waste their lives on a PC with no benefits. Sonyfags knows Sony will fuck up and this will most likely be Sony's final fuck up before they drop out of console gaming completely and PCfags knows that the Scarlett will make PC irrelevant to consumers, they're both scared.