>watching my sister play sekiro
>in boss fights she runs around and slowly does chip damage
>managed to get to hirata estates
>gets reked by shinobi hunter
>tell her to use the mikuru counter
>she buys it and never uses it
>took her a solid three hours to kill shinobi hunter with her strats
Is it even fucking possible to beat the game like this? Surely the armoured knight will be a hard casual filter
Watching my sister play sekiro
Do you fuck your sister?
>woman spending 3 hours on something requiring effort
Based. You should take her out for ice cream.
>she does it her own way
>eventually succeed
This should be supported, not ridiculed. The first step to mastery is having resilience.
When I was young, I once finished Jedi Academy on keyboard only
Unless OP's sister is literally 12, no it shouldn't.
Fucking white people.
to give her an extra challenge, you should rub her pussy while she's playing
Fuck you. Even if she didn't git gud, she played until she beat the boss without asking for an easy mode. She's at least better than 90% of game journos.
>This should be supported, not ridiculed
No it shouldn't
It's impossible to beat the game like that
>kid trying something their own way is a white people thing
Nigga i beat the game like that and im a 27 year old man.
What's the deal with this flashback level with the Lady Butterfly boss? Am I supposed to beat her early on or this something you're supposed to do over the course of the game? Doesn't feel like "main story" stuff.
>[Buddhist chanting intensifies]
you don't have to fight her but if you do you get an extra revive meter
is she the end of that level?
No she’s at the beginning
If she can beat it with dodging than she has beat most darksouls fans who give up and play sekiro the way the devs intended
Its mikiri you fucking retard.
Now let her try that on the monk
Yeah thats what I thought.
That will work pretty well on the Guardian Ape and Owl.
Whoa whoa whoa. Now you're right, but that isn't saying much
You can beat her early game if you want, I beat her before I beat Oniwa
Brown people usually just ask for someone else to do it for them, and then if we don’t it’s racist.