Did you make that?
>there's no report feature
Why'd you make this OP?
Nah it’s one of the default creations.
but you yourself are a smashfag.
>snake eater
>snake eater
Oh you
Based Nintendo never learning their lesson
>Music Snake Eater
there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing wrong with being trans
>a genderfag made something that represents her community
You dont see furries upload shit on instagram and go "THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF INSTAFAGS" do you?
>>snake eater
>Music Snake Eater
this is gonna be Miiverse 2
>Snake eater
Why make such an obvious lie?
>snake eater
Isn't putting it as Snake Eater offensive to FtMs
>Using a Nintendo game aimed primarily at children to promote trans shit is ok
>Being mentally ill and being encouraged for it is also ok because it's politically correct
>snake eater
the amount of times i've seen "trans rights" it feels like borderline propaganda.
Why did trannies cling to the fucking video game community? Did they somehow feel welcome because everybody else had mental illnesses too?
literally is, they brought back the yeah system and everything
Why do we pretend this is an American problem?
It’s called a joke you fucker.
you don't see japan pulling this shit do you
I am making a nigger
I don't get it. Is it because they suck cock? Is that the joke?
they feel welcome because nobody can be disgusted by their appearance
What do people mean when they say “trans rights”? What rights are afforded to normal people that aren’t given to them?
They figured they could relate to us depressed or anxious folk
How wrong they were
>ms paint bastardisation that looks less ugly than the original
Same reason they cling to anime and use it as their avatars.
You could probably answer your own question in that case queer boy.
repeat something enough and it'll become true
Trannies rip off their cock
>meme arrow snake eater
is the joke that Hayter said trans rights are human rights in his snake voice
They should filter "based" to "Yeah!"
>making a Sony stage
What's the issue?
aren't those supposed to be funny
State-enforced proper pronoun usage isn't a right
Do I look amused?
Trans deserve equal rights and lefts
I'm a lot more liberal than most of/v/. I'd unironically be fine with them as long as they don't act like absolute fucking faggots. Honestly, why do they feel the need to go out and proclaim their shit like that furry nigger Sonicfox.
>snake eater
don't you dare associate MGS with those abominations
>snake eater.
People laugh at trans, everyone does. To the point that when trannies report harassment, the police laugh it off. Or at least they can and have in some states/municipalities etc. That's the understanding from their side.
There should be based off the video, you have to select it from the user name.
This is the better version of the pic
Needs to have the discolored skin and asymmetrical zit
>tfw trannies updated the game before you
Jesus Christ, get the sticks outta yer asses.
Funny, religions have been trying that for thousands of years and it hasn't worked yet.
But they already filter that one Bean to "based", would they redo it, or make it the only way to actually say " based"?
Damn right. Remember to take care of yourself today and do nice things for yourself and others.
>snake eater
>Someone can make a Little Tom stage
What would happen if I unzipped that?
very nice.
Snake Eater was a multi-platform Konami game, actually.
>snake eater
Because they should be laughed at. They are pathetic failures in every way and the sooner they add to the 43% the better
There's literally nothing wrong with having anime profile pics. Little anime girls are cute, and it's perfectly normal to want to be one over the 27 year old virgin man that I am. You don't fucking see me walking around in a dress and wig and nd calling myself a woman like Macho Man Tranny Savage, do you?
>gets triggered by a trans flag enough to dedicate a thread to seething
the absolute sate of Yea Forumsincels
Her guts will spill out, as that suit is the only thing protecting her internals from the outside world.
i already laugh at plenty of shit, including jokes about trannies and such. it's just that this one wasn't funny. no harm done, just get back out there and try again. maybe think a little harder next time to make something that isn't so obviously false that it loses any sense of humor.
I don't think there is either, but you motherfuckers shoving your stupid flag into everything possible is annoying and makes me want to hate trans people and their rights.
Take hormones
No matter what you do you will never have different chromosomes than you were born with. Unless you're one of those super rare XXY mutants, then you're cool.
I think it already does.
>Doesn't know the difference between gender and sex
Embarrassing, but not unexpected
cringe gamer cope
>tips fedora
They hack off their dicks
After fake vagina rots
Suicide follows
a haiku
It would be extremely painful
The only thing worse than a tranny is a tranny in denial. Men don't want to be women, period.
I don't get the pic
>Macho Man Tranny Savage
>snake eater
come on user nobody's gonna fall for that
>paz spirit
actually wait no this could be plausible
So there’s nothing wrong with having suicide rates higher than both gay/bi and straight people? Nothing wrong with willingly letting your genitals get mutilated beyond recognition, which the body literally thinks is a wound that it tries to heal, which has to be reversed by dilation, which consists of shoving bigger and bigger items in your neo-“vagina” so that it doesn’t permanently close? Being trans and supporting it is supporting suicide and self mutilation.
Okay but the thing is everything about it is wrong and flies in the face of sense and reality
Thin stink would completely destroy your sense of smell
you forgot the seethe
Gender = sex. It always has, and always will. Trying to change the meaning of a word is fucking retarded.
>Still can't update the game
Very cool Nintendo, thank you!
on the bright side they are almost a 50/50 suicide risk
It would be extremely stinky
>tranny agenda
Tranny fags have a 43% rate of killing themselves.
suicide rates
If you think obvious falsity is the mark of a bad joke, you don’t understand or have a terrible sense of humor. It’s called fucking irony, absurdity, tongue-in-cheek you braindead piece of shit. Die.
You're a big brap
That’s not good. It’s a determinate to every single person considering it, and going through it. It should be illegal to undergo or give these surgeries, but no, diversity first!
>tips fedora
What the actual fuck does this mean when people say this?
Are we supposed to believe that trannies won't starting bawling if you say to them, "your sex is male" when they're MtF? Well?
Many individuals in the modern wave of transgenderism are male sufferers of autogynophilia, men who feel as though they have "failed" as men and would be better off as women. Alternatively, they may have other vague anxieties or disorders they believe they would not have if they were women. This likely comes from idealizing women due to a lack of contact with them. Because the enjoyment of video games is a hobby that is disproportionately populated by antisocial males (compared to, say, sports fandoms), it is much more likely to produce these kinds of people. This goes double for the speedrunning community, where the added layer of pressure added by mass observation can cause people to be even more acutely self-conscious of their real or imagined flaws, and therefore more likely to seek out a "solution" for them.
>Sex: either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.
>Gender: either of the two sexes (male and female), especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones. The term is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
Please stop being proud of being ignorant. Don't let your misguided hatred for people you don't know get in the way of learning about the world.
Fun fact. The books the Nazi’s burned were books written by Jews about transgender sudo science and fucking kids
imagine being triggered by the existence of transexuals
It’s our rock and roll. Freaks always Coopt the rebellious youth movements.
Does someone have the webm of some based Splatoon player who covered up this trans rights or whatever image with ink?
it blows my mind how doctors are basically enabling suicide with this shit.
>imagine being triggered by obvious bait
only in english you stupid tranny nigger
idea spearheaded by a faggot pedo psychologist
>Take Hormones
>I think it already does
>game aimed primarily at children
>complain about a random flag that a user created
While that a bunch of people is creating a map with a dick form
Literally a fake definition rolled out by a psychotic Jew who chopped off a little boy's dick, forced him to do sexual activities with his brother, and then called the operation a success, even though said little boy ended up killing himself in the end. John Money is an absolute fucking legend. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao could only WISH to be as evil as he was.
You answered absolutely nothing what I asked. You're acting as if trannies are just justified in their lifestyle because GENDER is completely social, but if you refer to their SEX as male (when MtF) they'll treat it all the same.
Woman describes an adult human female. You can change the definition, but that doesn’t make you right. You’re still a man in a dress.
There aren’t more than 2 genders, regardless. Sex and Gender are more or less the same thing, even going by your source less definitions. All of these new “genders” are actually fucking sexualities, feeling attracted to yourself isn’t a fucking gender. Quit being a special snowflake.
Sounds like he was what 4channers aspired to be.
oh fuck off
having impossible, vapid dreams is something that keeps us sane, tranny faggots had to try and make them a reality now that they can sit and brainwash each other online instead of stew alone in their desire to live out their foolish fantasies
now anyone who dares think "i wish i was a lion" into a freak show to capitalize off of
Screencaped this for later use. Well argued and well said
>Music: Snake eater
Is this that nerd who cried over star wars
>only in english
What language are we speaking again?
>stupid tranny nigger
Kek, you don't need to be transsexual to know proper english
The only people that could dethrone John Money are probably Josef Mengele and the Japs in Unit 731.
Because it's the only place they have any real power. No other industry is suffering at their hands nearly as hard. It's an easy win for trannies and their constant virtue signaling. Doesn't help the video game community is filled with unironic fat lonely incels and white knights who will fawn over any woman that gives them attention, including the disgusting tranny variety.
>range of identities
Oh it went up a present? Nice
This is your mind on paranoia
Have sex.
it's a constant. on the plus side, none of the tranny porn stars my wife and i like to watch while we fuck have offed themselves.
Sorry you’re confused. It’s funny because it’s not true, and obviously so. So it’s kind of like saying something that absurd to someone snicker or blow air out of their nostrils. Like if someone if late for work and your coworker asks why, you say “They died”. It’s funny because it’s just stupid. If you don’t think this type of humor is funny, you are a bad person.
You are mentally ill
man if only we have gun freedom in my country
I would have shoot up a fag parade instead of a mosque
you can report their profile
It's not paranoia if it's something you can see literally every single day just by reading articles. I wish I could be as oblivious as you, honestly.
>only in english
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
the lives of these people are a fucking parody
What's the big deal? Also you don't like the map you made?
Oh, grow the fuck up. One day transpeople are going to be just as accepted as gays and every other minority group and there isn't a god damn thing you trolls can do about it.
Is it not obvious?
Is this what pass for "trolling" these days? fucking shitty might has well kill yourself
Based dog
That guy legit looks like a serial killer.
They always have some idealized tumblr drawing as their profile image
>Snake Eater
godspeed, pupper
What rights do trans people not have?
Well mention. Is pretty fun seeing people proud talking shit and being mad when someone say the truth
Even before 2000 BC have been stablished the differences between sex and gender, but still on 2019 AC some people say that it new
Bark and treatpilled