

Attached: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png (1952x1248, 2.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:,5&qsp=2&q=gender dysphoria identity disorder&qst=i#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=CyIRbRpK3LoJ

>tfw no bf to tank for me

Attached: hitoribocchi-.jpg (596x374, 65K)


You think you do, but you don’t


What's your ilevel?

>rolling through deadmines with no tank

cant wait to take 3 hours to do it again

Attached: file.png (1390x1222, 2.75M)

>not hunter tanking it

>tfw no shitposter friend to group lvl 16 hours+ a day with my lock
>tfw have to hide powerlevel and play with normie friends

Attached: Tired coyoter.png (582x595, 240K)

>tfw levelingwith no life friends and my no life cousin.
Feels good man

>Leveling one level 60 on lightshope to get the rust off
>Shammy tanked RFC with nobody over 15 on lightshope
>Everyone added each other afterwards to quest and do dungeons with

Attached: WoWScrnShot_041119_053211.jpg (1024x768, 136K)

>leveling Warrior with my friend who is leveling a healer
Going to feel good doing whatever the fuck we want when we want.

Attached: image.jpg (724x636, 434K)

>spend literally 4 hours trying to find a tank for DM
>a billion and one warrior """"""dps""""" whisper me despite saying tank only
>someone says ok
>turns out they are a fucking druid or paladin (neither can tank if youve never played vanilla)

DM is only good for filling my ignore lists.
vanilla wow is objectively bad because 2/3rd of its specs are worthless, but if you INSIST on playing it, do yourself a favor and never allow a fury warrior into your groups. youll have to trust me on this one; they are the bitchiest, faggiest, most entitled egotistical little niggershits imaginable.

>pretty sure that's not BiS
imagine having such autism

The only hope I have is seeing if an old friend from middle/high school is interested in playing. He played retail WoW the longest out of my group of 4 friends, me being the second, but he was last online battlenet 2 months ago, and I'm too autistic to message him on facebook or something because the last time we talked was like 4-5 years ago. If he's down, he's probably playing a priest which will be a god tier combo in world pvp while leveling.

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I'll be your tank bf. That means best friend, right?

Attached: IMG_20190418_000312.png (200x194, 63K)

I'm not going to play again Mike. I've moved on from WoW and I know that vanilla will not bring back the community, which is the only thing that made vanilla tolerable.

He was a nice dude and he invited me to a guild afterwards. Killing this fucker again after almost a decade felt so good.

Attached: WoWScrnShot_041119_040219.jpg (1024x768, 142K)

My name isn't Mike and my friend didn't start playing till very end of TBC or start of Wrath. I think you should give it a shot though user.


More datamined shit, nothing big just some basic video options.

Attached: WowB_uqStY5eAmp.png (1613x908, 778K)

wtf there was never a create account button on 04-06 title screens is blizzard even LISTENING this is a fucking change

>tfw got normie friend interested in classic
>tfw get to use him as bait for wpvp ganking since I'll hit level cap long before he does

imagine being a low level RFC warrior tank. you're wearing mail. which is a total of 20ac difference from leather, maybe 50 with a shield. and you just finished your defensive stance quest for a 10% damage reduction and taunt. and that's all that separates you from anyone other class in the game. shit man you don't even get shield block until level 18.

that and the fact that you have way more hp which is whats more important.

i remember some warrior kited gamon to winterspring

At least it was before Blizzard fucked everything up.

>way more hp
Yeah, okay.

So I've got some questions lad.
Apparently a beta might be coming out soon. If we play during the beta does that mean our character progress will wipe AFTER said beta? because if that's the case then I don't give a fuck about it and hearing there's a beta will actually be worse news than there not being one because I don't imagine them having the beta up for only a month, I imagine it'll be a 2-3 month thing and that just means more waiting.
If however our characters will move from the beta over to live when it happens then I'm all smiles.

Attached: yep, went straight up her ass.jpg (1000x1500, 194K)

nobody knows or cares. nigger.


>making a general for a game that isn't out yet
Pretty sure that's against the rules



Hunter, mage or rogue bros? pvp server and wanting to raid all content

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Please please go to network and take a pic

>Gallywix introduced in Cataclysm
>Doesn't get a model to match his concept art until 3 expansions later

fucking lol

literally when has this happened you dumb fucking mongoloid? seriously, how OLD are you to think blizzard will let beta progress carry over to live realms? what companies actually do this?


classic wow is officially ruined im going back to retailhahadkhoikjhikhmsdfglzmdrfjgt;

>literally when has this happened you dumb fucking mongoloid?
In literally every other beta game ever released. Period. Only reason I had to ask is because Blizzard is ass backwards and it seems like I'm right and that nothing will carry over meaning this beta crap is a load of shit and a complete waste of time

Of course character progress is wiped you zero IQ retard.

literally ever other beta has always had your progress wiped, name 3 games you faggot

I'm just reposting things from a discord server.

Who cares about the beta. Just give us a launch date so I have something to live for

Artificial Academy 2

No they don't though, you fucking zoomer pleb.
>Name 3
Lineage 2
Neverwinter Nights
Pillars of Eternity

3 right off the top of my head.

illusion academy 2

At least it was until I fucked everything up

Attached: dims.jpg (580x320, 44K)



who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





depends if you dont want to be a kite meme skip hunter and mage

Yes? Lineage 2 is literally one.

>mfw in busy adult so I will play warrior and mostly do dungeons to level up

I'll be there for you guys when you do dungeons! It will be slow leveling for me but I hope to make friends and have a good time.

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Look at this map, blizzard has so much space to add content after Naxx.

Attached: file.png (1000x984, 2.16M)

There's literally no need to rush bro. I don't see the point unless you have a very specific goal in mind but rushing to end game after we've been waiting for Classic to come out since forever is just foolish IMO. In classic Yea Forums style, I'll make a food analogy.
It's like going to a fine dining restaraunt, ordering their most expensive shit and then just speed eating that shit shoveling it down your throat like a competitive eater. You savour that sort of shit, it's all about the flavour, not just making you 'full' which is the end goal to eating anyway.


Attached: wall1-1920x1200.jpg (1920x1200, 1.4M)

>All that space behind Silithus/AQ
What the fuck?

>Busy adult
Don't do this

i think it was uldum originally

That dead space south of the AQ gates is literally AQ itself. It was just never drawn on the world map.

That space is literally the temple and ruins of AQ. It, like all but 1 zonee was added during cata expansion because azeroth flying was enabled. With the 1 zone (the rumored original pandaria zone) being met with an invisible wall to this day.

>PvE servers will never know this feel

Attached: jungle.jpg (346x348, 40K)

God Eastern Kingdom is such trash. Glad I never play alliance.
>Only good locations are Wetlands, Stranglethorn and Hinterlands.
>Only good dungeon is Blackrock Depths

Wow that's pretty unreal, AQ is fucking enormous then.

Attached: 9n3uCaN[3].jpg (1978x669, 253K)

It's literally an entire kingdom of bugs, user.

There's a reason it had unique mounts specifically for the raid itself.

taking bets, who says they make blue post tmw about a open/closed beta?

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Any Tauren bros in the house?
Can't wait to /dance on some QTs in Bloodhoof Village

Attached: Tauren_Dancing.gif (250x250, 424K)

Maybe not tomorrow but within a week is extremely likely

Attached: tfwnokoboldraid.jpg (1604x678, 212K)

It's literal stranglethorn Vietnam

I don't know what's about tauren but I think it's the one race I've never rolled.
I actually really like them too but I don't know.
It's not what I pictured when I played wc3

Attached: Tauren.jpg (581x383, 52K)

>no draenei to ERP with
why even live

back to your smash thread, nintendie

Nah low level EK zones are kino. Elwynn, Loch Modan, Silverpine, Tirisfal, Duskwood, these are among the comfiest zones in the game.

Durotar and Mulgore trash, Tedrassil and darkshore are trash. Low level zones are all that matter. Once you are high level you can just fly anywhere you want to go anyway.

I really wish they would release a NG+ for classic.

Make it so it takes you back to level 1, but dial the difficulty up to 11 on everything. Make it so even fighting one enemy in the first quest requires you to party up with at least one person to take them down.

That would be fun.

Would be cool maybe if they added Karazan, Hyjal battle and Grim batol etc etc scaled to level 60. Other places that are already there just locked off. Karazan was originally going to be a Vanilla raid anyway.

Attached: 1554840486566.png (547x629, 110K)

Right here. Can't wait to warstomp motherfuckers right after my charge stun wears off.

I want to see these zones so fucking badly.
Specially dragon isles and original uldum.

And the kobold instance makes so much sense, they're everywhere in the world and there's very clearly an structure and some planning but nothing really happens with them.
I would bet they had lots of stuff planned for that and they ended up using some of it's concepts for memestone

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I can't decide between a cute Nelf druid slut or peak immersion human male warlock.

>be me
>be orc
>50% chance to resist at least 1 of your stuns
Nothing personal...friendo

the beta better be instant 60

Attached: WoWScrnShot_120416_140245.jpg (1920x1080, 603K)

im ready to be a cheetah

>people actually want new content made by nu-blizzard
Just accept that TBC is the only thing after naxx is on farm.

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Anymore memes like this one?

if it isn't then i'll probably just roll a 19 or 29 twink

>tfw years of "NAXX OUT" posting
>tfw it will soon become reality again

Attached: believe it.png (686x666, 626K)

>We need to cut some zones
>How about the sick giant squid castle one
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Attached: Dragon Isles.jpg (1680x1050, 400K)

know my pain
t. draenei

Ugh first post was a tranny. new thread

Goddamn why is Ahn quiraj so fucking cool.

Just listen to this shit, specifically this part, it sends chills down your spine.

For thousands of years, this massive lovecraftian terror was amassing a massive army of unimaginable horrors.

They never got close to the feeling of awe this entire patch had until ulduar and then it was swiftly shoved aside.

Attached: 1200px-Assault_on_Ahn%27Qiraj.jpg (1200x800, 135K)

>>What the FUCK were they thinking?
>Hold on, if we just up the level cap by 10 and throw in some tiny raids that makes everyones previous gear useless, then people will have content and it will cost us 1/100th of actually making new zones and balancing it into existing gameplay

transphobich much

>tfw Blizzard starts making new content for Classic
>Kobold dungeon/raid
>Dragon isle
>Emerald dream


Attached: holy crackers.png (850x786, 447K)

I'm going to roll tauren warrior i think.
I was dwarf in vanilla and i feel like tauren are the dwarves of the horse. I haven't played since i was 16 I quit right after TBC came out. I was a huntard shitter so I want to play something more challenging. I'm hoping mulgore will be full of druids and shamans who will heal me though so I can level alright.

This is why classic+ needs to happen.
There's so many opportunities, so much shit to do, it could make a magical game completely perfect.

cute marisa

Yeah. Mental illness is scary

Let's really break this down.

>Scarlet Monastery
>Shadowfang Keep
>Sunken Temple
3 hour dungeon crawl. Dungeon is only as good as the company you keep.
Fucking kill me. Long as boring raids.

>Tirisfal Glades
Shit. Only good for parties at Brill.
A place to level. No one likes it here.
Great time. Meet new people. Delve in yeti caves, spider dens, naga island, theives den, and head north after to slaughter some ogres.
Boring open plains for grinding.
Cool zones and most everyone you meet will be here.
Love this place and I wish there were horde quests here.
>Searing Gorge
>Burning Steppes
>Swamp of Sorrows
Get me the fuck outta here.
>Dun Morogh
>Elwynn Forest
Boring generic fantasy starter zones.
>Deadwing Pass
>Blasted Lands
Why is there nothing here? Dead zones.

Honestly I wouldn't at all be opposed to them adding Karazhan into vanilla. I'm sure it couldn't because of the items and enemies scale as it was designed for BC. But Deadwing Pass is so fucking empty without it.

Attached: wtfisDranadin.jpg (1004x1272, 400K)

Teldrassil is the comfiest starter zone of all time. You CANNOT prove me wrong.

Attached: teldrassil wow.jpg (1920x1200, 572K)

which diagnostic manual lists being Transgender as a mental illness again

>chuck norris lololol
>where's mankriks wife?
>LF1M tank WC
>The Crossroads is under attack!

Attached: 868b3963fc92cc310653059656f7fcd4.jpg (1920x1200, 326K)

>hyjal zone
>uldum zone/raid
>40 man karazhan

one can dream

Attached: 1528691667134.png (2000x1983, 208K)

>40 man kara chess event

Karazhan was the first raid ever made, way before MC or Ahn Quiraj.
Then it was never finished, vestiges of it remained like the crypts.
I'm guessing original karazhan was planned to be vanilla but was relegated to tbc like most stuff.
Atiesh ports people into karazhan something no one really gave a shit about until tbc because it's the middle of nowhere so I'm guessing they had plans after naxx, beyond the obvious lore connection.

Can't decide. Dwarf paladin or dwarf priest for PVE?
>inb4 PVE pussy/etc
Don't care.

what are these from?


if you wanna be shadow do that
if you want to be kings buff do that,5&qsp=2&q=gender dysphoria identity disorder&qst=i#d=gs_qabs&u=#p=CyIRbRpK3LoJ


I loved how the enemies didn't show any race. It just added to the horror of "what the fuck are these things?"

Pure lovecraft.

Probably what eventually became uldum.
The dot markers seem to be stated dungeons/raids, I guess they had some plans to turn uldum into a raid, I'd assume because of the entrance flair and size it would be a raid.

Probably also explains why there's that dark portal in azshara, they used it to test an azshara planned instance that never panned out.

Attached: uldum.jpg (600x385, 193K)

someone post the image
you know the one

>dark portal takes you to a 40 man black temple raid

>white level 58 2.1 speed 2 hander with agi enchant
>shaman bro puts rockbiter and trades it back to me
>rank 1 wing clip spam on the boss
>steal threat from t2 mt
>keep it and just chill with 45% dodge
>he's raging out at me in vent
>I got this bro just take a break

Thinking holy. Played priest in WOTLK but never a paladin. Should good times.

B&R, deus vult


>mfw comfy Paladin tanking

Attached: Chillest of Koopas.png (400x298, 136K)

All that will happen is you will get to see them fuck it up a second time in different ways. Squandering the second chance will hurt so much more.

Have you tried hanging yourself already?

The reason that didn't happen was because they changed the layout of the world. Originally, Kalimdor was going to be only 1/4 the size of the Eastern Kingdoms, with Uldum being a much larger continent to the south of it. I wish I had the original map of Azeroth planned for wow but Uldum becoming a walled-off zone made sense in context.

Paladin healer is shit in pve till you have bis cloth gear and a boomkin to support you. You just rebuff forever and spot heal occasionally.

If you really want to heal raids go priest. If you pvp a shit ton then paladin will pay off since it is fucking ridiculously hard to kill.

>theres a guy on twitch attempting a 48 hour stream in one sitting to go 1-40

>check his vods
>he did another attempt a few days ago

Attached: file.png (1324x799, 1.59M)

Paragon City...

Attached: 1554151367037[1].jpg (251x223, 10K)

Here's something like that

Attached: 1280px-Azeroth_map_concept_Metzen_1999_wall_painting.jpg (1280x1050, 136K)

>Literally OBSESSED with Silithus, the Silithid and AQ to an almost dangerous degree
>Love the music (ambience), love the zones, love the entire aesthetic as a whole
>Love the lore, read everything about them, multiple times
Here's the kicker though
>Played during the end of TBC
>Never fully leveled in Silithus so don't know what to expect from it come Classic (I straight up never got that high a level, I just kept making alts, I had like an entire account filled with 3 level 40ish characters, a level 52, multiple level 30s and the rest were twink levels, 19, 29, 39 etc)
>Never done AQ20
>Never done AQ40
I've heard that the Hive areas in Silithus are filled with difficult elite enemies, in Vanilla anyway, dunno if that got changed in the expansions assuming it's true in the first place.
I know a lot of people don't like Silithus but will they be forced to level there in Vanilla? I hope so because I wanna go into those Hives and kill shit and do any quests involving them but if they're all elites I'm probably fucked when it comes to wanting to solo them.

Attached: 1547438188229.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

That's close but it's not the image I'm thinking of.

Is Druid the ultimate cuck class?

>can't tank
>worst healer
>literally has to farm Gnomeregan 5 hours a day just to deal half of a rogue's DPS
>only brought for Mark of the Wild and Innervate (aka BUFFBITCH)

I thought they won't let anyone stream private servers

But 1-40 can be done really fast now unless thats on a vanilla server

It is a private server and Joanas done 1-60 in 3 days 10 hours
So 1-40 in 2 days is still pretty damn fast

You could hit 120 in 48 hours if that was retail wow.

You are a weird little faggot you know that? Whatever patch fills our silithus gives you plenty of stuff to do, but the elites are high powered group elites to boss-tier pricks. You will need a group, which is fine because the zone is camped 24 7 by rep grinding autismos.

They dont, but they also dont care unless blizzard flags you

Most of this still lines up, but whatever happened to Grand Hamlet and Rocknard?

Attached: AzerothWC1.gif (1659x1240, 328K)

Chad warlocks where are we at?

Attached: 7fe.gif (500x394, 157K)

not getting invited to raids is where you are

>whatever happened to Grand Hamlet
It's been confirmed that Grand Hamlet and Darkshire are the same town, and its name was changed after the corruption of Elwynn Forest's southern half.

Druid is the most OP wpvp class on the game. If you put in your time to get balance gear you become king of the hill.

Cat is also fine if you use your powershifting hat. You can only have a single crowd pummeler in your inventory in 1.12 so it's not that much farming.

>Not getting invited to raids
Relax user, it's going to be a low population class regardless. No need to false flag.

What movie?

Gonna kill myself if they announce it for August

Attached: 1413730750067.jpg (316x202, 30K)

So if it happens we just go back to the classic realms they kept as a museum piece.
Roll 1.whatever in all servers, make new servers and allow character copies to these, so you get both and classic forever remains that museum piece as they promised.

Where is Classic I Need it Nao

Attached: 1553987716320.jpg (900x973, 204K)

I thought twitch didn't let people stream private servers.

I've been trying to replay WC1 and 2 since they got re-released on GOG for modern systems. 2 is still fine, it plays amazing and holds up perfectly, but WC1 is fucking rough man. You can't even right-click to command without a mod.

>ulduar was actually used again 10 years after

They dont care unless blizzard dmcas your channel

Just go to twitch and search "Northdale" "Elysium" or "Vanilla wow" and youll find people streaming it

>buy bfa with some spare gold i had
>reach the endgame of MOUNTCHEEVOSPETSTOYS within 10 hours
>decide to head to /vg/ to discuss the most effective farming strategies for mounts and pets
>suddenly get surrounded by 18 inch horsecocks

Help me classicbros, i want an actual home

Attached: sad dog.jpg (625x833, 109K)

Walking into Silithus was pure bliss, that zone was like no other. Black tornados everywhere, swarms of flying creatures flying around massive mounds, mounds built around buildings where the silithid had taken over, enormous living hives all over the that dead zone.
Pure kino like that couldn't not have an effect on me.

Attached: 12523634754677078078.jpg (1016x1024, 75K)

>Blizzard turned retail into a tranny containment zone so that classic wouldn't be affected by them.

as someone that is healing while leveling on northdale right now, druids are the best dungeon tanks and i'd rather heal one over a warrior any fucking day. they also make really strong offtanks up until AQ so you're clearly retarded because paladin is the only true cuck class denied his tanking

Is Warcraft: Orcs and Humans any good? Only game in the series I never played

Rockard was taken over by ogres and renamed, it's the fort in Blasted Lands

I'm trans and i'm playing classic

Attached: wtJoU5i.jpg (540x304, 22K)

Cool, you have a 60% chance of reaching 60

It's fun to experience but keep in mind you can't right click move, and can only control one unit at the time. You get to raid Deadmines and Karazhan and shit.


Attached: 1555302549243.jpg (318x306, 38K)

It's 40% attempted suicide rate (not completed), idiot

Hello R*ddit

Attached: file.png (768x1296, 1.43M)

The space is a placeholder for what some assume to be an abandoned AQ zone, later turned into AQ20. Going there will reveal a huge outdoor zone with only some of the AQ20 terrain intact, lots of broken terrain and a minimap that doesn't fit the terrain at all. It's fully accessible with slowfall and no walljump required.

it ain't me

Attached: 1446315867135.jpg (800x799, 191K)

wrong song dummy, the STV theme song is

>I'm trans

No, you're mentally ill

the virgin lf1m chat samming vs the chad whisper persuasion

Attached: WoWScrnShot_041119_215655.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

>Not doing both
Sounds like lowtest virgin shit to me

Attached: 1555560008277.jpg (745x655, 103K)

I'm afraid nu-blizzard will just make it where your insta banned for trying to have fun with barrens chat like the old days.

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Attached: WoWScrnShot_041619_001932.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Whats the source for this statistic? I hear it all the time but i don't want to repeat it irl because i don't know if it's true.

Attached: Barrens Sunset.jpg (1920x1080, 503K)

Unless your good old days entailed sperging out about shitskins, niggers, and trannies, you're probably safe. No one is going to be banned for fucking Chuck Norris jokes.

Attached: file.png (912x864, 233K)

Attached: Old God.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

>Implying barrens chat on private servers isn't a de facto /pol/ colony

Attached: Retardo.png (216x104, 44K)

people have been banned for typing "Bitch" recently dude

Private servers aren't the good old days?

Attached: cavernofmists.jpg (1366x768, 269K)

What even would you call a place like Tirisfal? Like, the Plaguelands always fascinated me cause there really is not real life parallel to it.

blighted lands? The PL not so much but Tirisfal just looks like a place that locusts hit recently.

I'm just saying, that's what it'll be be for the first few weeks until blizz adamantly clamps down on it. Not that I mind it, it leads to very funny conversations.

It is. If you wipe at twin emps, the run back to them is like 10 minutes

Tirisfal reminds me of oregon if anywhere. I feel like it would have ferns and ivy everywhere if blizzard had speant more time fleshing it out.

Attached: Hiking_in_the_Lush_Oregon_Forest_8417227960.jpg (1200x674, 397K)

But there's that slightly dead look to everything that fascinates me. Oregon is fucking beautiful. Tirisfal kind of is just the zeitgeist of Halloween, or something.

Remind me about addons in Classic. The game uses 7.x client or something, right? So I need to get special addons specifically made for that client API with Classic limitations, right?

Considering how much re-engineering and reeducation of the devs WoW Classic is taking... what do you think the odds are that if they did decide to make new "classic" content, that they wouldn't fuck it up and just turn classic into retail all over again?

user are you retarded? It'd Deadmines, I could probably tank it as a fucking mage if I really wanted to.

I'm with you brother of the night

Attached: DE523D16-3F87-4168-B49D-EC9D25CCD0F8.jpg (831x1024, 68K)

Look at deciduous forests in the winter. If you can find a picture taken in the evening, you would probably find what you're looking for.

Attached: 1024px-Langaa_egeskov_rimfrost[1].jpg (1024x606, 238K)

>tfw coming across a geared enemy warlock in the open world and considering whether to even bother with him
Fuck warlocks. I look forward to ganking them endlessly until later content.

Attached: 1552533443662.jpg (225x225, 6K)

That's always the risk, isn't it? I feel like there needs to be 100% "pure" Classic servers, if they ever did go down that route. It just dead at 1.12 content.

That said, there genuinely is content Vanilla could expand upon. Like, the Syndicate faction has existed since launch and it's completely and utterly pointless.

they will fuck it up

Huh, why is it always night in tirisfal anyway?


Paladin tanks were completely fine for 5 mans

retried bfa... its just not the same bros

>playing on private server
>literally forcing myself to log in every day

Canonically it's a consequence of dozens of plague cauldrons burning when the Cult of the Damned was active in Lordaeron, permanently polluting the environment. Tirisfal has a haze constantly covering it, while the Plaguelands are permanently rust-colored.

i abandoned private servers after classic was confirmed. didnt care how long it took to come back live, it was coming, and i can wait to play again

It's not. It's just that the plague fucked up the environment. Interestingly, we see a different skybox during the Siege of Lordaeron, implying it may be recovering like the rest of the Plaguelands.

Attached: 1528484354325.jpg (1440x699, 138K)

isn't there lots of slant eyes on those

>DSM-5 removes transgender and claims it's just the bullying which makes them completely suicidal
>disregard the comorbidity of increased suicide rates among other bipolars
>expected to believe that trannies are bullied into killing themselves at rates higher than interned jews during WW2
Sorry freak

>qusting with some random in teldrassil
>"cya man"
>check him today
>he's 48
>i'm only 33

Azshara was gonna have its own battleground but it never happened, despite the map being finished and in the game files

I'd love to see new raids or areas, like a finished Hyjal or Hellfire Peninsula but I'm worried they'd introduce shit to ruin the game like catchup mechanics. Zul Gurub was sort of a catchup thing but it didn't replace Molten Core.

I absolute hate how retail WoW has for a long time introduced shit that basically make the earlier raids meaningless. New players are robbed of truly experiencing the early expansion raids.

Well, it was.

I still don't know what annoys me more about the siege of lordaeron, the fact that it wrecked one of the most atmospheric starting zones, or the fact you can just talk to an NPC and undo the damage. Fucks should have made it a permanent change, not this half-assed shit.

By the time of the Siege the Cenarion Circle was working with the Argent Dawn to start removing corruption and pollution in the Plaguelands. It's why some areas are green after over a decade, because shaman, priests, paladins, and druids were working together after the Lich King was replaced with a "Jailer".

>blizzard stated thet they'll only do 1.12 version of classic
>people still talking about CLASSIC+

Barrens chat is going to be an endless feed of Trump Derangement Syndrome and you know it

When they announced vanilla i made a char on lightshope just to compile all addons i would need in the future(lmao) Then my friend joined in and we leveled to 40. But i decided to stop playing so i don't get fatigued before classic drops.

who cares the first year or two will be pure classic

>Fucks should have made it a permanent change, not this half-assed shit.

Zidormi is a god send. We don't need Blizzard deleting content from the game. That's half the reason we need Classic. "We're going home." Half the reason you wanna go home is cause the fuck up that was the Cata revamp.

You do know that vanilla addons are incompatible with classic, right?

I do really like that. It makes it feel like beating the Lich King meant something. The BFA mission tables also show a whole bunch of cool shit going down in Lordaeron that we can't play cause Blizzard fucking sucks.

That's why i said (lmao) We didn't knew it was based on legion.

Not him but a lot of addon makers said that they are going to work to make them compatible. Sadly the one I specifically want to be compatible (pfUI) the creator said he won't.

so what addons will then

This. It was just a bitch having to wait while they drink after every pull.

I'm sure the most important addons like autoattack swinger will be ported during the first hours or perhaps even during the beta.

They can't fuck it up unless they do a massive 180 shift.

The thing is, that most of wow issues didn't happen overnight, it was a constant evolution and addition of systems that got worse and worse.
However, the big shift came with tbc, huge change in game philosophy and how everything should work.

All they have to do is follow vanilla design, that is it.
Modern raids and dungeons are actually pretty neat, in terms of encounters and the environments are always god tier, probably the only thing in wow that hasn't gotten worse.
The problem is that the game design is so far gone it doesn't really matters because there's no reason to stop and absorb it, to stop and think about what you're doing unless it's mythic.
They know what not to do and what to follow.
There's also the thing that unlike retail, they didn't create a customer base of retards that would bitch and moan if things got harder or had vanilla design.

All i want is properly working enemy cast bar.
And a shitton qol addons.

pfUI is just a slightly different elvui, and elvui is confirmed for classic, so why not just use that?

Thousands of doctors support the DSM definition

>Doctors who think being transgender is a mental illness or faking it
"Anime makes you trans"
A canadian
"Pedophilia should be included in LGBT"

The problem is that ilvl scaling is already pretty fucked by naxx. Adding more tiers on the same curve would break lvl 60 entirely. ilvl inflation is something they would have to address if they wanted to do vanilla+.

No they weren't, having a paladin tank made dungeons take literally twice as long. I would rather have a hunter pet as tank than a paladin.

I mean there's a bunch of addons that are basically just vanilla versions of addons people use right now in retail (postal, bagnon, etc) that will certainly work right away.

There's a lot of people who give GW2 grief, but one thing they did correctly was focus on horizontal content, rather than vertical. Classic+ would be fantastic in theory if, and only if, it retcons all of the shit decisions they made to the lore with TBC, they prevent flying mounts, and gear is increased in increments of about 10% and Epics / Legendaries remain permanently the strongest gear in the game.

>They can't fuck it up unless they do a massive 180 shift.
Imagine new models and lightning.
Imagine aoe looting.
Imagine summoning stones.
Imagine several radars.
Imagine ranked bgs.
Imagine 2.5k server cap.

It's happening lads

Attached: prf4d3gerys21.png (1582x884, 2.54M)

Attached: allyouhadtodowasfollowtheshrooms.jpg (2042x768, 311K)

I need to fucking buy this book, but the fucker asked 30 pounds for shipping when the book itself is 40.

>Imagine summoning stones.
I mean that was a thing in wow's beta but was removed in the live game until TBC so yeah I can imagine it.

Every gay male I've seen started the game way.
Got obsessed with porn, consumed it more and more and the lines between hedonistic pleasure, a normal life and what not cross over and they assimilate homosexuality as it's basically guaranteed to get sex.

Every single gay guy I've met has been the same, they started this way and the fabled "coming out of the closet" was more of a "I've become so degenerate I don't care and at this point I'll focus on males because it's easier."


>Thousands of doctors support the DSM definition
>doctors aren't risking their professional careers and reputations by suggesting it is a mental illness

remember when lunatics wanted to have that white kid killed for smiling? really makes you think

>nelf futa dick will once again reign supreme where it belongs, with no disgusting horsecocks or furry competition


I really hope he puts it out one day, wasn't it supposed to hit amazon?
I don't want to read it digital, I want to own the real thing.

Attached: WoWScrnShot_011718_110938.jpg (1920x1080, 464K)

You're a moron. Paladin tanks operated solely on reactive damage, making them perfect for handling mobs. Retribution Aura, Blessing of Sanctuary, Holy Shield, Seal of Righteousness and a shield spike means a paladin tank is an extremely reactive, high-threat tank. Most tanks running private servers use Consecration on-cooldown, which makes them go OoM. Consecration isn't part of the rotation because it does eat mana like a Balance druid.

>Imagine aoe looting.
The absolute horror my dude, I too am shaking at the thought of it

...You know, ERP honestly sounds like the one place where retail has an advantage over Classic. Like, holy shit, BFA added Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves. I assume from the ERP community thinks this expansion is a 10/10.

Does horde even erps at all
They don't have a goldshire

looks like big cock and balls !! ;d

>going OOM when you get 8% of your health healed as mana
you know nothing kiddo

Remember how some doctors researching the potential negative effects of circumcision had their jobs and licenses threatened unless they destroyed their reasearch and never spoke of it again?

>level as prot warrior with sword and shield all the way to 60
>take an insanely long amount of time
>by the time you hit 60, all the tanks with half a brain who leveled as fury already have full prebis/bis and epic mount
>feel like a jackass

Do you really trust nu-blizzard to revive the vanilla dream?

hahaha benis :DDDD

It's TBC addition, you mong.

Oh, you mean Spiritual Attunement, which wasn't added until 2.0.3?
Cockgobling fucktard.

>Imagine 2.5k server cap.
Isn't that the vanilla server cap?

>Classic doesn't have Blood Elves, Draenei, Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei
Enjoy playing the inferior game classic cucks. Retail wins again.

Attached: Void elf.jpg (1024x1536, 183K)

the problem with modern wow is that the best gear gets useless every 4months, there is no feeling of accomplishment ever

Oh wow imagine outing yourself like this

fuck off tranny

Yeah, sounds like medical professionals and academics who refuse to believe that a severe mental illness is really just bullying even when rates of attempted suicide are still upward of 30% among those who self reported as not experiencing any actual bullying

its called having soul you faggot


>tfw no RP-PvP servers at launch so you can hall of cost the degenerate ERPers

Attached: 1550416810620.jpg (437x431, 18K)


>cares about fucking legion shitters

Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger. Paladins were shit tanks in everything except strath which is obsolete about a month into server launch.

>leveled as fury
i'm getting ptsd thinking about all the fucking misses leveling as a fury

If this was a real concern why do you guys trust nu blizzard to do classic at all?
They're even using modern client so they can literally choose what to add.

Ignore that bellend, there's literally no reason to rush
>Wooooooooow people will get to 60 before you and start raiding first if you take it slow
>F-f-fuck you enjoy uhh...being left behind...i guess?

2019 hardware can easily support 20k cap

You're going to fucking hate it.
I fucking hate silithus. I've raided on several vanilla private server realms.
I fucking. Hate silithus. It's the worst fucking zone in the game.
For raid guilds, the badge farming is mandatory for certain BIS pieces.
It's fucking misery. Fuck Silithus.

>tfw no ERP-PvP servers at launch so you can suck futa elf cock in Goldshire

Attached: TENOR.jpg (225x225, 5K)

>actively choosing to be worse than everybody and wasting your time
You’re supposed to level as 2-handed fury, dingus

You level 2h fury and grind on greens.

based. pally tanks are dope as fuck in 5 mans

dumb larper
the only way you'd keep aggro with that pathetic reflective damage would be if the rest of the group waited 5 minutes before attacking mobs, and that's if you somehow magically don't lose aggro to healer
your """tactic"""" would make runs take even longer that constant drinking

Private servers show why playercount beyond what the game was designed around is a bad idea


>You're going to fucking hate it.
Not gonna happen, my love for the zone will only grow when I fully get to experience it
>For raid guilds, the badge farming is mandatory for certain BIS pieces.
This pleases me greatly.

>You’re supposed to level as 2-handed fury, dingus
Sorry I played actual vanilla before your min-max guides came out, so I never knew that

Yeah and Felwood and Azshara are unplayable on private servers at 5k

You level as 2h fury, goof.

t. shitter. prot warrior is actually secretly easier to level than arms/fury
>you'll be a boss in dungeon groups
>increased defense from skills means you can engage with higher level mobs without much penalty
>less gear dependent than arms, dont need to upgrade weapon every 5 levels
>revenge stun is overpowered
you kill shit maybe 15 seconds slower but you save hours in lowered downtime and your dungeon groups go way faster when youre prot.

Only valid complaint is the drinking. Leveling dungeons are easily doable with a pala tank and proper focus targeting.
t. someone who had the misfortune of having to do several dungeons with a pala friend

>i dont want people in my mmo
Nost proved that 15k is in every way possible better than 2,5

Everybody knew this back then also, and it was easy to figure out on your own since the miss rate is horrible with 1 handers until you get hit capped. You were just bad and ignorant.

dude fuck off. you obviously didnt fucking play there. the world fell apart when the playercount exceeded 7k. there was 20 people on each blood of heroes spawn in plaguelands when nost was on the last month. that is not fucking healthy resource distribution.

yeah dude having people materialize 10 ft in front of you because the server couldnt handle the load otherwise really adds to the MMO experience

No, you don't fucking get it. You actually don't fucking get it.
It's misery. You have no idea what you're in for. I almost don't even want to go into detail so you can eat your words.
Silithus blows a fat fucking dick. Fuck every single one of those bug hives, fuck every single thing that has to be done in that zone. Fuck the rep grind, fuck the badge grind, fuck silithus. Fuck. Silithus. Worst zone in vanilla by far.

AQ20 is cheesed, so i don't know how normies will run it. A majority of it can be bypassed.
AQ40 is absolute misery if you're in a raid that doesn't know what the fuck they're doing. A majority of guilds will be hard stuck on the first boss. Hope you like running. It's a dope raid with a good guild, though, but a serious pain no matter how you cut it. But i'm serious, man, Silithus is fucking cancer aids. I would be okay if the entire zone were removed from the game. Happy, actually.

Any pre-ST dungeon is doable with literally any class composition.

>Everybody knew this back then also
No they didn't lol, I never saw a 2h fury warrior back in the earliest days of wow, you just followed a guide you found when you were playing on chinkdale recently

You're wrong, hit chance, while being an item stat, wasn't figured out by trial-and-error until 1.9, at which point a blue post confirmed for weapon attacks that there was an 8% miss chance against raid-bosses with a 2H weapon, and an addition +24% chance to miss while DWing. By 1.12, most people still had no idea that casters needed +17% spell hit to hit raid bosses without failure, and spell hit was considered "nice" but unimportant for BiS.

The solution to realm sizes is to:
>make a set of 2.5k realms
>make 1/2 regional realms that is just sharded with potentially infinite pop (the experience for everyone will be like a 2.5k server)


retail have sharding, go play there

This is nonsense. Killing shit 2x as fast results in overall less incoming damage. The big brain fury leveler also has a bunch of spirit gear and almost never has to eat, just bandage occasionally. Boar/whale = world record speed solo war leveling which includes a decent amount of grinding where the spirit really shines. Regen 10% of your health between mobs is godlike.

right here breh

seething mage player detected

Attached: OAQaSVTxWH.jpg (946x910, 160K)

good luck with that bro. warlocks are fuckin brutal to 1v1

I mean, it was fun during releases and that stupid pve realm announcement, when we pushed the horde out of Blasted Lands. But during leveling it was too much, STV was literally covered in skeletons so much they had to turn them off.

>STR / SPI leveling
fuck OFF you retarded redditor

retail vanilla also had 2.5k caps. fuck off back to your priv fun servers

You're stupid as fuck dude people knee and talked about it day 1.

>implying mmm spergs didn't exist at wow launch

You were just a dumb kiddo and didn't think to ask or look it up.

Yeah, that it, I am fully erect now.
Can't wait for my buggy overlords to show me the full power of the Silithid swarm.

Attached: 12523654659679769.jpg (266x285, 21K)

I think what a lot of people forget is that going back isn't just about the gameplay.
Burning Crusade was literally the beginning of the end of Warcraft lore. It basically fucked up everything forever. Before Burning Crusade:
>Eredar weren't Draenei
>There were no space ships
>There wasn't even space per se, Outland was always referred to as a different "world" not a planet or anything
>Kael'thas, Vashj, and Illidan were all neutral/good
>There was no such thing as brown orcs
>There was no such character as Garrosh
>There was no such thing as a horde paladin
>There was no such thing as an alliance shaman

>zero downtime grinding is bad
>NEVER having to eat is bad
You're dumb and bad. It's settled science.

>everything I take for granted right now has ALWAYS EXISTED OBVIOUSLY

>except this one change that I personally like that one's okay

>retail vanilla also had 2.5k caps
only because of hardware capabilities
we need wpvp
we need competition

2.5k is more than enough

>no alliance shaman

Wildhammer dwarves?

fuck off blizzshill

Shut the fuck up you cunt

should we add LFR now too

>it’s another “person who was 12 years old when vanilla released thinks he knows better than the autist who has been playing on private servers for seven years” episode

You've probably haven't seen more than 50 people on your screen at a time in the last decade, 2.5k is fine

It wasn't. There's some interview with a vanilla dev who confirmed it was for gameplay reasons. I'm too lazy to google it.

you cant shove 10k people in a game world that has its resources designed for 2.5k people. nost is a prime example of that. they'd have to redesign the continents to be much larger and that would be against the nature of classic.

1500-2000 people is more than enough to where you'll see plenty of people everywhere. You drastically over estimate how big each continent is.

I know 12 year old you couldn't do the math and figure out he was missing 25% of the time while dual wielding, but the 40 year old everquest NEETs sure could, and did.

>dat regular mobs in AQ40 that had RNG picked abilities which could mean that you could get two contradicting ones if you luck was shit
Based, I wanna go back

>vanilla dev who confirmed it was for gameplay reasons
>I'm too lazy to google it.
cause theres no proof
>designed for 2.5k people
>1500-2000 people is more than enough to where you'll see plenty of people everywhere
7-9k is bare minimum for normal gameplay

>Classic releases
>Astonishing success
>Continues to gain players as retail declines
>Tipping point eventually reached
>Naxx releases
>Year or so passes
>Blizzard, who has now purged their diversity hires after based Ion intentionally sabotaged retail, releases a trailer for a new expansion for classic WoW in coordination with Warcraft 4
>This time the Lore is not raped
>Retail was all a dream and is referenced in several joke quests
If I wish hard enough, it may just come true.

Attached: When the alimony ends.jpg (360x240, 27K)

They weren't Alliance, and they weren't really shaman either, in classic at least. They were friendly with the Alliance, and more like "naturalists" their thing was mostly the gryphons and the storm hammer stuff.

Dumb little bitchbaby couldn't read his own combat log, and thinks the wow forums were the cutting edge of information LMAO.

Just admit you were a dumb kid and didn't occur to you to ever think about it till it was drilled into your skull by other players.

you got him there cockmongler

>join an online community of WoW roleplayers planning on rolling in Classic
>half of them talk about how they're gonna fit in nuWoW lore like Gilnean noble rebellion and shit into their RP

Attached: 1541519284032.jpg (303x327, 16K)

>thinking private server fags are respected here or even wanted on classic
Stay on your chinese servers

This argument was also made when pretty spacegoats were announced.

>mfw I finally get to play Classic with you fags

Attached: 1484548010604.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

youre clearly some newfag redditor who jumped on the nost hype during the end of its lifetime and got to level 30. you cant even comprehend the issues high population causes for endgame content.

Just doubling the count to 5k is already too much. Even at that number fighting over resource nodes, rare mobs, and other finite resources becomes a constant, hostile affair rather than an occasional inconvenience. It ends up being the video game equivalent of trying to find parking at the mall during the holiday shopping rush. You either sit on nodes and hope your ping is better than the 5 other people or you don't get whatever you came for.

>They weren't Alliance

Wildhammer are totally Alliance, dude. Wildhammer are OG Alliance.

Theyre going to feel dumb when classic wow takes off and new dungeons and lore are released retconning bfa stuff

I just found the interview where the server cap was intentional and not a hardware limitation. When I link this interview, are you going to admit you were wrong? Or are you going to come up with an excuse?

Wildhammers are literally the Gryffon Riders of War2/3 nigga.

Unironically the best thing about vanilla is quest text. A lot of it was written in a way that left your imagination filling in the blanks and it added a great deal of mystery to the world. When people parrot ye age old mantra of "there's no discovery, it's just nostalgia you'll be back to retail soon", this is what no one actually addresses (because I'm talking about something inherently immaterial, a parrot cannot grasp what it cannot see). The actual material traversing and "discovering" was merely a part of the whole. It was the writing that put your imagination to work and made it worth it in the first place.
That's something that is actually almost exclusive to vanilla. It was almost gone in TBC and completely gone in WotLK. Everything had an explanation, everything was a planned part of a whole. There was nothing mysterious there, wysiwyg.

New xpac should include karazhan and gilneas, probably uldum too. Emerald dream done right.

Either that or increase the amount of resource nodes/phase quest mobs per user

>fighting over resource nodes, rare mobs, and other finite resources becomes a constant, hostile affair
thats how its supposed to be
>no link
cause no actual vanilla dev would say that
only shitters like ion


One of my shitposts, even though it's a quest from Wrath.

Attached: 960px-WoWSkyrimQuesttext[1].jpg (960x900, 140K)

Yes, but at the time of Classic they weren't actually part of the "new" Alliance. It's stated in the questlines you do there. They're friendly but they aren't like, full on members.

I like the vanilla human storyline that could be gleaned through the quests - gleaned but not spoo.fed. It sort of sucks that it sort of drops off at a point.

Let's take an example: Let's assume that you are a dual wielder and you fight against a raid boss, your hit is 0% and your crit is 40%. Also assume that your weapon skill is maxed out for your lvl, 350@70 lvl and you're fighting the boss from the back. Since you are a dual wielder the game will regenerate the next table :
Miss: 27%
Dodge: 5.6%
Glancing Blow: 40%
Critical Hit: 27.4%
Ordinary Hit: 0%


>40% Glancing Blow chance on every auto-attack against a boss
is there even a single private server with glancing blows enabled against bosses in the first place?

Alright user, im going to link it. But only if you promise to not make an excuse. I'm serious. No bullshit like "this interview is too long it doesn't count" or "well obviously he's lying". Ok?

You can basically spam FoL forever with imp BoW and 100% refund on crit just your gear's intel + mp5 will get you covered. Toss a divine favor + max HL if shtf.

Just fucking link it already, Jesus Christ.

SEETHING retailfag

You're right. Introducing shamans to the alliance through space travelling sexy goodie-two-hooves goats instead of the wildhammers makes much more sense.

>refuses to say he won't make some kind of excuse
What's the point of posting it when you'll come up with some bullshit to avoid having to admit that you're wrong?

Some server I was on had it back during TBC/early Wrath

>t. redditor

>pre-Twin Emps trash
>anubisath has thunder clap AND shadow bolt, meaning you have to be far away to not get clapped but not too far where you get fucked by a shadowbolt volley
fuck, man.

i hope you enjoy turning in literally thousands of bandages, rugged armor kits
i hope you enjoy killing 500 elite bugs
i hope you enjoy doing the same 1 of 4 go-talk-to-npc deep in bugfuck cave
i hope you enjoy doing the same badge quest over and over until you get the correct FOLLOW UP badge quest you need for your bis item
fuck silithus, you dont know what you want

Rogue will be top dps

but you should play gnome

Can't wait to see pniggers try pserver cheeses, fail then complain that it shouldb't be that way. Ofc they had naxx on farm in retail source trust me.
You think you remember but you don't

How does one go about levelling a paladin in vanilla? do you spec ret or do you need to go prot and aoe? I remember it being very painful

I didn't say anything like that. I just said the alliance had no shaman in classic. To which someone pointed out the wildhammer, which weren't actually part of the "new" alliance yet. Stop turning this into an argument.

get your dick in 1 hand and a collection of your favorite pornography

then right click a mob in Ret spec and alt tab

Don't go heal or tank when leveling unless you have someone that will help you

>Rogue over mage and warlock in dps

What's the kino couple selection for a pvp server? Was thinking rogue/druid.

At 40 minutes.
So what is the excuse?

go holy, use seal of righteousness and alt tab

I feel like it works aesthetically. You get deputized because there's not enough help, you find out where the Defias are hiding out and kill their leader, their letter takes you to a rebellion in the Stockades, which uncovers connections between the Defias and the Dark Irons working in the Wetlands, which is conspicuously close where the Black Dragonflight are staying at Grim Batol. You get distracted by the events in Redridge where Blackrock orcs are invading from the north, and in Darkshire the undead are running rampant from a mistake caused by a night elf using a scythe purportedly from their goddess, and all of this because the administrators in Stormwind aren't offering any reinforcements. You get distracted by what's going wrong in STV, and you find your way to Kalimdor to help out Theramore with the Black Dragonflight having a worrying increase in numbers, but you're ultimately brought back to the Eastern Kingdoms to fight in Lordareon's lost lands in the Plaguelands. It isn't until you delve into Blackrock Mountain that it all finally clicks.

The administration in Stormwind not offering support to their territory, yet the military is completely unaware there was a problem until you bring them missives requesting aid?
Dark Irons working with the Black Dragonflight?
Blackrock orcs being pushed so far down into Redridge that they're forming raiding parties?
The Black Dragonflight operating in Dustwallow Marsh?
Then you find Marshal Windsor kept captive, and when you bring him back to Stormwind, it all comes clear how it's all connected.


It's happening! Beta coming soon.

Priest and warlock for mind control and fear raping people off bridges and boats, as well as leaving an infernal behind for backup trolling.

Ret till like 42, then you can switch to prot/ret/holy and AoE farm undead with a shield spike and consecrate. Might be hard if fresh server since aoe spots will be camped by faggot mages.

>beta coming soon
>my gpu got fucked up and I'm in process of getting a new one, using intel integrated
>might get screened out because of beta because of hardware


or maybe I'll get lucky and this would actually get me in because shittier hardware

Playstyle choice, ret is basically : judge SotC if you expect the fight to be long, pop seal of the casino rank 1 and pray. HoJ + judge max rank SoC when you can affrord to or big fights.
Prot is right click until you get BoS + holy shield or BoS + cons, having cons as a talent severly gimps the build though.
Both are viable and slow.
t. leveled as holy

No offense guys but is playing a beta worth it? Waste hrs and hrs leveling then not keeping the progress when game goes live. You might burn yourself out.

The way phrased it makes it seem like there was no way that could happen. While the potential was always there to shamans on the alliance through dwarves or elves and same for paladins and the horde through the undead. It was a deliberate game design choice that could have gone either way.

Lore-wise there have always been human hunters for example.

It's almost like the OP's screenshot is from the said beta. Come on, user.

After having played on every chink shit 3rd worlder hellhole private server since 2013 emerald dream, 6-7k pop is by far the best to have a thriving world in every zone. 2.5k is literally DOA ~3months after launch and dropping under 4k on an aged server the world starts feeling barren.

The way you describe it sounds like a comfy pulp adventure story. I like it.

priest n warrior
spriest n lock
mage n rogue
druid n hunter

>the game is only good with my fun server custom changes

The point of this beta is to go through the game with a fine-toothed come and MAKE SURE Blizzard doesn't fuck it up. Look at all thel ittle things people gleamed in just a few days of the Blizzcon demo.

Yes, but maybe it's the longer leveling after 30 that makes it feel more disjointed than before. But I agree, I really digged the overarching narrative for humans.

Ask a friend to help getting this at 20, he can be 20 as well (you might need more than one friend for the RFK part, if the boss skip doesn't works in classic)

/e pickpockets you for 15 silver!

That's why sharding is at place on the start, so the tourist will filter out and we will have healthy population.

I'm a real paladin pro.
You level Ret with the +8% speed boost because movement speed is actually serious business. There's an argument that going for a Reckadin build using 1.12 talents is possible, but I don't recommend it. Proactive is better than reactive while leveling.

It's also important to collect +Intellect and +Spirit gear, regardless of its type, while leveling and store it in the bank. Paladins are the best single-target healers, and when you downrank your heals you are more than capable of healing a dungeon. It's unlikely you will ever be asked to heal a 5-man because you compete for the warrior tank's loot table, but if it's a druid tank, you'll have a shot at practicing your role for end-game.

Attached: me laughing at a man's folly in attempting to enlist women for military service.jpg (1920x1080, 662K)

All of these are wrong.
It's Warrior druid.

Ultimate bromance is Shaman Warrior.

Attached: 4e12p5hvnx001[1].png (450x387, 229K)


>tfw solo leveling PvE and not giving a fuck about any drama, making money and making friends to do 5mans with

Attached: 1493219251512.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

If you're talking about vanilla 2k5 is great, the economy and professions won't be viable with every single ressource being farmed 247, server hoppers will still do that but the promise pf having stable setvers that'll stand the test of time will attract a solid playerbase.

it's actually at 1:47:00.

Blessing of Light + downranked Holy Light = perpetual healing initiative

Just play the opposite faction of what you're planning to do.

I'm coming in to test shit and check what's going on.
One of my biggest autism peeves is if they will allow spaces in pet names, I'd hate to name my Broken Tooth BrokenTooth, looks shitty but this was something added way down the line.

But it's something so minuscule I haven't seen it anywhere.

>At 40 minutes.
magic resistance
calss balance
nothing about server cap
fuck off retailshit

>WoW classic will require a sub
>City of Heroes is quite possibly going to get private servers soon now that the guy behind the private server ordeal is beginning to give in

What the fuck do I play

Next excuse?

>leveling as anything other than reckoning and abusing sit crits for absurd damage output
even a single reckoning stack will effectively double your damage - with a slow weapon, you'll usually have at least two or three charges between every swing. assuming we get the 5-stack-capped reckoning that's common on 1.12 private servers, there's nothing better for leveling or pvp after you're able to get full 5/5 reckoning talents at level 34

bonus points in ensuring that literally noone fucks with you a second time after you facedump a full 5-stack reckoning on them in world pvp if you aren't playing on some faggot PVE server

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Whatever you do don't give nuBlizzard your money

>leveling hunter with warrior
>Steamrolling exalted camps and zenny mines
>Start pulling all the flecks, greks, and ents
>Warrior gets pissed
>Whisper at him 'u okay bro??'
>Extra Dex because bully boots and foreskin quiver
>Literally can't do pulling mobs and holding all aggro

>its at 40 mins
>nothing here
>i-its somwhere else i promise!
also some literal whos in the video

we cannot be stopped brother

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>assuming we get the 5-stack-capped reckoning that's common on 1.12 private servers
Is there any suspect to expect that this won't be in classic?


7k is too much
2k might be too small
I feel like 3.5k-4k is the perfect number.

Also worth nothing, I believe the actual number was a bit higher than 2.5k
How did people even reached the 2.5k number


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>you hit for 200
woah so scary

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, if anything early game content is more affected by high realm cap than endgame, considering most of the shit you need endgame is in a raid/instanced
sure, lotus/herbs will be more valuable due to scarcity, but i cant think of a single thing that heavily negatively impacts endgame. the big deal of high realm cap is the first couple weeks, where everyone is camping named mobs for quests and fighting for tags, but anyone with half a brain will know to avoid those on fresh.
i cant believe you actually trolled me into watching 40min onward to 50min without a single fucking thing mentioned about this topic.
it was a hardware limitation, you mong. he verbatim says "2k is an arbitrary number" and "it was a design limitation", along with "we always want the server to be busy with interaction". nothing AT ALL said it was an intentional limitation based on 2k being the magical number. It was a mix of both, it has already been quoted that the realm caps WERE a hardware limitation, but they also didn't want a shitton of people stacking on one realm.

The flip-side is that a Reckoning build doesn't really bloom until higher levels. A level 40 Ret build will have many more utilities, especially Repentance, than a Reckoning build can offer with the same miss -5% to -8% hit chance usually found while grinding or running dungeons.

Proud Frostsaber owner checking in.

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This is my shit.
This is the reason I enjoyed vanilla so much.
Nobody knew what the fuck was going on.

Objection, ret stacking doesn't work on white hits and 2006 guides can prove it.

>one of the biggest games of all time, a lifetime experience every single vidya player, if not everyone should've experienced, changed vidya and generations forever, it's impact has been so long lasting and meaningful that by popular demand it's coming back, only one more opportunity to truly relive this fresh and for real

>or a random literally who game whose private servers will remain if it's anywhere near decent

You are a gay

Play with people that never played wow.

A design limitation, as in a limitation made by design, as in not due to hardware limitations but an intentional decision of the design process.

>but i cant think of a single thing that heavily negatively impacts endgame.
you just mentioned one which is for example black lotus. on nost you had a chink paladin on EVERY SINGLE LOTUS SPAWN PERIOD and they had the spawn timers down to a second. you'd see a black rotus spawn, lixinbing paladin login the next second, bubble, herb, logoff. 10k doesnt fucking work.

>Waiting for the gates of a random battleground to open
>/e has reported you as afk. Please type /afk or you will be removed from the instance in 30 seconds.

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That's evil. I love it.

Is there a reason to roll a crafting profession?

Blizzard has confirmed you cannot sit to force a crit. Warriors can't sit for enrage, either.

Make Azeroth great again! Oh, what id to to relive WoTLK and BC...

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>/e has reported you afk. Please type /afk to undo the report

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at the 39:52 mark. he outright says it was a design choice and that it had nothing to do with the hardware. don't know what you want me to say, you're objectively wrong and you're trying to argue with the people who made the game.

"Charges will not generate off auto attacks or npc attacks by trying to sit down and force a crit. However, ability crits from physical abilities such as Sinister Strike, Hamstring, Auto-shot, Aimed shot, etc will generate a charge if you're sitting."

>nelf hunters taming Sarkoth in Durotar starting zone
>active Shadowmeld
>level 2s hit their pet and get flagged for PvP

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I already experienced vanila WoW in its original glory. I'm interested in playing it but there are already plenty of issues that are making me question whether or not I want to pay for it for too long.
>1.12 AV which is when they began to ruin it
>Using updated Legion engine, so old engine quirks like wall walking won't be a thing

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you sit to let the mob critically hit you, user
that's how reckoning was always built pre-TBC, the infamous "oneshot kazzak reckoning bomb" video would not have been possible if critical white-damage attacks from sitting were not able to build these charges

>A level 40 Ret build will have many more utilities, especially Repentance
i don't think you're aware that repentance is only a five or six second CC.. that's not exactly game changing in comparison to streamlined faceblasting that reckoning offers

at level 40, the reckoning build gains blessing of sanctuary if they remain fully in the protection tree, which allows them to AOE farm pretty effectively. can grind 40-50 on tanaris vultures/pirates, then 50-60 on western plagueland undead camps while making a ton of vendor cash and runecloth stacks, maybe even score some blue or epic drops along the way. in comparison to any of this, retribution is just a flatline venture that only a masochist should ever put themselves through the misfortune of specializing talents into

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This will most likely happen though
>classic releases
>insane number of players because of the twitch bite and normies/retailfags being interested
>it dies out after a few weeks and normies/retailfags return back
>forums will be full of people crying that the game is not fun/hard
>blizzard will listen to these people because they are a majority of players
>soon in order to get some more money from this, activion blizzard will add in-game shop with tokens for instant 60 and so on

After all blizzard wont be making much money from this, The game itself will be fine for a while but I dont have that many hopes, forums will be nothing but war between retailfags vs classicfags that just want to argue over changing stuff and not changing

>viper sting
And then just
>run away
>wait for them to sit down to drink
>free crit

So how many of the bugs reported during the beta will be from people who think that private servers are accurate?

I really like undead but I know orc is better for warrior. what do

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Beyond whether or not Reckoning can stack charges properly, I disagree on the grounds that it takes 5 seconds to get OoC, so if you're ganked by others while attacking a mob and you can't perform the sacred Bubble-Hearth, a combination of Repentance and HoJ will give you the opportunity you need to mount up and get out of dodge. On a PvP server AoE farming in melee range is asking to be ganged-up on. You may be right on PvE servers, though, but I never leveled on one.

troll warrior



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Old guide from 1.10 stating reckoning doesn't proc on white hits. Stop trying to emulate exploits from 1.4 or some shit
You think you remember but you don't.

Orc Warrior so you force rogues into playing the RNG game

>Wanting to be a scrawny bag of bones over an Orc for warrior
I love undead, but what the fuck

You have to think user

Do you want better stats

Or to be a female undead dual-wielding warrior with a flippy animation and underwater breathing


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Even if this happens, people will still get to enjoy classic for a while though

disregard everything then, literally never play a paladin unless you want to just be a healbitch i guess
reckoning-bomb world pvp was one of the only things that gave paladins any oomph against other players, without it the class is just a linear healbitch with long-cooldown emergency button(s). what a shitty change

AOE farming with reckoning, hand of edward the odd, seal of light/wisdom twisting was the only way for paladins to generate meaningful gold in classic without having full tier 2/2.5 spell damage gear for consecrate farming. awful change


UD warriors level better thanks to Cannibalize. That's it.

Orc warriors only need to get +6% hit while holding an axe for raiding and BTFO hunters and rogues, which the Alliance is stacked full of because of Shadowmeld Aimed Shot assholes and Stoneskin Vanish bastards.

I will be rolling on a pvp server so.. I know orc is best warrior in pvp. but I like undead more. Will of the forsaken is good no?

It can be pretty profitable if you're one of the first people to get certain recipes, like Hide of the wild
Some recipes are bop, like truefaith robes/archmage robe, so it helps getting pre-raid gear
Tailoring/Leatherworking/Alch have mat cooldowns, it's a nice passive income source

I've made some decent money with a smith lv20 bank alt, just applying iron spurs since smiths are fucking rare and people would often spam org chat looking for smiths for 20 minutes

Hey, you fucking retards.
Get bent.
If you don't know who Grummz is, just lick my fucking balls and google it. It was a hardware limitation. Ten seconds of googling involved.

Of course 10k is too high. Point being that 2-3k is way too low.

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good points. Will of the forsaken is good for pvp though yeah?

Play undead and be like laintime

Hey user why don't you take a look at the video and tell me who is in it?

That's it user.... *siiiiip*

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It's not that great. The most dangerous cc is stun by far, and its not even close.

Literally overkill because warriors have in-house stun and fearbreaks out the ass. WotF is useful, but thanks to other abilities in a warrior's kit it's dramatically less useful than Hardiness+Bloodfury or Warstomp+whatever trait gives them higher Stamina.

Is this what autism looks like

Warriors have built-in WotFS.
Just do yourself a favor and roll tauren or orc. People will actually fucking laugh at you for rolling undead warrior.

>Want to roll human for warlock but gnome is objectively better in everyway for PvP

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>literally being picked to be dolled out because you scale really well with heal gear
Just enjoy the ride and level profs

FemUndead for sure
Backflips>minmax faggotry

>objectively better

Chad doesn't care he just rolls whatever looks good

Very good points. Orc it is!

Those back flips are tempting

human is better because of rep gain increase and perception btfos rogues/druids. only the smelliest poopsock tryhards go gnome

>have been all in on goblins since cataclysm
>none in classic
This is the only thing holding me back from going all in on the comfy home feeling.
After a decade of bouncing between gob DK, gob warrior and gob shaman I'm not sure if I can go back to a pre-Goblin WoW.

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>being able to hide in a bush
>"objectively better"
you're a fucking warlock, the only thing ever remotely threatening your existence is an equally geared shadow priest
orc racial is probably the only one that makes any meaningful difference across available warlock races since rogues will give you a run for your money when they start rolling in gear and spamming thistle tea

world of rogue craft taught me warlocks are gimped is this true

Two developers saying contradictory things. Like i said in my original post on the topic, it was a bit of column a and column b. Hardware limitation and design choice. In the video, he literally says "2k is an arbitrary number" and "we wanted people to be interacting, and for the world to not feel like a singleplayer game."
The point stands that 2-3k is too low for realm population, and it's objectively true. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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muh diplomacy tho
To be honest Expansive Mind isn't all that helpful to a class that stacks Stamina for a second mana bar, and since they're ranged Escape Artist is about on-par with Perception in terms of utility. Given that humans look a gorillion times better on a Dreadsteed than gnomes, it shouldn't be a hard choice to go human.

The only downside to human is having to wait your turn in line in the starting zone to get your imp.

>roll humie
>terrorize faggot pussy rogues terrorizing lowbies on redridge who vanish at the sight of another 60

This, CHAD (all caps) plays bow warrior and doesn't give a fuck

you have a link for the digital one?

no damnit i keep getting feels for my old pvp server Horde Druid. knock it off.

lul i feel like a retard
either way, he never says in the video that 2-3k cap was an intentional design decision
and he does outright say that 3.5k-4k max as a hardware limitation
either way lick my nuts faggot

non-orc warlocks get utterly fucked by rogues when they get perdition blade and increased energy cap from set bonus in raid gear, thistle tea is the most broken consumable in the entire game
>but you can use a free action pot to...
blind and /bye

>2 developers
Why lie to me about watching what was linked? Why not just say "well jeez anonymous, I don't want to watch the video because I suck thousands of dicks"?

Home soon

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Shamans commonly tank RFC

Warlocks are meta in duels and WPvP, while also mandatory for raids thanks to Imp. SB. In BGs they're also a pain in the ass since they can just spam R1 Corruption on everyone and throw out SBs for free with Nightfall procs. If anything, rogues are gimped in Vanilla because warriors are better rogues in PvE, and in PvP if the stunlock fails every class can counter a rogue.

Druid tanks are better tanks in levelling dungeons you dumbass

>2-3k is too low for realm population, and it's objectively true.
but it isnt because the realm sizes were around that number back in the day in vanilla. if they increase it to 4k sure whatever. 5k is bordering unplayable and starts to create cancerous resource hogging like all those monopolies on crowded private servers

BLIZZARDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!! Those sly dogs

I'm hoping it's just a few-day stress test kind of thing. Releasing a long beta now makes no sense when they said it's coming out Summer.

>use lap and coil, apply dots
>use skull, but even if i don't use skull and you blind me, you'll die like a chimp to my dots and cant get restealth unless you time the server tick

any warlock who isnt a fucking retard will smoke any rogue

>nostbabs unironically think vanilla was 10k people online on every server at all times with chinese mafias controlling every single profitable resources and even worse they think this is how classic should be

>not only playing class/race/gender combos that are lore friendly
Utterly disgusting

>Fem Orc
>Fem Night elf

>Male Orc
>Male Human
>Male Dwarf

>Female Dwarf



>Male Night Elf

>Male Orc

>Male Human
>Male dwarf


There's no right gnome, they all deserve the noose.

4k being a hardware limitation doesn't matter when the actual enforced cap was lower than that and we've got devs admitting that it was BY DESIGN.

>shadow reflector your coil, lmao at panic trinket while you apply dots to yourself
>you activate skull while crippling is still applied, literally free damage

haha lets have a retarded shitpost battle over who has more theoretical non-class macguyver tools in their pockets, that's a good way have any meaningful class discussion

Was it during vanilla that warlocks fear basically never broke on damage and they just toyed with you fearing you around for perpetuity while shadowbolting your face?

all of these numbers are arbitrary
5k is not bordering unplayable, you have no idea what you're talking about
dsaur mafia is still possible on a 4k realm pop server. resource hogging will 100% be possible regardless of realm cap unless certain measures are taken

i realized my mistake the enforced cap would OF COURSE be significantly lower than max capacity.

*blocks you're quest drop*

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Stranger things have happened, friend. Only time will tell.

>pretend greentext wow duel
Who talks like this? I cringed a little bit.

More is less, in this case!

>tfw my warlock had that transmog until I 100% quit last year
Truly the armor of the old gods is superior

>Skins you

What's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you in Vanilla?

One time, I fell through the world in Alterac Valley, died, and got sent to a graveyard in Dun Morogh.

5k destroys prof leveling with static spawns and will also create inflation because of all the people injecting gold with their quests.

>broken consumable
thatd be root tubers

I know, this truly is the best timeline

>dsaur mafia is still possible on a 4k realm pop server
it's possible but less profitable as there isnt as much demand. the lower population the less demand there is. 10k had extremely high demand and the supply stayed static because by design devilsaurs have a fixed spawn rate. if proper measures are taken to increase spawn rates of resources you fix the supply but at the same time you bloat the economy to unhealthy levels.

>he didn't say it was a design decision
Now you're outright lying because your ego prevents you from admitting that you're wrong.


Nightelf, Orc, Dwarf and Forsaken

Only good rogues are humans and by extension, dead humans, due to Ravenholdt and defias, every single rogue faction in the game is very, very largely human dominated.

>implying skull is a 'panic trinket' and not a well-known item to pop and have handy in pvp set
>implying that using "non class macguyver tools" is not the standard in classic pvp
>implying you will expect a lap in wpvp setting
all im saying is that your theoretical is just as retarded as my theoretical
rogues aren't very good versus locks sorry brother

>watching drakedog pvp on youtube
where my forsaken warlocks at

I think he means the escape artist, int, and engineering bonus for pvp

Forsaken Warlock was my first ever char... I played on WowScape.

>rank 1 corruption
Why not max rank for max damage? Just life tap it back


I want to play a hunter and I want to play on horde but fuck me if shadowmeld isn't a kino tool I want at my disposal.

A couple times I had a GM transform me and a few other people into random stuff. I got turned into one of those ugly worms from silithus for a while. GMs used to be cool.

That Pat vid introduced me to Freedom Call back in the day.

In PvP people actually Cleanse DoTs, meaning using max-rank DoTs will hurt you in the long run outside of most 1v1s where they can't Cleanse magic effects. The tactic is to use R1 DoTs to force healers to spam their Cleanse, which eats healer mana like candy because in Vanilla's UI you can't see the rank or damage of a DoT. You have a Shift or Ctrl keybind to have it switch between R1 and highest rank.

this was my shit back in the day, god its depressing to watch how little you could do as a paladin though, literally auto attacking to death

Agreed, it's too good for WPvP. I like to shadowmeld and just send my pet in while they run around looking for me while getting smoked by my pet. What a cunt


regardless, even if spawn rate is increased, the point of mafia is making sure nobody gets leather at all. increase of spawn rate just means more gold/hour for sweaty virgins. there will just be less people to sell it to, but at the end of the day, it would be at an atrociously high monopolized price that every mDPS class needs for prebis.

After 8 years of playing Warlock I never tried that but that makes sense.

You know the funny part about all these threads and hype? it's all people who didn't play vanilla.
If you did, you'd know it's not what you think it is.
It's not going to be what it was, and even if it was, the people who played it when it was, wouldn't want to play it now. We've played it then; people don't want to re-play what they've already done.
It'll get a few nostalgia guys, and a whole lot of post-WOTLK babies who want to be part of what they percieve as an exclusive club of "I PLAYED IN VANILLA", who actually didn't.
nobody i know who played vanilla, myself included, at length, has any interest in this. it's like watching a good friend get unburied from the graveyard; you aren't gonna have a beer, you're just gonna watch zoomers rape the corpse.

Doesn't matter, all it will take is babbies whining to GMs and then the people hoarding the dsaurs will get autohearthed out so said babbies can get their leather

This is 2019, that's called 'griefing' now



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To be fair, downranking DoTs is something that's only done in high-level GvG play, like in a premade BG. In PUGs it's hardly necessary to train that kind of reflex as a warrior, since you also have Curses which almost no mage uses because they're systematically bad players, nor druids use outside of strong Swiftshifters who are the 1% of their players that have hit the skill ceiling.

Cross-faction collusion was never allowed. This is another case of people thinking private servers are 100% accurate.

I'm getting tired...
>To be fair, downranking DoTs is something that's only done in high-level GvG play, like in a premade BG. In PUGs it's hardly necessary to train that kind of reflex as a warlock, since you also have Curses which almost no mage breaks because they're systematically bad players, nor druids break outside of strong Swiftshifters who are the 1% of their players that have hit the skill ceiling.

he says both things, you fucking mong.
he says simultaneously, it was a technical and design decision. i have said this 3 times in 3 posts, it was column a and column b. it started off as a design, whenever it was shipped. later on, it was a technical issue (ala servers cannot exceed x amount), and, verbatim, a "bottleneck on the backend". Fucking listen to the video you have such a boner over before using it as a "AHA GOTCHA FAGGOT"

Nah dont play at all bro, you missed the whole vibe i guess. I haven't played since the release of Sunwell because they shit up the game that badly. It's all been a downhill casual fuckfest from everything i've heard since. Hats and mounts, very cool.
People who like WoW as it is now wouldn't even tolerate vanilla.
here's a few things im not sure if anyone brings up;
>save up gold for 6 months to get a 'starter' horse at level cap only.
>no summoning except warlocks
>no party finder, no duty queue, no stupid instanced trashcan cross-server faggot friend modes
>races restricted to alliance/horde
>paladin alliance only
>shaman horde only
>consumable farming for 2+ hours a day in a dumb ice valley full of furbolgs, i cant fucking remember the name, unless youre a casual shitstain with no commitment to naxx40 or aq

it goes on, but that's just off the top 10 seconds of my head. i'm not hateful, just sort of entertained at all the hype from people who clearly didnt play the base game, who think they can rewrite their past into having done so by playing a literal money-grab re-do of it by devs who had nothing to do with it.

Sounds like you fucking suck at vanilla.

As expected from a tbctard

I played vanilla back in 2004, can't wait for classic. just don't play if you didnt like it.

He was talking about spamming low cost Corruption to proc Nightfall though.

oh, so you were fucking bad back then and have no clue what you're talking about, great, the adults are talking now

It's still a retarded decision whenever you can tap your mana back and get healed.

yeah no i was in a naxx40 prog guild back in naxx40 and all through aq40 and before that bwl and MC, we were world top 10, so unless you're really fucking badass from D&T or something you're just being wotlkbabies talking out your ass, enjoy your fucking denial thread

yeah ok
we're going home

He says that they were trying to make them even smaller, but they had to keep in mind that smaller caps meant more servers, which was more expensive. He says the server caps were design driven. Face it, you are a narcissist that can't admit to being wrong.

>being a hardcore raider in vanilla makes you hate the game
I mean I already know this, but it's great that you're getting the word out

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I played on nost from launch to closure. there wasnt an organized devilsaur monopoly at the beginning it was just harmless farming and also full of pvp with few parties trying to outtag each others, I was one of those and we did get quite a bit of gold for the time but the price wasnt artificially bloated. it was later when it the poopsock guilds organized and seized the whole venue and also engaged in shameless crossfaction communication. it also didnt help that it was later patched so that only the tagging party could skin the devilsaur. that only reduced the chaos of having billion undead rogues unstealth inside the dsaur corpse the moment it dies and the change paved way for organized autistic farming with very little chance for deviation.

God I hope I can find a guild to make a devilsaur mafia with. I don't want to go full poopsock faggot collusion, but it would be nice to have a solid group of players to farm that shit with.

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>No Dwarf Hunter
>Tauren Hunter
>No Troll Priest
>Forsaken Priest
t. never played a Warcraft game other than WoW

>make a devilsaur mafia
This shit is bannable tho.
Also you'll need two active accounts.

How is it bannable? Like I said, I don't plan on doing autistic collusion cheese shit. I just want a group of 5-10 players on a relatively relaxed server to farm with.

Do you even know what devilsaur mafia was?

Do you even know how to dilate?

I'm probably using the term wrong if it only applies to poopsock shit. Forget wanting to make a "mafia", I just want a group of good PvPers to try and get a piece of the pie with.