Are you gonna pick up katana zero user?

are you gonna pick up katana zero user?

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Nah I'm really worn out on platformers

Yeah, looks like it could be fun. Wish it was available on Steam already.

i'm just keeping my eye on it for now.

Yeah I've been watching this game for a few months. Definitely gonna buy it, hopefully I won't have to refund it.

If it ever comes out
It had an QTA 2018 last I checked
We're already in 2019
At this point it's pretty much vaporware

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good news it literally releases tomorrow

>are you gonna pick up katana zero user?
>devolver digital
not after they fucking took epic exclusivity cash

well you don't have to pay money

About fucking time

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Im saving it to play it on Switch. Gonna buy the upgraded Switch when it comes out.

>Epic Exclusive
I waited so long, and now I have to pirate it
GG Epic

I have to give credit to epic they have given me a reason to pirate gams again.
Can't wait for shitlands 3 !

done with hotline miami shit

Of course. Been waiting for this game for years.
The real time conversation system is a cool idea too. I like that you can just hang up on people or tell them to fuck off. My last exam was today so i'm hoping to blast through this.

I’m playing it on my Switch and it is nice.

Isn't it not out until tomorrow?

It’s already available in Japan.

Oh so you're using a VPN. How is it?

>katana zero
user did you lie to me ? it is on steam

I'm gonna pirate it, because it is fucking banned in my country. Just like Hotline Miami 2.

what shithole are you from?

ironically most 3rd world shitholes are far more lenient on violence than the EU.

Are there parts of the EU where you can't buy certain videogames?

Is The Messenger any good?

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>more garbage katana meme sword games

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Is this a stealth game? What a waste, stealth games are tedious

it would've been if it didn't turn into a shitty metroidvania half way.

b-but muh combat

Australia, don't act surprised.

You can just make a japanese eshop account

Is this why you blokes shitpost all day? Nothing else to do, no tv to watch, no vidya to play? I feel for ya bro.

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>user did you lie to me ?
no they took exclusive cash for observation