A city of heroes private server exists.
It is build on leaked retail source code from before the shut down and has been running in secret for years.
The owner of this server so far refuses to share with the public the means to play City of Heroes and bars entry to his private server where he has been collecting monetary donations for his own gain.
Various documents detailing the affair:
- Video of the whistle blower (lower your sound):

Alongside server data was provided character data which allows restoration of retail characters on this server furthermore the owner was directly linked to the CoH subreddit's moderation team where he would lead a campaign to discredit and discourage creation of private servers accompanied with threats of server ban for those mentioning said server's existence or refusal to deny its existence.
I'm counting on you to add any information you can find regarding this clusterfuck below in this thread.

Attached: cityofheroes2004.jpg (400x620, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:!aYs0mCgR!6cw0gALYZ_I-zMoJuwdNZjgd-TlQx8bT1NC8WFTVAxk




I find it strange that a game like this is dead in the water with only a secret cult playing it but for some odd reason I can play on a Vanguard private server which had the worst launch imaginable in MMO history and has 10% of the playerbase that CoH had.

literally google "segs discord", first link is an invite

Bros!!!! It's not fair! he got away with it!!!!!!!!!!

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Wtf oh shit LINK NOW

Somebody fucking record this convo. Apparently Destroyer got threatened with a lawsuit over this

could someone stream this? i don't want to have to download discord just to read.

bro use the webpage

apparently they WILL talk, it's just destroyer atm

A lawsuit? Why? Under what grounds?

Defamation and libel

Man I miss how fun this game was when I was kid.
>Running around with some hero bros going after the frankenstein zombie doctor,
>bustin into bad guy hideouts and just punching the shit out of everyone with my scrapper.
>Mirin other heroes and then gettin a whisper from someone mirin.

Imagine being Leo and having your life fucked by an obese youtuber LOOOL

This shitshow has been amazing.

Leo is living like a king in Argentina with those millions of dollars he won

And then look at that fat fuck he's going to jail for difamation

How is it defamation and libel to call him and his fucking circlejerk out on exactly what they are doing and have been doing for 6 years

And I bet the money he's using is going to be community money that was supposed to go to creating an actual private server but has been used instead to fund his secret club

>never releases server code so that he has the only server available
>keeps it secret to all except those who will suck his dick and pay him money
>lies to fans of the game and steals their money when they try to fund other servers/successors
>uses his staff to censor and hide the truth over seven years
>gets his power tripping scam exposed
>now trying to play the victim card even though everything was super illegal on top of being an asshole to the community he was supposed to represent
This is some Grade A human garbage

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>And then look at that fat fuck he's going to jail for difamation
Poor guy, I hope nothing happens to him, he just wanted the truth and gave us one of the best dramas in recent years

Reminder Leandro's home address is discovered, i dare not post it here because mods are fags.

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yeah, i'm retarded. thanks

if you guys want to listen,

join the lobby chat channel and listen.

Never played City of Heroes but I understand your pain, bros
Hope this cunt gets what's coming to him

They are his codes he can do whatever the fuck he wants

Imagine going to prison because you exposed an illegal private server operation... that's not going to happen

I'm kinda surprised how many people haven't played CoH. I remember playing it when I was six.

they're literally not his codes

Now they are

It's because a Brazilian got the code to CoH. They're literally subhuman trash.

Stop bullying guys.

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SEGS Discord is tearing Leo a new one.

jokes on you, this was all an elaborate scam by the Falklands resistance force and was actually a secret signal to begin the reconquest

Leo is the cabals leader and genius overlord, while the world is confused by this they will reclaim what rightfully belongs to argentina.
also argentina is white.

they're still NCSoft's

Post captions tranny friend

>ss13 was stolen
oh no no no

It's people in the voice channels, not text.

I'm not doing anything but eating popcorn while watching all the info leak on the other chan.

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NCSoft can't do nothing he lives in south america the world is different down there

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Sure you are, you serial harasser.

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It's really hard to get that to stick in the US

Everyone calling out Hippie for being a complete massive faggot. God bless ss13. FUCK JANNIES, FUCK NIGGERS, FUCK LEO AND ESPECIALLY FUCK HIPPIE!

I never played CoH either but i've been getting involved in this biz because there is no justification for this evilry.
He could have released the code and still retained his own private server, that's how it usually works. That way many private servers are made but no he kept it all to himself and kept it hostage.
Nobody is mad because they aren't able to get into HIS server, everybody is mad because we can't play CoH even though CoH is currently playable.
They even show up in these threads to use massive confusing tactics, you will see, look at the responses in this thread and you will see when they arrive. They have been manipulating discourse for years to keep their server hidden and they are actually good at it.

Attached: What did you say about me you little bitch.png (288x297, 93K)

>tfw no Symbiote gf

Because the game was monthly fee based. There was a short window between f2p and getting plug pull for Guild Wars 2 and Wild Star. Funny how Guild Wars 2 is dying and Wild Star is kill. What a legacy CoX has.

what? lol

I guarantee that if the server code is released to the public this will all blow over very quickly, with the only consequence being a large chip on everyone's shoulder towards Leo. If he's crying about all the hate and being threatened, there's an easy fix that will make everyone happy.

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South Korea and Argentina are buttbuddies

The worst part is that NCSoft probably doesn't regret their decision either.

what a fucking shit show. what's going to happen at the end of this?

you know what, she's still publicly calling for the code to be released, that's enough for me to take her at her word.

Good World: Leo, fearing retaliation, grows a spine and gives out the code anonymously.

Bad World: Leo gets sued and burns down the ship

Clown World: Nothing

Allegedly the decision to pull the plug on CoH/V had nothing to do with money and everything to do with a dispute between the brother of the owner of NCSoft and the owner's wife

either nothing changes or we get the code

So it's china with argentina and argentina sunk like 3 chinese fishing boats stealing their fish

What's the centrist option?

It'd be funny. Because whoever represents SEGS and Leandro would get served on the steps to the courthouse by NCS.

>i've watched it all week
this has been going down for like 2 days...

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At the end of this the full retail codebase for City of heroes/City of villain is release to internet alongside character data for every character registered around the time of official shutdown.
private servers pop all over and we can all play CoH with our retail character as if the game never shutdown.
that's what happens in the end.

Leo turning into a diaper

NCSoft C&Ds him and starts one or two servers to throw the fanbase a bone but it's shit up with microtransactional paywalls

I'd be amazed if he jail for defamation if it was a US citizen suing him.

Someone from Argentina doing it? Lol

Reminder that the "journalists" who wrote the article on Massivelyop admit they were a part of the server.
>What is conflict of interests

>but it's shit up with microtransactional paywalls
so exactly like it was before shutdown

Bree is still publicly calling for the code to be released, she's alright.

hmmmm some maga blob vs a spic i don't know who would win

So what next? Anons on the other Yea Forums are planning to break into his house soon, but what other developments are there?

SEGS or Leandro leaks code.

why wont bree give me a kiss on the cheek and a nice handy?

I guess we really were a City of Villains.

>What is damage control

She's too fat to reach you with that girth of hers.

How would SEGS leak the code they don't have

She is sucking leandro's bbc for the codes

Who works for SEGS, how close are they to having their own server, and what are they doing?

>Make a Chinese martial artist super hero
>Get stopped in Atlas Park by a roleplaying Commie supergroup full of Ruskies and Chinamen trying to recruit my ass
>Tell 'em I'm from the Glorious British Territory of Hong Kong and that I don't want no trouble
>Proceed to roleplay trouble me

Maybe the real Villains were the friends we made along the way

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user: A city of heroes private server exists.
It is build on leaked retail source code from before the shut down and has been running in secret for years.
The owner of this server so far refuses to share with the public the means to play City of Heroes and bars entry to his private server where he has been collecting monetary donations for his own gain.
Various documents detailing the affair:
- Video of the whistle blower (lower your sound):

I meant waiting for SEGS or Leandro leaks the code (very unlikely)


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SEGS is working on a server from scratch. They would release the server when they finish coding it.

>youtube memes
what fucking timeline am i in right now? fucking HELL

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Whelp rip the thread

damage control is saying Leandro did the right thing and keeping it secret going forward is the right move. Calling to release the code is the exact opposite of the narrative shift Leo and his goons are trying to pull.

I'm sorry user, but all the RP nowadays would be ERP.

Leo can't keep the secret anymore. Pretty much everyone who has ever been interested in City of Heroes knows the server exists already.


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starts off as Destroyer_Stroyer chatting, there is over a 100 people in that VC so when its not his voice, god knows who it is lol
he has a recognisable voice so shouldnt be any issues following with destroyers pieces

>Janitors nuke a thread instead of deleting a single post

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>I was involved for 6 years
>6 years
>The scandal broke
>Btw guy, I totally disapprove. I don't think it is right, they should totally release the code I have known about for the last 6 years
T. Bree

They do it for free so they can continue to ERP.

They're trying hard but the genie is out of the bottle and now everyone will never trust them. Even if they manage to hide the server again and pretend that they wiped it and tossed the whole thing in the ocean people will be wise to their bullshit.

Imagine being the guy who leaked the code. You just want to get it out there so the players can see it again, so you leak it to someone important in the community. Then he fucking sits on it and keeps it to himself for years.

they have the tutorial mission done. that's all.

There's no need to imagine since the guy who gave Leandro the code has been a part of the server for years.

Or the employee and him planned to do this from the start and he's be involved with the project the whole time.

What're you gonna make when they put out the code and someone puts up a server?
I'm gonna make an AR/Fire Manip blaster named Favela Monkey in honor of the guys who are gonna get the code released.

Their new strategy is now "Whaaat? You didn't know about the server? We've always said it existed!" and "No, you mis-remember. I said that a CoH private server with the original code wasn't NOT possible."

So he's okay with it?

>Yea Forums, cripplechan, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube users all share hatred for Leo and his crew

Makes sense, or he could have just leaked it to someone else. Fuck this world.

A mastermind named Leandro the Betrayer, and I'll name all my minions after the cohtitans figureheads who were apart of this.

A villain named Licentious Leonardo that will be basically kill on sight everywhere he goes

Is it still cripplechan when the cripple no longer wants anything to do with it?

we don't know who the dev is or how he feels about this because why the fuck would he do something as stupid as outing himself as an actual unironic criminal

Based neckbeard

>one Argie bargie made the internet butthurt
Australians are babies compared to him


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lol bullshit hes the only person in the situation NCsoft could actually buttfuck so hard his life is ruined forever, out of all the shit leandro has said i firmly believe the original leaker did actually completely disappear after handing the code off.

You're all fags

>We were just about to announce it for the anniversary, and now you've all fucked it up forever! Really we were, honest!

Rock/rock tank named Granite Woman

i know its not creative, but that's the first character I ever made. I was 8 years old. that was 13 years ago.

t. Leo

Is Leotard the worst person Yea Forums has ever encountered?

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This is what a lot of user don't realizes: NCsoft has lawyers that can royally fuck anyone that touch their IP without their permission.

can a drawfag make this but with Yea Forums user and the red cripplechan user

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we'll find each other


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>He could have released the code and still retained his own private server
He could have even retained king private server status, by releasing the game code but keeping the backend data. Anyone can play the game, but you want access to your old characters and you have to play on his server. Everybody wins.
But it's not enough that he wins. Everyone else must lose.

I never said he didn't fuck off. But he picked the wrong guy if he wanted the game to live.

The leaker says they was going to do shit lol.
>"It is hard to believe if you don't play Score but we already made announcement in the server about doing something for the 15th anniversary" said the liar
>"They weren't doing shit" said the whistleblower
Now who are you going to trust Yea Forums?


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I want to give a Dark/Dark troller a go.

if i had to guess, Code late this year maybe?

Im not going to trust the guy that lied to the community for six years straight, I'll tell you that

>Now who are you going to trust Yea Forums?

Trust no one
6 + 2 ch will get it one way or another

The guys who were taking money and threatening bans down multiple levels of referrals for anyone who leaked the very existence of it?

Daily reminder that Leandro was operating an illegal private server for a game he did not hold the intellectual property rights towards and that any lawsuit he introduces will be thrown out because he has no legs to stand on.


Except if he does that, his ass will get rape by NCsoft's lawyers. No one is THIS retarded to expose them selve while NCsoft still holds the IP's right

Invulnerability/SS tanker
Energy/Energy blaster

Why do chan creators leave us? First Moot, and now wheelchair guy.

It would've been a happy ending if he had done it sometime in the last 6 years. now tough, with him being linked to it with name and adress he would paint a huge target for NCsoft on his back by releaseing it since he's the only known source for it. He fucked himself with being a greedy little bastard.

I'm gonna make her first.

That's some real issue 0 shit right there.

I'm still skeptical. He said it was supposed to be ready in 1-2 weeks for the anniversary, but now it's "soonTM".

Personally I'm 90% sure this is all smoke to get the community hopeful that he'll actually release it so this all blows over eventually, the other 10% of me thinks there's actually something positive coming

Fuck this I just want an Exteel server!!
Why must I suffer?

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Wrong, once the top justice of the glorious empire of Argentina(and the falklands) lays down judgement on this disgusting, fat, white neckbeard who DARED to challenge the imdomitable will of the argentinian people deserves nothing short of a quick death and even the pathetic western dogs of the United sluts of america will bend the knee and extradite him

>Bots/Traps MM in the style of my old character
>Warshade waifu because I'm a degenerate who only plays female characters now, and I never really got to try kheldians
>regen scrapper because really who didn't have a regen scrapper
>some brute, because they were a great class I never gave a chance because "UNGA BUNGA ME HIT THINGS" didn't appeal to edgy teenage me

Pardon my sins but i went to see the CoH subreddit and it's a trashfire there, they have nothing under control.

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>his ass will get rape by NCsoft's lawyers
The worst he'll get is a C&D, and perhaps not even that. Paragon Chat was more than enough for a C&D and it's still up.

>He's not in the secret exteel cabal server

lmao fag


Yeah it's when I started. Though my first blaster was Energy/Elec. It didn't feel right and I made an Ice/Kin controller because I saw controllers could have pets.

I can see them pulling all the new finished content code getting pulled out, like the new zone, AT and the likes and having the post-shutdown code getting published.
Keep the work they did on their own server and give the community CoX as it was when it shuttered up. Just like SS-13

>don't leak the existence of the server or we'll ban you
How is it that in 6 years, no one decided to take a shitload of video and screenshots and say "don't ban me or I'll expose the existence of the server"?
Is that essentially what the leaker has done now?

Desperate for cash now that NCsoft is probably gearing up to ream his ass.

leandro pls

good thing you dont know what she looked like

Keep up the pressure, Yea Forums. Your autism IS having an effect on the perpetrators.

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My first character was a storm summoning/electric blast defender. I dropped that character pretty quick.

I mean that's fine, I feel like the outcome should be putting out the code, no fancy bells and whistles, no characters etc.

We'd be lucky to get that much.

Either that or it's one of them on a mod account taking control of this dude's account and sockpuppeting

Check the googledoc in OP there is gameplay footage of server.
Destroyer Stroyer is very fat hero for speaking out, he's banned now and his friends are banned.

my first character was a ninja esque scrapper with a katana that i made when i was 11
but then i rerolled mastermind and used mercs with a character i made based on sarge from quake 3 even had the cigar, i think i name him Sarge too or The Sarge i dont remember

Didn't like playing as Storm?

Don't even play me like that.

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Storm Summoning was such garbage.
Then you ran into Tsoo Sorc's bottoming out your Accuracy and then it didn't seem so bad.

"soonTM" is still better than "never ever" we had a week ago

>he doesn't know
oh no no no hahahahaha

No no, the clown world consequence is that as he's walking to the store one day, he's torn apart by a pack of wild dogs, having given no one the whereabouts or information on the new location of the server or the source code.

I know we have gameplay footage, I'm saying I'm surprised that in the 6 years the server has existed, no one has been disgruntled enough to secretly record the server and use the footage as a bargaining chip.

It was mostly Electric Blast. The damage was just so pitiful. Rad/Psychic, now THAT was a defender.

If that's actually true, it only proves his selfish, power-hungry attitude that would want to punish people who speak against him all these years.
>I'm a pillar of the community, I would never lie you you!
Keep digging your own grave, Leo

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>the only people getting in legal trouble are the whistleblowers

What fucking clown world shit is this

>directly linked to the CoH subreddit's moderation team
wait, why is this still a thing if the servers have been shutdown for years? what do they even talk about?

Their forums, from what we've seen, look like a gold mine. Fuck I would of been regularly screencaping any global/broadcast chats with known members talking. Screen capping their discord. If I was planning a leak like he was I would of just recorded play sessions in voip with people.

I'd of been the king of rats.

They talk about how COH is dead and try to rebuild it from scratch, not knowing there is a sekrit klub that literally kept COH alive all this time.

This whole debacle:

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Anything good from the discord shitstorm?

>Threatening to sue someone for telling people about your illegal private server
Oh no, he's retarded enough to destroy the code out of spite.

it was pretty dead and mostly just people discussing SEGS and spiritual successors with the occasional nostalgia thread featuring screenshots. And they had yearly vigils on paragon chat for the games anniversary hosted by the fag who had a working private server this whole time

I was in the discord convo. The suit threat did not come from leo, it came from VickyV, another player on the server. She's a published author now and is apparently worried this might jepordize her career.

It's over
The spic won
BTW Notre Dame was bombed in ww2

These motherfuckers have retail character data too. They will literally delete your character.

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what a selfish bitch


>And they had yearly vigils on paragon chat for the games anniversary hosted by the fag who had a working private server this whole time
Someone should give this faggot the most restful sleep he's ever known. I'm talking a real two-for-one MyPillow special.

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>tfw we're in clown world

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He's adamant that she was on the server. And he's probably right.

Don't worry it's saved.

I found a video with Leo's backstory.

>they had yearly vigils on paragon chat for the games anniversary hosted by the fag who had a working private server this whole time
This is fucking cartoonishly evil. It's like someone kidnapping your child and then coming over to your house to console you while the kid is still locked in their trunk.

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>tfw I got shadowbanned from the server.
Auto disconnects when I log in.

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Someone on the Resurgence forum named Victoria Victrix (handle since changed to Privyetkitti) said she was going to have her lawyer send him a Cease and Desist for saying that Mercedes Lackey was associated with the server.

Note that I am not saying Mercedes Lackey is associated with this private server in anyway.

spend all day combing through and cleaning up after d pol mlp lgbt

Could be the servers down. I'm getting mapservered also. That or I'm also shadow banned.

Why would playing on a secret server for a game, even an illegally hosted one, jeopardize her career as an author?
Or is she one of the shitheads who was gaslighting people who got close to the truth and is scared of people exposing her conduct and receiving justice?

Everyone else is up and around having convos at the time I was getting this issue on any mapserv.

So who knows. I stopped and played some other game for a while. I'll check in later.

It's a bit different with this shit tough. A c/d can be mostly thrown away since they have barley lega lgrounds and are just to scare away potential threats. This fucker tough went all the way and made money with their property, not in donations, but selling ingame shit. I don't know how it's in argentinia, but at least in the US a c/d for that would rape your little ass to hell and back since it for once has legal ground to stand upon and can easily be pushed trough court.

>paragon chat goes down
>next time you boot it up it downloads the whole game

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So, what disadvantage did you have to fight with? Were you holding a baby? Maybe your leg was stuck in a potted plant? Jar of honey on your head? Oh wait, maybe a woman seduced you and right when you were in the middle of giving it to her, she revealed himself as a supervillain and locked your cock up in the vaginal version of a Chinese fingertrap and then all her friends jumped in and you had to fight them all off while still inside her, dodging their attacks and hers and swinging her around on your dick like a weapon and making her accidentally punch and kick her own allies and I'm too deep into this now, jesus wtf.

The admins don't have to do that, though. They hire mods/janitors for that, and they're routinely cycled through for precisely that reason.


All the old mods Leo installed ran away.

I just reconnected and I'm in.

>a c/d for that would rape your little ass to hell and back
If they intended to do that, they'd skip the C&D and go straight to a lawsuit.
All a C&D is is "stop doing this or we'll escalate the situation."

I'm not saying that Victoria Victrix was one of the people gaslighting people on the titan forums, but you can check her posting history for yourself.

That would be fucking amazing. If they just made Paragon Chat update into the Resurgence server.
>my dick when

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In reality only about 100 players played regularly so it was quite shitty in game.

>Paragon Chat goes down
>it doesn't come back
>Leo killed it out of spite

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Because if you'd do that it wouldn't have been only you, but everyone you invited as well as who invited you and probably half your friends list for good meassure who would get a lifetime ban. Shit like this where punishment doesn't only affect you but those around you as well is very fucking effective to keep people in line.

Zoey Quinn was a warm up.
Leo is the endgame

what the FUCK you better delete this post... QUICK

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Which one of you is going to share what he said on the special secret forum


If he had just leaked it a few months after he got it, he would have plausible deniability now. Greedy AND stupid.

More like he gets shot after being robbed at gunpoint because he lives in Argentina

This, along with releasing the code would be just about the only way for leo to redeem himself at this point.

>what disadvantage did you have to fight with
Storm Kick's Old 4 second long animation

Found this fish guy. He's cool.

Alright. nvm. I'm good then. I was scared for a second.

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kek theres some retarded argies already scoping out his place they just want to steal the data
what do you think they'd do to him if they found out he deleted it?

>but everyone you invited as well as who invited you and probably half your friends list for good meassure who would get a lifetime ban
But if they did that, then you'd just post your footage/images/evidence and expose them. Would banning you and your friends really be worth that to them?

It's like, sure they're threatening to kill your family, but you're threatening to bomb their city. If they kill your family for that then all they've done is remove any reason you have to not bomb the city.

Is this worse than that Xbox devkit debocle? Even if nothing comes of this will the host also be shunned for life?

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They've gaslighted everyone that's leaked prior to this event, and the other people that have been banned have been too nice to bring the house of cards down.

No US judge is going to listen to a non citizen or extradite a US citizen to fucking Argentina over a civil suit


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No he did not share. He did not share the vidyeogames.
This is the vidya jihad, we will take back the videogames.

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>And they had yearly vigils on paragon chat for the games anniversary hosted by the fag who had a working private server this whole time
It's like a comicbook come to live where one of the best of us turned out to be the evil mastermind.

Be honest, you fags wouldn't share it either

Mykimi is safe and sound.

Attached: Leave it to us.jpg (472x716, 78K)

We don't know for sure if the devkit had useful files for an emulator and for all we know there's still some out there. BEsides, the kid just did it because he was dumb and didn't know better.
Meanwhile we know for a fact the spic has all the files you need to get a CoH server up and running and he just hoards them because he's a genuine cunt.

3000 accounts during the 6 years. At peak there were around 100 ingame.

>Oh no, he's retarded enough to destroy the code out of spite.
He always was, from day one. Hue fucking hue hue.

>a large fishman
>in a world full of superheroes

I would share it with the entire world, everyone deserves to play City of Heroes it's a fun MMO.
Now tell us where is the code you spic bastard, your address is known.

Remember the Starcraft Source code? You feel now how starcraft fans felt that day the plebbitor send it to blizzard for some overwatch shit.

No matter how many played at the same time, 3000 people still had to keep it secret.

I haven't heard of the Xbox thing, but I'm guessing he got a devkit by mistake and sent it back? It reminds me of that guy who got the Starcraft source code disc by mistake and sent it back to the devs.
As much of a waste as I think that kind of thing is, they're just trying to be good people, even if their idea of good isn't quite the same as mine.
It's not like they used the dev stuff they had to make awesome mods/emulators for the shit and only give it to their friends and deny its existence to the outside world for half a decade and make literally tens of thousands of dollars on it and then play the victim when everyone else finds out they've been hoarding this great discovery for themselves.

Are you even human? That's the first thing I would do day 1. Even if I didn't know how, I would go to anyone trying to find out. I would ensure it spreads like wildfire to people who would love to use it.

Not the same thing, SC1 is still alive

I'd hold onto it for a bit but also do nothing with it. Then when nostalgia is at its peak, let it loose like a pack of wild dogs.

of course I would shithead, go to starbucks wifi get on a vpn then a VM then RDP from that VM into a Russian RDP then VPN on there then upload it on mega, rapid, git etc then destroy the laptop

Fresh Destroyer quote.

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Look up "reddit xbox devkit". The title of the reddit thread sums it up though.
>refurbished and old Xbox development kit and made it my own personal rig

>Sent it back
No user he gutted it. Ripped out it's insides piece by piece and made it a casing for his PC.

An Argentinian mama's boy has been ERPing with your character for 6 years.
All this time you thought your character was dead but instead he was taking dick up the ass calling out for you.

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Also by first re-leaking the whole enchilada, later on if you get caught with it, you can say you got it the same place everybody else did.

Personally, the thing I hate most in this world is the destruction of content and information.
If I had something that monumental, you'd better believe I'd share it the first chance I got. Hell, even if I ran a PUBLIC server with it, what happens if I get hit by a bus in a week? Releasing the code is the only way to ensure it doesn't die with me.

Delet this immediately

>his toys
Not his, never was.

Honk honk

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What the fuck, I didn't even imagine something like that.

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Fuck off shill

A toy given to him is still his toy user

We're going to save them, we're going to save everyone's characters.

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>Mine was supposed to be a transhumanist germaphobe
Leave Machinsmith alone!

Its like having your own amusement park except everything runs fine
You don't give access of it to everyone

How else are you going to scam a million dollars off fans?

where did people even find out about the private server anyways?

First you have to scam a hundred thousand dollars, which he has failed to do yet!

I'm glad someone else feels this way

sasuga reddit
The best part was the "duhhhh, I didn't see anything on the HD so I wiped it"

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Some other cool dudes did these:

All the people keeping this shit in public view, and the ones putting pressure on this scumbag, legal and otherwise, I salute you.

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City of Titans scammed 670k, how much of that do you think he got ?

>this is actually a secret villain plot ARG to announce City of Heroes 2

He'll get an ingame statue should the code be relased.

Destroyer StroyerToday at 12:44 AM

Can I be honest and say after chatting with you, especially last night I was in Voice Chat. It is clear to me that there are people out there that miss the game way more than I, they love it more than I. Before leaking the server like I said before I had my fill. I got what I wanted out of leveling 3 new chars and the Nostalgia for me wore off. I did not love the game the way YOU guys love the game. I could have just gone inactive and moved onto WOW: BFA or w/e game and DESU I did. My intention to leak the game was to make it public to the people that wanted to play, its still out there. It totally is wrong that I got to play and you dont, I have opinions about the game, negative ones. In fact i would say I have more negative opinions than positive ones when it comes to CoH, IMO its a decent game but lacked something. Anyways that is a discussion for another day. I did not leak the game because I was banned. I leaked it before I got banned. I got banned because I leaked it back in November 2018. I do not want to get back on Leandros private server, I am not leaking it because I am mad I was banned. I intended on getting banned, I knew what I was doing, I read the rules of the private server. I knew that once I leaked all the people I invited would also get banned. Probably a douche move to those 8 people. Perhaps a douche move to those 3000 people on the server but I hate the 1%, fuck that noise. Shits not cool at the same time please stop calling me a hero. This long thing I'm writting may seem like an attention seeking piece, who knows maybe it is. Anyways I hope yall get to play CoH again. Stop calling me a hero though Im just a normalfag who broke the rules.

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Whoops, I only did first two.

reddit circlejerking

I have personally seen multiple projects die due to "I'll open-source it when it's finished" and then the developer going MIA forever.
It boils my blood and I refuse to let it happen in any situation where I have the power to prevent it.

based fat fuck

>stop calling me a hero I'm just a normie that broke the rules
>a normie who saw something wrong and did what he could to make it right.
You beautiful fat fuck. That's what a hero IS.

>tfw I'm in a top 20 world raiding guild in WOW:BFA and I just want fucking out and all I want to do is play city of heroes again

Did 3 clears of the new raid tonight on heroic and didn't even research the fights beforehand because I was too busy reading city of heroes shit. If I could play right now I'd just quit my guild right now, right before Mythic week.

will you be signing autographs?


*unzips dick*

>i have been completely useless at work the last three days because of this shit
I wasn't even playing after I completed the new dark astoria shit, it seemed to me that that was the end of the main storyline so to speak (literally everyone you ever helped there to see you off, big huge fight into a final boss fight for the fate of the world, etc), but god fuck has this made me miss it more than I ever have,

Fuck you cunt, hell yeah I would. At least the server files, maybe on the character data.

Wrong. All indictions point to him being given the source only because of his role as a mod on the subreddit. The original leaker trusted him to not fuck over the community. One has to wonder if the original leaker knew what was going to happen, would they have still peaked Leo?


If it was just server code I would leak it.
But apparently this guy has account databases with payment information.
Yeah, I would hide that shit like a motherfucker. That's an actual felony to have.


If only plan B was to leak now and blame everything on Leo.

one can wish..

There are still heroes left in man.

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still his toy

Yeah, that would be funny haha

How do I install Paragon Chat? I can't find this Issue 24 thing anywhere

That's fucking hilarious

tequila launcher has the full game install

'Kay. See you weenies in a sec when I make a retarded waifu.

Disregard drama. Post nostalgic CoH stories.
This was the first mmo that I started role playing on. As a kid I remember rping on virtue, playing mostly women heroes and villains. I think I had my first experience with cybersex as well, quite the erotic experience for my little kid self.

>4+1+1+1+1chan has to finish the job we started
Fucking jannies killing our reputation.

My general mediafire account and two mega accounts I made when Nyaa went down say otherwise.

you cant kill whats been dead for years
we found the address and his dating profile first tho

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>look up Victoria Victrix
>mercedes lackey's handle
No "now" about it in that case. She's been one for a long time.
This isn't even the first time she's been involved in bullshit regarded online games. She used to be one of those infamous bitches who threatened legal action against anyone who used her settings for MUDs and shit like that. Coincidentally enough, she recinded that bitchiness right around the time she was playing city of heroes. Guess she's back on the wagon.

The profile is fake though, just look at it.

> grown man wanked it to the inane awkward ramblings of a child's sexual imagination
God, what a time to be alive

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It's cool, all the matters is that the codebase i released.
We do what we do best we scream very loud and for a long time to attract attention until it echoes to a frequency that makes everyone including ourselves void their bowels instantly.
PlinkChan is the DPS, they attac.
We are the Tank.

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She's also not a very good author. She's one of two along with Zelazny where I've tried multiple times to read their shit and I just can't get through it.

listen pal, we already know from this entire thing that people don't make up elaborate stories on the internet. it's a platinum account!

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So many people talking bullshit in the segs discord voice chat.

This dude is Argentinean?
Maybe I can pay him a visit

There was one session where my ninja villain would be making out with this android. We'd do the thing where we found some semipublic place and /sit while we sent whispers to each other. I remember at a certain point in time, my little kid heart beating heavy at the naughty thoughts of kissing, caressing and the like-- was prompted by the android to do something more sexual, like oral sex or something. Deer-in-headlights me just kind of froze up and placated them with a response of pleasure, neither giving them the ok or denying them. They must have noticed something because they said something to the effect of "we can just fade to black"

I only read Amber from Zelazny, but I can see where he'd be pretty fucking hit or miss, judging from how the merlin half was compared to the corwin half.
When that fucker wanted to phone it in, he did it from one broken ass phone.

Possession of stolen property isn't a fucking toy you retard. Kill yourself. Burn yourself alive sucking that South American dick.

So if CoH comes back what character will you create?

Not to mention most little kids dont type or communicate in the clearest of ways. I remember getting along fine with talking to people, but I'm sure I fucked shit up left and right and didn't punctuate for shit. That weird, clumsy, rambling way of talking a kid uses when they have to type out what they want to say. I'm sure it was real arousing kek

big tiddy mastermind gf

Head to 4+Yea Forums Yea Forums board for more info they have his home adress, city, car imatriculation and his registry number.

Im actually trying to come up with one now!

Idk yet all I know is hed be under my oc wing

My late father played CoH. He loved it. I think if I were to play again, I would play the son or daughter of his rad defender and continue his radiant legacy.

And his dog. Please be nice to all dogs

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Ice/Ice Blaster
Stone/Elec Tanker
Bots/Shield MM
Ice/Ice Controller
Gun/fire Corrupter

I already have 9 characters fully fleshed out in Mids', right down to the final version of their IO build. God help me.

Ship the dog to canada so she can find a good husband.

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Fucking do it. Also bring a gun.

I'd like to think I was literate enough to pass as an adult, but you could probably tell I was a kiddo when it came to certain topics. I remember killing vaz in the sewers with my supergroup when one player made a comment about his dark tentacles, I was truly ignorant-- "what's hentai?"
He then profusely apologized and gingerly explained the joke.

I mean, he was already doxxed and is supposedly staying at a friend's house due to fear. I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could find archived posts where some of his details are revealed. I'm not saying you should go looking... but he's a fucking moron for using his real name on his Twitter and his first name as a username on various websites. But I don't know if anyone has actually posted his actual address.

Prob a Brute or a Tanker. Maybe a healer for fun

Crab Spider
Earth/Thorns Dom
Fire/Emp troller
Merc/Traps MM
Street Justice/Fire Brute
AR/EM Blaster
Kin/Elec Defender
Nin/Nin Stalker

I'd make a Dominator called Leandro

Wait, so she thinks she can sue people on behalf of other people and from that on behalf of stolen software? lol

I should clarify, dark tentacles being one of those powers from the shadow mastery or whatever.

Noble user.

i will create them all, my friend. every last one of them will be mine

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>published author
Why do people talk of being published authors like it means shit? Any retard can become a published author these days

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didn't brute just wind up being tanker 2.0
outside of a few very rare instances where rock and invincibility tanks were preferable, although I suppose this is taking into account that at the end of the game's life you could go from villain to hero with any archetype, or did I just dream that

You could.


Brutes were absolutely sick, like a Scrapper for people who wanted a little more complexity. While you could make a brute that could almost never die, tanks were still the absolute best at their job. I'd still choose a tank over a brute if I needed somebody to tank Recluse during the STF.

I think they were more offensive than tankers, but it took a while to build the rage meter to actually deal substantial damage.

When people talk of published authors, they mean authors published by big companies. Lackey was published long before self publishing was even viable.

Wasn’t it Hero>Vigilante>Rogue>Villain?

>Todogut and Ascendant are dead
My god I completely forgot after all these years. It hurts so much


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I’m glad he’s helping NCSoft sue him.


Brutes were scrappers on steroids. When a fight first began they did relatively average damage, but at full fury they did something like 250% extra. The joy of absolutely devastating a vault door was euphoric.

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>I am the asshole who didn't release things fast enough. That is a valid complaint.
>I am moving as fast as I can to try to make things better, but I can't make instantly get everything ready.
While this is great news, and it's good that he recognizes it, I'm not sure I believe him. After years of deception I'm just not sure I buy a sob story.

>people ask about the servers
>retard starts mourning people who died for sympathy
Jesus fucking Christ, can he not be a manipulative narcissist for a fucking second?

>Sorry Tony, I know I promised I'd never bring this back to this forum, and please stop throwing yourself in front of buses to defend me. I am the asshole who didn't release things fast enough. That is a valid complaint. But that was not a decision that was done to harm the community because "fuck you, got mine" like so many people are saying. I know the community is hurt and it's my fault. I am moving as fast as I can to try to make things better, but I can't make instantly get everything ready. I have not slept since my phone was published on Monday at 2am and notifications haven't stopped ringing since then.
Holy fuck, he's trying to get people to pity him now.
>b-but I tried my best!

After doing it for a couple years I guess it has become second nature for him.

What a fucking drama queen.


Read his post, i think hes aware of whats going on maybe he can avenge himself

He doesn’t have to work, it’s literally just releasing whatever he was given.

i really hope he does the right thing, this is incredibly heartwarming and it's looking good for us.

this is looking like a redemption arc is beginning. he has recognized that everyone is upset and might be trying to make it right.

i really want to play this game again

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>this is incredibly heartwarming
Really? Seriously? Are you posting that unironically? Are you people that fucking easy to manipulate?


Not everyone is a 5d chess playing Yea Forums cuck

Imagine being that much of a fucking tool.

Its just a video game

>just posted about each server being a tombstone for every dead member of the community
>haha dude what if he wants to be remembered as hitler
I fucking doubt it

It worked on the entire CoX community for years, so yes

i want to play this game again, you fucking nigger. i don't care what he has done as long as he relinquishes control and gives the game back to the people

no one said playing the pity card without titties was easy

Oh poor me, some friends died ages ago, just forget everything, look at how I’m a victim. Still won’t release the code.

What if he does it on accident?
Like spilled a drink on it?

That’s the fucking point, he’s not relinquishing anything. He literally just has to upload whatever he was granted years ago, now he’s pulling some bullshit that he has to “work harder”. No one is asking him to fucking work at all.

then clearly he's lying about fearing for his safety right ?

then he's out a few thousand dollars and he's down a server, the thing everyone wants is the code, not to be able to play with him and his clique

>Server is physically in his apartment

You can do it South American anons

why the fuck would anyone want to play with that asshole now ? boggles the mind

What, you don’t want to play in his server with his buddies who have GM powers?

Real talk, when was the last time Yea Forums was stupid enough to do something that drastic?

don't you think that could possibly be what may be happening if he has the server? my only hope is that he is bringing the entire thing back to hook it up to his computer and start imaging it.

Is this really him?

Yea Forums has a lot of people who live vicariously through video games, and a fair amount of suicidals

Find some overlap between them and city of heroes and all that's left is proximity to South America

>now he’s pulling some bullshit that he has to “work harder”
If he's really doing everything he can, he can reach out to the SEGS people and see if they can get something cooking on their end based on what he has. There are people HE FUCKING KNOWS that would help, but it's so much easier to talk about his dog and his thyroid and everyone that's died.

it wouldn't even be Yea Forums if any ol' thug knows how much of a ransom they can milk off the burgers who would be willing to throw hundreds of thousands of dollars for it

But when was the last time anyone here did something that drastic?
People here tend to be all bark no bite
They're either underage going through hormones and edginess or manchildren who can't let go

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Didn’t you read his post? He’s not releasing anything yet. He says he has to complete his work, he has to work harder, also did you know so many of his friends died?

This fucking guy has lied for seven years, no, I don’t fucking think he’s going to image anything. I’m a fucking autist with no social tact and even I can spot the bullshit from miles away.

Seems like someone on the discord is talking to the man himself.

Oh please, like anyone would try to do something that risky just to get the server or code just to milk money
Nobody who'd do that wouldn't understand the value

He’s been lying to them and undermining their work since they’re a thing.

>when was the last time Yea Forums was stupid enough to do something that drastic?
Did Yea Forums ever did something interesting?
I can only think of examples from Yea Forums and /pol/. To my knowledge, all Yea Forums has ever done is whine on forums, review bomb, and use smug anime faces when something goes their way afterward

Without the threats he would have never responded, 12hours ago he was in the process of making everything disapear in the abyss of the internet to rebuild his empire elsewhere.
Also, the code/chara data is still not released.

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Where is everyone in paragon chat?

We've had a few major industry leaks and stuff like that, but that's about it

And gamergate

Well we sperged on social media until mass media dubbed us hateful incels. That’s something, right?

time to recruit some specop trannies.

maybe his work is going to entail releasing the game. yes you definitely are autistic. no doubt about that.

>We've had a few major industry leaks and stuff like that
Yea Forums was the place it happened, but nothing really happened because of/thanks to someone of this community

>And gamergate
>Well we sperged on social media until mass media dubbed us hateful incels
So, whining on forums

Where is the codebase Leandro.
Where the source code shitheaaad!

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Praise him once he relases it then. Now hoping that he'll do the right thing is foolish considering the past 6 years.

Oh, so he’s that kind of person.

I hope you people didn’t have any hopes of getting anything out of him. Might as well go with pushing NCSoft to sue his ass at this point.

it's literally the only development we have, he's no longer silent and seems to be actively moving towards something. sitting here and whining doesn't get us nowhere. so i'd rather have a glimmer of hope.

>Energy/Energy blaster
kek this is what I ran the entire time I played. I was atrocious at the game dude. I could kill a mook in one shot with the buff power and Sniper Blast and after that I was spent and had to hope I had some energy restore items or get ready to brawl spam

Yeah right he went silent, moved the forums, moved the server, the IPs where scrubbed clean. It is because we threw a shitfit that now he's talking. If you become appeased and release the pressure that's his cue to slip away.

Anyone touched by those sloppy croc tears clearly had a sheltered life.

Energy blasters were quite disliked because their powers had some severe knockbacks that took mobs away from group AoEs, tabks and whatnot

We believe in nothing, Leandro. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your johnson!

City of Heroes is the sort of community in which that sort of behavior is rewarded, unfortunately.

Leo is in the SEGS discord voice.

Will update.

Leo is on the discord.

It's true, Nazis tried to steal hidden gold there but only found paintings. In the Deus Ex universe, it turns out the Templars stole the gold.

Discord chumps are falling for his shit.


Why are there no good MMOs?

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Lol, predictable. Plan B: crash and burn, no survivors.

Holy Shit, Leo sounds very tense.

Has someone considered making an autistic compilation of all the times moderation has belittled people about the existence of a private server telling Tony to fuck himself?

>literal sob story about m-m-muh community and the burden of all this on me

Literally grow the fuck up, and hand out the data.

SWGEmu literally has worked on their shit for YEARS and has regularly updated their community, and it still is open source.

>NA Hours
>Thread is full reddit

>NA hours
its fucking 2 in the morning here you brainless cuck

Go to fucking bed

Not quoted user but I can’t sleep. This shit has been in my mind

Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker
Dark/Dark Tanker/Brute
Dark/Dark Controller
Mercs/Time MM
Martial/Willpower Scrapper

You guys better not back down on accusing Leo of trying to be emotionally manipulative. Him bringing up the dead all of a sudden in the forum is disgusting.

Literally nothing matters apart from the server code ans character data.
He releases that and everything is fine, until he does that nothing is fine.

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Any developments with Leandro on discord?

He's just upset that him and his friends are being doxxed.

Quite upset, right now hes talking about the character data.

Have you no heart, user?

no thanks

Xbox was ignorance. This was malice.

He sounds really upset. He's giving a few more details about how he got the code, and explaining about the character data right now.

fag is crying to the wrong people. He should be genuinely worried some crazy 8memer isn't going to christchurch him.

If I had an inkling that some mentally unstable south american had a grudge against me, and I lived in a shithole like Argentina, I would drop this shit in a heartbeat.

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Not right now no. No heart.
Any means is good to pry CoH away from his hands, let me just remind everybosy that this one guy is holding a vidyagame hostage and nobody can play it as a result.

Hes literally crying in discord.

You’re falling for his shit tricks

Leo is currently claiming in the discord that the code he recieved was the binaries only, and did not contain any data. Meaning no powers, no story arcs, nothing that would go into a database, and he's been having to reverse engineer all of that.

I mean, I would too if some 8fag was trying to kill me.

Does it sound like actual wet crying.

Superheroes are more popular than ever so why are there any new big superhero mmo's? Are game devs fucking retarded?

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>Are game devs fucking retarded?
you already know the answer.

Bullshit. The server was fully functional and indistinguishable from the real deal by mid 2014.

No, he just sounds shaken up.

>they used constellations, background noises and airplane contrails to get a rough location and then they triangulated the location with using the stream and fucking car horns
>mfw the flag started coming down on stream and the MAGA hat went up
fucking magical

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No its more of a tantrum a 6 year old does when his mom doesnt get the mcdonalds he wants.
" Im sorry im just getting so many threats right now"
"I dont know what to do"

Tell him to stop crying and release everything he has, binaries, characters, whatever. It's dreadful that it has come to that but if he drops everything he can go back to his life.

That wasn't Yea Forums though. It was /pol/'s weaponized autism

MMO is dead genre at this point. Bless' launch has kill any hope of any new mmo had in the future.

Modern MMOs are shit, and MMO developers are too much of pussies to take risks and create something new. Superhero MMOs require risks to be taken, but everybody's too afraid. CoH is the closest we ever got to the perfect superhero MMO, until NCSoft fucked it all up.

whoops, misread and thought you were talking about Yea Forums in general

He's currently saying that:
>He can't release the original source because it contains timestamps and paths that could be used to track down the original dev who leaked it, and he wants to make sure it's 100% cleaned before he does that

>He DOES have a modified version he made that works and is what SCORE is running on. He's saying he hasn't released it because it's still very dififcult to get running and buggy. People are telling him to release it anyway and he's currently explaining some technical challenges with it.


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When the game got Going Rogue you could go through Praetoria from 1-20 then pick which side you wanted to go to as any AT, or as an existing character do enough morality missions to switch sides.
When the game went free there was a new tutorial zone setting up the Battalion where you could roll any AT and join either blueside or redside, so you could have a Villan Level 1 Tank or a Hero Level 1 MM.

I’m just giving up if the retards fall for that. I’m really not equipped to try to convince retards not to fall for melodramatic emotional bullshit.

MMOs aren't the profit powerhouse they used to be and useless greedy studios only care about profit. They're too risky and require a lot of investment, and that's not something anyone wants to do. So yes they are retarded.

>He's saying he hasn't released it because it's still very dififcult to get running and buggy.
That’s not what we’ve been told at all.

>>He can't release the original source because it contains timestamps and paths that could be used to track down the original dev who leaked it, and he wants to make sure it's 100% cleaned before he does that
And that's taken six years, yeah?

How is it buggy and difficult to run? What the fuck did he do with the source.

>Bless' launch

He was busy buying 16 servers to make sure his private server had enough player slots for his 30 cult members to live comfortably.

He has it running optimally for 3,000 people and we are meant to believe that?

>He's saying he hasn't released it because it's still very dififcult to get running and buggy.
And of course only he can fix that, no-one else can be allowed to attempt it, only Leandro can deliver

We've seen the game. If anything was wrong with it we'd have been told by now by the numerous people coming out of the wood works.

It’s bullshit, dude is a pathological liar.

he still has it, but it has timestamps from the devs that have worked on it and he's worried about that getting traced back.

>Someone put up server space and he's thinking about just dumping everything on him and being done with it

The shitstorm that happen at the end of may last year. All mmofags wanted this game to be good, but the launch was one of the worst launch in mmo recent history

Attached: share_bless.png (1200x630, 820K)

Some dude literally just said he has 3 enterprise-class servers and will immediately host a server if leo releases something usable.

Guy was on reddit just a couple hours ago telling the full game was out there back in 2014.

So he was given a build of the game that is marked by a certain group of devs and he never sanitized it?

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>hasn't released it becuase it's too hard and buggy
>but it's good enough for 3000 of his cocksucking clique for 6 years
The cojones of this fucking guy.

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He won’t stop with the fucking lies, jesus.

The buggy version is the cersion clean of traces, read the post. The good version has timestamps that traces back to the original dev who leaked the game for NCsoft to sue him out of his life.
I don't want a CoH dev to get sued by korean vampires but we need the god damn game!
It's an actual dilemna presented like that yes but i say just release the good version, i'm sorry CoH dev but we can't risk Leandro keeping the game hostage again.
Because we threatened him. Send more death threats and show up at his house with biscuits and tea.

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The original leaker from NCSOFT is in this chat



pssst. there is no "good" and "buggy" versions. he's full of shit. he just doesn't want to share his toy.

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>4+Yea Forums being painted as the villain who will never be pleased
We're irrelevant now guys.

People have been playing the “buggy” version since 2013 and so far absolutely no one has mentioned anything about it playing any different from the official server. We actually have people saying otherwise. He didn’t reverse engineer shit, it’s fucking bullshit, he has the server code and won’t release it.


Here we go!

Attached: hatgasm.png (236x226, 151K)


Attached: ss+(2019-04-18+at+12.06.20).png (724x768, 26K)

that's what it sounds like. honestly, this is sounding really good.

the massive mob of people have actually managed to completely crush his spirit. he said it himself that they're not going to stop until they have a server.


fuck it, let them be the boogiemen if they can get this shit going.

Seems legit

Good, maybe the underaged retards will stop coming here then.

Reminder that on live they made the entire Fitness power pool inherent at level 2 since it was a no brainer pick for +End recovery, expanded power pools with an extra power and made the travel powers themselves available at level 4.
There were also other power pools coming with travel powers like the Utility Belt and Sorcery.

He has the exact data that Leandro said he has and he confirmed it.

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Good. Fame ruined this place.

Leo and this new mysterious stranger are now in a private text chat (leo is still in voice).

Is it actually happening bros!??!?!?!

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Nice binaries


It's funny how the CoH community was so docile for so long, and the instant this happens it's like a full on lynch mob.

Is that true? How bizarre, but I guess not that surprising. Picking up fitness was always strong as fuck.

Travel powers at level 4 sounds stupid though.

It’s one of leandro’s friends.

People were okay with it being dead. Well, not okay with it, but accepting.

A secret friends only server made by betraying a leaker's trust made people mad

>tfw finally have a laptop that can run the game all these years later

Is this it? Can I finally play CoH now?

No, it’s one of his cultist friends pretending to be the leaker.

Imagine being united with the idea that something was gone forever. You said your goodbye and then you moved on.
Every single attempt of making a private server failed.
Then it turns out, there was one. One with all old data.
The past lives.
Under someone who not only kept it a secret, he tried his best to keep others from even attempting of making a shitty private server.

Does this retard not understand that by releasing his buggy modification of the source, he can have the actual community he wants to please help him patch holes in the code alongside him? Does he think if it's not perfect we'll shun him forever? This guy has had the luxury of having the original shit for so long, he's disconnected from people who just want to have a shot at playing the game - bugs or no bugs. I have yet to find a private server for any MMO that didn't have its own special quirks because it's been built from a nonperfect base.

My guess is he doesn't want anyone else to have the power of modifying or running a CoH server, hence why he's sabotaged other private projects all this time. Plus it's hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when the wounds are still fresh.

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Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches. Let the Korean SWAT teams into the favelas.

It's happening and it's happening the one thread that i made. I helped.

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>There's us, them, and those who wear suits. We're ALL against the guys who wear suits.

-New "leaker" guy in voice chat

>SEGS discord trying to play nice

no. you dont wrong me for 7 years and expect me to be nice.

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SanGawku also posted this

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They’re trying to divert attention

Good job, user.

>Then it turns out, there was one. One with all old data.
>one with all of the old data, running almost immediately after the game had shut down.

I didn't say I didn't understand. I just find it amusing. From a friendly, slow community to a torrent of hate-filled crusaders overnight. I'm entirely in favor of the servers going back up, killing off online games is a fucking despicable practice.


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Basically the instructions to pull shit off

We’re supposed to believe Leandro coded a whole emulator from scratch in a year and it had all the content from the game and ran smoothly, but also has bugs apparently.

From the discord.

also we need a new thread soon

Attached: Lingering_Will.png (600x594, 225K)

It's probably just a way for Leandro to leak the files through a source in such a way that it looks like its an independent party.

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Actually don't fuck Exteel, all the cancelled NCSoft games were fucking golden in their own ways.

Psh user shut up.
Someone else prepare the next thread.
We might just all get to play City of Heroes again.

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The lower levels were always going to be tight on power selection but most vets would have two attacking powers, the free origin attacking power, Sands of Mu and a Nemesis staff so they weren't too starved for attacks so could pick up Fly super early for getting around.
Speed's fifth power was a clickable that recharged all your powers instantly for a big endurance cost.


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I always wanted to play that, it sounded so cool. Never got the chance.

You know, i was just going to post "if the favela monkey cant sanitize the data by himself, maybe the fucking dev that leaked it can help. Fuck, it's HIS ass that's actually on the line" and then this happens.

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they're trying to find a common enemy to build some sort of rapport between each other. if that has to be "us" then so be it.

Good to see it’s back up

What if the dev was lurking for years, waiting to see if leo would do the right thing?


Oh god why did you remind me of haste spamming

If true, maybe they anticipated the day this would happen.

The SEGS guy who got leo to come on the discord just said "Good things are happening", and leo and the new guy are currently getting a more secure method of communication set up.

I'm just reporting what's been said.

That's the worst part about it. The community there was legit one of the most genuine for a game that there's been. And he doesn't seem to understand yet that that's gone. The bonds that helped make that community so great are blown the fuck up now.
That's not all his fault specifically - you've got "old man in the club" dumbfucks like tonyv going around thinking they can speak for the entire community while saying they're thinking the opposite of what they're saying in every available forum on the whole damn internet. But he has no self-awareness of this shit either. It's just a few angry facebook people. What's the big deal? It's their own fault for being upset.
Community's dead. People might "forgive", but they won't forget, and they won't trust. Huge strokes of communal goodwill, positivity, and shared experience were erased by e-peen overnight.

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I started playing Exteel 3 months before it was shut down. Ripped right out from under me during my peak enjoyment of the game.

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So Yea Forums what did we learn?


We can't have nice thing.


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Fuck power obsessed nerds?

Evil takes many forms

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What if Destroyer was the dev?

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WTF is going on now? We... we are winning??

That Destroyer Stroyer needs a statue in Paragon City.

>WoW Classic finally going to come out
>City of Heroes might be coming back as well

We're all going home my MMO brethren

unrelenting force and threats of physical injury and rape makes progress happen.

Attached: 1543191118164.jpg (500x390, 71K)

Leo's going to release the authentication server as a show of good faith. He's uploading it right now.


Who knows? Leandro is on discord with the supposed dev/employee who leaked it

What does that mean?! Help I'm retarded.

Never trust a self-proclamed hero


What does that even mean? We can’t play with that


An authentication server is an application that facilitates authentication of an entity that attempts to access a network. Such an entity may be a human user or another server. An authentication server can reside in a dedicated computer, an Ethernet switch, an access point or a network access server.


I'm waiting for based mister metokour to make a video on this

Reminder that Destroyer Stroyer saved City of Heroes.

If having a more private method of communicating details is the way Leo will feel safe in organizing the release of "good things" then I'm all for it. Just remember that keeping things behind closed doors is how he's been operating for several years now, and I'd be concerned that he's trying to figure out a way to keep things wrapped around his finger.

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The key


the fucking door to the house-game

So it’s fucking nothing

It's the code running on the machine that handles user logins.

He wasn't going to upload the server today. Atlease the Auth Server is something.

who cares, i have 20 character builds ready to go for a fresh start server

An authentication server rapes niggers at rate of 300 niggers per second, per 30 second intervals. Leo has modified it to rape Argentinians and Koreans.

>Community's dead
Lets look at SWG emu. People talk about how great it is but in reality, 90 percent of the players are bots or afker. How long would the honeymoon last before a CoX private server drop down to like 50 players?

You can log in if you remember your details and see your characters but won't be able to connect to the game proper.

The CoH divas will never let go of their old characters, don’t expect a fresh start

I don't care if they wipe the characters. Actually, I hope they do. A fresh start would be nice and symbolic.

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>if you remember your details

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It’s code, not the means to log into his server

What the fuck are the discordfags doing? leo gave the authentication server and now they're scared to upload it.

>90 percent of the players are bots or afker
to be fair, SWG isnt the same kind of game, akfing is a legitimate way to play a lot of the professions like dancer/doctor etc


I'm fine with starting fresh though.

Always a nice feeling, isn't it.

Attached: toons_spongebob_197_thumbsup_image_640x360.jpg (640x360, 203K)

Everyone partying up to level would be great.


>Authentication Server has been given to someone in the discord

New thread?

>/cohg/ will exist in your lifetime

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I hope you realize that’s fucking nothing

Someone should post those emails on that discord

Oh no...The furries and trannies will flock to /cohg/

Fun fact: the fact that he is now distributing code guarantees that NCSoft will be after him in a matter of hours. You will never get the rest of the code because they will threaten him before he can release it.

By releasing only a bit of it and promising the rest later, he has most likely doomed your chances of ever getting the rest of it. Sleep tight anons.!aYs0mCgR!6cw0gALYZ_I-zMoJuwdNZjgd-TlQx8bT1NC8WFTVAxk

>the hellions and vahzilok's faces when 3000+ veterans steam roll through the atlas sewers

Attached: You+can+see+the+fear+in+his+eyes+_cce24ad11c1388d6010b93a6bea549d8.jpg (300x360, 25K)

Wow now we can code the login screen, great job leandro

>NCSoft will be after him in a matter of hours

implying NCSoft gives a shit

>people too blinded by hype to see he might be pulling a fast one and "giving" it to himself as a new scapegoat

oh no...


>not hunting snakes in rogue isles

>CoHfags will finally be able to understand the feeling of FRESH

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We are going home, bros

But he was unironically a bottom...

I'm playing CO and half the population is furries. Are you going to accept that your game is going to be populated with furries? This is monkey paw tier stuff.


Companies may not always care about private servers but you bet your ass they care about source code leaks

I don't fucking care about furries and anyone who does is a fucking baby.

>woke up, couldn't sleep
>check Yea Forums
>I never played or cared about CoH
>mfw observing this absolute shitstorm
>mfw I don't know shit about technical internet techie stuff, let alone the history of this game or who the fuck any of these people are
>mfw I have no idea what the fuck is going on
10/10 shitstorm though would watch again

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I don't care if the entirety of Atlas Park is owo whats this tier, I want my god damn superheroes.

Argentinians are a scourge in this Earth and must be purged.
Signed Brazilian

Look at all the insane steps he went to gaslighting and deceiving everyone. It's stuff that you would need to work on as much as a full-time job.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if all this 'redemption' shit is just more of the same. He and his friends can keep playing CoH by themselves while he promises more shit.

I'm sure he's already one of the 'new' mods on reddit, as well as running a few dummy accounts; I bet he's making posts here; I'm sure he's sending websites more misinformation under fake names.

This guy is a literal autist.