ITT: Best companions

ITT: Best companions

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I am ready for video games to be cancelled

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What wrestling game is this guy from

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Cass is cute! But her religious bullshit is annoying.

I loved Elizabeth

Agreed on both counts. Though it is pretty fun once you find out Solas is the Maker

Beep Boop

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Science lizard

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i see you are a man of culture as well

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I would actually kill another human being for KotOR to be remade with modern graphics.
Although I doubt Disney would allow for a character as dark as HK to be in SW ever again.

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fuck off

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not only she's a cute but she's also useful in the actual game

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Marcus, Fawkes, ED-E, Boone, Raul, Hancock, Valentine, Deacon
Sulik, Cassidy, Goris, Butch, Charon, Jericho, Cass, Arcade, Dogmeat III, Curie, Ada, Longfellow
Ian, Tycho, Vic, Skynet, K-9, RL-3, Dogmeat II, Veronica, Codsworth, Piper, Danse, MacCready, Gage
Dogmeat I, Lenny, Myron, Clover, Lily, Cait, Strong
Katja, Robodog, Cross, Rex, X6

Absolutely love this guy and I sympathize with his story. He's just a man on a suicide mission to end the Legion.

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He's such an absolute bro on an anti-Legion playthrough.
>I see any crimson, I'm taking the shot. Hope that's not a problem.
>That's not a problem. That's a solution.
>Damn right. You and me, we're just a couple of problem solvers.
I always take him to the Fort before the final battle so we can kill Caesar.

literally game carrier, so powerful that his bites can slice in half hordes of orcs, golems, demons, even himself

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da2 cass > dai cass

I love her

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>Endure. In enduring, grow strong.


Always my favorite character because I like her perk for RP flavor.

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reminder avellone killed him in cold blood

>Mexican nigger ripoff of Vic
>Vic is the worst companion
Higher up your standards bruh

>Mexican nigger ripoff of Vic
Yeah, I guess you're right bu-
>Vic is the worst companion
Get the FUCK out of my face

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>implying avellone's shitty bible is canon
I hold it that Goris was a chad who realized the severity of his position and fucked any deathclaw bitches he could find.

>Vic the worst companion
>raul the worst companion
the only nigger here is you

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>gnome beating dog to death
>beat gnome to death to save him
its like poetry it rhymes

Fuck Ian he kept killing me


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And hes not even official

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In this house we respect the handymen, you anus-lipped dickshitter.

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she cute

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You did trust him, right Yea Forumsros?

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my gf