Warframe is mankind's first AAAA game

I just decided to one-up muh triple-A and call Warframe AAAA game after spending over 100 hours in it and finishing The Second Dream and War Within quests. I've never played anything even remotely this good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>100 hours

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Warframe has single player? I thought it was some free to play multiplayer game.

You gay son

What number is this?

Just wait until the burnout user. You'll feel embarrassed for making this thread. It'll hit when you realize the game has no endgame to speak of and it's just aimless grinding.

>100 hours
Those are rookie numbers.

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It's fucking crazy Warframe is going strong

>100 hours in and he still hasn't realized its a boring ass pile of shit

t. Dague

It is pretty good, feels good to play and so on. However I can't for the life of me understand why this game STILL has 3 different mission types and that's it. It would be 100% reusing assets if you just make new variations of missions, not 100s of manhours. Just new scripts, PLEASE MORE MISSION TYPES I BEG OF YOU DE

I will say this....Warframe is probably the only game that truly made the game as a service model work

I tried playing this but holy hell it was WAY too fucking easy. And apparently it practically has no end-game so you just farm shit for the sake of it. Fuck that shit.

>free game worth 100's of hours

you just burned through it too fast like an autist

for casuals it's amazing

they're up to like 7
2 of them are horrible

You have shit taste. Those quests turned what was once a mysterious and esoteric universe into a boring ephebophiliac waifu simulator. Gameplay is okay if you like grinds but the setting is trash now.

>mobile defense
plus their fissure, kuva, nightmare and archwing variants plus Eidolon and Vallis missions sure counts more than "3 different mission types"

I have over 300 and I'd say I'm not even close to being not a newfag.

I realized what to expect from the game within like 30 minutes of playing. Gave it 10 hours max and pretty much felt like I already experienced it all. And sorry bro, any game with a wait x hours to craft system is boring.

Yeah it is dumb easy until Saturn, that's when you need to start planning loadouts for real, and it becomes real nightmare by Pluto.


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>anything other the last mission of a sortie

>having difficulty with sortie 3

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>Gave it 10 hours max and pretty much felt like I already experienced it all
oh my sweet summerchild

It's only hard when radiation hazard is in play and you get matched with retards

Lol the first 100 hours are the only good ones
t. 900 hours

You show me a very short list of missions you can do in Warframe as an answer to my hyperbolic statement. I'm genuinely curious, do you not see how you made the argument for me?

I really don't understand what people liked about the second dream, I thought it was pretty mediocre at its best moments. War Within and Sacrifice were solid though.

It'sa grindy ptw game that forces you to play a tranny.
Whatever you say kiddo.

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I have like 10 hours and just unlocked Mars.

It's alright, just worried I am going to run out of slots for Warframes since you only have 2 and the rest is locked behind premium currency.

Nobody needs 10,000 hours to understand its an endless grinding job with no pay you dipshit lol.

For not that autistic casual with 100h on clock it sure is horribly difficult. Maybe if I'd be assed to grind fissures nonstop to get good prime weapon and minmax everything with wiki it wouldn't be.

just wait till you get a 75% off coupon, buy like $5 worth of plat, and only use it for slots and never spend another penny on the game

The term "AAA" has nothing to do with quality though.

This game is its own fucking worst enemy.
>show off rivens
>people don't think twice about the implications of them and fangay about how good they'll be
>they're a fucking RNG-riddled monopolistic mess
>show off hoverboards
>don't even think for two seconds about how bad they'll be and fangay about them
>they're worse than arcwings in every single way
Also there's like 50 fucking important things """"on the back-burner"""" with no ETA while DE is jerking off about open-worlds.
If they announce a fucking Jupiter open-world in the next Tennocon I'm fucking quitting.

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I think the one I was given for starting the game expired.

don't log in for a week straight - you're basically guaranteed to get another within a few days

>If they announce a fucking Jupiter open-world in the next Tennocon I'm fucking quitting.
>open world gas giant
Open world arch wing! Yuo are genius!

>10 hours



How does it force you to play a tranny. It doesn't. It's made especially clear later in the story who exactly you are.

can't you sell stuff for Plat?

I recall a discord server I hang out in mentioning that

you can but it's pretty tricky as a brand new player to acquire anything that anyone will actually buy

doot doot imagine floating giga eidolons to hunt and ooooooooooo landing craft space action you can mount wepons on landing craft and models finally matter and have navigation within navigation because jupiter is kinda huge but you can still fail a mission and there would be multi DAY missions now you need to park craft in safe spots and leave game running and host migration happnes at some pointe haha

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I am a patient man. I can wait.

I did use the starting 50 Plat for slots. Like 3 frame slot upgrades and one weapon slot upgrade (which come in sets of 2)

I've made thousands of plat selling stuff. Things sell for quite a lot in this game which is one of it's better features

>AAAA game
>100 hours
>Anything tater related "good"
The game was great but at the point of being no better than a Korean MMO

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The game was great before bing bing wahoo open world and rivenshit

>You're a sentient biological weapon Kamen rider
>"Cool I can dig this"
>Nevermind you're a quadroon who operates the frames like an EVA
>"Wait what I don't want this"
>Also you're a mommy's boy/girl who never questions the Lotus's motives even though you have plenty of people who say not to trust her

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>tfw we've been denied our true and best master: Teshin

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Here bro youtube.com/watch?v=-lA7xYrcaRs

When Wisp?

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>fan-made skins
>expect some cool original concepts be made
>guy submits literally hatsune miku
>it gets into the game

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So i stopped playing right as they put in the dogs.
I had over 300 hours in the game and was so burnt out i just gave up on it.

What happened to the game and did it get better? I always see one dude shill for it then 100 other anons end up like me with confused laughter wounder how a game with endless grind could be fun.

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Better voice, better physique, just overall better. I feel your pain.

>after spending over 100 hours in
so you've barely played it and are calling it an aaaa game?

>did it get better
It's in the worst state it's ever been in.

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What's not fun about free space ninja fishing and mining simulator? Just chill, never understood how people can burn out. Play when you feel like it. I've had month long breaks.

You burn out eventually
If the game really is for you, then the experience is really enjoyable
I’d recommend everyone to at least try it but once you burn out it’s really hard to come back

t.400 hours and hasn’t come back since nekros got vaulted

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I invested 600 hours into while I was detox from MOBAs until the Nidus grind bored me. ONE set of neuroptyds, was that too much to ask?

Oh well whatever i got sick of farming the same prime parts after the first 100 trades
I don't know if you have a shitload of time in that game but the only thing to do at the time was prime farm and smash through content as fast as possible over and over.

I use to do Stomp Rhino and all we did was blackhole stomp shit so long the whole map would never move more than 2 seconds

The game was grind simulator and the people that produced the game are lazy as fuck and would just rip assets from there own games.

2nd dream and war within are so fucking overrated. Maybe you are blown away by the "lore" but the missions themselves and your objectives are fucking trash. The cut scenes are nothing special compared to any other normal game. I fucking wish warframe had any mission as good as some of the destiny or halo ones. But no you get fucking do defense or survival for the 100th time. I am so fucking sick of defense mission in this POS. The game literally has no enemy encounters cause you either fly by everything or just blow it up instantly.

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it's 99% single player. multiplayer exists for grinding endgame shit, that's about it. There's no real "raids" besides planes content which no one does, bringing randoms along with you for missions is a death sentence as they'll fuck up stealth/multikill.

"Free" is an excuse to have dull long grinds as well as taking forever to fix glitches and put out content. Prove me wrong

>an excuse to have dull long grinds
Grinding IS the gameplay. You do nothing but grind through the entire game.

>They keep adding frames while there are already a bunch of useless frames and most of the time the new frame is also already useless

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>game gets popular with literal faggots and trannies
>quality goes down on everything even on the sfm porn
>"Oh no please behave Tenno let's not get political"

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Sounds like a bad concept for a game.

You'll burn out by the time you get to the end of the Star Chart. I wish they would stop focusing on open world shit and make some better missions to do

Luckily fun curazee space ninjas makes up for that
I'd say looter shooters are an example of the same concept done badly

I don't really know what you mean. The quality was never that high for the game. The biggest updates we get are ones for things that already work but they wanted to change them so now its different but not actually any better. All of this while shit that has been broken for years just gets ignored

Needs more PvP

Whatever you have to tell yourself as you play that defense mission for the 1000th time

Does the 4th a stand for amazingly long grind

Nightwave is absolute ass. You just play the same missions you have been playing for years but now you get to play extra ones that you have absolutely no reason to run just for the bullshit points

Someone needs to wrangle the "creative" team and get them to stop fucking around.

>lol i just watched the warriors, lets put that in the game!1!1

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>"competition" for Warframe consists of shit like Anthem and Destiny
>Most Warframe players actually want the games to be good so DE steps up on their game
>All the games turn out to be shit
>DE praises it and sees it as an excuse not to improve

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we need more operator stuff

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We need to remove the operator

Remove tranny taters

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Why even bother removing. They are pointless except for picking people up and getting hp back. Let them be the invincibility button like they are.

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>OP is a casual with shit taste
no surprises here.

Each game does things better and worse than the others. Its too bad there won't ever be a game that combines the best of each.

At least most looter shooters make an attempt at having a fucking endgame.

Warframe will always be shit until the retarded developers stop being lazy and figure out decent endgame content that isn't just pointlessly grinding new weapons and frames for no reason.

*puts you in a headlock*

admit you are a male.

It's a lot of fun until the burnout hits. Then you become jaded but stick around because of the addiction.

Dude you need to wake up. Seriously, Warframe hasn't been about any of these things for some time now.

Eternal playability. I've played and replayed a lot of excellent games up to that 100 hour mark, but if DE can keep pushing out content and lore Warframe without going full retard this game can be forever while having all AAA qualities: story, art, sound, graphics, originality. Imagine this going on longer than Simpsons with all the great seasons and inevitable shit seasons but all within one game. Thousands of hours of actual content plus the endless grind stuff.

400 hours here, which frame do you use for sealing fractures? I'm having lots of trouble for some reason.

Frost, spam bubbles and wait inside of it.

>Warframe is one of few sci-fi multiplayer games
>Actually liked the designs on the Warframe and like their mystery factor before ugly taters got involved
>Game doesn't get better at all over time and consists of doing the same grind over and over
Well guess I'll have to convince Hopoo to make a risk of rain MMO after two.

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actually, you're supposed to put me in a headlock and turn me into a girl, since all operators are male

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I played it and loved the first 5 hours. Then nothing changed over the next 5 hours so I got bored and quit.

Nezha was the worst thing to ever happen to warframe.

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go play anthem, bitch

imagine wasting your time on a shitty skinnerbox.
truly this is worse than gachashit.

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I couldn't get past the manipulative time gating on crafting.
>6 real life days minimum for a warframe
>Pay up goy.
No Thanks.
Also the community is garbage, full of trannys and 99% of player active players don't participate in any of the early planet missions, so its extremely slow an tedious just trying to progress through the "Story" or farm early frames/crafting mats.

you are the reddit, reddit


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Why? Nezha a best.

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technically Destiny is doing better than Warframe player number wise.

How is it manipulative? Put something in foundry and by the time it's done you have barely scavenged enough parts blueprints components and money t ocraft someting new. Good balance in my books.

real life days minimum for a warframe
its 3.5 if you aren't retarded.

The timegating is fine and nobody forces you to spend real money on it.

DE defense force back at it again
>it's only bad when "OTHER GAME" does it

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Now young "boy" why don't you post your ign so we can discuss your small hour play in private, this can be very profitable for you.

How's Warframe's endgame? How's the general difficulty of the game? The main thing I've heard about it that has kept me from trying is that there's an insane level of customizability for your character, but it's all for its own sake, there's no big raids or anything super challenging to test your build against. Is that true?

>hating on tenno hawks pro skater
What's is like being gay user?

End game is depend on each person, but every is about get stuff so you can do more crazy stuff.
My end game is trading but I took a break because being a good jew intoxicate my mind.
Raids was remove but will come back in the future.

the closest thing to a challenge has turned into a speedrun for better grinding, there is no challenge or endgame and there will never be until they decide to nerf mods and rethink enemy scaling

>How's Warframe's endgame?
It has none really. You just make new things because they look cool. You'll be able to stomp everything by the time you reach end game so it's mostly just about how you want to stomp it

>How's Warframe's endgame?

lol, doesn't even exist. Enjoy grinding for weapons that will never be put to any real test.

I love Nezha

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There is none besides farming Earth spider thing and Venus robo spider with your suped up Inaros/chroma
Bad guys get higher level and shit just scales up. No new movesets or anything just a HP sponge where some of them can cancel your abilities and wreck your shit depending on your frame
Only good thing, a lot of the Warframes have good designs unfortunately not all frames are viable. Depending on what skin or accessory it can get very jewy with the prices

There's not much skill involved in the game and more making a number inflate you call damage. I know most games do just scale up HP and damage for harder difficulties but at least some of those games try and incorporate some challenge that requires knowing how each enemy operates.

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Not nearly as bad as the guy who submitted an Arkham Knight ripoff as a skin.

Doesn't help that you get FOUR revives per mission, completely slaughtering what little difficulty the game had. CO-OP even further trivializes the game. DE is terrified of even slightly frustrating their fans so they'll never put actual challenging content in the game ever.

I met based Founder in his Excalibur Prime in Plains of Eidolon during nightwave fishing mission. He said fishing is the best thing about game after seen it all, followed by hoverboarding.

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There is no endgame.

"challenging content" that can't be easily cheesed that is.

I got matched in a sortie with a founder once. He was an obnoxious cunt and I killed him when he got radiated.

>Vauban rework only NOW has something being worked on after so many years
>Never mind Vauban, other frames still left in the dust
>The current meta meme is to just one-shot shit and get on with it, no strategy or use of cover or the stage at all

They really shit the bed. Too complacent where they are now, not passionate in their work at all it seems. Frames are the star of the show and all they do is add more of these faggy floof stuffed animal shits.

There used to be raids which were somewhat challenging because you had to learn their mechanics, but DE removed them because they suck new player dicks.

you can have six with arcanes

yeah man i love archwing boss ha ha truly challenging that one

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so you just admitted you were wrong by saying you were right all along because you were pretending to be retarded? You sure showed him!

DE treats their players like fucking babies, christ.

and you didnt spend a dime

I am the master now he obeys the scepter

tators are not female

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I chose wukong

I really like this game, but after completing the star chart, you realize it's just kind of a collecting game. There's no point in even building up an extremely strong Warframe/gun, because there's no reason to do any sort of really hard content. You've done all the game has to offer after finishing up the star chart and doing the daily shit at least once, after that it's just kind of... nothing. No extra hard mode bosses or anything. There's just nothing to shoot for, aside from collecting and looking cool, but that's not really enough.

Good game though, just wish there was a reason to do extra hard shit. Some reason to minmax to your full potential.

I've played warframe off and on since 2013. It's really come a long way, but the story is absolute trash and the game is full of retards.

>spy missions are solving simple puzzles
>if you play with pubs there is a 75% chance that at least one person will fuck it up
>every other mission type is just a reskinned version of "kill a bunch of waves of enemies"

I kinda agree. Every frame should have batshit insane difference to other frames like Limbo does to make this game really interesting. Every frame would have one completely insane unique thing that borderline breaks the game but not quite. Current "just pic the best dps/tank/cc/ac bro" is a bit boring. Only Limbo is a fucking weirdo that works like it's in a wrong game thus making it the best frame.

>tips tophat and walzes off to push all the team to rift
g'day folks

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Based and Riftpilled

Shit game. I would prefer to staple my balls to the ceiling than play this.

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i'm mastery rank 24 and i dropped this shit because i can hardly stay awake while playing it

i used to think this was the best game ever but in reality, its fucking boring
i want to explore, i want to find something new, i want a challenge, bosses, unique stuff

once you get a mesa, chroma and saryn its gg
thats it, you kill everything on sight, thats fucking boring, i havent played this shit since december and i dont miss it

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>use overpowered gear
>the game becomes easy and boring

but, i still encourage you to keep playing, OP
you might as well enjoy it a lot more, just dont burn all of the content because you need to upgrade your shit every once in a while just to touch said content

I don't think this user has ever played Warframe because nothing he said sounds like anything I've seen.

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Then why the fuck even have a weapon upgrade system to begin with? You don't upgrade, shit is hard. You upgrade, you just fucking melt and trivialize everything. Nothing is fucking difficult in this game, you're just handed everything. It's only massively popular because it's such a casual game.

Why are operators so fucking ugly. DE should never be allowed to make actual human faces

Got burnt out after 400 hours but hey, it was a free game, so it was well worth it.

see, the thing is that i actually used to try and use every warframe once in a while
but in reality the missions are so gimmicky that there is no point at all

Interesting proposition. Elaborate, if you may.

Warframe is so fucking bad. Literal army of nu-gamers worshiping female devs.

Warframe is great sure but the way devs go at it I sometimes think they hate fun. Fracture Sealing event was boring as fuck and cc feels more of a footnote with more enemies obtaining ability immunity.

>I made my WF op
>Kills all in a nanosecond
>Game is too easy.

Gee I wonder why. Remove weapon mod or equip extinguished dragon key. Modularity is great.

Limbo is great. Nerf on 2 duration was unneeded.

come back when you hit 2400 hours.


The only thing truly difficult in Warframe is making your operator look good.

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different user but in my point of view, warframe is succesful among normans because you can get everything for free, just play more, go to the market, sell your wares to the guys who actually spend money on cosmetics (you dont even need to spend money to get some of these) and thats it

there's nothing that improves your game or makes you stronger that asks for money, people keeps paying just to have everything faster, nobody finds this abusive to the consumer and DE makes a pretty penny out of this

/r/ing becca nipslip

All you're doing is continuing to prove me right, though. When will DE make this game less shit and just remove the operators from existence

you should already know that without mods everything is shit and weak as fuck, come on

>literally run down a corridor every fucking time
>do a ridiculously long, repetitive and boring wave based grind
>wait to finish mission but have to wait because other people are retarded and can't find the exit

Ah yes what a fun game it is

bu- bu-

The only people who defend Warframe are the cucks who have sunk actual money into it and have since developed an stockholm syndrome since they'll never be able to get their money or time back. It's a pretty shit looter shooter, one of the worst in fact.

>Have to purposely gimp your character to get any real challenge out of the game.

That is terrible game design and you know it. What even is the fucking point of rivens when even without them you can easily break the game? Face it: DE are terrified of frustrating the fucking babies that play their game so they won't ever add a proper endgame that puts all the overpowered shit we've been grinding for to the test. You just have to look at how unanimously defended the decision to give 4 revives per mission was by most of the fanbase to see that most Warframe players are casual bitches who cry at any sign of a proper challenge.

no im not

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There's three of them, are you talking about the webm/gif?

omg weirdo stop posting my tater

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Male operators suck. Much more successful with girl operators.

Mostly annoying is the voice lines. Holy SHIT they are grating

post the one where she has the wet spot on her dress

>bu- bu-
forgot the maymay arrow

That's RPG game design.

Potato famine when

>wanting to get rid of this

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I will give them credit it does help them out a lot they do live streams to talk to the players, it actually puts faces on the game and allow people to empathize with them better.

My complaints are mostly regarded in scaling and the beginning to end game progress. Customization with mods can actually be pretty fun except when it comes to higher leveled content which limits what builds you can do, which makes most mods absolutely useless except for endo. There's not much strategy involved and it consists more of "did my frame kill them in 1 second or 1 minute or did I get 1 shot or not, guess I'll have to slap more endo and mods on". You end up becoming a god by the end of it with only nullifiers and random missiles being your enemy.

Beginning the game for new players can be very difficult without some immediate know how the game works out and can cause people to burn out mid way through. The people who didn't get burnt out end up regretting they didn't when they arrive at "endgame".

If I could compare it to something it'd be playing yugioh when it first came out versus playing it now. Beginning of both of them were fun and chaotic with the stupid shit you can do and now in both their states you realize there's only certain cards or mods/frames you can use for content. You have so many options but are limited to what you can use if you wish to be successful.

ayy, I quit at 400 hours too, tried coming back twice but it never managed to hold my interest. That Nidus grind killed me inside, duplicates for days.

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>most rpg
oh this enemy casts poison, virus, fire, whatever
i'll change my armor/gear to counter his attacks
oh this guy throws poison
better stack 10 fucking health restores and hope for the best


too bad Warframe is not an RPG, is just a shitty looter shooter with numbers.

Is it true that the Yea Forums guild for Warframe tourneyfag'd so hard that the developers started to ban and delete them?

Most other similar games have some form of endgame or goal to work towards though. Warframe is just... aimless.


>wait to finish mission but have to wait because other people are retarded and can't find the exit
>someone marks ayatan statue or rare drop
>faggot speedrunner leaves extraction zone immediately
>now rest of the team waits for that one homo instead

Fuck you and others like you.

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its called clan and you cant even write "trap" (because apparently there are a lot of trannies modding the chat channels) or they ban you for like 10 years

>he's still playing Warframe

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>the Harrow part you have to grind Defection for
this single-handedly killed my enjoyment. The man who thought of that shit-tier game mode is pure fucking evil.


Laughing at muh weapon autists

It's just virtual item bro, I have all I need

Yes, back when Warbros was fun and didn't have a discord weird how those correlate don't cha think? Also the devs were complete dipshits and didn't even know how this Romanian flower basket weaving board worked.
>Dude posts on Yea Forums using guild leaders name without a trip "lol spam the forums"
>Devs ban guild leader
>Devs nerf victories of Warbros because they kept on winning
>Everyone starts hating the humble shazbot of a guild
>Devs listen to no proof that presents anyone from that guild as innocent

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>mastery rank 24
>hear me out after about 4000 hours into game I tell you this shit is really boring
rants like yours make me giggle like a girly homo I am

go back to your containment thread in /vg/

i just love how in the end the entire game has no competitive anything but Conclave.
they got so buttmad their shit was getting fucking destroyed by the people they hate that they had to make the game stupidly easy.

>100 hrs
You are like babby. Come back when you break 1k hrs and see if it's still fun before you make a whole new tier for a game

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it was the steam group that mortally wounded warbros, discord is just kicking the corpse.

ranting? nah faggot, i like the game but im explaining how fucking dull it gets eventually

>Did T3 void exterminate/capture keys with Excalibur, Lato, Skana and Mk-1 Braton with barely any mods

No shit but even at my rookie age I managed to do end game content mostly because I ain't a shitter.

>give 4 revives per mission

It was 4 revieves DAILY per Warframe previously. But even then I think you are full of shit and lazy.

Unequip serration/hornet strike and be on your way. But

>DE are terrified of frustrating the fucking babies that play their game

I agree with this. Worst design choices were made because of the babies.

Fucking Ember man...

Attached: unknown-4.png (286x113, 59K)

yeah man your p2p grindy mmo is the best game ever made

He is right though. There is no exploring. The game, in the beginning hides this pretty well and you might get hooked because of a Warframe you like or a weapon. But in the end, the game is pretty boring. So why not listen to someone that actually spent a lot of time on it instead of making fun of him. He can save you a lot of time. He did something stupid; spending a lot of time on Warframe. And he is trying to warn everyone. Just listen to him. This is, btw, coming from someone with 2.5k hours playtime in Warframe and I hate that I wasted this much time on it. I gained nothing. No interesting story to follow, no real progression. It has fun mechanics, but what DE is doing with those is just wrong.


you are paying with your precious time.


>Devs are incompetent to the point they resort to lurking on Yea Forums to find exploits
>Everyone hates Warbros and sees no problem banning members and fixing scores
>Devs are good and dindu nuffin
>Devs are still incompetent
>People are finally calling them out
>Even people from their content creator group like rahetalius start calling them out
>Devs "wow you guys are immature asking us to improve, not hire retarded trannies as moderators, and being transparent with you guys"
Glad people are seeing the light now.

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>No interesting story to follow,
With how people were hyping up the Second Dream and the War Within when I was getting into the game, I thought they would be these big cool interesting stories that would be built up really well, and instead I got what was essentially a lore dump for a story the game didn't bother to tell me beforehand and a dumb child that I barely want to look at, let alone use and put resources into

All games movies anime etc entertainment are stupid waste of time. If you waste 2.5K hours for Warframe instead of other dumb shit, then Warframe is clearly doing something better to entertain you than anything else. Don't claim it's boring when obviously every other alternative out there is more boring to you.

Second dream was cool. Focus tree grind isn't especially with it's nerfs to affinity gains.

War within wasn't worth the wait. Also rivens are a joke system but make me plat.

Warbros didn't do anything wrong.

I kinda want to give it a go, but I'm hesitant to enter some grind hell. Might be worth it to kill time before shadowbringers comes out, though.

Back to your general, registered losers.

it's funny cause it's only gotten progressively worse over the years

the only thing that keeps you going is trying to get every gun, arcane and warframe
thats it, you try them all out and you have nothing else to do

Just play the story and explore solar system. Avoid spoilers at all cost. Only things you need to know:
>you can buy blueprints for weapons from market
>don't put orokins to bad gear
>exaclibur is best starting frame
>you gain mastery rank by leveling weapons and warframe
>farm rhino asap and put orokin on it asap then stomp solar system
>join guild just for amprex and archwing launcher asap

There, saved you 50 hours of trial and error, you are now pro.

that is a cute one

>there are people on this planet that think warframes quests are even remotely decent

The only okay quest is Octavias, and that's mostly because simaris goes full sperg.

Attached: simon.jpg (311x301, 14K)

The game is piss easy, there is nothing to do but braindead grinding, it's shitty p2p, most of the frames and weapons are useless so it's a struggle to justify going beyond mr 16, it's one of those anti social mmos where even if you have friends you'd rather play alone because there's no reason to group up for most of the things. In the end all that's left is grinding kuva and buying/selling/rerolling rivens and hoarding plat. But you can only do that for so many hours until you get burned out and disgusted at the game for being such an empty shell of duct taped together half assed gimmicks. This is the only game where i consider my spent hours wasted and being talked into playing this by an anime profile bootlicker fanboy was one of my bigger mistakes in the last few years.

Is Warframe actually good? I played it for a little bit when it first came out, it seemed pretty freemium and barebones. It's been years since then though, I'm assuming the game must be quality for it to stay relevant for this long

wonderful hips

don't listen to this faggot the best advice you can get is to not waste your time with this shitheap.

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The problem with warframes difficulty is that when it is difficult, Its just "Oh some enemy shot me for half my health across the map, oh well"
You have all these super cool movement options and no real reason to use them besides running away really fast. There should be more complex bosses and enemies with the same level of mobility and clearly telegraphed attacks that make your positioning actually matter

>legit quit when they introduced focus after figuring out how much actual farming it need
nah fuck DE, im sure its better now but fuck them regardless

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I got permabanned for shitposting too hard in region chat. I'm finally free....

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>100 hours on a multiplayer grinder
>somehow thinks that's a big number
The fuck are you doing

When is DE going to make one good boss

That's RPGs
Nah most RPGs just end.

Really? I don't farm Focus, I just slowly get it as I play. Warframes that kill with abilities can rake in massive amounts of focus points.

it's a 4 player coop game.

It's shit, the only reason to play it is if you can't afford or pirate a less shitty game.

Warframe is just a Dynasty Warriors game in space

>people actually likes crapframe

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I mostly log in now just to stare at Mesa Prime's asscheeks

does anyone have the proper gif of Teshin Dax threatening Tenno with his sword?
That scene is so fucking kino

Attached: teshin dax.gif (500x139, 2.9M)

God, I wish my potato was blue