It's time for a comfy PS4 thread
>what are you playan right now?
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
It's time for a comfy PS4 thread
>what are you playan right now?
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
Why is KH1 HD so fucking clunky and awful to play? Are the other games playable combat wise?
Yes. KH2 is genuinely a really fun game to play and KH3 feels really satisfying to move around in.
Fuck anyone that tells you KH1 is some secretly great action RPG, its not. They're jaded hardcore fans. Also don't play on Proud like I did holy fuck.
>what are you playan right now?
Nothing. I threw away my PS4 when s*ny started censoring Japanese games. No regrets. Except perhaps not getting a PC sooner, because I can't afford one right now so no vidya for me in the foreseeable future.
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
The demise of all homosexuals and SJWs
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
I hope for nothing because I'm not buying it. I fear s*ny is going to spread this bullshit to other companies.
>what are you playan right now?
BO4 Also picked up The Lost Child a couple weeks ago but haven't bother playing it.
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
P5R depending on what it is.
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
Lack of Japan Studio support and Naughty Dog refusing to move on to a new ip yet again.
It's hard as shit too, shoulda went for easy mode. Are there any scenes with Cloud/other ff7 characters besides the Colosseum? Don't wanna miss them but I do wanna get through anything else skippable as soon as possible
finished cod4 on veteran again, now getting into conan and might return to darkest dungeon soon.
idk about the ps5, i always wait 1-2 years before buying next gen anyway though.
>what are you playan right now?
Sekiro and DMC5.
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
I'm cautiously optimistic for Death Stranding. I understand you specified near future, but it's honestly the only title I'm remotely interested in.
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
>it's honestly the only title I'm remotely interested in.
I take this back, actually. I forgot that Judge Eyes will be coming out in June
>what are you playan right now?
Nothing, I sold my PS4 to a friend that wanted to buy one because I didn't want him to give money to sony. They have gone full SJW and they've betrayed their fanbase.
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
The same games but on PC. Snoy hasn't had a good exclusive since bloodborne, and that was the only good exclusive in almost two decades.
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
It's going to be an SJW console.
- Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2
- Ghost Blade HD
- not much else
- not a huge amount except for things like DOA6 and RE2, because even though I could run these easily on PC, I'm a collectorfag and like to the disks and the art and more hard drive space for other things.
Also, even though most of the games I like DON'T get censored, Sony's aggressive new policies are starting to wear on my nerves as a matter of creative integrity, free speech, and principle. Censoring an MC gang-raping a loli's severed maggot-infested head is one thing, but censoring a swimsuit, or mild sexual themes in a mature-rated game, is retarded.
>>what are you playan right now?
astro bot rescue mission
>>what are you looking to play in the near future?
days gone
>>hopes/fears about the PS5?
BC with ps1-ps4 games
>what are you playan right now?
DMC 5 and Dragon's Dogma
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
Maybe Days Gone. Looks generic but I'll see what reception is first
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
Hope for full backwards compatible ps1-ps4. Fear is no actual big feature or improvements from PS4
Just got the Platinum headset to replace my old gold ones and damn, these are so much better sound and quality wise.
I only have Bloodborne for ps4 and as far as I've seen I don't need any other exclusive because they are all shit.
Have you tried Last Guardian?
Just got a PS4. Got gravity rush, Spyro, nier and Spiderman. Gonna get persona next. What else do I need?
Hey I have a ps4 500gb launch and want to get a pro, you guys think I should get it right now or will Sony releas a final version for the ps4.
Unironically God of Onions.
>what are you playan right now?
Second run of Super Robot Wars T
>what are you looking to play in the near future?
Unironically Rage 2, Judgement, and Borderlands 3. Currently waiting for the holidays to drop so I can snipe RE 2, Fist Of The North Star Lost Paradise, Red Dead 2, and DMC 5 for super cheap.
>hopes/fears about the PS5?
Hopes: PS4 backwards compatibility is a disc thing
Fears: it has a short lifespan due to new hardware somehow fucking itself up
Odin Sphere
Also this
yup kh1 is really not fun to play after playing the other kh games