how will mercletts ever recover?
host when
how will mercletts ever recover?
host when
Other urls found in this thread:
Drawfags delivered
Duke is a faggot
kick him from your lobby if you ever see him
how do 16 player hosting?
Host WHEN?
you need the mod
What combinations of items basically play the game for you?
host NOW for RoR1
You know after the blazing update I've never died to blazing.
The only things that has killed me are overloading and glacials
Someone made something, enjoy
why the FUCK do I always have to host it when there's a new thread
Us east, monsoon 109775240994305363
ceremonial dagger
will o wisp
US East / Modded / Rainstorm
that's pretty good.
Who thought this crab challenge was a good idea?
Gesture of the drowned, Gesture of the drowned, Gesture of the drowned, Gesture of the drowned, Gesture of the drowned, Royal Capacitor
Fuel Cell
Catalyst (optional)
>Not mating press position
haha oh fuck
same people who thought "drown the whrols" was a good idea in ROR 1. a fun reference that the gesture of the drowned is a whrol shell but a shitty challenge
still open?
maybe he's saving that for arti and engi
How did this scene play out in the original context? It was with the Punisher, right?
yup, still open
1/10 it's lonely in here
>he didnt drown the whorls
merc-chan is so kawaii
Stickies, fungus, syringes, leech seed/scythe
hol up
>leech seed scythe
better on MUL-T
>"HAH il show him by pasting my achievements showing i did indeed!"
>every single achievement BUT that one
well fuck me then guess il go play on drizzle.
What the fuck, the game keeps resetting my resolution to native when I start it up or it goes to load.
God dammit Hopoo, I'm playing on 800x600 for a reason
What the fuck?
It was Irredeemable by Mark Waid. Also the next page had this.
>new update makes the turrets stare directly at you at all times when they're not targeting an enemy
Kind of cute, kind of disconcerting.
US vanilla when?
You gotta hold m1, though.
I'd host more but I don't have all the items unlocked.
I've only got about 12 hours in
>crit glasses on turrets
every time man. it never gets old
I've been wondering what happened for years, thank you user
Items are based off all players
pretty sure client items unlocked count.
Reminder that hopoo browses these threads and you should tell him to ADD HAN-D YOU FUCKING HACK. NOBODY IS PLAYING MUL-T ANYMORE
NA East Vanilla Monsoon
Is his power babies?
i still pick mul-t over cuckmando
Hopoo, Acrid when?
Miner when?
holy shit based drawfag, didn't get their name but thanks for what you do
Acrid WHEN
Like you aren't holding it 90% of the time to begin with. that's where all of your damage output comes from nignog. he prerry much requires them late game to survive
>no one is playing MUL-T
objectively false. cope harder HAN-D fag
Replace noose with blazing titan laser.
Just join the lobby I posted above you:
Thats what I get for not reading the thread
>Get Easy 2 hr runs with merc
>Die in under 15 minutes with any other character
There's something wrong with me
Bring back Engineer's harpoons or give his mines a larger trigger/blast radius so they could actually be used as mines and not sticky grenades.
You can just sit there not doing shit AFK between your turrets if they have the right items and the right numbers.
Lobby broke, here's new one
Half the time I stick an enemy with a mine it flies off and doesn't seem to hit them
Invalid ID? That might mean it's full idk
artificer titty mod pls
>Get attack speed on commander
>R literally because unuseable
Why doesn't it just add more bullets
one of the many reasons why syringes are better on MUL-T
commando should always focus on proc items over attack speed
If EVERY character from RoR 1 is not added in some shape or form to RoR 2, I will personally be VERY angery at hopoo
too bad
they said they wanted a mix of new and old and that's what we are getting.
what if they added the one you like but made them female?
more characters to insert my horrible fetishes in, no complaints here
I want new characters too, but if the spirit of every old character does not make it into 2 then I will personally find hopoo in real life and cry in front of him, making him very uncomfortable.
fireman >miner
Fireman only exists as a concept, miner was actually in game and him being in 3D would make him even more fun to play than he was in 1
>no wicked ring to make suppressive fire into a literal endless stream of DAKKA
Truly one of the greatest losses from RoR 1.
will his abilities really translate well to 3D tho
miner was basically based around dodging and using his jetpack to blast enemies into dust, so yes
Commando's abilities are so lame in 3D. The latest patch said it wants to address the "feel" of his skills being weak in sound and impact, but the real problem is that all three of his gun attacks are extremely generic and the two side skills rarely if ever have the opportunity to actually be used for their intended purposes; they're just a tiny extra burst of damage.
His main attack is anemic in every regard.
Phase Shot should have more utility than simply being a weak penetrating shot.
Suppressing Fire should get a longer burst based on some performance variable.
As they all are, I just hold down all three buttons by the time I get to Very Hard difficulty.
Something adding a bit of synergy would be welcome, like "For each enemy hit by a single Phase Shot, the next use of Suppressing Fire fires 2 x Enemies Hit + 6 bullets in its burst." That would make lining up shots against big clusters of enemies something to aim for so you can get long bursts of Suppressive Fire, which would also allow it to retain its stunning effectiveness relative to the larger number of enemies later on.
Email the hack that suggestion.
NA West Monsoon
this desu
not only that, but suppressive fire pushing away enemies and firing at everything around you (like in RoR1) would make it way more useful than just extra damage on long cooldown
What kills me at this point?
But didnt the broken falling glass hit the babies?
We're not sure yet what lore significance the obelisk has.
it's providence's grave
>spend 8 lunar coins
>have 5 reds
>slaughtering magma worm
>host dies and disconnects
Look buddy I'm an engineer
>Providence's grave can kill us
>harder enemies
>elites with new powers
>Upgraded Base Classes with new abilities (or buy it with lunar coins)
>Upgraded Items or Stronger new locked items unlocked
What do you think?
Also, Base Defense Mode (or Mod)
After every wave, go to Blue Portal to buy stuff with gold and Lunar coins
Phase Shot should either knock non boss enemies back, or should delete any projectiles it comes in contact with
Suppressing Fire needs more damage or longer time
Roll needs I-Frames
>providence is gaining strength by all the souls sacrificed at his grave
you didn't think it was over, did you user?
Why not just ask for a fourth difficulty called Hurricane?
ggs we took too long and got the big fuck
Aurelionite apparently
He was a high mobility melee character like merc, who came out even better in 3D. Same reason Rigger should come back, too.
Yeah the Monsoon Yea Forums meta needs to be 1 or 2 items at the MOST before activating the teleporter for stages 1 and 2. Stages 3 and 4 can be farmed, and then after that it's all tele all the time since we'll be making enough money to buy everything during the boss fight.
tl;dr Rush tele for first two stages.
NA East Vanilla Monsoon 3/4
Great, call it Hurricane or Tempest, Hopoo!
Unlockable only after you beat the game once.
I think what best shows Commando's abilities are lame is that with certain item builds you don't even have to use your abilities, besides maybe the roll. You get enough stickies and syringes, some ukuleles, and one or two good red items and you can just mindlessly hold M1 and sweep a group of enemies and half the map blows up. All of Commando's offense is "Shoot a guy" or "Shoot a guy slightly differently," so after a certain level M2 and R become completely redundant.
Compare that to someone like Engineer, who can legitimately hang out and go AFK while his turrets do everything, and he still gets use out of all of his abilities when he's loaded up with items. No matter how strong you get you still need to put down turrets, put down a bubble, and lay some mines and throw grenades once in a while.
>We think that a majority of the Commando's problems are actually VFX and SFX making him feel weak and boring. This is a small first step towards that. A full pass will be done in a later patch.
Give his roll iframes for fucks sake
A lot of characters need i-frames desu.
modded lobby when
American server?
only commando is both useless early game and has no ability to avoid stuff properly
U.S. west, Monsoon
I'm convinced that 99.9% of artificers problem is that she doesn't scale well with attack speed. The proc damage modifier only does so much when other characters can utilize the four items that buff attack speed to spam the fuck out of procs.
Maybe it'll get better as they add more items to the pool.
omfg who made this hahahhhahah fucking amazing
>host a quickplay game
>shitter steals 8 boss drops
>forcibly make all of his items drop to the floor
Not in my games, you cunts.
host pls
1/4 NA monsoon
As long as you're hosting you can just hold tab to see everyone's items and then click on an icon to make it drop. You can use it to fix someone picking something up they shouldn't have or didn't mean to. Also facilitate trading so people can focus their efforts.
>about 20 bosses spawn in first level
So guys, is the artist of pic related some random user or a blog that I cannot for the life find.
Tesla Coil, Ceremonial Dagger, Ukulele and Will-o-the-wisp. Throw in some crit, nkuhana's and harvester scythes and you have the ultimate one handed ror experience.
pretty sure it was an user.
Finally got deicide, now I can quit until the next content update
76 hours logged though, money well spent
nice run
it was nice playing with you all again, thx for hostan
If that's true, sucks then. I like his stuff and would follow.
1/4 NA Monsoon
hey hopoop you lazy niggers give cuckmando his I frames and make his RMB hitscan. also change those dreadful gun sounds
Good run lads
>tfw the chef didnt make it
based and redpilled
commandochads where you at?
damn ror1 boomers
This is literally unplayable.
acquire skill
>round 1
What did you do?
>*Fortunate son intensifies*
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
tesla coil, ukulele, willow wisp, and of course drones
that's pretty dope but you could use a capacitor
>challenge of the mountain early game can de-facto end your runs by spawning unkillable elite bullshit that takes an eon to get rid of, that is if you're even able to kill the blazing niggers the game sends on your ass
>even if you dont get entirely fucked it still takes much longer
>late game this shit can spawn blazing vagrants and other niggers that can one shot you, so no amount of items is worth it
>all this shit for the chance to get 2 chronobaubles
challenge of the mountain should give a red, and make it always hard so it's actually worth touching this shitty shrine and it's a calculated risk. fuck the shrine in its current state
I have no idea, I have all the artifacts/modifiers off. Maybe it has to do with my version or something idk.
Nobody's supposed to touch it on first cycle.
>got killed by an elder lemurian because I got pissed and facetanked it because I threw away a heap of garbage whites to the space jew and then came across a syringe printer at the next level
time for bed I guess
>gesture stacking and a chrysalis
shit, why didn't i think of this before
probably because its a piece of shit 99% of the time
>tf2 retard
Yeah not surprised
what did you hit like 10 shrines of the mountain or something
>casual retard game calling the kettle a nigger
fuck you too cunt
>in 45 seconds
using the base mod? that looks like boss rush or a forced 4+ player version
Imagine building a PC to olay a braindead child's game
Make sure to stack all the speed items
Also titans still hit you
I died to the big dick golden nigga that run
post ror lewds
How do I obtain Naturopath? Jist dont get hit?
thanks for playing, I'm just glad someone actually bothered to play ror1 again
calm yourself butthurt console cuck, it's coming to the switch too
which character is basically drizzle mode on all difficulties?
Don't pick up healing items, getting hit is fine
No, the passive regen you have won't count against the challenge
So you can get to the second one, but not the third cargo container. Pretty sad:(
Brothers. I 'was' a god... What have I become, but fodder...
my favorite character
I thought it was the base mod, guess not. Anyone have the mod pastebin?
Why? Do you get killed by the out of bounds damage?
If you have 1hp for whatever reason, you don't take out of bounds damage btw
Hopoo pls bring back enforcer kun
Grabbing a sequence thinking it's a mountain temple or challenge shrine...
Also you guys have found the easter eggs right? I can't get to the island behind this and this run lasted like 4 hours b/c i wanted to see the fabled non-spawn so I didn't bother to try and find the wings and re-try. But I did see under the island and there is definitely more eggs on there.
Why do drizzle players even bother posting
no you just immediately respawn. The containers out in the lake. The third one is just out of level bounds. I was so excited when I saw that they had collision but then blueballed. Was hoping there would be some kinda cool secrets :)
where is that? Obelisk level? Or Snow level?
Artificer + Cube + Will o Wisps + Power Cores or Soulbound Catalyst. Some Extra Mags, mobility, and maybe damage items too. You can just constantly keep up this death siphon that everything gets sucked into. Her will o wisp explosions do a ton of damage because of her high base damage, and her Nano-Bomb can always kill at least one enemy, setting off a chain reaction of will o wisp explosions.
Please we have half a game, no glass or spite, and co-op is garbage. I'm not going to invest myself in this game for another couple years when we finally have some content.
how dare you speak to me drizzlet
How do the Power Cores work with the on-use item that heals you over time? You can heal an ally for each core you have, but does the heal on yourself stack?
Get out of my face, you peasant
Obelisk. If you view the next island that you can immediately jump to(where floating rocks pop up to) as "north" then the secret islands are like north west. I couldn't get to the one after this, which was higher up and further away.
I was playing while watching someone and it really is too pathetically easy. Got to the point where the game was breaking. It also really kills my desire to play further because i get to experience the cool combos but with way to easy bullshit baby mode playing
>thread averted.
on one hand, i'm curious how wide that bustling fungus heal zone was
on the other hand, how the fuck can you unironically enjoy drizzle
you have to TRY to die
I made that, I also did the dumb "Spicy Keychain" meme. I'm also open to other dumb meme ideas
I want gesture but I dont want to run behind crabs
what do
US East modded use for dll to join
Aquire CUBE and CUBE them off of cliffs in loops.
this but with Beetle Queen and Commando/Mercenary
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\66687879\632360\remote\UserProfiles
Ctrl-F "crabs"
change value to 20
start and end a run.
Thanks mate.
I hope the people using the boob mod like backs.
Still a work in progress, if that wasn't obvious enough.
>30000 in paint later
You have my savior user
You want some art?
thanks man. its the one thing I really cant be fucked to do manually.
engineer taking the bungus
das it mane
how to fix commando:
R extends duration or something on attack speed (maybe an idea for the return of THE SCEPTER hopoo)
While R is utilized, you can still shoot at your normal speed
Commando has no problems dodging around, and when it gets to late game and there's so many enemies, just blast your W through crowds to proc on hit effects or apply stickies to many enemies.
merc is more fun though
On the other hand I couldn't see the edge of my heal zone.
Commando's Piercing shot should get just guaranteed proc and pierce.
>All this hype around Huntress
>Play as her for some hour
>"Holy shit, she sucks"
She's so damn weak, she's not even a decent character, you fuckers just want to shove your face in her ripe sweaty butt and rub until her sweet womanly scent sticks to you.
literally just right click
US East no drizzlets
That glaive rips shit apart. She's too squishy for my liking though. More often than not when I play her I end up being the first one to eat shit when things get stronger if I didn't find a few TTs or something else.
Rainstorm US West
Huntress riding a Healing Turret across a volcano.
>Implying that comando needs a fix
>implying that comando is boring
>Implying that comando is not the best character
It's the ass that's hyped.
Your autism led you to the wrong conclusion.
this but first is a merc with optimal loadout and second panel is having only 50 slugs after shrine of order
doesn't it always pierce?
also, only real issue with commando is his roll doesn't get iframes
>his roll doesn't get iframes
This shit right here.
Modded or vanilla?
>implying that comando is boring
I dont get this meme at all
sure at the start he's kind of slow but by lategame he becomes MORE DAKKA the character
only autistic wizzards say that
>they need to see multicolor flashes on the screen like little babies
(i said merc but any survivor can work)
It's not really a meme. Pretty much no one plays the dude. He's the least popular character by a wide margin. And his move set being "shoot gun" and "shoot gun faster" doesn't really help.
He also needs some buffs. His R should scale with attack speed the same way the Merc's does. His Shift should be pure invul frames from start to finish. His M2 should just be, I dunno. 4 times as big.
That's me but with Artificer every single time.
Pic related, literally no one likes him going by the polls.
What do you think the average amount of posts in an RoR thread is people shitposting about drizzle?
>engineer icon
all of a sudden my game started crashing every run.
I can't even play Drizzle, the spawns take too fucking long for me to want to bother.
Good shit
Simply delicious.
it matters to me goddamit
She scales great with attack speed if you also have backup mags
How'd I do, kids? My crits fed into my heals, everything else fed into my DPS. I got cocky on a blazing vagrant and tried to tank its shock.
>no one mentions chef
Verify your game files man.
>His R should scale with attack speed the same way the Merc's does
It feels like it does though
idk, initially I didn't like him because he was the starter and I felt like I was shit at the game and just switched as soon as I got another character, then I went back to him and he's probably my fav alongside engie
It doesn't. Merc gets more attacks in with more attack speed. Commando doesn't get more bullets, he just fires them faster.
This is a good post!
Hopoo add mod support I want to make lewd mods without having to spend half a day text editing 3d models
Fuck off chef baby.
>I got cocky on a blazing vagrant and tried to tank its shock.
this is how must of my runs end too, famous last words
>should I run? nah, I've got enough health and my items should outheal his dps
don't know why you'd think I'd finally learn better but every time a vagrant pops up really late in the run I'm always too lazy to properly evade it
Five hours into the game, regular boxes start costing millions.
Hustling lungus
chungling bungus
fumbling pungus
wustling dungus
>having a good run
>reach depths 3
>two elder lemniggers spawn behind me and immediately open with fireballs, killing me instantly
How do I prevent this?
>playing after enemies stop spawning
wow, I hadn't noticed how climatic everything was in ror1. really makes me appreciate the details. I hope hopoo does something about this.
>rarely get a good monsoon run going
>when I do I never get a elite teleporter boss before I die
brainstalks never ever.
how are you even going that long when shit stops spawning
If I use BepInExPack, I can't play with people who don't have it downloaded?
They'll never add mod support...until the game is finish.
It's probably a thought, but not a priority to them at the moment.
Don't pirate it, you fuck.
Ran a few Monsoon's with Yea Forums today and killed a few elite tele bosses. Deicide seems to be broken, none of us unlocked it.
They just added invulnerability on spawn so it's good now.
gotta loop once and then looking for a mountain shrine, it'll happen user, i believe in you
NA East Vanilla Monsoon
Get in here faggots
It has to be a true boss, so it won't count if it's an elite greater wisp for example, I had to wait until I was on my 12th stage when an elite dunenigger spawned
Stop making me want to play RoR1 again dammit.
here are the bigger easter eggs on the 2nd island
Yeah, it was actual bosses. Titans and tittybugmomma's.
>arti above anyone
legitimately surprising
I thought the discord normies would hate her since she requires thought to use
>she requires thought to use
ROR2 is a very simple game. And artificer is the worst class.
This is very satisfying to look at.
Content update when?
It's objectively a mistake to not include all the characters of the first title, and then add more through development.
Il keep trying then. One of these days the sticky printer will bless me.
>No bandit yet
hotpoo what the FUCK
>lmao just mod him in
>she requires thought to use
it's fucking early access you plebe
the point is to test the gameplay loop - half of the enemies don't even have spawn in animations yet and just 'appear'
People like tits and ass. Why do you think Huntress is so high, when her class is actual fucking trash just like Artificer? The actual power rankings of the characters are pretty clear, with Engie and Mul-T near the top, Merc and Commando in the middle, and Arti/Huntress in the toilet, yet Arti and Hunt are some of the most popular classes.
>early access
>full release is pegged for a year from now
Absolute brainlets, not even once.
>implying that I can't see you too, are a man of culture
>Class has been 3/4ths finished but isn't in yet because they can't model a fucking molotov
dont @ me bitch
@ you
It's pretty clear they have no idea what they want his old dynamite to be. Molotov/some kind of AoE burn would be neat since otherwise he has literally 0 ways of clearing massed trash like everyone else. He seems really good at first but then you realize the minute small wisps start spawning you will never EVER get any fucking resets unless you have several trillion crowbars, 20 pairs of glasses and a dozen backup mags, and no way to outrun 80 gorrilion lazers without his stealth. He goes from one of the best early characters and takes a dive down the shitter into more item dependent than Artificer past minute 30 on Monsoon.
They haven't even hammered the more common bugs out of the game yet, why would they add a whole new character and probably more bugs with it just yet? Mul-T still can't even jump without possibly halving his HP because the game thinks he took a dive off a cliff rather than hopped over a fireball yet.
>the minute small wisps start spawning
the minute small wisps STOP spawning*
How many fucking fireworks came out of shit when you opened them?
how many fucking fireworks came out? I NEED TO KNOW
864 fireworks.
Daily reminder there is nothing wrong with drizzle.
gimme loader
gimme chef
gimme miner
gimme enforcer
Yeah we know, it's great containment for the shitters.
Come, anons, pitch here your ideas for new characters to include in RoR2
also Miner when
A healer. Not sure if RoR1 had it, never played it.
that's literally just engie with fungus
Not a wizard with limited casts and an useless utility skill.
worthless class
90% of the game you're at max health or dead and the other 10% you're rapidly healing with [healing/regeneration] items.
Your post spoke to me on an emotional level.
Someone host RoR1
Character whose skill set is based around self damage and self healing. Blow half your HP bar for a big nuke R, and heal it back with M1 attacks or something.
A character that becomes more powerful the less health he has, with some mechanic to stop him from instantly combusting into flames like everyone else the moment an overloading worm grazes his cock.
Lemurian, m1 works like how it is right now but switches to a chomp in melee range, m2 is a series of swipes, shift is a leap forward with an AoE impact, r is a jump in the air with a huge AoE fireball similar to Huntress but the damage is all up front
Between Huntress and Artificer, which one is better?
a robotic cat made for shipboard pest control. the Gat-0
m1: a melee rapid swipe of the claws
m2: a sustained fire single target beam similar to the big rock guys (the meowzer beam)
shift: a pounce with AOE impact that buffs the m1
r: deploy tiny mouse drones that shoot some lasers and then self destruct on a enemy after a few shots.
>new characters
id rather them just add the old ones first, I want to see how nutty sniper and miner can get
>attack that changes property depending on distance from enemy
Dont do this
so basically acrid?
Monsoon modded
sniper would probably delete bosses instantly, but i can't imagine them doing very well against any sort of crowd, even with penetration in their shots
>mines can stick to drones
God I love the OC this game generates.
Do you guys know why the folder for the game isn't in my userdata folder? Has this happened to anyone?
Worked for Acrid in 1
ye since he prolly won't be returning
Something that can take the on form of the enemies to use its attacks
>Basic attack is swiping from lemurians or beetles or laser from wisps
>Secondary is some strong delayed attacks like the elder lemurian fire or golem laser/slams
>Mobility is either a sprint like the bisons or phasing like the imps
>R is the prompt to change forms, based on the enemies in the area or killed
Maybe show it as shapeshifting or something like a stand user.
>Worked for Acrid in 1
None of acrid's skills change depending on distance tho
all the gasoline and wisps.
109775240994453843 US East
wisps stops spawning after some time, so he might face the same problem bandit has currently
3/4 get in here
Guys, this might be a little much but hear me out
Huntress femdom involving headscissor and necksnaps
EU host when?
no i mean wil-o-wisp item
Transcendent, Innately starts with Transcendence, Abilities are defensive based, Reducing shield regen time, Burning shield to become briefly immune to damage, Burning shield to release a huge supernova that returns shield for every enemy it hits. character looks like a qt bug priestess gf.
So who are the next four characters? Bandit's one of them, right?
which item is the best for bandit?
stack crowbars and mags
and glasses?
Do any other enemies just spawn out of nothing? Bisons just appearing right in my fucking face is annoying.
>Artificer requires thought to use
I didn't know ignoring half a character's moveset was thought
yeah those are good too
wisps and gas are also good but can take enemies below crowbar range, so take the mat your own risk
bandit, HAN-D and sniper + some other, more characters after RoR comes out of EA
t.not hopoo
Bandit is way to fucking finished to be scratched
from there it's anyone's guess, Sniper and HAN-D are way more incomplete and whether or not Hoppo actually will finish them is dubious.
>fighting blazing enemies is still miserable as merc
How are they going to fix this? Just had the pleasure of enduring a horde of blazing elder lemurians.
thanks bro
I think it would be cool if you could use the ping system to have your drones or other companion things to target enemies/heal teammates
how the fuck would sniper even work in this game?
Is there a way to always host on quick play?
I think that the sniper will not be in ror2
what is it with people not knowing either how to aim as bandit or time his fucking smokescreen?
piercing shots would work surprisingly well the longer the game went on for, but be pretty shit tier in the early game
There's a video of his abilities in jewtube, i'm sure someone here has it.
>Bandit is way to fucking finished to be scratched
People have scrapped shit for games that was 100% finished before, man. Sometimes shit doesn't work as well as a dev thinks and just gets tossed no matter how completed it is.
Excluding Merc from contact blazing stacks is literally the only way and Hoppo would never do it
her M2 is a scope, which buffs M1
that's all for her skills for now
she will be the third female character
anyone know where to download the model?
>i need it for modding.
whats Yea Forums run etiquette? rush teleporter and buy after? camp some items then hit teleporter? items to who can use best or first come first serve?
So when do we get new characters? I'm getting bored now
host WHEN
Hoppo will not add sniper because she isn't working well
From what I've read it's the in game model with custom rigging and some special effort put into her ass.
add enforcer, i wanna protect my buddies with a big shield
Fuck Hoppo, we'll add these characters ourselves
user that's gay
Medkit item description implies Enforcer is dead
sniper is male
like this
It's one thing to make a kit then scrap it when it doesn't work out, it's another thing to make a kit, and then make a model for it then to scrap it all. You can always just replace a skill or two to make them work better.
Use Unity Asset Bundle Extractor. I don't remember what file they were in, but I remember it was file 2 out of however many.
but is there a
>download link
not anymore
No it doesn't. It just says that he leaves to protect everyone while the MED-E bot wants him to stay home where it's safe. Furthermore it implies that 'enforcer' is a job of which there are many.
sniper is female
medkit simply implies there are multiple enforcers and that there was a group of them helping medkit guy at one point. if anything the fact that there are multiple enforcers confirmed makes it more likely.
Huntress is actually really good. Up there with mult
Gay, Hoppo is right don't add Sniper.
>Furthermore it implies that 'enforcer' is a job of which there are many.
that's always been the case with the majority of RoR classes
they're all based off of jobs or functions
sniper will not work in ror2
I just wanna play as my gross plague boy Acrid again. Hopoo if you're here, if you don't add Acrid at least add something like a creepty mutated plague doctor dude who can use Epidemic to carry on the disease legacy pls
I keep seeing this but she attacks slow as shit, and can barely attack anything worthwhile. The second crowds pop up her aiming goes to shit, and the M2 sucks ass on bosses. And so does her M1. and her R. In fact, her entire kit just kind of sucks. She fires slow as shit, and her R has huge problems hitting most enemies, most just walk right out of it.
Just needs to have a stealth skill to allow you to charge up your shot while scoped in without shit spawning behind you.
Hopoo must add Acrid
>not anymore
I dont think they are that cuck'd are they?
not in RoR1 at least.
Her M2 is great on bosses. It does really good damage to them early game if you just hold it until something else is next to them, and in the worst case scenario it clears the trash allowing you to focus on the boss. Her attack speed is perfectly fine if you actually take a syringe or two, and she is able to spend more time shooting than other classes because she can run while doing it. Who cares if your m1 hits the wrong target? As long as its hitting something you're contributing, and most damage in this game is AoE anyway.
something like bandit's shift?
You tell me, you're the one saying Sniper wouldn't work in RoR2. Why would he not work? Because he isn't mobile? Because you can shoot at enemies in a straight line? I can think of abilities you could give him to circumvent those issues, this guy has one too: But personally i don't think those are big issues either.
Hey I have a question. Can I host a RoR1 game with my friend on local co op and pick up two more?
>Acrid is implied to be dead or otherwise missing in the lore later
>The replacement class is some plague doctor sperg who acrid was being delivered to going on an autistic disease-ridden rampage to save his boy
>His ending is just finding Acrid and engaging in disease shenanigans on the planet forever, turning it into a complete hellscape
How can it be good on bosses? It bounces fucking randomly.
There's a mod for Bandit right?
where the FUCK is a host?
is there?
somebody post the fucking lewd mods already
Why the fuck aren't items per player? Any asshole can dive onto the teleporter after a boss and slurp up everyone else's items. Is there also not a way to drop items? These both feel like huge fundamental things that should have been in before launch
Yeah, and really I'd say in this game it's more fitting on sniper. Being able to take cover is really important in RoR2, so bandit often has to fight from ranges he's less effective at in order to make sure he can take cover from lasers or whatever. Sniper wouldn't have that issue.
she need area attack and mobility
Someone give me a quick answer please.
Because it chunks them for heavy damage then hits the other target, then hits the boss again. Or better yet it bounces between two bosses. Try playing her more; it doesn't take some miracle scenario to work out that way. It's very common.
items give you both those things brainlet, no wonder you think sniper is a girl.
but the game hasn't launched, its early access
and why would you want to drop items unless its something like gesture of the drowned
and if you do not get these items
ModAnon has him in the character select and gives him a better than nothing R replacement until the finished one comes
He's pretty quick with the updates too
OC fresh off the press
There are times when it's better to give the boss items to one or 2 people out of the 4 if they would have a better benefit from the item
Dropping items would be broken.
EU / VAN (mostly) / RAINSTORM
Would a support/utility-based character work? I often find myself looking for cover but the terrain is so large it's hard to position yourself without getting stuck or getting too far from a teleporter. What if a character could just plop down big boxes or something to use as cover? Or was focused on AOE shit like shields to keep their teammates supported during huge mob fights?
>why would you want to drop items unless its something like gesture of the drowned
Accidentally picking up an item/swapping shit around for players going for specific builds/trading shit you don't want for shit you want/hardcore fags
First come unless its something you dont need like fungus.
I would vote for rushing the tele personally
The key to her is you don't have to waste time aiming, you can focus all of your effort on mobility. Kinda like picking Reimu A in touhou so you don't have to constantly be facing the enemy directly. She's great at crowd control because glaive can kill like four wisps in one go with no items. Late game if you get a bandolier, you can keep casting rain of arrows and shred crowds and bosses to pieces.
She's also basically immortal with Rose Buckler.
tough shit then retard, do another run
You could say the same about commando, but even if we take that as a fact, and assume that items don't exist, i don't see the problem with giving Sniper an AoE ability, it could be ricocheting bullets, or a grenade, or homing smart bullets, or whatever the fuck.
But, i don't think he needs that either, i think he can be the character that stands in place and shoots at something for a lot of damage.
wait and see what Hopoo does with sniper
Sniper doesn't need an AoE attack. Commando has one and it goes in the trash past 25 minutes because items applied through M1 do a better job. It's hardly even useful before then for AoE unless you have a cube.
literally what happens every run you dont get the items you need or want, thats why there is a run thats called THE RUN.
>Enforcer wanders out into the wilds of the planet alone to find food.
>turns out missing, presumed dead
>actually stumbles across mysteries of the planet not meant for man
>becomes a changed being, adapting to new revelations and utilizing discovered alien technologies
>Paladin returns to his duties
Then your teammates help you out with your shortcomings until you do. Same as every character with a weakness. The game would be bland as fuck if everyone had the same skillset with slight aesthetic differences.
>What if a character could just plop down big boxes or something to use as cover? Or was focused on AOE shit like shields to keep their teammates supported during huge mob fights?
Gee user, i dunno, you mean like Engineer with 666 mushrooms?
you can not stand still in a one place in a later game
I wouldn't mind a character WITH a support skill or two, but not a straight up support character who can't fend for himself.
Dropping items would completely ruin 3D printers.
god damn it, why the FUCK do I always have to host it when I'm trying to lurk for a host
us east monsoon
thank you user. I Love you
Thank you user, i needed this, hope it's finished soon
>get shat on in-game for playing huntress cause she's a braindead waifu character
Look man, I'm just waiting for enforcer to drop
Finally made it to the no-spawn zone. It was a wild fucking ride, unlocked Deicide and the Clover in the same run too.
Technically, Engineer can unless there's worms. But when i said "stand in place" i meant more "stand still to take a shot before moving again", that said i'm working under the assumption that attack speed would let Sniper shoot fast without having to stop.
late game you wont need to stand still even ass sniper, by then you'd have all the mobility and survivability you could need, sniper would JUST NEED 10 FUCKING TOUGHER TIMES to get that 60% damage block chance and then he would be golden, imagine that with a clover if you got super lucky, basically immortal.
Didn't they find reference to a Paladin character in the files?
Clover doesn't work with tougher times. But yeah she can charge up while jumping through the air which is enough to protect you from 90% of enemies. You'd need to really evaluate your situation poorly to be scoped in long enough for something like a golem/greater wisp spawning behind you and charging their shot. Elder Lemurians may still fuck up your day though.
Yes. There's abilities related to slams and an energy shield associated with it.
Worst case scenario is that Enforcer was replaced/dumped when Hopoo gave Engineer a shield.
clover isnt for times its for every other proc chance item you would have by late game, you would easily clear packs with sniper with wil-o-wisp since hes a boss killer.
do i really have to make an image for you doo doo heads to voice your opinions?
her actual outfit would be like artificer's except a little more revealing on the sides for that side boob fapbait
>yfw Hopoo adds Miner/Acrid/Loader, but as a ranged-focused alternative similar to MUL-T
Finally fucking made it, thank you based instincts
>All these deaths because I forget what Vagrant or Stone Titan do 30 minutes in
Why am I so bad
That's what I was going for haha.
she'd actually look a bit more absent minded and distracted like the beetle queen haha just to be cute HAHA SHE ISN'T CONSTANTLY THINKING ABOUT PEEPEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>tfw playing with friends
>not vey good at the game and I get garbage items early on and start dying really quick when we get to the later levels
Should I just quit out and wait till they start a new run in that situation? It was literally just spawning in to get swarmed and die in about 30 seconds by then.
Is there a reason to play anything besides engineer? Not even memeing. If anyone is playing engineer in multiplayer you may aswell play one too or you are going to find yourself doing next to nothing the whole game.
The fucking madman with 5 gestures picked up the meteorite rip my computer.
A character that focuses on mind control, who has the ability to temporarily take control of random mobs (not bosses), and whose attacks have a chance to charm enemies to join the players until they die, or until the level changes.
Awesome, are people on Yea Forums still playing 1 or have you all moved on? I just started.
For fun? Do you just use optimal stuff in every single game you play with no regards to how much enjoyment it's giving you?
Engi is op and a little boring
I think earlier in the thread a couple guys ran it. Host and see.
You should focus on surviving so you can pick up items to help you survive. Then later on when you have enough movement speed to survive you should try and find a printer that will get your damage up. You can't contribute if you're dead, so don't worry about playing like a coward if that's all you can do.
You don't need any items(except as artificier) to simply survive if you play with 100% defense in mind. Maybe 2 speed items max in order to survive if you're just running away.
And if you do get caught in a cycle of dying your teammates will grab your items, and since they're your friends hopefully they'll give them back to you with printers so you can get back in the game.
>pick up the mod and start bandit
>start losing the bosses on stage one again
I love learning new characters
what do
well done bro
It matters when its a multiplayer game and someone else is using it, getting all the items while getting the most kills for the least effort and then ensuring that you start falling behind despite them doing next to nothing, unless you play one yourself and do the same.
Thats my point, but because its multiplayer and you compete for items if someone else is using it then you are fucked. Its really unfun.
You have no movement skill, so you have to fight right next to cover vs bosses like titan and vagrant until you have really good speed. Other than that just shoot them, and use M2 on wisps to reload, and don't get overwhelmed by trash.
stop playing quickplay
Alright, thanks
>mfw figuring out mashing the fire button fires all of your M1 bullets faster than holding
You did it.
How the fuck do they get all the items unless you're dying or letting them take them? Money gain is shared aside from blood shrines. Who gets the kills doesn't matter one bit. Experience is shared too. If these are your problems then you are just bad regardless of class choice.
Engie becomes mediocre in the late game unless he got really lucky with fungus, and with multiples its even worse since then they need a printer for one. If his turrets can't survive the burst then all he can do is run around charging his M1.
Are you playing Drizzle? Be honest. He's certainly overpowered there where enemies hit like noodles and don't kill his turrets, and their health pools are so small that his turrets' auto aim just shreds them as they spawn.
what if we instanced chests, so that each player could open them, and lowered the spawn rate accordingly
>It's a "host dies and quits moments before the teleporter is ready" episode
Just play singleplayer
dammit Im trying to come up with genius ways to counter lootgoblins (and succeeding)
sounds like a really shit idea. i'd rather have the opportunity to share items with other people who are using characters that would make better use of them, than just saving them for printer fodder or using them at a fraction of what another character could
It'd be ok as an artifact, but otherwise no.
Hm, could then make it so the item spawns out in the open for everyone, so if a player wants they can leave it for others
Have you tried picking up items instead of fucking around doing nothing of use?
Yeah, but he was going to miss out on one green item, and then he would've died in the next level and it totally wouldn't be his fault, but because he didn't have a good build!
Its fucking dumb but not even that hard
t. engie main
sounds like an awful lot of pointless backtracking, requiring all players to scout the entire map for items
My vote also goes to Acrid. I'm completely convinced you can port his kit 1x1 and he'll work, maybe some hitbox adjustments for his skills to make him play smoother but thats it
Cute buggu!
fresh oc
>kill blazing jellyboss boss around 200 minutes in on monsoon
>no deicide
Am i missing something?
You can shoot while moving you know. Hell, you can even move and then shoot later. Stop standing in an empty field farming enemies for no reason. Find chests, find barrels, find shrines, find the teleporter. The wisps will follow you after you and you can kill them all at once.
I don't play engie, I'm just not bad. You shouldn't be taking so long to start the teleporter that all the items are taken before then anyway or you're wasting time and money.
yes, it's called reading the threads
>set turrets
>proceeds to zoom around while the turrets and other players kill enemies and get the items around the area as money rolls in
You can effectively be in 2 places at once, I know this because I do it too. People arent doing that in later stages, its the early stages, if people cant get items early game they start to really become dead weight as you progress. Also as far as "becomes mediocre in late game" they do not become mediocre, their OP nature just starts to fade, youre simply use to wiping the floor with enemies.
I had the same issue, and using mountain shrine fixed it. Fixes it for other people too. You can get an elite boss as early as stage 5 if you use a mountain shrine.
Took me a moment lol.
now make it so the text slowly scrolls, too
An Mini-Mech
>M1 would be a slower firing (maybe 2 shots per sec) but powerful, heavy shot with a small aoe and good proc rate. Maybe a shotgun.
>M2 would be a missile barrage, in a quick replenishing stack like the engi's mines but ranged.
>Shift would be either a rocket boost or grapple hook. The boost would work like mul-t dash but with more vertical potential but no armor, maybe a hover that could synergize with the missiles. The grapple hook would just be a shoot and drag, maybe with contact damage if you hit an enemy. You could even hook a boss and do a lot of damage but leave yourself at their feet.
>R would be a titan-like laser, compensating for the to short to mid range of the other abilities and giving him a quick hitting but potentially hard to keep on target attack.
An overall powerful survivor but a big, slow and heavy target, in both it's attacks and movement (outside its shift and items obviously). If possible with the code I'd even have it fall faster.
Money isnt the issue, the actual chests themselves are, the player with the most money doesnt mean shit if they have nothing to spend it on.
Its your fault you're standing around doing nothing of use while he's doing what you should all be doing. Find a chest, then shoot the enemies. If everyone does that then everyone will have the same amount of items, and you'll finish levels faster meaning you'll be stronger. You're simply playing the game wrong.
why do bosses started spawning empty bombs on HAHAHA?
I didn't like the Loader in RoR 1 because of how easy it was to be OP with him but I think his grapple could be fun in 3D.
For a new idea I think character based around scouting would be nice, he could also help his teamates to move around by allowing them to grab onto him though he would probably be weak in solo.
It's definitely bugged. I've fought bosses in Monsoon both with and without Mountain Shrines (actual bosses, not elites) with elite modifiers, and still have yet to get Deicide.
>Get's instantly vaporized of whatever fire boss hits you
>Instantly disintegrated by 14 golem laser
>instantly smushed by spikeballs
Slow character = Bad character
you're describing a worse MUL-T
A rocket skater that has frictionless movement and no speed cap. He's melee and attacks exclusively with dashes and somersaults.
you want a tribes ascend character then
Someone host RoR1!
Was it really easy to be OP as him in vanilla ror, or just with command on?
Fuck it, Might as well go for seconds.
>Essentially the antithesis of Bandit, Crowd control that rewards kiting and thoughtful gameplay, Native american aesthetic to have a Cowboys vs Indians vibe reflecting him being the opposite of Bandit.
>M1 Is a wild west style Multi-Execution (or "High noon" for overwatch shitters) that first Marks an enemy to be shot, 6 marks can be placed either on several enemies or one single enemy. Starts shooting when all 6 marks are placed or after a short time has passed since the last mark
>M2 is a "Fractal shot" that hits one enemy, then from that enemy 2 shots get fired towards 2 other enemies, then from those 2 enemies 2 more shots get fired to 4 more enemies, which then fire at 8 enemies. Hitting up to 15 unique enemies.
>Shift is a Grappling hook that pulls you towards where you aim or on enemies, If you hit an airborne enemy with this you stun them and latch on to them, Your cooldown for the grappling hook also gets reset, Allowing you to swing from flying enemy to flying enemy.
>R, Or "Last stand" Summons a spectral Bighorn Bison to carve a path of destruction through an enemy group, Stunning and knocking away enemies. Again calling back to the character's native american aesthetic.
The shift could be swapped out for a cheesy wild west dodge that magically causes enemies to miss you indiscriminately.
>native american character
>ghost bisons
Good. Needs more throwing axes and totems though.
Hmmm, yes very thoughtful gameplay: A bunch of auto aim shit that you can throw out without thinking while running away.
The idea of a cyber-indian sounds cool as fuck though. But ghost bison doesn't make sense unless he's a native to the planet, but then why is he sided with the survivors, and that also is a bit too on the nose with the whole "whoa we were the invaders all along" stuff.
That's what speed items and the shift ability are for... Y'know? Like ALL the other characters? (Well except the Art' who's shift fucking sucks). Also I didn't mean slow it to a fucking crawl you mongoloid, just like a 6 to everyone else's 7. Or hell just make it FEEL slow with it's size like MUL-T. I'd also probably have passive armor like MUT-T and Merc, if not a little more.
>a worse MUL-T
You mean what's generally agreed to be the best survivor at the moment?
His grapple allowed him to have the best mobility early on and his electric turrets would just rape everything on the map when placed from each side regardless of if enemies were properly in between them or not (in glass mode at least).
Also 3 sec invincibility with a 5 sec cooldown.
host when
>Cultist of Providence
>M1 is swing a big sword in an arc in front of him, causes good knockback to make up for being slow, every 3rd swing hits twice and hits all around you
>M2 he throws out a small amount of homing projectile, amount increased every 5th level
>SHIFT is he teleports up into the air and can then target an area to dash toward with his sword out, This goes through enemies and can be used as an effective escape tool or a crowd clearer
>R is the cultist mimicing Providence shield buff, blocking 70% damage taken for 6 seconds and then releasing a shockwave around him that increases in size and knockback as you take damage during the duration of the buff
It's a hot mess but i'd enjoy the idea
Fractal shot could be stylized as a Techno-Tomahawk, I suppose.
The devil lies in the details, You could mark a bunch of enemies or mark the blazing golem that's jutting out of crowd 6 times before it hits you with its rape laser.
just did my first run and eventually got obliterated by the obelisk. completely blind so dont shit on me for not knowing but that did that do if anything? also this game is pretty fun
Obliteration ends the game, it unlocks Mercenary the first time you do it and gets you 5 lunar coins whenever you do it subsequently
It's basically a fuck you, I quit button.
Unlocked a new character.
sword swinging madman unlocked
That'd actually be pretty cool if you had to aim each individual shot, I was imagining it more like Huntress' M1 which I don't want more of in the game.
It's the "I reached the final boss that isn't in the game yet" button.
God, as fun as blasting shit to bits with waifu magician is, getting literally one shot by a blazing brass contraption ball is depressing (granted, I did have glass), but I had like 5 teddy bears too goddamnit
thanks user, i believed in the you that believed in me.
engie with la quintas reservation and bungus is fuckin great.
Welcome and don't spend your lunar coins. Save them to unlock artificer.
vanilla join
what region
us east/south
Coil + movement speed + defense = EZ
>time stops in portal realms
Thank you hopoo
Commando is "Boring starter character" and MUL-T is "FUCK YOU YOU BROKEN SHIT". Not exactly an impressive feat to beat those two out.
US WEST lobby Vanilla
There's obviously going to be something on that island later, those containers are perfectly placed so you can jump across them to the island. I was disappointed as well when I finally could jump there
>finally try engineer
>run around the map dropping turrets and hunting for chests
>by the time i find them my turrets have made me enough gold
>laughing about how broken he is
>clay dunestrider
>turrets die in 2 seconds
>i'm a slow ass walking target
>get shit on
I love commando and he kicks ass
What's that first item? I've unlocked everything and I've not seen that...
i rolled a gacha shrine three times with the rest of my money and it caused a fps drop :^)
Insect tamer/Insect themed survivor with a robotic or ragged/druidish appearance
>M1 Slice the air in front, creating a projectile of slicing air, more damage if hits at melee range
>M2 Shoot a ball of acid that creates a zone that does damage to enemies, holds 2-3 charges
>Shift Burrow into the ground for a few seconds, shoot out some stunning rocks when you exit
>R Homing insect swarm, similar to Engineer in ROR1 but slower projectiles and longer cooldown
MUL-T gets a "FUCK YOU YOU BROKEN SHIT" from good players who want a challenge and also a "FUCK YOU YOU NERFED PIECE OF SHIT" from bad players who think that a slightly slower acceleration than other classes makes him garbage despite all his other aspects. So yeah, he gets dislike from everyone.
And for those who do want to play the OP classes to win with minimum effort Engineer takes the cake. So basically people choose him because he's the cool robot.
MUL-T isn't cool though
Did they fix MUL-T doing a ton of bonus damage to elites+bosses with his shift move?
Berserker Pauldron. Kill 3 enemies within one second to activate a buff giving a ton of attack speed and movement speed. Stacking only increases the length of the buff since it's so strong to begin with.
That's what makes him cool. He's a cute utilitarian robot rather than some boring old mecha/android.
well that was fun