ITT: we make the shittiest game possible

i will start:
the game can't be played unless you link it to at least three social media accounts and allow it to post things to it on your behalf

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>Poor Sammy had a weird fetish before he knew what a fetish was
Kid's gonna live a rough life of shame and regret.

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we release the game on the switch

>The game is online ONLY
>You literally cannot play it at all if you're not connected to the internet, even if it has modes where it shouldn't need internet
A game like that would really fucking suck if it was real, ha ha.

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Directed by Hideo Kojima

> game forces you to be online to play
> DLC day one
> no story mode, only online play
> half dozen same types, no custom lobbies

Game requires you to pee your pants and post a picture of it on those social media accounts. You get a bonus box of MTX loot if you post a video of the entire relieving session.

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Playtesting handled by valve

weapon durability

Oh, and because I forgot until right after I pressed the post button...
>You need to pay for Online, at that.
If I'm paying for your service it better be some top of the line shit, otherwise go fuck yourself.

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A game like that would really fucking suck if it was real, ha ha.
meet metal gear survive

every time the game is patched, you can't play online (and by inference at all) until you patch the game
but the patches cost $20.00 USD and are released biweekly
this cost is separate from the paid online service

make the game 16 missions long but give the main part to the new black guy while the old MC gets 6 missions only, give it an entirely irrelevent marketing campeign and then completely fuck the art-style, gameplay, sound direction, OST, tone and design of the entire rest of the series and then tell the old fans they are out of touch when your game dies in a year

When the game was being kickstarted, the dev had a "put your character in" goal, Reize and Duncan were the only ones who made it in
Every boss has a DPS cap
One of the levels has a very cool gimmick that is used three times in that level and never used again

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It's free to play, but updates keep adding bosses and content you can barely participate in because they're only vulnerable to pay to win weapon bonuses. The bonuses you roll for are in a pool of other useless effects and the ones you want only show up about 1% of the time.

>Inventory has infinite size
>Can only take out the last item one at a time

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Sony exclusive, story driven, TPS cinematic experience. Main character voiced by Ashley Burch.

You have to have a webcam on recording you at all times.

modern "sleek" UI
Hunger meter and "crafting" system
Open World
The fact that it's dozens of gigabytes is a selling point
Backtracking up the ass
Fall damage doesn't scale
Can't swim

It mines crypto on your PC

Ironically this existed. Arena Wars was a RTS game that required a webcam

Literally nothing is ever buffed. There are only nerfs and more nerfs.

Different items/weapons/zones/anything are gated behind tedious leveling or a premium currency. There's no way to tell what's worth dropping money on.

everything sucks

Turn based combat with random enemy encounters

>hold E to loot in a looter game

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The dub is horrific, and there are no subs.

Long unskippable cutscenes followed bt obtuse QTEs that force you to restart if you fail them. QTEs are not consistent and randomly happen in cutscenes.

Sometimes rnvironmental things kill you and sometimes they dont.

Developed anywhere outside Japan.

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Create a character for generic hero plot but they hamfist a horrible personality and annoying voice over the character you made anyway. Female has more, better character options but is way more annoying

The game starts with lolis but they're patched out immediately after an outcry from Jason Schreier. The game is online only so you can't play previous patches. You're only left reminiscing about how great the game used to be.

I make Battle For Azeroth

>everything sucks
i agree bro. here bro, let me give you a hug

Attached: i know that feel bro.jpg (300x626, 24K)

> Always online and open world
> Mic is required
> Mic always on

Rewards for missions are loot boxes and you can pay real money to reroll them.