Why am I so bad at video games?
Why am I so bad at video games?
im going to marry the colors
Because video games are not important and just a way to waste time and it’s not worth spending time to improve in them versus something that could actually benefit you live
he's right though
With what?
I taught myself programming and I got a great job
If I spend that time improving in video games I’ll still be in my mom basement but smug on Yea Forums
But you can be smug on Yea Forums even if you sick at video games so what’s the point?
Anyways anime is the better pastime
this. that lingering feeling only gets worse with age. video games are cool but if playing them and talking about them is your main thing you fucked up. most people realize this but sometimes they only dig further
Let me take your under my wing, I'll teach you how to suck less.
playing games instead of improving yourself is the apex "cope"
Manga > modern anime
They are screwing the pooch even in the bigger animes.
Hand-eye coordination is bad, reaction time too.
> Milsim FPS
Impatience and reaction time, also teamwork
Impatience/lack of time
Play the game in the present instead of thinking ahead
Retarded. If you’re bad at RPGs you should just watch video games being played on YouTube. Literal infinite terry’s and opportunities to overlevel and make the game simple. Could also be your lack of attention to detail reguarding the combat systems
> Puzzle
Low attention span
>take your under my wing
you're not even trying anymore are you?
>inb4 "haha my oldfag joke"
nigger that is about your vs you're not fucking you vs your
Huh no, I made a mistake. Chill out, no wonder you suck at games so bad my dude. You failed you're first test.
>teach you how to suck less.
Your intentions seem to be the opposite of that statement
I'm ok with this.
You don't put smart effort and time into improving. The methods of improving in anything is basic knowledge but can be difficult if you bite off more than you can chew at first. If you've been deliberately trying to get better at video games, maybe this says something about how you act and respond to other parts of your life.
By accepting jesus into your heart and giving up anime. It will only lead you down a life of sin my child, the afterlife is eternal.
just give up
Cuz you're a smelly 2D girl
You can't learn Japanese or video game skill, such is life
yeah i would dig further cause fuck the other shit. what am i gonna talk about some shitty memes? what you ate for lunch? wow so interesting
>I taught myself programming
what language
git gud
here's your solution
A dumb user like you is in no position to teach anyone, especially when you're just going to do the reverse.
Your cute, my guy.
>Anyways anime is the better pastime
You were doing so well till this point
>Your cute
You even bother to get good? Or you think it comes passively?
cringe anime trannies
If you were good at video games you would be rich. COPE
kys tranny
seething tranny who hates seeing anything that reminds him of his own miserable fate
fuck off and join the 40% already
cringe schizo poster
seething tranny kike
I wanna know why some games cant keep my attention. I just tried playing the new Prey, even though it had tons of praise I can't bring myself to get into it.
cringe anime trannies
What's you're problem, my fellow? Can't you see I'm busy picking on that user that may not even be here? I'll beat you up. user made a typo, I'm making fun of that one, idiot.
Cringe autistic faggot
seething kike
Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.
Kill yourself, Kike.
talk about videogames or shut the fuck up and leave the board
seething kike
Impatience is my biggest problem personally.
>board turns into a cesspool of MAGA shilling kikes
>annoying faggots from /pol/ddit spilling into every fucking board possible and nonstop posting garbage about muh libtards kneegears etc
>shitting up the boards nonstop with thinly veiled political threads and getting assblasted when called out
Gee I fucking wonder why.
have sex
You first, incel
no u
seething kike
samefag kike detected
Don't test me user. Do you want me to mentor you on video games or not?
you probably dont play them enough and/or dont have a drive to do well. you have to want to be good in order to be good.
fuck off /pol/ddit nigger
s-sorry...i get ahead of myself sometimes...
It's just you falseflagging trannies.
Test what? How to get beat even harder? Oh please. I'm a pro, at least compared to you, user. If anything, I'll be the one schooling you all night gg no re.
It happens, you're off the hook since you apologized. Sometimes anons really need to be put in their place.
You sound like a retard who sucks at games. 1v1 me, game of your choice.
That girl is cute
Post steam
seethe hard useless faggot :)
/pol/ gets annoying for everybody involved after a while
I never lose. You pick the game, I'll mess you up on your home turf. I don't need an advantage, you weenie, with an even smaller weenie.
i want steam gf NOW
Yea Forums's population of anime ERPers are overwhelmingly homosexual men and not trannies
Post yours. That's the cost of tutelage.
Don't talk about my dick, loser. This isn't about dick. This is about skill, of which you have none. You pick the game.
Post discords/steam sissies