Are Persona 1 and 2 worth playing?
Are Persona 1 and 2 worth playing?
Persona 1 has the best final boss in the series and it is pretty interesting, so there's that.
The casual babies here will tell you no because of the gameplay, but they're fucking wrong.
which versions though the ps1 versions of 2 or the psp, i know p1 is better psp
Is this where the "persona 3 is the first persona game" meme comes from?
p1 has some cool shit. the fact that half the game is hidden through a alternate playthrough..
Play 2 at least if you want a good story
Play the PSP version of Innocent Sin if you just want the story, PSX if you want the full experience.
They're not super slick and stylish like nuPersona. They're quiet, slow games where forethought and customization is your best defense against whatever comes your way.
Also there's a lot of grinding, not gonna lie.
My advice is just read the manga for Persona 1. It's way better than playing the game and you won't have to suffer through the shitty PSP music (unless you want to patch it on an emulator like I did). Persona 1 is honestly a lot more fun than given credit but it takes a huge nosedive into shitsville in the final dungeon where you have to grind like 20 levels with the worst experience system in RPG history.
yeah its old shool so if yah like that stuff
I tried playing Persona 1, I really did, but oh my god is it boring to play.
If they get a proper remake that fixes the encounter rate sure. Otherwise just watch/read a let's play
They're really good but not as good as Persona 5.
Either is fine but know this, P2 is 2 games. The PSP remake only localized part 1 of P2, you'll have to go back to the PS1 version in order to truly finish the Person 2 if you chose to play the PSP version and don't know japanese.
Both parts of 2 are, but 1 is a real slog.
Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment are MASTERPIECES.
all the stuff that made Persona 3 and 4 amazing are there. The Shadows reflecting the worst part of you, the serial killer villain, the rumors becoming reality once enough people believe in them. They're fantastic.
The party members are awesome too
>It's way better than playing the game and you won't have to suffer through the shitty PSP music
>having taste this bad
I enjoyed playing 1 but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't already like drpgs. 2 is definitely worth it even if it is a bit rough around the edges.
that meme is because P1/2 aren't the same recycled shit as P3/4/5
they cope by saying P1/2 are 'basically SMT games' despite them having different gameplay and story
>The Virgin Bloody Destiny
>The Chad Deadline
I remember the last couple of threads where some faggot tried to stir up shit and always got BTFO along with the rest of the nu-Persona fags
Always remember that they'll never have a character as cool as Bao Fu
Both Persona 2s are respectable 90s-style JRPG. Wouldn't recommend the first one.
They're a bit of a slog but still pretty good.
PSP versions are good but the second part of Persona 2 (Eternal Punishment) didn't get a localization and the fantranslation has been stuck at 95% or something liket that for years.
EP isn't that good because best girl becomes protagonist and doesn't speak, so even though you play as best girl, you get less of her.
But unlike P2 Innocent Sin, it got a PS1 localization and unlike P1 (PS1) it wasn't butchered.
I played them for the first time a few years ago, but even then P2 kinda felt nostalgic, even the OST
Dunno how to describe it, it's kinda weird. Maybe the composer stole/sampled some old popular music
Yes, at least give them a shot
>full experience
>PS1 Persona
Anyways, you're kind of right. No idea why they didn't include a remastered/original soundtrack option.
1 > EP > 3 > IS > 5 > 4
Daily reminder
Bitch when I said full experience I was talking about Innocent Sin. The PSP port is a baby easy trash game.
Depends on what the criterion is.
And 3 is never that high in any criteria
Reminder that the "S" in P5S stands for "Sin" and is a remake of 2 in the updated engine used for P5
>getting your hopes up
>My advice is just read the manga for Persona 1.
casual babby
I like how in every single one of these images, contrarian is always the best game
P5 is even worse than P4, don't kid yourself.
Way better than consolewarshit and you know it
Eh, I love the demon negotiation system they put in, that prioritizes some sort of logic over just pressing an option and crossing your fingers, but the pacing is very typically jrpg. Bores you to tears and leads you by the nose.
I played the 4kids-tier translation though. The one where the protagonist is inexplicably ugly as fuck. May be different in other versions.
I love that cover art. So eerie.
you aren't cool or unique for liking something thats older.
Sorry that a random unknown manga creator did Persona better than Cozy Okada and Kazuma Kaneko.
Would a p2 anime work?
I thought they were boring as shit compared to 3-5 but you might like them i dunno
I can't comment on P1, but P2 isn't. It has some of the worst gameplay to be found in the entire genre, and that's saying something. Cool ideas like the rumor system are completely squandered, the combat is terrible, and the dungeons are terrible. Even the mechanics borrowed from SMT, like fusion and demon negotiation, are handled horribly in P2. The plot and characters are decent, but the game is less fun to play than even the most uninspired Dragon Quest clones.
I never finish one but I remember i dumped all my points into luck. Lucky Lad
you sound autistic
They have great characters/story, but the gameplay is far and away some of my least favorite in the entire Megaten umbrella of series. I fucking hate Persona 1 and 2's gameplay so much more than even SMT1 and 2.
P1 has the absolute best girl in the series so it's worth it.
sounding kinda reddit my guy
Only if done in that style
who types like this?
t. p3 babby
I prefer Ayase
That’s not a picture of Maki though
She unironically has the best development and themes of any female Persona character
I enjoy them a lot, but they are pretty different from the other Persona games. Absolutely worth a try, whether you like them or not is another story
what the fuck? ahahahaha
Isn't that a line from Nanjo?
Persona 1? Nah, just read the manga
Both Persona 2s? They're most definitely worth playing, ps1-era rpg kino.
Should I play PS1 version for Persona or should I play the PSP version with music patch?
>Ann's slink is about her modeling career
>not one reference to Eriko
At least the Shiraishi theme made an appearance.
you sound like you drink wine, smoke cigars, but wear a fedora
At least I'm not a zoomer.
>posting the edit
who's sperg is this?
The music patch is hardly worth it, it doesn’t loop shit properly and there are missing tracks. The new soundtrack is fine, good even, it’s just shitty that it replaced the old one. So yeah play the PSP version.
Also Lone Prayer is kino.
The PSP version DID fix the encounter rate
The ps1 has a bunch of shit changed, because of shitty localization. Play the psp with music patch
A P2 anime would be a modern classic, shit goes so off the rail it would be like Danganronpa 3 but good
Based and occultpilled
>but it takes a huge nosedive into shitsville in the final dungeon where you have to grind like 20 levels with the worst experience system in RPG history
I thought I was going to have to do this too, before I went to the Velvet Room and examined my options. Turns out all I had to do was fuse a single persona with Water Wall and the final boss went down almost effortlessly. I'm not going to tell you to git gud, but maybe don't just assume that all JRPGs are just going to roll over and die for you. It's literally the only encounter in the entire game that requires any thought or foresight, man.
>Are video game 1 and video game 2 worth playing?
How's the taste of that extra chromosome?
The eerily calm music playing while you select your party's actions on the first turn, jumping into the real battle theme as soon as you select okay is actual genius, and I don't know why Atlus doesn't do it for every battle.
The PSP version is the better version to play. The Ps1 version has a better soundtrack and the PSP version is also missing tons of small effects and sounds but overall the PSP version is the best gameplay wise.
The that being said I'd go with the music patch just know that the music doesn't loop properly and it's not the complete Ps1 soundtrack since the patch is limited to the amount of tracks the psp has (about 40 compared to the 90 or so with the original).
Because boss battles are serious shit.
>dissing black Mark
They are cool games but they are dungeon crawlers completely unlike the rest of the series. P2 doesn't look the part of a crawler but after awhile you realize you're still spending 3 hours clearing a dungeon for a 2 minute cutscene at the end and then immediately going into the next dungeon after talking to all the npcs around town.
Dungeon Crawlers are fucking great.
Why did they even make him black? Persona 1 has some of the strangest localization changes, they cut half of the game, but change a few characters completely
Because they were geniuses user, that's why.
SMT does that all the time.
Unfortunately the localization of the PSX version is a real black mark on the series
Personally I found Persona 1 to be incredibly boring and unfun to play. It might have had an okay story but I didnt get to see it
Can you play the first half of P2 on PSP and then pick up the other half on PS1 later?
I want something to play in bed.
Literally to appeal to americans. Same reason you’ve got Mary instead of Maki and all that shit. “Revelations” was going to be what they called SMT games in the west.
wanted to make it more appealing to americans who were thought to be completely unable to relate to japanese highschoolers
it was a different time user, look at all the bastardized anime and video games from back then, they just went a little further with this game than usual
I tried playing P1 and P2 but they are so boring I end up falling asleep every time.
I know. I'm more confused as to why they stopped doing it in the Persona series after the first game, and then took that feature out of the remake.
>a real black mark on the series
Because in Japan he was already the off-color punk kid into graffiti art and hip hop tho shit. All they did was swap his hat and make him a nigger and give him slang.
Yes. You’ll be missing some QoL stuff and will have to get used to some changed character names, but otherwise it’s fine.
Also Maya in the US version of EP is voiced by the woman who voiced Bubsy in Bubsy 3D
Still not as bad as other JRPG like Wild Arms 2
you can't use the carry over data if that is what you mean. But the carry over data does fuck all anyway other than determine Tatsuya's level and a few throwaway lines based on the character you were in a relationship with.
>Also Maya in the US version of EP is voiced by the woman who voiced Bubsy in Bubsy 3D
Yes? You can't transfer over stuff from the first half, though, if that matters to you. The PS1 translation of EP is also a tad off, but not off like P1. Just some irregular translations compared to standard spell/demon names, and some sometimes awkward voice acting.
Also make sure to talk to the npcs around town after events because usually especially with the persona 2 dualogy a lot of additional stuff can be missed.
Its whoop ass time
Thanks, anons
Look up Lani Minella. She’s in way more than you’d think, considering she was fucking Bubsy. She was Rouge in SA2 as well. She voiced an enemy in nu-GoW, even.
Dumb Jahy postet
You know what else nu-Persona faggots will never have?
Returning characters actually being playable party members in sequels
She also voiced Lucas in smash bros
Also if you pay her she does shit like this
Reminder that Mitsuru is Nanjo’s hot young trophy wife and she’s getting the number one dick in Japan nightly
I heard she’s a freak, a party freak
gotta exercise that vocab nigga don't listen to the haters
P1 and P2IS on PSP
That’s the only way to go without using unfinished fan translations and incomplete patches
Reminder that a hacked Vita is the definitive Persona system and the comfiest way to play
You could also play the ps1 version of innocent sin with the fan translation the only real benefit would be having the game simply be easy instead of brain dead easy.
>She was Rouge in SA2 as well
Well that is fitting
>she is in fucking diablo as Adria and Wirt
Holy shit
She’s got a shitload of unlisted appearances, as far as I can tell. Lord knows they don’t credit people for doing random enemy grunts or what have you.
Sometimes it’s in their contract to not be credited. Pit and lucinas voice actors are uncredited in smash and that’s why there’s a blank in Lucinas bio in fire emblem hero’s where they put there voice actors name in.
FOR FUCKS SAKE user IT'S SPELT RO-....oh wait you meant the character.
>p5babbies literally trying to lump together with better games
Nice try P5babby
But where goes Caligula?
is there a term for "like writer's work and is ok with a new universe and characters"?
Absolutely, stop at P3 and you're good. Disregard everything else.
Maya using Rouge suit when
2 is worth it. 1 is as bad as 4 imo