The japs bodied the west this year

the japs bodied the west this year.

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Other urls found in this thread:

should've posted Sekiro, the bona fide GOTY and possibly the game of the decade

too early to tell

the best western devs (such as ubisoft) release their games in the fall.

there haven't been any western games of note even released yet though. i mean anthem barely counts because bioware and EA are garbage.

obviously it's going to take some pretty impressive titles to catch up with RE2, DMC5, sekiro, etc. though.

I like RE better

>the best western devs (such as ubisoft)
This is such a sad statement.
Really puts into perspective how fucking dogshit the western industry is when modern Ubishit is considered a good dev.

Has any good western game been released this year.

>best devs


Japan absolutely decimated the west this year already. Accept it faggot.

If they have they've censored the release date

>this year
Try most years.

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git gud

Western games come late in the year, jap games come early in the year because the fiscal year ends at different times.

Risk of Rian 2 but that's still early access.

>best devs

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Be honest: is there ANY way to save western games?

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>this year
can't even remember when I cared more about western games.

White people can't make good games anymore.

time travel

True the Jap's and eastern Euro developers like the boys at Warhorse, showed up western devs last year for real.

CTR is coming in june and will undoubtedly be the #1 western game of 2019

Still accurate


kingdom come was garbage though and basically unplayable until a month and a half after it released.

You'd have to kill all SJW and feminists that dictate what a game should have.

it's april dude
japan releases their games early because they can't compete with the best of the west (such as ubisoft)

They actually did. There hasn't been a SINGLE western AAA release this year that saw acclaim. Metro Exodus came out to a yawn, and that's the closest anyone not in Asia got.

Meanwhile, RE2 and Sekiro are tearing it up.

>Yea Forums deludes itself to think japs have won this year
>western cashgrabs already have sold more than all these nip games on this year, even fucking anthem
This board copes so much at western games, literally rent free.

Does that one even count? I mean it's practically an old game.

>he still thinks Ubishit is a good dev

Holy fuck my sides. Youre fucking retarded.

Why do weebs love playing the same games over and over and praising the devs?

TLOU2 will probably win all the GOTY awards though, sadly.

Ubisoft is the epitome of bland AAA shit made for genuine retards, if someone likes their modern games it usually means that they have brain damage.
They legit haven't made a true gem since Chaos Theory, EVERYTHING they've made in the past 12 years has ranged from absolute shit to barely passable.

We're talking about game quality, not sales. Keep up.

and its only april, lol, the west is fucked

I platinumed Sekiro and I still like RE2make better. What now?

I didn't know weebs were known for loving to play play CoD, GTA, Madden, and battle royale #403543484

The year's not even over yet.
The west is going to BTFO the fucking japs. The Last of Us 2 is probably coming out this year.
I fucking bet you all $1M that TLoU2 is going to be 2019 GOTY. Bet me right fucking now, seething weebs.

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Like hell that's coming out this year. Sony's big 3 are going to be ps5 games

unless you clear NG+7 with bell active and no charm you didnt git gud
platinum is a participation prize

Don't forget Fifa.
Because weebs sure do love Fifa, definitely.
It's totally not recycled trash for chavs and Eurotrash.

>here's your open world game #2596 bro

You posted the wrong game.
nu-RE is a disgrace.

Attached: Owl 1.webm (1000x542, 2.98M)

>didn't enjoy sekiro
>TFW you realize you don't enjoy games if you aren't picking up new costumes and weapons every 10 minutes
Am I a zoomer?

Just focus on shit that's low budget and doesn't put all of its stakes in 2 or 3 "BIGGER THAN LIFE GAMES HOLY SHIT BUY IT" that release every year. In short, focus on completed indie games and AA games such as Hitman

the west is dead and will remain dead, the trannies won
we can only hope japan never succumbs cause if they do, gaming is truly dead

GOW and other games sold like 10x the JP games. Western games just sell more.

So is RE2

>buys underaged panty quest VI
>looks forward to underage panty quest VI: Ultimate edition coming out the following years
Explain this one weebs

Japan fell a long time ago.

Attached: SJW Japan.jpg (2257x2989, 1.36M)

Remake 2 plays differently to RE2, CTR is not really changing the gameplay that much.

Now this is bait

honest to god kek'd

My stance on Ubisoft is that they're the yearly album coming out. Stuff's usually good, nothing outstanding, and it's almost identical to what they've been putting out for the past few years, but it's still alright enough and works for some quick comfort. Occasionally they come out with something that does stand out, and then things move on.

Attached: i showed you my fug now show me yours.jpg (400x255, 59K)

if that were to come out this year, sony would be planning on showing up at e3.

Attached: *stares at u*.jpg (1920x1080, 217K)

the fuck is CTR?> stop using abbreviations for obscure ass bullshit as if everyone knows what it stands for.

Capcom by themselves are outpacing the west.

>When she asks if you're a cop


crash team racing you pleb

just install a new mod every 10 minutes and youll enjoy the game

Indie and medium size studios are already fixing things by rejecting identity politics. They're making games with all the boobs and gameplay people want, because the AAA teams aren't doing it. And whenever SJWs throw a fit over these games, it just turns into free advertising for small indie developers who otherwise would never get advertising. It's a win win.

Slowly, major studios are starting to catch onto the same thing. But it will take years (if not a decade) for them to convince the brain dead shareholders and project leads to go along with it. So AAA games are going to remain indoctrinated in this shit for a while. Start playing smaller games or Japanese games in the meantime.

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fucking nigger

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>the japs bodied the west this year.

REmake 2
Ace Combat 7

ah, the image made by an easily triggered /pol/tard

Mortal Kombat looks like will be the biggest western game this year


Attached: animeBait.jpg (625x626, 53K)

Big budget western AAA games are pretty much fucked. The suits have seen how much money they squeeze out of suckers with games as a service, and they can't resist that forbidden fruit.

>soul and effort put into it
>casual fun

>grind goy
>every character is a minority
>don't open these chests or ding dong bannu

Sup Barry

>Anyone who dislikes a dumpster fire like KH3 is Barry

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>the best western devs (such as ubisoft)
Funniest vidya-related sentence Ive ever read

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>dumpster fire
it wasn't KH2FM obviously but it was better than BBS and DDD in everything but story, really. no need to be a stingy ass about it.

>17 year conclusion
>ends on sequel bait while heavily advertising a gacha
>forced happy endings for all at the detriment of the plot
>things just happen with no explanation or reason
>dropped plot points
>no FF characters despite them being important since KH1
>no stakes, most villains just become good guys
>constantly recapping the story throughout the game
>terrible worlds with nothing to offer that you explore for no reason
>most worlds are just gimmicky and soulless recaps
>13 year wait
>tons of bugs, cut content, visual errors, unreal 4 engine, reused bosses, a bunch of shitty remixes, final boss doesn’t even have a unique theme, messy loops and songs, you only hear the Scala theme for a few seconds, terrible box art, pointless extra playable characters, broken gameplay (Roxas, Ultima, Grandmagic, etc), shit story and forced unnatural dialogue, flashy zero substance combat, withholding content to release it as DLC, and overall a rushed experience
>less content than PS2, PSP, and DS games
>Fans and critics agree it didn’t live up to the hype
>Most outlets that wrote negative reviews didn’t give a score
>Foreign paid shills reviewing the game as perfect
>Even with the critic score being inflated on PS4 it’s at best a mediocre game
>Lowest user score out of any KH title released to date
>Critically reviewed lower than KH1, KH2, and BBS
>Reached lows of 78 critically and 6.9 user score
>Not a good KH game, let alone a good game
You unironically have a low IQ, if you think KH3 is a good game.

I mean, from a fucked-up perspective they're not technically wrong. Ubisoft churns out the same shit every year but it's never terrible, just more of the same. Compare them to Electronic Arts and Activision-Blizzard, who might as well be stopping inches short of trying to mug players of their money while being some of the most corrupt western publishers around, and Bethesda who make absolutely retarded choices and are lazy sons of bitches, and Ubisoft honestly looks downright amicable as a result.

Every other notable western developer/publisher is either waning off to the side and doing fuck all, stuck in development hell, an indie team, and/or have only one or two major titles to their name that everyone knows about and little to care about beyond that.

>gatekeeping goalpost moving
yikes no1 wants to play a game more than once you fuck

Let me guess, filtered by Chained Ogre?

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>>Reached lows of 78 critically

nice cherrypicking the Xbone score on purpose, Barry.

It's at an 83 with a user score of 8.0 on the PS4.

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I genuinely despise Sekirofaggots. No one cares about your game, it's going to be completely forgotten soon. It didn't do anything new or impressive, the only reason you suck it off so much is because it makes journalists mad.

got bored about 5 minutes in and refunded

biggest launch of 2019 faggot

ban evader

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>No one cares about your game
>Legions of westcucks begging for an easy mode

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

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Why don't the non-SJW alt-right fags create games? Why don't they create any decent entertainment?

RoR 2
Battlefleet gothic armada 2
Baba is you
Anno 1800
Haven't play Slay the Spire but people say is pretty good.

Attached: the west.jpg (1920x1080, 174K)

>anyone not a sjw is alt-right
please stop this madness

The same reason all good musicians, vidya directors, filmmakers and novelists are leftists.

literal DSP tier

At least DSP beat it. That puts him above the average Yea Forumsirgin.

Attached: DSP Sekiro.jpg (1920x1080, 409K)

The minute the SJWs find out they're not a fellow extremist like them, they're blacklisted from the industry. And even fellow regressive SJWs are starting to get drummed out of the industry, because they say the wrong buzzword or don't cowtow to the right trends.

The only non SJWs who remain in the industry are those who are smart enough not to voice their opinions in public.

>best western dev

user, I....

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Lol, there are tards who really think this

>they're blacklisted from the industry

That doesn't happen though. White male persecution complex is truly pathetic.

Me too, and I'm currently on NG+3 Sekiro

The "good" left leaning artists are just that, left leaning. Not extremists. And most of the people who were champions of the left in the 80s and 90s are now considered moderate or even conservative. To put it into context, someone like Matt Groening, Steven Spielberg or Aaron Sorkin, the big heavyweights for liberal Hollywood 20 years ago, are closer in 2019 to the Republicans in shared positions than they are the Democrat party. That's how far left the democrats are going.

>half of Yea Forums over the past three years is "west suxxx"
Why not just make the topic its own board? /vp/ and /vr/ doesn't talk about their own shit this much.

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>I never heard of it happening so it didn't happen
Yeah, if all you watch is CNN, you won't hear about it.

Change Western culture. Good luck with that.

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You'd need to convince western devs to abandon both Bamham combat and open world with crafting.

It will be pretty hard

Attached: bamham.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

There are plenty of bad games that don't do either of these things. The problem is rooted in something else. Something in society, since it is affecting every aspect of media, not just video games. And that cause has already been laid out in this thread many times.

Western middle market is on its last legs. The one-two punch of Underbomb Ascendant and Scam Citizen is going to be the death knell of it along with much of Kikestarter as a whole. The Japs have a few more years left of theirs before mobile inevitably swallows it as well.
You know that "second video game crash" that people won't shut the fuck up about? This is what it REALLY is.

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>Bamham combat is shi-

Attached: Batman Arkham Combat.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Problem is Western devs refuse to learn how to design games. They ignored all the lessons taught to them and are now stuck so far in their own rabbit hole they can't even see why the shit they make is awful. It's a depressing cycle, but it's where we are.

>Matt Groening, Steven Spielberg or Aaron Sorkin

Two out of those three campaigned for Hillary Clinton and the other now openly supports Bernie Sanders. They aren't even remotely conservative you retard.

Capitalism is the problem then. That's certainly the problem in film and literature.

The problem is rooted in bad games being more successful than good ones. Japan was able to get out of its 2000s rut because the market forced them to. Meanwhile the West has no incentive to likewise take upon what Japan does right because respective sales figures encourage the inverse of such a strategy.

You can do all of this by mashing two buttons. You can be even more efficient and invulnerable by just mashing one though.

Is that why socialist Yurop is bringing us such wonderful gaming Nirvana?

Attached: Sony 'games'.jpg (720x960, 176K)

You're thinking of Dark Souls, user.

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>enemies stand around and wait for you to hit them
looks p shit to me

Every single country in Europe is capitalist.

Nice projection there, westacuck.
How's Dragon Age Cisqusirtion and Assassin's Creed 14 holding up?

Attached: west-vs-east.png (1519x897, 91K)

>capitalists try to make games people want to buy and play
>socialists will make games you have to play because you have no other choices

>the japs bodied the west by making games about white people and western settings

really stimulates the neurons!

I wasn't talking about what candidates they support. I was pointing out their policies. Go watch the movies/shows they worked on in the 90s and you'll see that their views, which were considered super liberal back then, are now so mundane that they've become the norm. And those norms are actually under attack by the extreme left. Like Apu in The Simpsons or Bradley Whiteford having to defend his role on The West Wing for not going far enough. And ironically, its the dirty conservatives who are stepping forward and defending these things, saying Apu shouldn't be censored in the show and characters like John Lyman would be considered more moderate today.

And on the topic of Hillary, even she is under attack by the same extreme left. Because she's no longer useful to them. As well as being a symbol for the establishment they want to topple (more accurately, the establishment they want to take over for themselves).

And Japan isn't?

What the actual fuck is wrong with Sony?

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they don't even have blini
the west is fucked

Well, they saw a hole in the market and filled it. To great success.

>sekiro: japs are white
so i'm not racemixing anymore?

>boss literally slides towards you and deals posture damage

lmfao B team does it again

The west has plenty of good game designers. The producers and shareholders just won't let them do their job. Because they think the audience wants virtue signaling story and flashy cutscenes/QTEs. Don't blame the workers who slave for 60 hour work weeks to meet a deadline. Blame the people in charge. Who are in a bubble, actively ignoring the customers complaints.

Japan wasn't in a rut, their games just stop being promoted and microsoft ran a long FUD campaign to delegitimize them and hurt Japanese sales. It's why we have utter shit topping the charts today while Japanese games need to rely on being good first of all.

>even she is under attack by the same extreme left

You're delusional. There's two elected Democrats out of hundreds that are even remotely critical of Hillary. Stop obsessing about a few random idiots on Twitter/Tumblr.

>naming western indies vs Japan's masterful AAAs
are you even trying?

There's some incidental game designers who have worked on some good games. Their track record signifies they don't know why those games turned out well.

>Yea Forums lives in its own head rather than reality
Your mom prolly thinks you're a fuck machine too despite being a literal incel otherwise.

The Last of Us part 2 hasn't come out yet, you fucking delusional weebs.

>Western vidya is a trainwrec-

Attached: dk-tropical-freeze-switch.jpg (1024x436, 132K)

All of this shit is done with mindless button mashing. There is 0 challenge. The challenge in bamham comes from gimmicks rather than actual mechanics.

Nice bait dumbass. He's severely overleveled to be able to damage him that much while also barely receiving damage

>Japan wasn't in a rut
>hurt Japanese sales
You just contradicted the former with the latter. And if you don't think Japan has been making concessions to popular Western design trends you need to wake up.

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>the best western devs
>(such as ubisoft)

Attached: kex.jpg (249x249, 16K)

>game from years ago, produced by Nintendo with a second party developer
I know it's bait but it's pretty shit bait.

It's literally developed by a western studio.

A rut implies it was self-inflicted. They were still making great games across the board, only the West suffered.

As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

nice meme

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If they are indie they don't count?
Also Anno and Battlrfleet aren't indie.

>the Clinton Foundation is dead
>no democrat candidates want to be seen in public with Hillary or Bill anymore nor want their endorsement
>they deflect from talking about the Clintons any time they're mentioned
>tons of groups like MeToo and SPLC have retroactively decided to denounce Bill Clinton over his treatment of women

This but unironically. Western games are shitty though so they're right about that.

And produced by a Japanese company. Nintendo is still pulling the strings so your bait is weak as fuck.
>They were still making great games
So were pic related. Welcome to the reality of the entertainment business, where nobody gives a fuck of a shit what makes you lose profit.

Attached: 2978556-6516822500-LGSlo.jpg (475x176, 17K)

Why weren't the Thief games as successful as the MGS games?

Attached: Stealth game level design.jpg (650x519, 55K)

Biden, O'Rourke, Booker and Harris have all done public speeches with Hillary within the last couple of weeks. The only serious candidate for 2020 that doesn't ride Hillary's dick is Sanders.

The Arkham games have great combo, BUT most of the early game is simple enemies with no armor or weapons. Once you start fighting a horde of enemies that are wielding guns, melee weapons, armor and shield, and juggernauts, thats when it really.

LGS only made a handful of good games. Lots of flukes, fuck ups and flat out disasters. Even their best games are rife with some utter shit design at times that never should have been published. LGS is a great example of an ambitious studio being crippled by the wests desire to prop up incompetent developers as from devs own accounts at LGS, Romero put them under by taking more money from Eidos, ultimately crippling the Thief 2 launch, floundering the studio shortly after their final game.

All in the search for the West's Miyamoto, who still doesn't exist, and never will.

>The only serious candidate for 2020 that doesn't ride Hillary's dick is Sanders.
you're forgetting the chinese plant who's platform is the destruction of the american economy and middle class

We called them faggot weaboos back in the day but now they can hide behind political identities, but they never stopped being faggots that want to abandon their own culture for one that''s both is completely foreign to them and they know nothing about, because they like jrpgs and anime, should've banned that shit in the west back in the 80s but look where we are now

>If they are indie they don't count?
They're fundamentally stuck in the past by the nature of their technological and resource limitations, so yes, they don't count.
Only Japan has a proper middle market with the balance of resource required to push the medium on a technical level without the compromise of extreme commercial oversight. The West has comparatively seen signs of all but failure in this regard throughout the entirety of the 2010s, see .

Capcom alone blew the absolute fuck out of the west

Add all the cool shit by other Japanese devs and it's not even close. If LITERALLY ANY WESTERN GAME wins Game Of The Year it's rigged.

>Capcom alone blew the absolute fuck out of the west
You misspelled Sekiro.

>japan releases their games early because they can't compete with the best of the west
You do know they release constantly through out the year? They have small announce-release cycles so we get new game announcements and then 4-10 months later the actual game.

>RoR2 is the best NA game this year
>A small early access indie game made by 2 people is dominating the entire market

Just sad to be honest

>We called them faggot weaboos
>they never stopped being faggots that want to abandon their own culture for one that''s both is completely foreign to them and they know nothing about
I wonder who could be behind this post.

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He has zero chance at the nomination.

we'll see. he's getting big chinabuxx

Don't you have tea ceremony to be practicing Gerald-sama?

it's david-kun, newfag

>serious candidate

The DNC has already chosen Harris as their lock, because she ticks all the identity boxes and can be controlled. What the people vote doesn't matter, as Bernie learned last time and will learn again.

>still talking my ppinion vs. market facts
Your idea of shit can't paradoxically be beholden to high and low sales, you egomaniacal fuck.

You can't ALL be davido-kun, ken oiji-sama

>The DNC has already chosen Harris as their lock
this will be interesting. spics are a huge voting block for the dems but spics really fucking hate niggers. a sheboon might also make many white dems think twice. she'll get the black vote, of course, but nigs are notorious for not getting off their ass and voting

>in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience
> and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it
>better reflect its audience
delusional retard

Attached: Screen Shot 2017-10-31 at 15_08_06.png (646x362, 149K)

You aren't even make sense any more. It's okay to be wrong about this, you clearly just lack the historical reference and simply have not played enough games. You need the historical angle to come to the conclusions I have here, play more games.


Four of the best games all came out within four months. No western game can compare to these big four.


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>They're fundamentally stuck in the past by the nature
And? How does thet make them any less good? The quiestion wasn't about innovating just about good games.
You are basically saying they don't count because you said so.

Did you forget where you were when you posted that?

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>spics are a huge voting block for the dems but spics really fucking hate niggers.
And its democrat policies in big urban areas that created that divide. They create all their own enemies. Just like in 2016, Trump didn't win, Hillary just did literally everything she could to get people to not vote for her.

>The DNC has already chosen Harris as their lock

They're exploring other candidates because there was a lot of push back against Harris. Basically nobody is excited for Harris and there's enough dirt on Harris that she's pretty much guaranteed to lose to Trump. In the past few weeks they've been floating O'Rourke and Biden a lot to gauge the reception. They basically want anyone other than Bernie and Warren.

sekiro has no replay value

Nice fantasy world that doesn't exist.



Yea Forums's favorite director, Kojima, absolutely loads his games with SJW propaganda.

Attached: MGS is SJW propaganda.png (1080x1920, 1002K)

lol its April dude

Cope more, dweeb.

>Arguing that nuclear proliferation is good because vague neocon aspirations

You are a literal NPC

>In the past few weeks they've been floating O'Rourke and Biden a lot to gauge the reception.
That was last month. Their media darling this week is Pete Buttigieg, partially because he's the latest one to announce and because he ticks the gay identity box. But either way, he's completely taken all of Beto's hype. "A white man who ALSO gay? Move over Beto! You're lower on the identity stack!"

And Buttigieg wil be replaced by whoever else jumps into the race. But in the end, you're probably going to see Harris or some other female/"insert non white race" here getting the nomination. Because it's not about merit. It's about how many ways they can scream racism/misogyny/whatever at Trump.

>Nukes are bad
ResetEra might be more your speed, champ.

The funny thing is that this past isn't even wrong. Ubisoft is shit of course, but so are all Western devs. So it's like the best of the worst, which isn't saying much

I'm pretty sure it's localization team(s), not Sony.

>he's still going at it
The market. Doesn't. Care. About. Your. Opinion. Period. I don't need to play your favorite game to know whether or not it sells or whether or not anybody has bought or will by it you conceited sack of shit. Especially when you have all but tacitly admitted that said market and public opinion does not follow the demands of your tastes and need a boogeyman to excuse every fucking time it doesn't.
You're turning into a self-parody that's really convincing me you're shitposting for the fuck of it.

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So what was the original in the picture?

>ONE developer, out of HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS
You've got a long way to go, kid. Also
>Yea Forums's favorite director
Take your newfaggotry elsewhere.

I don't usually buy triple A games on release, but I just did that RE2, DMC5 and Sekiro. Now there's pretty much nothing else this year that I'm looking forward to.
Nice job Japan.

>Yea Forums
>having favorites
Yea Forums doesn't like anyone or anything.

Games journo spotted.

Attached: Sekiro Finisher.webm (800x450, 2.92M)

>You are basically saying they don't count because you said so.
I'm saying they will never ever be at the standard of what Japan can provide in current year. That's just an objective fact, like saying a female MMA champion will never be as strong as a male MMA one.

Attached: 1457243670945.png (1280x1046, 734K)

none of what you said is true retard. try playing the game before making an ass-hat of yourself

>the best western devs (such as ubisoft)
Good one

Attached: 1480286071787.jpg (344x400, 70K)

whoever's playing that really sucks

I'm still wondering why Western devs still haven't made an Ace Attorney/Danganronpa like series.
These games don't need any budget at all. It only need a good writer and maybe an okay artist. Somehow not even indie devs try to make this kind of games.

Maybe because a huge part of the appeal of those games is the Japanese/anime cultural references. Something few western developers want to emulate. And even fewer could do correctly.

>a huge part of the appeal of those games is the Japanese/anime cultural references
I didn't read these 30h+ games for that one JoJo reference. Murder mystery is what carries these games.
Also, they can always use their own cultural references and jokes.

>sales are all that matters
Nobody cares about sales. Quit thinking like one of them.

"Japanese standards" are meaningless when indie games do genres Japan doesn't even tries. I can see your point when you talk about action games but you won't find things like Factorio, DF, Rimworld, Steampunk etc.

>but you won't find things like Factorio, DF, Rimworld, Steampunk etc.
Japan has equivalents in all of these. They're just not well known enough for you to have heard about them.

Attached: yoot-tower-pc.363634.jpg (320x400, 155K)

According to my research,
"Decimate" means specifically to reduce by 10% and is not interchangeable with "Devastate"
*blushing and giggling*

>Nobody cares about sales.
People like you are why weeaboos, mustards and other groups have a piss poor public image, and in this case for GOOD reason.

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>indie games do genres Japan doesn't even tries
And the modern west, as by the standards of its current developmental standards, doesn't do them either. You're being scammed into paying top dollar for repackaged Amiga titles, stop it.

>sales means quality
Underage are too easy to spot. Quick to sperg out thinking you don't "get" their point. Problem is they have no point to deliver.

Sales are irrelevant to the discussion.

>Ys IX
>Sakura Taisen
2019 just keeps giving

Something more recent?
>You're being scammed into paying top dollar for repackaged Amiga titles, stop it.
How so?

>sales means quality
Never said that you fucking moron.
>industry is irrelevant to industry
>business is irrelevant to business
is the crux of your shitty delusional mindfuck. When the "discussion" is about how companies can or cannot thrive then it is no longer about what you like or don't like but what the public will or will not support, and your lone faggot-ass opinion is not what props up the shit you like in the real world.

Not without provoking a crash by alienating all the marketing junkies who don't even like videogames.

>zero positioning required, just slide to the nearest enemy mindlessly with a single button press
>no timing required whatsoever
>epic slowdown so the bamham audience can keep up
>press button epic takedown happens
Bamham combat is the antithesis of action videogames.

Try last 5+ years

>press button epic takedown happens
You're thinking of Sekiro.

Attached: Sekiro - Stealth takedown.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

The westaboo kusoge? Thanks for supporting my point, I guess.

The Last of Us Part 2 will be GOTY and there's nothing you can do about it. Can't wait for all the cope threads again just like with the first game.

Releasing another generic single player game or multiplayer game with micro transactions in both. Fuck em

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Not when Sekiro exists.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-17 at 6.23.26 PM.png (870x620, 223K)

>a movie will be GOTY
Damn, how will I ever recover from something that happened every single year for the past decade.

Attached: 1555107257920.gif (280x211, 1.92M)

all this young anger and none of it answers why the west is so far behind.

>virtue signaling
>cutscenes instead of gameplay
Yup. It'll get all the rave reviews from the western "journalists." Who are just as irrelevant as the GOTY award.

>cutscenes instead of gameplay
You're thinking of Death Stranding.

>he expects to make a fucking combo just to perform a stealth takedown

but user, STEALTH is about having advantage


Sekiro is kinda meh, boring environments, even the character is kinda boring.

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

Fighting more than 3 enemies at once is pretty much guaranteed death unless you're really good. Stealth executions turn the levels into a little puzzle to thin out their numbers.

Keep playing. You'll change your mind.

>best western developers
I hope you're being ironic

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kats a reach

They have always done in this type of action games though.
Dmc5, re2r, sekkro are all excellent, but they fit a relatively narrow genre where japs have always btfo everyone else.
Now I'm waiting on competition for Anni 1800, jap or not.