I'm glad Yea Forums has finally realized that DS2 is the superior game.
I'm glad Yea Forums has finally realized that DS2 is the superior game
Other urls found in this thread:
DS2 still had “game” mechanics and puzzles that were there for fun rather than cinematicness
lol no
lol yes
DS3 is literally Nu-Star Wars tier shit
Invading with a bow only is super fun in DS2
soul is one minor aspect of a game\
ds3 is mechanically better and has much better level design
ds2 has nothing like cathedral of the deep, its one of the best souls levels ever
man should i bother getting ds remaster? i already own DS1PTD
just wanna replay the games again for old time sake i have terminal illness and they're my fav games
I wouldn't waste time on games if I were you. But then again, what's 30 bucks when you're dying?
but the bottom one has 1 more soul than the top one making it better
Dark souls 2 contrarians are the most annoying group oh Yea Forums
>ds2 has nothing like cathedral of the deep
Drangleic Castle.
Dark souls 3 added nothing original or of value. It's status as "dark souls greatest hits" will always keep it at the bottom of the souls game for me anyway. It's the only souls game I have never revisited because everything it does is done better elsewhere. Dark souls 2 at least, never sunk that low.
>copy and paste anor londo from DS1
>bugmen on Yea Forums cry and yip in joy
There is no point to getting the remaster if you already have it on PC
ds1 has one less soul than ds2 so it makes it worse though, and it makes it even worse than ds3 cause it has 2 less
>DS3 is literally Nu-Star Wars tier shit
Couldn't said so better
Looks nice but it's shallow and drab
Uh, Drangleic Castle as a whole was an amazing level. The walk up gives me a sense of foreboding like no other souls level.
>Acknowledging the world/universe the sequel takes place in is bad
How did this meme ever get pushed?
>A straight line, stopping twice to unlock a door by going through a little loop
>In possibly the worst-designed, most nonsensical castle in 3D gaming
DS3 does not have Ratbros or Bellbros, thus it is automatically inferior.
I have never made people mad ever as I did as a Ratbro.
imagine thinking callbacks and self-referential material is automatically soulless and worse than something that doesn't have those things
the ultimate brainlet opinion
dark souls 3 has a great soundtrack, many of the best fights in the franchise, and maintains a fairly consistent level of quality throughout. ranking it poorly because anor londo is in it (especially when the game was fucking made by from to cap off all of the arguable "loose ends" and definitively end the franchise) is retard mode
Based mathematician speaks wisdom
>DS3 is bad because of the spectacle of how cool Irithyll looks when approaching
>DS2 is good because of the spectacle of how cool Drangleic looks when approaching
Plus there's the fact that the interior design is completely retarded.
Yea Forums couldn't get past Iron Keep which is why Yea Forums irrationally hates DS2
but that area in ds2 was piss easy.
drangleic castle is only as effective as it is because you have to suffer through half of dark souls 2 to get there. dark souls 2 as a whole is actually kind of like this, the journey feels greater than it actually is because it's an utter pain full of frustrating design decisions.
never forget that you have a stat that dictates how many iframes you get
DS2 and DS3 are shitty soulless sequels
>Y-you only hate the easiest game in the series because it's too hard!
>continuity is bad
holy fuck
>the easiest game in the series
That would be DS3.
Plus every single character in DS2 is
and nothing else. So shallow.
easiest game in the series is sekiro
Sekiro isn't a souls game. And you are partially correct, 1st playthrough is hard, but subsequent NG+s are paradoxically easy.
Wish they kept that alternate entrance to Drangleic castle
That might be true for you user, but you can't tell me that a game I've beaten multiple times is too hard for me. The fact that DS2tards always have to fall back on assuming it's too hard for the critics instead of defending the shitty movement, shitty bosses, and shitty level design is really telling.
There we go again, zero defense of your shit game with shit characters, shit combat, shit bosses, and shit level design
I bet you died to skeleton lords
talking about actual level design not gay feelings shit
The fact that you run back to "yyyou just need to be better at the game to like it!" like it's your mommy's skirt dunks you for me
>DS3 was hard
Yes, DS2 is much more "game-y" than any of the games that came after. DS1 is still better though.
Incorrect, the top one clearly has more souls.
how if its missing a soul? 3 is 1 more than 2
Ah, ds2 mimics. You stand behind them and they teleport you inside their mouth. Truly a high class game.
sekiro honestly reminds me a lot of ds2
just in the way that they do what feels like boss after boss with no real presence in the game's story other than "tough guy blocking your path"
and then duplicating the same boss in a different area but with enemies surrounding him
not saying either game is really bad its just an odd parallel ive noticed
Threads like this remind me that Yea Forums is mostly teenagers who think being contrarians makes them cool
>wtf why does dark souls have things from dark souls in it?
this but unironically
DS1 remaster is $60
DS2 is only $25
I'm just coming off Bloodborne (my first souls game) and I want more, but I have played 5+ hours of DS2 before and I got bored, but this was before I understood the series properly.
Which would anons recommend for me here?
Perhaps, however 980 !< 64
I like DS2. But you can't have an opinion in Yea Forums
>But you can't have an opinion in Yea Forums
Shut up, your opinions about Yea Forums are shit.
>Cathedral of the Deep
>one of the best souls levels ever
What the fuck are you smoking? It's one of the worst in DS3 if not the franchise.
That's $25 too much for the trash heap that is ds2.
DS3 is the best Souls game, the level design in unmatched
Because it has 4 shortcuts and one bonfire.
That's mathematical evidence it's better because I suck mad dick.
Are you talking about the general with all the gun dudes in front of Ashina castle? Because he gives a whole speech and everything about defending the castle. All the generals and seven spears are part of an intentional Ashina military presence, the purple dudes are spies infiltrating the land so it makes sense that they're spread out..idk most of them seem rational. I guess the Juzou clone in the mist forest is kinda random. I don't really see this problem in DS2 either though and I'm pretty critical of DS2. There's generally either a reason, or you can make one up which is something From wants
The level design in BB and DeS are superior.
this post, best post. Ds2 was fucking garbage and /v is now only praising it because it's known garbage. Pretty much, /v IS a hivemind and it is a contrarian.
MONAStery Scimitar
DS2 is an amazing game and an excellent edition to souls. There is no such thing as a "souless soulsborne" game
and liking DS3 because it's "new" is the reddit opinion.
DS2 looks so bad you think it would be a soulful game from 15 years ago but it's actually fucking terrible in every regard. At least DS3 is pretty.
>atmosphere at the top
>no atmosphere at the bottom
What a disturbing area. One of the better ones in the soulsborne series.
haha yeah ds3 sure had a lot of references huh
You're not allowed to suggest platform exclusives are superior in any way. It incenses the monkeys.
I just started playing DS3 for the first time, and god damn am I getting shit on. How the fuck do I git gud? I'm haven't died much, mind you, but I can tell I'm playing so much worse than in the other games.
I breezed through DS1 and DS2 multiple times, doing all sorts of challenge runs, but man, every enemy in DS3 is so hyper-aggressive, fast, has combos that never end (and they vary the time between each attack to fuck up your timing), has a more varied moveset full of punish moves, and gives much less of a telegraph. It's like the shit they went for in DS2 and dropped past the Forest of the Fallen Giants, but on crack. I've found myself using a shield, which I never really did in the other Souls games, because so many enemies are adept at sneaking in a quick hit. Going STR feels like it was a mistake.
Um where? It launched at 40 bucks and you can get a code for 40 from amazon right now. I'd look into getting a cheaper copy, but definitely do that before you get DS2
>cathedral of the deep, its one of the best souls levels ever
I will never understand why so many people say this, it's the most boring fucking slog in the game and I dread going through it every playthrough
man i cant believe dark souls 3 is the only game to reference a past game isnt that crazy
>che guevara shirt
I knew he was a californian
>all these dark souls kiddies who couldn't handle bloodborne
kek,git good
how come theres never one of these for how dark souls reuses demon souls stuff?
All together now
DS2fags are like prequels apologists who no longer feel any shame loving bad movies because the new trilogy is also bad
Yeah I guess the complete lack of atmosphere and reusage of mobs out the ass doesn't count for anything.
Use running attacks and hit them first, just like every souls game.
t. completely buttnihhilated ds3fag
your DLCs were literally spinoffs lmao
Is the top meant to be that foggy like Silent Hill? If not, no, that's not Soul and doesn't make the bottom not Soul.
>Good if the combat and level design is good
>Bad if the combat and level design is absolute garbage
I know DS2 stans are dumb but come on, user
I already admitted Dark Souls 3 is bad through my analogy
>DS2fags are bad at reading comprehension
How surprising
But the bottom one looks objectively more soulful
I mean, that works, but it just feels lame.
>your DLCs were literally spinoffs lmao
what did he mean by this
I'm pretty sure that image is a plant by DS2 critics to expose DS2fans as absolute retards willing to evangelize the worst designs in the series.
Cathedral of the Deep is great had it not been the fact that there's a fucking swamp in it. I get that it is using the sewage water as a motif for stagnation, a theme that DaS3 was going for, but it's honestly anti-fun. But it's very well laid out. As for being the best souls level, it's overshadowed by the likes of Boletaria or Research Hall (which is probably the most intricate souls level in the series).
that's not necessary considering they defend adp
>Doesn't want to use a shield
>Doesn't want to hit enemies first
Idk what to tell you user. DS3 has the most responsive dodging in the series, have you tried doing that instead of blocking?
For all it's faults, DS2 had some fantastic ideas that just got dropped altogether afterwards. Things like power stances, bonfire ascetics, cool rewards from covenants, making them more worth it.
>Cathedral of the Deep
>lack of atmosphere
>Research Hall
That place was kino
They almost couldn't have made it any blander
Nothing is dark and everything is gray, for an aldrich zone there's not nearly enough goop outside of the giants floor, the entire inside of the cathedral should have been like the Anor Londo room right before Aldrich, now that's proper atmosphere
My point was moreover that I don't want to just grease through the game stunlocking everything. I guess I was just complaining in my original post that the timing, speed, and variety of enemy attacks in DS3 is nothing like the old games, and if anything, I feel like being so used to the old games is fucking me up.
CotD is more like this
Why does the DLC cost more than. The base game?
I didn'tbuy the season pass of DS3 to wait for a price drop but it's still 20 dollars
>that world design
>LOOK EVERYONE ITS [berserk and/or DeS/DaS reference] EVERYONE CLAP XD
>plays like the bastard abortion of a BB and DaS one night stand
>ugliest color palette out of all the From games
>weapon arts
>least fun coop/PvP
>embarassingly bad and pretentious DaS2 tier "lore"
yeah no
Which Dark Souls sequel do I prefer? Neither of them compare to the original.
>multiple branching paths area, one leads to castle, one to aldia, one to brightstone cove and doors of pharros optional area
>literally a pretty set of linear hallways
>only branching path just sets you in the dungeon where you have to go to anyway
lmao "choice" looks like it's not on the supposedly "A""""" team's things to do eh
Drangleic castle is the most disappointing thing ever. I fucking love From's castles, but this piece of shit has to exist.
That doesn't answer the question.
Oh no
The DS2 fags are back with more shitty arguments and saying how your favorite Souls game is bad instead of saying how DS2 is good
They'll be properly BTFO again and return to "unpopular opinión" threads
No matter what Gaelfags say DS3 DLCs are by FAR the weakest From has to offer. All it has to offer are a couple good bossfights and weapons, the rest is utter trash. I'd really encourage you to wait for a price drop.
what is the top one meant to be
>this plays in top pic
Makes me think of the Depths
>The DS2 fags are back with more shitty arguments and saying how your favorite Souls game is bad instead of saying how DS2 is good
Isn't that just what everyone does about every game?
Tiny forest vs tiny hallway city
As a DaS2fag, I actually enjoyed the level design of the Ringed City, reminds me of a simpler but prettier Shulva. Can't stand AoA though, it reminds me of the Artorias DLC level design which was bland as fuck.
Not a great example considering it's universally thought of as the worst part of BB.
No one was going to listen to you to begin with, why add to it?
The level design is intricate here though.
in all my years of shitposting in souls threads I don't think I've ever seen people unironically defend das3 by talking down to das1 or vice versa
only the des and das2fags have enough of an inferiority complex to do that.
Imagine if the Shade Woods was MUCH bigger and bloodstain spirits in that area can attack you (maximum of 2 or something)
but DS2 did that too
>user makes some dumb joke
>seething retard replies with a wojak edit
Never gets old.
Someday, people will be able to critique Fromshit without needing to pick and choose their arguments by using other games entirely
Lmao why would you play Dark souls for anything other than the bossfights?
Are you saying flavor text is exactly the same as remaking entire locations entirely reference-wise?
Exploration is far more enjoyable than """""""""""""boss"""""""""""""" fights in FROM games.
Lmao are you retarded? Walking around a corner and finding a secret path to get a new hat is the dumbest shit I can imagine praising in a video game.
Holy shit this is peak contrarianism.
PS Store with AUD
Reminds me of that one forest-mountain level near the end of Nioh with its double-paths
>universally thought of as the worst part of BB.
It's a well designed area, with great level design. It's maze like and there's a very good and satisfying shortcut that connects FW to iosefka's. The only bad thing about it is the enemy placement right before Rom. Even then, it's meant to add some challenge. You're already fast, if not faster than most enemies.
If we're going to go with "hackers make the game shit" then DS1 is the shittiest Souls game by far.
Idk if anybody will agree but what I noticed in DaS2, hitting the scrub mobs felt fucking great. I enjoyed the timing and impacts. They got something right there.
In das3 and sekiro I got really bored of fighting the same mook over and over, or doing the same deathblow over and over. They got something right with DaS2 monster-killing, and I wish they brought whatever it was, back.
Why would you play a Dark Souls game for the boss fights when action games do them 100x better?
>Exploration is good outside of a sandbox game
I think FROM has shown some competency with world design (DaS1) and level design (DeS and BB). I want them to make a 3d castlevania. It could work.
Well it helps that enemies in DaS2 drop a gigaton of souls compared to other Souls games where they're almost irrelevant compared to boss fights, and you level up quickly to compensate for the VIG/VIT split and ADP.
Also they tend to have more health and poise unless you use bigger weapons, and not hyperarmor bullshit like DaS3 where poisebreak barely matters on most of them.
If it has the movement of Sekiro or better, sure. As long as it wouldn't just play like a Souls reskin.
>I want them to make a 3d castlevania.
I crèmed.
How are Souls games not sandboxy with their pvp components?
>defending the fact that dark souls 2 LITERALLY put ornstein in the game for no good reason
dark souls 2 apologists, hbomberguy included, are so goddamn braindead it never ceases to amaze me
refer to
>Dark Souls 3
>Dark Souls 2
>Worst area in BB
>Shits on anything from DS2
Seems like a pretty great example to me
Yea Forums never realized anything, DS2 is still garbage
Luckily DS3 redeemed the series with influence from BB
There's your problem, mate. Move somewhere where dingos dont break into your house to steal all of your vegemite.
DS2 is a pretty fun game, I would reccomend buying it with DLC if possible.
Ouch, sorry user. It's still better than DS2 though. I imagine you can find a cheaper used copy if it's a problem
It's a sequel so, I see nothing wrong here
Killing scrub mobs in DS2 is completely brainless, it's rewarding in the same way that mowing down enemies in Diablo is rewarding
Why does Dark Souls 2 open with the protagonist going into a magic underwater portal
1 and 3 don't have this issue
user said he just came off of Bloodborne and wants more, and you tell him to play the most sluggish, least stylin' game in the series?
Are you implying a giant bird randomly picking you up and flying you to Lordran for no particular reason makes more sense?
>randomly picking you up
the crow picks you up because it's been waiting for an undead to escape the asylum and become the chosen undead spoken of in the prophecy, there's even narration to clue you in
Souls games are not like Bloodborne, so no matter the reccomendation, it's never going to fit. It's like the people playing Sekiro and thinking that's how Souls games are. Imagine comparing Sekiro to DeS. Imagine thinking that they're the same thing.
I don't remember DS3 having faggots and stron wuming
>Souls games are not like Bloodborne
Is this bait or are you retarded
Still makes about as much sense as a portal to another world. And let's also not pretend that DaS doesn't have teleportation too.
If you want the one that's most like BB in terms of combat fluidity and responsiveness, DS3 is definitely the choice. If you want the one that has the best story, DS1 all the way. If you want the one with the most sluggish movement, biggest deadzones, simplest bosses, most colors of magic missiles and most numerous redundant weapons, try the one you already played and didn't like.
Oh so you haven't played all the souls games, good to know.
nice bait
>slow, methodical exploration games about preparation, caution and experimentation are the same thing as spamrollspamR1 games
I bet you think Nioh is a Souls game just because it has stamina, bonfire mechanics and you have to get your souls after death.
I did play the abortion that is DaS3.
the difference is that there's context for the crow, the portal doesn't have any real meaning or reason to it. Even 3 talks about the bell at Firelink reawakening the Lords of Cinder and the ashes but 2 doesn't even give an explanation after you make it to Majula
Got it, you are retarded. Thanks for clearing that up.
Did you make it to the first boss? Because if you did then you wouldn't say something as retarded as "Souls games are not like Bloodborne"
Honestly I don't even believe you. Do you just have an XBOX360 and haven't played the newer games? Is your toaster too shit to run 3?
>can't attack my argument
I guess I'm right, keep coping, keep thinking that BB is a Souls game even though they're not even the same IP.
Bloodborne is to Souls games what Starcraft is to Warcraft. Similar at first glance, but different on a fundamental level.
Nice of you to sink back into reductionism. I could easily call your games out by being pretty non methodical too, considering poise stacking exists (unga bunga tier) and you can be casting from a mile away. Are you saying dodge spamming doesn't get you killed? Try doing that with Orphan, Watchdog, or Ebrietas.
literally every Souls game is like that, even DS1
>remember Yurt?
>remember Old Monk?
>remember Garl Vinland?
>remember crystal lizards?
>remember Vanguard?
>remember the crows?
and don't act like DS2 didn't lift a ton of shit from the first game either
reminder that Oceiros named his sons after a Forossa hero
>considering poise stacking exists (unga bunga tier)
So preparation
>and you can be casting from a mile away
So not spamrollspamR1
>Are you saying dodge spamming doesn't get you killed? Try doing that with Orphan, Watchdog, or Ebrietas.
I'm not saying it doesn't get you killed, I am aware that BB and DaS3 create bosses that intentionally delay their attacks to catch your rolls. Doesn't change the fact that you're mostly dodging all the time instead of relying on other defensive manoeuvres like blocking or parrying (or jumping in the case of Sekiro).
There's about as much context for the dark portal as their is for the random crow. Both involve vague references to some journey the undead feel compelled to perform and that's about it.
>instead of relying on other defensive manoeuvres like blocking or parrying (or jumping in the case of Sekiro).
Or even regenerating your stamina or positioning.
You don't have an argument. Anyone who has played the games can see how incredibly similar they are. BB is literally souls minus shields, just in a different setting.
>Similar at first glance, but different on a fundamental level.
It's literally the opposite, user, holy shit.
>not even the same IP
I guess DeS isn't a souls game either, shit. Also why are you recommending DS2 if he said he didn't like it, and is only willing to give it another chance because of assumed similarities with stuff he liked in BB? If you actually believed the dumb shit you're saying, then you should be advising him to steer clear of DS2.
Beautiful city scape backdrop.
This has to be bait.
Yet all the replies.
the crow isn't random though, and we're talking about prologues, not leaving the tutorial
>and we're talking about prologues, not leaving the tutorial
>"The opening cinematic makes little sense if I ignore information revealed later in the game."
Are you a fucking idiot?
I would rather play DS3 any day instead of the dull snoozefest that was DS2.
at what point in DS2 do they acknowledge the magic water portal to Drangleic
And you regen health by attacking a lot which you do have a lot of stamina, and armor barely matters, and stats are more simplified than ever, items are more simplified than ever and there's not enough enemies that you have to tackle differently from others outside of the brainladies because the variety of mechanics are limited.
>It's literally the opposite, user, holy shit.
You're aware that when I'm saying "similar at first glance", I'm not talking about the fucking visuals, dumbass? I'm talking about the mechanics and the general pacing of the game.
>Also why are you recommending DS2 if he said he didn't like it
I'm not even the same guy, I'm saying that if the guy thinks he "gets" Souls games now after playing fucking Bloodborne and you wonder why "I" (not even me anyway, I don't care if he wants to try DaS1 remaster) would recommend the least "styling" game even though Souls games are not about fucking styling in combat or sluggish even though Souls games have always been somewhat clunky even ignoring DaS2, the only thing I'm saying is that they're not comparable and if the guy gets into the mindset of thinking he "understands what Souls games are about" with BB, then he'll just be one of those fucking redditors who ruined the series who also think that Sekiro and DaS3 are what Souls games are about, the "le spamrollspamR1 DUDE DIE A LOT SO HARD XD".
>this shit is superior than some other slightly stinkier shit
DaS1 is the only one that matters.
I really think a 3d castlevania needs to be more than just symphony of the night in 3d.
what I mean is that the platforming elements we know it for don't work well in 3d. what needs to be done is we figure out what we love about the series beyond maybe the best platforming in games and go from there.
I have said for a while that a resident evil rpg made using the resonance of fate engine with better overworld elements and more interesting dungeons would be sweet. maybe castlevania could benefit from the same thing. that way you could recreate the cool fight sequences people loved in the recent anime, and include intersting characters and rpg elements. and they could really play up the gothic horror and mystery elements.
Substance over style
explain the portal thing then. I kind of assumed it was just something they put in the cinematic because it looked cool, and had no actual relevancy
If you use the Storm Ruler against Yhorm, you are the worst kind of brainless garbage.
It’s a sequel, bud.
What's the explanation for the crow? You just say "But there's a prophecy..." So fucking what? How does that explain the crow any better than dark magic creating a portal for the undead to Drangleic? And before you claim "There's no other dark magic portals in DaS2" the Pilgrims of the Dark covenant makes extensive use of them.
Nothing you said makes BB not similar to souls. Health regain doesn't wildly change the format just like ditching shields doesn't.
>I'm not talking about the fucking visuals
Literally nobody thought that, why the fuck would they? There's no way you played BB, the underlying mechanics are literally DS1 at 150% speed
The crow is a servant of the gods who's job it is to ferry worthy undead from the asylum into Lordran. It is an intentional part of what is essentially a fuel pipeline.
Now tell me a single thing about the DS2 portal.
>Dude because BB was a souls game with a different setting this means that all souls games need a new setting otherwise they're derivative
Except when people asked for a good sequel to DaS they expected something derivative.
I'm actually not trying to argue, though I do think the crow makes more sense. It's given context, there are plenty of possible explanations, for instance it was arranged by gwyn, frampt, sent by gwyndolin, or maybe it was how oscar got to the asylum, and would have helped him leave had he lived. The crow is not confusing; it has a nest at firelink, and can be used as a transport. Contextually, it makes sense.
The portal in the opening however has no context to the point where it feels like just a piece of the cinematic. Explain the portal, because it makes no fucking sense
That's Yea Forums in general, even if they're in their 30's. How else can you kill something by claiming reddit likes it?
>Now tell me a single thing about the DS2 portal.
Nashandra created it. There. I just gave it as much of an explanation as you gave the crow.
Idk I think BB and now Sekiro are great arguments against making sequels. That includes DS2 though, which is especially egregious for being a downgrade in both visuals and gameplay with a story that's the of grocery store generic brand of Dark Souls.
>those two fucking swamps where you get shockwaves by giants or stabbed by the slugs
>thralls everywhere
>fucking thralls
BB's level design is better but it still isn't great
DaS was great because everything was designed around the fact that you couldn't teleport until endgame, all the sequels forsake this.
>a wizard did it lmao
As opposed to
>a god did it lmao
a god who put a bunch of shit in place so that a chosen undead could journey from the asylum, collect the lord souls, and link the fire, yes. It's pretty intuitive. Why did nashandra create the portal? Where is the portal from? You're really not explaining anything, and I doubt you even believe what you're saying. It's literally just a cinematic thing that doesn't have meaning in the game.
I don't get the "Swamp" hatred, it was only bad in DaS because of the constantly respawning mosquitoes that wouldn't fuck off.
I loved DS2s HUD moreso than any souls game
>as much of an explanation
Do you actually think this? Am I talking to a child/retard?
I told you who put the crow there and why, and you made that shit up. There is zero mention of the portal in DS2, whereas DS1 makes it clear that the entire game is meant as a gauntlet to test prospective undead for worthiness as kindling. THAT's what people mean when they say the crow is there because of the prophecy, the prophecy is the propaganda of the gods to get you to go through the gauntlet, the crow is a mechanism that facilitates that process.
despite being terrible, ds2 is more of a game than ds3 ever will be. At least it's original and doesnt rely lazily on ds1
>Why did nashandra create the portal?
Are you serious? Did you not play DaS2? I think this conversation is over. You are either being disingenuous or are just a retard.
Assume I'm a retard, and explain it for me. I've been playing the dlcs recently, but haven't done the main game in a while
Or maybe you're just being disingenuous yourself
It always made me wonder why 2 looks so muddy compared to the first one. I know that the lighting was supposed to be a big part of the game and that element was taken out, but the game looks worse than DS1. While one had a shine to it, two just looks like vomit.
Because DaS II was going to be a completely different game if the director wasn't fired early in development.
If The Thing in Betwixt didn't clue you in, Drangliec is clearly supposed to be in some sort of separate world from the main world, like a painted world probably.
Powerstance is still the best mechanic in any souls game.
DS2 made the good decision to go to a new world, and then completely squandered it by staying completely generic and pedestrian, sticking with Dark-Souls-Flavored rhymes and never daring to break the thematic mold. At least DS3 gets weird, has good level design and doesn't look and play like frozen shit.
DS3 has the best bosses in the series and if you disagree, you're a contrarian.
big yikes
It's weird, I thought it looked better when it came out but it's aged so much worse.
>ds2fags are contrarian
What did retarded contrarian zoomers on Yea Forums mean by this?
dark souls 1 has a stronger and more cohesive style to it, so it'll always look good. 2 looked good at the time, but lacks the same style
It's definitely interesting when they change up the setting, especially since that limitation can improve creativity. However the mentality that DaS III did something wrong in well, being a direct sequel is fucking retarded.
The game literally explains what happened to many key characters in DaS and portrayed a more concise continuation of the souls universe post first fire-linking than the murky "might as well not be related with the exception of Manus Daughters and Ivory Chad" story of DaS 2.
It's like people expected the Dark Lord ending to be canon and were fucking pissed that it didn't happen and won't happen because Saint Aldrich said the Deep Sea is next.
yea thats a yikes from me buddy
just mere months after release people realized how weak of a sequel it actually was, those scores mean nothing in 2019. its universally known as the black sheep of souls games
I got past iron keep with summons
>Game Journalists
kek, you got me, user. DS2 came out at the height of DS1 circlejerking, DS3 came out after BB reminded everyone what From does when they make a new world. Dragon Age: Inquisition won more GOTY's than any of them, reviews are for retards.
It's not just style, user, the textures are AWFUL and the armor looks like plastic
I'm playing Dark Souls 3 for the first time right now, i'm at the profaned capital, i've been having fun, but not nearly as much as i did with Dark souls. I can't really quite put my finger on why, but i think one of the reasons is that finding new NPCs and the interactions with them so far don't feel like they have any weight , while in the original they felt like they added so much to the world.
for instance, i don't really like that andre is the one single smith in the game and the fact that he's just there in firelink shrine.
in the first game you had to go out of your way to find each smith and their locations made sense for the most part, like the one guy who locked himself up in a tower to insure his safety and keep his own sanity, so you could only interact with him through the window bars. or the giant in Anor Londo who's strengh was required to make giant weapons for the Guards at the gate.
the NPCs were also alot more scattered around and better hidden giving a bigger of sense solitude and the constant gnawing feeling that you've perhaps taken the wrong path, that you're not suppose to head this way just yet, otherwise there would be someone to guide you or clue you in, but there never is and you've always none to rely on but your own intuition.
whereas in DaS3 i've already met over 10 NPCs despite barely dumping 20 hours.
I dislike the fact that they just teleport infront of you to firelink shrine whereas in dark souls you had to rest at the bonfire , and occasionally even make some progress first before they're avaiable, in order for them to make the trip back.
Also the Cathedral of the Deep was complete shit and doesn't make any sense from a design prespective. having the fatass cathedral guards just stand there on the ceiling guarding absolute fuck all is retarded, and for having "deep" in it's name i expected something that at least hints at cosmic horror but i was instead greeted with more reused hollows and like 2 more bland enemy types.
How exactly do you find or absorb the story in a game like this? For example I knew there was a story in Bloodborne: I was a hunter, the townspeople hated monsters who came out at night.
But then why were the townsfolk killing me, and why were the townsfolk half monsters themselves, and who was the fat guy in the wheelchair who pointed me to Rom the Spider etc.
So many questions, where do you find the answers?
>enemy tracking
>poor enemy placement and ganks
>even with these, ds2 is still the easiest game bc of the huge amount of healing items
>Worst areas in souls, terrible level design
>Worst bosses in souls
>Shitty world design
>Shitty sound design
>Looks terrible for 2014 standards
>Soul memory
Thank god DS2 added infusion else it would have no legs to stand on. Still trash though. If you like it you literally enjoy eating shit for contrarianisms sake
I would bet that if somebody who never played any From game watched a minute of Dark Souls 1 and a minute of Dark Souls 2, they would think that Dark Souls 2 came out first. Almost everything looks bad and like mud.
>worst bosses in souls
also had the best bosses in souls if you include DLC bosses.
of all the things you could've complained about this was the dumbest one.
Read every item description as soon as you get it, they tell you the story the information they give you is very intentionally placed for the most part. Having questions and filling them in with item info is a big part of it, but if you just want the answers there are many youtubers who've aggregated pertinent info on specific topics as well as provide overall summaries.
For every great ds2 boss, you can name 10 shitty ones
Maybe but i'm not wrong though.
DaS handles NPCs better.
>having the fatass cathedral guards just stand there on the ceiling guarding absolute fuck all is retarded
the two big cathedral knights on the rafters are guarding people from reaching Rosaria
>and for having "deep" in it's name i expected something that at least hints at cosmic horror but i was instead greeted with more reused hollows and like 2 more bland enemy types.
Deep refers to a variation of Dark as opposed to anything eldritch-related
the whole "deep" thing was horribly unfinished though, it hinted at a bunch of shit and never followed up
Eeeeh Sinh is good, Ivory has a lot of spectacle and is has a neat dynamic with his sword powerup, but Fume is just tedious and Alonne is a literal joke, easier and simpler than most of the first bosses in each game and his own boss run. The rest are total shit unworthy of mentioning.
The deep does get followed up on though, and is pretty well fleshed out overall. Have you beaten Aldritch yet?
Fume Knight and Sir Alonne are overrated. Fume has 1 string and Alonne has the teleporting hitbox stab and the absolute single worst boss run in the whole series. They are complete and total chumps.
>the two big cathedral knights on the rafters are guarding people from reaching Rosaria
maybe putting them in a place that's actually strategic in combat or you know, somewhere actually near Rosaria since i remember the rafters still being someways to go, would've been better.
no i haven't yet. i went Cathedral > catacombs > irithyl dungeon > profaned capital, i dunno of there's different paths.
>i remember the rafters still being someways to go
I guess you just have a bad memory? She's almost immediately after them. It's also pretty strategic since they're a fucking bitch to fight there and everyone runs past them.
Yea Forums and redlettermedia
they can't get closer since the man-grubs are guarding her vehemently
Alright well don't complain about stuff not getting followed up on, then. The item you get from the deacons even tells you where the deep stuff gets followed up on, you basically got right up to where it is, took the other fork and went to the dungeon.
>2 great bosses in a game with 40+
>Those bosses would be considered middle of the pack by BB and DS3 standards
well fuck. guess i'll be off this thread then, don't want to learn about any other retarded choices i made.
DS2 was a disaster. DS3 could've been way way more but I enjoyed it immensely over the piece of turd that was DS2 don't remind me that shitty game.
can't be bothered to post counterexamples?
Not that user, played the game and still confused, spoonfeed me
For what it's worth I agree that NPC's dont have the impact they did in DS1 and Andre is kinda dumb
Imagine if ds2 actually expanded on the ideas in ds1 and fixed its issues instead of being garbage in comparison
Then imagine if ds3 expanded from that instead of trying to appease ds1 fans
DS2 is fucked up the franchise
That sounds like a lot of work user, and I'm not really sure what you're confused about or where to start. Why don't you just watch some youtube videos?
>aggro knight
>run to the other rafter
>knight falls off
very strategic yes
aight will do
these are reddit opinions, ignore them
>seething ds3 cope
no love for Vordt? Brutal.
He's pretty easy my man.
>he thinks i like ds3
ds1fag here, ds2 is wank
ds3 is bland, but at least it isnt wank
Yeah, the problem with III NPCs is that most are quest related and those that are trainers feel like they have less interactivity with each other or quests in general. It's not a massive issue, but I feel like shit such as the old pyro guy mentioning the witch when she shows up was needed. I miss characters like Crestfallen making comments about the people who show up, Hawkwood as far as I can tell doesn't do that nearly enough.
I think a bigger issue npc wise is with covenants. In III almost all the covenants just involve praying to an altar or some dead thing with an overall lack of flavor lore.
Sure, you've got Hodric to give you a nice intro for mound-makers if you find it early but otherwise you just find a dead wolf and instantly join the abyss watchers, find a dead fat guy and instantly join Aldrich Faithful or find a completely silent monster woman for Rosaria's Fingers.
The only one that has a proper NPC is BotDM with Yorshka.
>playing DS1
>having a little trouble with Nito
>running around trying to kill all the skeletons
>Nito keeps putting spikes into my asshole
>get raped to death by skeletons trying to get back up
>read the wiki
>describes Nito as a laughable easy boss fight
>all you need to do is stand perfectly still
>use a divine weapon to kill 3 skeletons
>let Nito shamble over to you
>simply block his attacks he can't do shit
>do it
>he's laughably easy
>feel dumb for trying so hard before
>>read the wiki
>has 64 souls
uuuuuuh shut up moron
What is it with skeletal bosses and them taking out all of their mobs for you?
Maybe I'll type out a little just for fun. The deep was basically exactly what it says, a very deep place where random shit collected and found peace. This included the corruption in mankind, and eventually it stagnated and turned rotten. It then corrupted the priests who watched over it. One of these was the gross cannibal maniac Aldrich who had crazy dreams about it and ate so many people that he got turned all gross and mushy from the sheer corruption. This also made him so powerful that when the people needed somebody to link the flame, they made him do it. Sully meanwhile is a social-climbing wizard from the painted world who might have an axe to grind with the gods and the linking of the fire. He might have become the tutor of Lothric who talked him into forsaking the flame. He seized control over Irithyll, using Aldrich as a kind of idol to legitimize his status. That's when you come in and kill them all.
what else am I gonna do when I need to figure out what a boss is weak against? read the manual? talk to NPCs? dig through the lore of item descriptions? watch let's plays?
>talk to NPCs?
>dig through the lore of item descriptions?
correct, or experiment
I actually agree in a way op, but it's because I've been playing this series since it was king's field and shadow tower. Fromsoft RPGs have always been bizarre and convoluted, as well as soul crushing difficult, but everything is so familiar to all of them. When I was playing dark souls 2, I wasn't comparing it to dark souls one, I was comparing it to kings field ancient city from the ps2 era, because that's what it reminded me of. Loved the game too, can't say it's better or worse than DaS1, but it's weird and engaging and I enjoy it. That's all I need to know.
Cornyx is definitely the worst offender, he just completely drops off as soon as you get him. At least the sorcerer opens up about his backstory and has the tie-in with Yuria
>these are reddit opinions, ignore them
>reddit opinions
>have been said for years on Yea Forums
Why do people give a fuck about level design outside of how it effects combat? If I'm bashing enemies in corridors what does it matter if they're intricately placed and wraparound or if it's just linear? I'm here to bash enemies.
And by "how it effects combat" I mean like Capra Demon in Dark Souls, or even the Taurus Demon on the bridge. Those were some sweet arenas to fight those enemies in and wide open spaces would have trivialised the fight, but that's the only way I care about level design.
The combat in dark souls is shit and there's better games for "bashing enemies", people play DaS for atmosphere, immersion, cool bosses and armour porn.
The Deep is literally the depths of the world. The world is seemingly "sinking" as a result of the prolonging of fire.
When you get to the second DLC zone you encounter a pit of collapsed ruins called the Dreg Pit where a pilgrim explains that when the fire fades all the kingdoms of humanity start to move towards the Kiln of the first flame (This is why Carthas is under Farron and why the Profaned Capital is under Irythil if that shit confused you).
That shit didn't happen in the first DaS, so the reason is likely a result of human dregs, likely a heavy portion of the dark soul or some manifestation of mortals in general that sink to the bottom of the world and "Become the shackels that bind the world".
Perhaps the continuation of fire and proliferation of humanity it to blame for this phenomenon, but what is certain is Saint Aldrich had visions that it would result in the "Age of Deep water" and sparked a new religion that replaced the way of the white.
Lots of people enjoy videogames as a means to explore strange worlds, and the design of those worlds has an effect on that. You don't personally have to value it but needing that explained and justified seems kind of autistic
>no weapon variety
>no build variety
>no dual stance
>no bonfire ascetic
>linear as fuck
>bonfire after bonfire after bonfire
>worst covenants
>worst leveling up waifu
>ng+ is the same as ng
>worst pvp
The list goes on and on and on. DS3 is the worst souls game ever created.
Why do DaS 2 armours look so shit in game and so good in concept art.
better question, why did the armours in DaS 1 age so beautifully compared to the rest, a couple of years from now DaS III armors will look like shit in comparison to 1.
Now this is what I like. Epic anime fights and berserk references!!!!!
>CheGuevara shirt.
>cries of joy for the latest corporate cashgrab.
What the...
I like Cornyx for how positive he comes across compared to the other characters
>that cheeky "welcome to my home" when he's stuck in the cage
>shows gratitude when you present him tomes, even if he can't read them
>"if only I were a woman, hah"
Here's two
Have sex and nigger
>>no weapon variety
>>no build variety
Not even trying to defend DaS3, but this is completely wrong.
there's not a single game out there that won't benefit from "Epic anime fights and berserk references".
you're the type of faggot that would complain about a mecha bossfight because mechs are impractical.
Most of them enjoy video games as a means to bash enemies tho.
That's why bashing enemies makes up the majority of gameplay in general, using a liberal interpretation of bashing.
every Souls game has Berserk references retard
there's a pretty dramatic power gap between ds3 and ds2.
i dont even dislike 2, its an ok game.
>only builds are 40/40 because magic sucks and armor is useless
>ss all day long
I have hundreds of hours sunken into DS2 and shamelessly love it but I won’t even begin to defend the piss poor level design of Drangleic. Linear and nonsensical proportions, thoughtless enemy placement, mechanics like the soul activated doors/giants that are used like twice, its a mess, about as disappointing as Anor Londo.
Hey fellow redditor
Edit: wow thanks for the gold kind stranger
we already know that DaS 2 is an unsalvageable pile of garbage, but how would you fix DaS 3 Yea Forums?
Eh you included a lot more supposition than I did, and there are other valid explanations for some of the stuff you mentioned. I was just trying to provide an overview of the concrete facts. The deacons of the deep are more of a corruption of the way of white than something entirely new, and Aldrich isn't really a preacher so much as a pagan-type deity. He has his reasons but he's not the source of the corruption. I wouldn't say that the dregs are the cause of the world-smashing, which I'd attribute more to entropy, the diminishing returns of the cycles of fire, and the first flame causing a Big Crunch, drawing everything it put into the world back into itself (that's what the black hole at the end is doing)
I don't see Aldrich as a 100% reliable source and I don't completely trust the soundness of his vision, at least not to be totally accurate.
If DS2 is linear what is ds3 then?
>magic sucks
Just pirate the game
Work on your reading comprehension my man
I just did that fog forest last night and that shit was fucking retarded
Yes it sucks indeed
I want to fuck the dark lurker
He was talking about the castle, silly
Give it a world that ds1 would be envious over
Make the areas visually unique and remove some of the swamps
remove some fan service (keep good shit like SoC gwyn form)
Make the bosses good
That's a good point, I just wish there was a little more to him
ds2 still has linear world design though
great argument
less linear with more paths to choose after the Settlement, like maybe allowing alternate access to Catacombs after fighting the Greatwood
bring back rituals and player-made bonfires from the alpha as a means of changing world tendency
incorporate Gael into the game more instead of being a DLC vessel
modify poise so it actually works
Souls fanbase is such fucking gay ass fucking cancer, why can't you retards just get along? Every game is great and every game does something better then others
>every game is great
Ds2tards absolutely BTFO
It's annoying how many retards think DS3 actually being a sequel and having continuity is the problem.
The real problem with DS3's story is that it has a super boring structure. From the get-go it's "go kill these dudes" with no twists. And when and where you fight said dudes is arbitrary, there's really no reason certain bosses should be lords of cinder and others shouldn't, the game just says so. Compare with DS1 where the plot had multiple stages. First you rang the bells, then went through Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo, THEN killed some dudes. Not to mention there was actual world design so you could explore at your own pace.
I will say that DS3's DLCs have more interesting stories, especially Ringed City.
when there's 3 entrances to different areas after the tutorial
Well yeah, I don't exactly know what the dregs are in origin, just that they are most likely the cause of the world sinking. III has this bizarre focus on "Above" and "Below". You have the Deacons who are growing roots from their bodies and formed a religion around a cannibal turned sludge that somehow involves water and human dregs.
Meanwhile, you have the pilgrims which wear some sort of restraining stone shell with what appears to be branches beneath the shell. Hollows on the high wall of Lothric are becoming trees and the pilgrims might be transforming into Butterflies who fly perpetually upward(Shells might restrain the transformation for a time).
There are seemingly Angels that came from above, taught unique light based miracles to Gertrude.
This is so true. I had the exact same issue with Dark Souls 2 as well, like a literal glob of shit with a meat cleaver and a giant spider are some of the great souls I have to be gathering? Dark Souls just had the most purposeful story even when you didn’t exactly know what you were doing. Could be argued that everything up to Frampt showing up is just you honoring Oscar’s dying wishes, then the unlikeliness of succeeding in that pushes you to see what you’ve opened up.
>3 paths that go from area to area and end in a dead end is not linear.
Just because you can complete tasks in a non linear manner, doesn't make the world design any less linear, retard
It's mostly the outer part with well paced enemies and ambushes. The rafters are also cool. Can get tedious if you have to do Siegward's quest.
>like a literal glob of shit with a meat cleaver and a giant spider are some of the great souls I have to be gathering?
I thought the glob of shit was a puppet the actual dude was sitting on top of?
And didn't the spider eat the corpse of a dragon or something which you find out later? Haven't played in a while.
>magic sucks
>shows a webm of a magic user getting creamed
That guy was an idiot, and also a magic user.
>most likely the cause of the world sinking.
I just don't agree with you on this point. I think the Crunch is an inevitability, an end baked into the metaphysics of the first flame. It's calling everything that came from it, and this manifests in humanity literally exploding out of human bodies, turning them into trees reaching for the black sun where everything's being gathered, and then into the butterflies to fly up and become one. No clue about the fat angels though, those are fuckin weird
Not to mention all the lords in DS1 are appropriate and have reasons for them being what they are.
Ds3 lords of cinder are cool but they could be replaced with any other boss.
Yeah can I get uhhhh Dragonrider and uhhh another one
There’s lore behind it, pretty sure Rotten is meant to be Pharros and Freja is the embodiment of the Duke who owned the mines, but I haven’t played in a while either. The point probably was to make them insignificant besides harboring a powerful soul used to progress but this didn’t exactly leave me with a sense of purpose or care, it just felt like a story beat needed to progress
The textures of Dark Souls 1 are definitely going to look worse than Dark Souls 2's textures if it had the same lighting as the latter. Lighting is very essential for making things look nice and has the side effect of hiding dated textures. If your game has shit lighting, no amount of high-res textures and high polygon count is going to make it look good. Just compare FEAR to FEAR Perseus Mandate.
>Dude go kill these dudes
Actually, you weren't supposed to kill them, you were supposed to return them to their thrones. Ludleth jokes about it because essentially every single last Lord of Cinder except him had some reason to abandon their thrones, the reason is up to the player to discover.
I think what would have helped this concept is for at least one of the lords to go with you willingly. Imagine if you killed Abyss Watchers only to find their cinders missing and then have Hawkwood take the throne for you rather than try to become a dragon?
>much better level design
the level design is the worst part about Ds3
>finishing the area and getting a lord soul is a dead end
aside from sand box games what do you think a non linear game is?
Not so much the level design, I think the Grand Archives and the rest of Lothric Castle is well made. It's moreso the linearity of the world design. It's basically DaS2, but with even less branches off the beaten path.
Lothric knight should be DaS 3s designated mascot.
RLM liked Force Awakens though.
I make it a point to almost never grind in a spuls game but I grinded that entire set when I first saw it. too damn sexy.
not going from A to B to C to D
Only to go back to A and go down the E-F-G route, never to return to B, C or D again
God, I fucking hate these threads.
DS2 and DS3 were both a mistake.
That might be so, but luckily items and vendors have been placed in a manner that every build can find something to suit their needs in the beginning.
>demon's souls had its own kingdom and storyline
>dark souls had its own kingdom and storyline
>dark souls 2 had its own kingdom and storyline
>dark souls 3: HEY REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1????
From, like all developers, fell for the open world meme. Open world always makes for a worse narrative.
DS1 was the mistake, it should have stopped after DeS. DS2 is the most overrated game of history and it's fucking trash.
location A (majula) can literally branch to location B (fallen giants) location C (heides blue tower) location D ( gutter) after tutorial compared to firelink shrine > high wall > undead settlement > road > cathedral > farron where the game branches to other locations
are you against ds3 or not?
>posts an optional boss
I think the devs knew how much dick smelter sucked so they just let people skip him if they wanted. Then they brought it back as a joke because, again, they knew nobody likes the fucking thing.
>one of the few bosses that is actually a challenge
>"Nobody liked smelter! He sucked dick!"
Why are you playing Souls games if you are a massive casual faggot?
Its fucking hilarious and insanely sad how the best game in the series (BB) hasn't even gotten a hint of a sequel fucking miyazaki you fucking hack go fuck yourself, Sekiro was still very good tho. Just short as fuck
third post best post
DS3 starts branching out when you reach the road of sacrifice.
you can go to either Farron or the cathedral from there.
>same exact big dude in armor fight you do 20 times throughout the game but with worse hitboxes and a passive dot on you
nah thanks I'll pass, let me fight velstadt again
He twisted our cocks with the easter eggs in deracine (that vr game pet project Miya was working on in between DaS3 and Sekiro).
>but with worse hitboxes
Hitboxes are not smelters problem, you retard. What makes him a challenge to everyone is he baits you into rolling early rendering your i-frames fucking useless.
Cathedral is gay. The outside is confusing in a bad way (normally I like confusing). The inside is highly linear and has a big swamp. The roof section with the giant knights is also stupid. At least the boss is fun, although it's so easy that I doubt anyone has ever died to it.
I Ii II I_
>Pick a side!
But both ds2 and ds3 have linear world design.
4 pathways which all consist of area after area resulting in a dead end is not non-linear. Tthats the reason why people say the latter half of ds1 is non linear
it will never get a sequel as long as snoy is gatekeeping it from wider audience.
What puzzles?
>Fighting Smelter Demon
>Run out of estus quarter way into the fight
>Oh shit
>Realize i have 99 life gems
>Beat it first try
souls being hard is a meme
unironically go snack on cyanide
Day of the rope soon, DaS2 fags
look how hard this post triggered Yea Forumseddit
that means it's 100% true
>implying SONY wouldn't send a money truck under FROMs place for a PS5 BB2
For a game that only sold a couple of a million copies when they have other first party titles that sell 10 million? I don't think so.
>Fighting Genichiro
>Run out of gourds quarter way into the fight
>Oh shit
>Realize I have 99 pellets
>Beat it first try
Ez game
you can only carry 3 pellets you massive retard lmfao
whos genichiro? some sekiro faggot?
Sony stated that it was "surprisingly" successful. Who knows?
>DaS thread
>full of shit opinions
Why is it always like this?
Instead of blowing a gasket like a mongrel, refute the post.
Why would you expect a DaS thread to be different to any other Yea Forums thread?
There is nothing to refute, nobody is talking about the challenge but you.
What would you consider it, then? DaS2 is more open than 3, regardless of the correct terminology.
Good point
I don’t understand this shit. How do you think that this is some kind of argument? Surely you are meant to discuss video games in a board about video games.
The only good point about this is that it isn’t sneed.
I mean 2 actually plays like it's an RPG still.
3 feels like a first draft for Sekiro, take as many RPG mechanics out as possible and try to hamstring the player into one playstyle. Not fun at all and zero replay value compared to DeS, DaS, and DaS2.
>What would you consider it, then?
Linear, of course. Just like 3. Just like the second half of 1.
Would you disagree?
3's problem is it puts a DaS character against BB enemies. You can't hope to match the aggression because you aren't built like a Hunter.
>get 1 million souls, no lord soul needed
>pirate ship can get to sinner area
>rat area or jump down directly to gutter
how is ds1 lord soul leading to gwyn and lord souls to drangleic castle different and nonlinear?
I like the Pirate cove level in DS2, but I also just like pirate coves
Convenants is the biggest issue with DS3 period. All of them are straight-summon based and none of them are PvE or have interesting mechanics like Ratbros. The fact you have 3 flavours of Forest Guardians is pretty damning all things considered as people just pull out the cord to get through that stretch of land after Pontiff Sulivan. They can't be arsed with constant invasions.
Bell Towers were nice cause in that regard cause it was an optional area with some challenge to it and a reward.
>Fighting Smelter Demon
>Run out of estus quarter way into the fight
>Oh shit
>Realize i have 99 life gems
>get glitched into a wall by one of his attacks because DS2 is a shitty broken game
DS3's world design is linear with interwoven, non-linear level design such as the Settlement, whereas DS2 is a wheel where you start at the center and pick what spoke of a N64 hallway you go down
>DS3's world design is linear with interwoven, non-linear level design such as the Settlement, whereas DS2 is a wheel where you start at the center and pick what spoke of a N64 hallway you go down
could not be said better
blows my mind that anyone would prefer DS2, it doesn't even feel remotely similar to DS1 or DS3
what the fuck all 3 are the same game
I love both Dark Souls 2 and Dark Souls 3
>how is ds1 lord souls different to ds2 old ones
they arent
theyre both linear
choosing out of 5 linear pathways is not non linear world design you spoon
Actual big brain talk right here, good job user.
Today I will remind them.
Jesus From really did the misty forest thing so much better in Sekiro
Sequels are not remakes.
DS2 was B-team dogshit.
It is the same as Konami trying to make Metal Gears without Kojima.
>arguments for ds2 being bad:
>>lol uhh the graphix?????
>arguments for ds3 being bad:
>>lol uhh that one swamp?????
>arguments for ds1 being bad:
>>rushed des reskin that starts decent and very briefly gets good at around sen's fortress but then takes a huge nosedive right afterwards with over half the game being shit
>Yea Forumstards think 1 is the best souls game
Both look liek shit. Dark Souls 2 was doomed visual-wise from the very start.
spirit level
ironically the graphics downgrade gave it more SOUL
nice matthewmatosis drone opinion
How did they managed to make every single boss entertaining and decent on Dark Souls 3?
agape ring
git gud at roll timing
>like settlement
Ah yes, the only level which actually fits your "nonlinear" description. Well, I guess the massive swamp is also nonlinear.
>nice drone opinion
Catacombs of Carthus actually allows you to skip the first half via dropping in some edge.
Road of Sacrifices connects to two different places.
>every boss is unique and different
Now post reddit souls 3 where every boss is a big human with armor.
>every single boss
NAME 1 (ONE) bad boss fight in Dark Souls 3
>Oceiros, Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Aldrich, Yhorm, Old Demon King
>4 unique bosses
wow Yhorm is a big human with armor.
He is a giant
>Curse-Rotted Greatwood
>Ancient Wyvern
>Champion's Gravetender
fucking infuriates me that dark souls got a remaster when ds2 is the one needing a complete fucking overhaul to undo the downgrade. its a fucking threeshitty/ps3 game released in 2014. had it been exclusive to new gen and pc it easily could had avoided being the utter laughing stock of the series, even with its design flaws outside the shit graphics.
Shut up.
Still doesn't change the fact that BB and DeS have the best individual level design in the series.
>arguments for DS2 being bad
brought back hub areas and progression NPCs instead of allowing it at bonfires like DS1.
ugly visuals
some really awful dialogue and characters
weapons disintegrate like styrofoam, almost Breath of the Wild tier.
some really bad bosses and areas
statue system added in Scholar that gates progression
Soul Memory
>Arguments for DS3 being bad
nearly completely removed RPG elements
attempts to hamstring the player into one viable playstyle
nerfed almost literally everything while buffing the enemies to Bloodborne tier
bosses are almost all big armor dudes with weapons
world and level design is straightforward and shit all around
Whenever i think about if 2 was a good game or not i look at this.
Then i remember.
The whole game feels like it was abandoned mid development
oh I forgot for DS3
>has hub area and progression NPCs when they should have reverted to the superior bonfire system DaS1 had
>Game 1, Good game with a great foundation for sequels
>Game 2, Tries and take what makes the first good and expends on it, is not afraid to experiment
>Game 3, Takes what worked best from the first 2 games, and refines them
While I'd like to note to note that DaS2 is probably my least liked game of the trilogy, it really is good sequel in the fact that it was not afraid to experiment with new stuff.
DaS 3 biggest flaw was not trying to carrying over the couple of things from DaS 2 that were positive.
...is the best soulsborne game.
Let me preface this by saying I fucking love DS2 and have hundreds of hours on it across the vanilla game and SOTFS. Here's one of my opinions about the Shaded Ruins in Vanilla DS2 vs SOTFS DS2.
I think the SOTFS version of that area fucking sucks. I think the transparent mist enemies belong exclusively in that mist forest that you see in OP's pic. Seeing the transparent mist enemies outside of the mist forest is all wrong. The reason why they are like that to begin with is so that they further blend into the mist forest to become practically invisible. Seeing a bunch of those transparent enemies outside of the mist is completely stupid. It doesn't make any sense. They aren't obscure unless they're in the mist forest, they add nothing of value standing there in plain sight. They just become a regular enemy at that point. Their whole fucking gimmick was blending in, being invisible. That SOTFS change greatly upset me.
>>Game 3, Takes what worked best from the first 2 games, and refines them
Literally what in the motherfuck are you talking about? 3 is the polar opposite of this, it couldn't have been farther away if they turned it into a turn based gachashit game.
I thought the meme was that any form of criticism towards 2 is being a potatodrone, his post is clearly more negative towards 1 than the others.
Keep reading user, I'm not explaining DaS 1,2 and 3 there, more like the ideal path for a trilogy.
Dark Souls 2 failed in every other aspect than the PvP. The bosses are quantity over quality, the artstyle and theme is all over the place, the map doesn't make sense, the story and lore is trash, and the game focuses on making fights "lmao look how hard this is!" instead of making the fights good and satisfying.
It's to DaS1 what Mirror's Edge Catalyst is to the original Mirror's Edge. Fucking B-team head ass bitch game.
>instantaneous hitboxes
a lot of the shit in this one IS DeS shit
this destroys the ds2 fanboy
He has a face, so he's not a Giant giant, he's just a big guy
Not thinking 1 is the best is paramount to having shit taste. It gets more things right than 2 and 3 combined
what are you talking about
i've never leveled endurance or adaptability in ds2 and i can roll through everything just fine
I only played DS1-3 because they're on PC. Didn't get Sekiuro because my PC is garbage. I don't trust anyone shilling BB because he's probably a sonyfangay. Might emulated DeS.
I like 2 but I hate that it set the retarded standard that a Souls sequel should only refer to its predecessors in hushed whispers and allusions. Most of 3's call backs where completely fine and did something with the materiel, like utterly desecrating the formerly pristine Anor Londo, it's only shit like Andre coming back for no reason that felt like shallow fanservice.
If your PC handled Dark Souls 3, it can handle Sekiro. It's the same engine.
> I don't trust anyone shilling BB because he's probably a sonyfangay
its great game you can play it for free with psnow on PC just use 7day trial like me
such as?
>inb4 interconnectivity
no, having a starting item that skips around through 1/5 the game doesn't count as interconnectivity
no, being able to go to the catacombs before the undead burg only to get blocked off by gwyn's seal anyways doesn't count as interconnectivity either
if you can run ds3 you can run sekiro, it's the same shit, probably the same engine modified, it doesn't look any nicer or more modern than ds3
a des vs ds1 comparison chart would be at least twice as big and decimate ds1fags
and don't get me started on ds1 vs ds3
>Yhorm the Giant
>the Giant
>Zoomer souls 3 tards getting THIS triggered by facts
I can only play Dark Souls 3 with all settings on lowest. But I guess I'll try. Sekiro looks really fun.
Actually sounds good. Will look at this further.
Yes but he has a fucking face dude
if by triggered you mean mildly annoyed and by facts you mean disproven regurgitations then yes
>literally seething
Lol. Your game is garbage
subjective and statistically untrue
my gtx950 plays Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro on high settings. buy a rx570 for $130 (way superior than my gtx950) and you're golden
>sihn is a reference to kalameet because they're both dragons I guess
reaching pretty hard there
Being able to skip areas by choosing the master key isn't what people refer to when they talk about interconnectivity, for fuck's sake. It's when world loops back around on itself as you gradually discover shortcuts, of which there are plenty. Dark Souls 3 has some of that within its single areas but nothing close to what made it so satisfying in the first game. I'll give you that the Catacombs are a poor example of a roadblock at the start of the game, especially since the area doesn't even loop around to Firelink.
It's not just that though, the game's enemy placement is much more suited to its combat system. Area design in general is so much more imaginative, especially compared to 3. NPC interactions remain among the most memorable, as the sequels didn't build or improve upon this aspect at all. The expansion holds up better than the other games' due to its perfect streak of bosses.
Even its exterior is retarded with its almost complete lack of windows and only four different textures.
unga combat variety bad
bunga backstab fishing good
neck yourself
completely new area built under the old anor londo. Magnificent experience that leads u to discover the old cathedral placed so well. literally it's just the cathedral from the old anor londo everything else is new.
>omg fucking fan service ruined the game
I swear ds 2 fags are subhumans.
It's got a lot of flaws, but it's the last souls game that has all the things I liked about the series
>slow-paced but still challenging combat, since you're not a sanic speed ninja with infinite stamina
Also, finding an opportunity to heal during combat is probably the hardest in this game
>traps, ambushes everywhere
The world design might be garbage, but areas were really made in such a way that they all required you to pay attention to your surroundings.
I also liked how they handled the lore, it was connected to the first game but far enough that they could do their own thing (well, except Ornstein)
Maybe it's just me but powerstancing was fucking useless though.
Anyone else not mind the references each new game makes to the older games and the continuation of certain archetypes? I personally love the series' revisiting of old concepts and being shown how things have changed over time and how much has managed to stay the same. One of my personal favorites for example is the crestfallen warrior in each game and how they go from despairingly fading away into nothingness (DeS) to slowly but surely going hollow (DaS) to being given newfound hope by the player and surviving (DaS2) to finding a new purpose in life and embarking on their own personal quest (DaS3). I also of course love seeing Patches come up with new ways to kick me off a cliff and facing old foes so that they may kick my ass once more.
This. I spent probably about 40% or so of my 240 hours with the game as a bellbro.
>reusing things BAD
>nevermind the fact that the entire point of the trilogy is the convolution of time (even though that's dumb) and history repeating itself
>or the fact that even though these things are re-used, they aren't copy pasted and do different things in each game
fucking retards. Also DS3 is the best of the series
>the shittier it looks the more soul it has
Worst meme on this entire fucking website
I don't think you know how SOUL works, user. It has to be something that was made clearly with passion and love, something that DaS2 certainly wasn't treated with during development. The only games with SOUL imo are DeS, DaS1, and BB.
>b-b-but deacons is a creative twist!!
fuck no lmao. you just hit r1 on the red-eyed enemy
>if i don't press all my keyboard buttons in any fight, the game SUCKS
>fuck atmosphere, setting and world building LMAO DUDE
great comparison
the references to the previous games feel very forced in DS3
i disagree, it was all building up to the soul of cinder fight which is the best boss fight in the game even though it's not the hardest
the only reason Yea Forums hates ds2 is because dsp owned them in it. Same with a lot of games.
I would've never minded these gimmick bosses had it not been their bland presentation. I'll give Wolnir a pass, because his presentation was very good, even though he's piss fucking easy. I like how he gets dragged into the Abyss when you defeat him. Pretty atmospheric throughout the ""fight"" too.
>looks big and impressive from outside
>the interior is 90% empty space taken up by giants sitting in pools of literal shit
bravo C team
They're both shit lol. From is terrible with sequels
DeS = BB = Sekiro >>>>>>>>>>>> uninspired Soulssequelshit
> and here I explain why....
that might be the most accurate description of the Cathedral ive ever heard
but lets be real it wouldnt be fromsoft if there wasnt at least one creature obsessed with living in or touching you with its own shit.
This thread is still up? I went to sleep and woke up and it's still up.
Yea Forums is slow now
I like demons souls gimmick bosses better
Will Sekiro run in my PC with a GTX670? Everything on low settings is fine.
I think that dark souls 2 handled the references better, most of the times they make direct references to something from the first game they try to be a bit more subtle, a lot of the DS1 content featured in 3 doesn't contribute to the game much other than "hey it's that again, remember that?"
I thought that the history from previous cycles was mostly lost to time, so how does the game know when you've reached Anor Londo? surely other things have happened to the area between the time of DS1 and 3, so it will have been given a different name, why not "Aldrich's castle" or something?
that being said some things in ds2 didn't make sense like the old Dragonslayer but at least he didn't have the title "Dragonslayer Ornstein of Anor Londo"
>The Rest of the Souls games including Sekiro
still doesn't help me deal with the terrible gameplay, combat and graphics. They are far greater in DS3
Who would win in an epic rap battle?
Why is DaS so overrated? Game goes from 8.5/10 to 3/10 after you beat O&S and Soulsfags are somehow okay with this.
DaS1 would unironically be a better game if they straight uo removed Demon Ruins, Lost Izalith, Catacombs, Tomb of Gaints, New Londo, Archives and Crystal Cave.
say it with me now
DaS only goes from 8.5 to 3.0 for people that clap once they beat their games. People that actually play the game don't care, in fact, lord vessel, thank fucking God. That's what I say every time.
I will admit that ds2 controls like your character is made of concrete and the graphics look like Fable 2
but Bloodborne's forgiving dodge system betrayed the slow and methodical combat of the previous games, the stakes never feel as high when you can chain dodges to survive any combo, get one or two hits in, then back off to recover stamina
>my two uncles are having at it again
>the poor middle child can't accept the fact that he is the worst of us
>get one or two hits in, then back off to recover stamina
boring as fuck, glad sekiro fixed that shit
it's almost as if a speed boost to the enemies and player were like intentional or something and it's suppose to play differently than souls
then use that formula to make Bloodborne 2
Dark Souls is about committing yourself to attacks, using knowledge of movesets, managing stamina, and taking risks based on how much damage you can dish out without leaving yourself vulnerable
it all falls apart when you're never vulnerable
>it adds a layer of bloom to the game
lol go back
Demon Souls
>when you're never vulnerable
your implying this is the case in bloodborne when it's not, every boss is well equip to deal with dash spam and the players new aggressive playstyle and speed.
Hell i'd imagine it would be impossible to kill Gascoine playing as a melee based dark souls character.
And you can chug Estus and Blood Vials so fast there's no risk doing it in the middle of a fight with a boss or enemy in those games. DaS2 takes forever to chug, using stones is probably more advisable.
that's a different mod
>using stones
you mean the stones you could literally but hundreds of for dirt cheap prices that will never run out?
if we're going by dark souls' parry mechanics, I don't think gascoigne would be an issue
Demons souls is not a dark souls game. Remember they changed the title? All you're explaining is how shitty of a sequal 2 is.
today, i will remind them
Holy shit I'm literally listening to those playlists
Healing is still more difficult in DaS2 than in the other games. Your character is too slow doing it. Stones are absolutely better and more reliable than Estus but the best ones are harder to obtain, and if you're on an agape ring you can only obtain them through co-op play.
again the stones that you can get more than a hundred of 1 hour into the game
Unironically the difference is yea that shadows in 1 were a lot darker, but also nothing in 2 has any amount of shine to it, lile armor or swords or wet areas, nothing has any glint to it.
Go back and play 1, there's shiny shit everywhere and it really stands put when you look for it, 2 has almost no shiny shit so everything looks washed put, like the whole world is covered in a layer of dust
The enemies despawn after you kill them 12 times. I'd rather come back with the gold covetous ring, explorers cap and coins to farm other items.
Or you know, have 99 of everything through item dupping. But you can do that in every game.
Ds1 remaster it’s not even a contest.
This was a nice thread. BTFOing DaS2 haters is always a pleasure.
I got both for less than 30 euros.
I recently bough DaS2sotfs for 10 euros via Xbox live.
The level design is the biggest problem with ds3 of the game had been more connected and less linear it would easily have been the best.
This the bait that will never die. It carries the Darksign.