Why hasn’t Proto found a dyke girlfriend? Plenty of lesbians in the sea

Why hasn’t Proto found a dyke girlfriend? Plenty of lesbians in the sea.

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lesbians like women

Because he's in a relationship with himself.

Trans women are women

>dating a person with a penis

They hack off their dicks
After fake vagina rots
Suicide follows

a haiku

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Not to lesbians and mentally stable men


It's all well and good to pretend that in social interactions but in romance it's another thing altogether

Lesbians don't like Penis(Fromnonchads)

Nice b8

You'll be surprised why most lesbian are terf

Porto x CWC sex tape leak when?!?!?

No, they're mentally ill and we ought to find a treatment for them that doesn't involve genital mutilation or indulging in their delusions.

>we ought to find a treatment for them that doesn't involve genital mutilation or indulging in their delusions.
yeah but that would destroy the free money they hand over for HRT pills

Think about this way. When someone is attracted to women, generally this means they are attracted to features that have been traditionally categorized as feminine. On most scales of heteroattraction, the most a woman looks like a man, the less attractive they appear to a dude. Transwoman rarely pass. Even if one drinks the koolaid that they are women, that doesn’t instantly make them attractive, they would just immediately occupy a low-tier of female attraction.

well this is actually better than the "CUT MY DICK INTO PIECES" copypasta


>It's all well and good to pretend that in social interactions

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Why treat the mentally ill when you can let them run amok in your society and make shit decisions.

but by calling them trans women you're already saying they arent women lol

If people of onions want to pretend that then whatever.
It's only urbanite degenerates that do this shit.

most lesbians don't like penis

After a while you start automatically reading "trans women" as "mentally unstable man with self inflicted axe wound"

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?

That in itself is a problem. We need to cleanse all the degenerates. With fire, preferably.

Imagine being a lesbian and you hook up with someone who you think is a woman but it turns out they're a tranny and they demand that you suck their dick and you refuse so they just rape you instead and they get away with it because they can smear you as a transphobe if you try to speak out about it.

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Why hasn't he killed himself yet? He is a detriment to society.

>lesbians want to fuck transMEN more than transWOMEN


she/he/it/they/we/them are dating somebody?