How did Kuro give Wolf his blood at the start of the game if the only way for him to bleed is with the Mortal Blade?
>narrative breaking plot hole spotted
How did Kuro give Wolf his blood at the start of the game if the only way for him to bleed is with the Mortal Blade?
Other urls found in this thread:
gay sex, just like how fags get aids. He also brushed his rectum beforehand to catch the bug.
I don't recall the rules ever stating that you can't bleed. Just not truly die.
He gave it to wolf three years before the start of the game, when he gets stabbed in hirata estate
Period blood
He made a pact with the Wolf. There’s nothing stating this pact involves the heir having to bleed.
Kuro can't bleed without the mortal blade. Sekiro can bleed.
The entire reason you even go get the mortal blade is so Kuro can bleed to complete the severance. It's absolutely mentioned.
This. It’s the same thing Genichiro wanted. He wanted to be sworn into the Divine Order.
he came in Wolf's mouth
i think its stated in the game, his wounds heal the second they are made
This is the answer, really.
He literally said 'take my blood and live again' or something along those lines
he creampie wolf
Post more Kuro, please. Have this dog with a watermelon as an offering.
Lots of pure hugging and tickling, naked.
>not even square
>your offering is accepted
Honestly can't decide between kuro cumming in wolf or kuro with a pussy giving wolf his period blood. This is very hard, as am I
Post Kuro feet fags
>wolf enters a "memory"
>goes back in time with his grappling hook to retrieve tools from the past to bring back to the present using kit from the future
Do we get to go back in time and kill our grandfather before he conceived us too?
Any answer that doesn't give Kuro a cute penis isn't an answer worth having.
I'm really sorry. Accept this hamster as an apology.
Much appreciated. Thank you.
Probably a figure of speech.
I want to know why he always told Wolf to close his eyes when performing the rituals
I think it'd be hard to get a scene where a child is cut with a sword past the ersb
I accept your apology
Dead space had zombie babies. What’s your point?
It's not time travel or a trip down memory lane, Buddha essentially recreates a period of time in a pocket dimension that Wolf gets to fuck around in.
made for lewd
it's just my theory, yeah dead space had zombie babies but it didn't show you the babies getting mutilated and then transforming into zombie babies, it's obvious it happened but it didn't make you see it happen
What’s the meme on the computer?
Perhaps what he meant was “Attain blood like mine.” We know he cannot induce bleeding without a Mortal Blade so this is the only explanation for such a line.
I want Kuro to dom me too
Why is this so appealing
Cute (and lewd) Kuros. Much appreciated.
you guys are fuckin freaks. goodbye
>the sekiro fandom on Yea Forums is gay pedophiles
if you told me that this is how things would be after the first teaser dropped I would have been so fucking confused by this game
I love Kuro!
Not everyone wants to fuck Kuro. It’s fine to find him cute
I'm having mixed feelings with these images.
oh no, the discord trannies are here
I loved Sekiro and the story was okay, but Kuro is a nice bonus that put this game high on my list
kys tranny
Well congratulations, you ran out of Kuro images. Whats the next part of your master plan?
>No Kuro x Divine Child pics
Disgusting pederast all of you
I want to kiss Kuro on the cheek.
Oh fuck that's adorable
>ran out of Kuro pics
Your poor bastard
cropping hentai
>you ran out of Kuro images
>Kuro gets a fuckton of art.
>Still barely any Ni no kuni II Evan art
Man fuck this gay earth.
I hope you guys don't mind if I repost your Kuro pics in the Sekiro thread on /cm/ so they stay up for more time.
For the love of god sauce.
based hews hack
God how hot it would be Sekiro, Kuro, Emma and Divine Child foursome.
his period
Whose fucking who?
You called me?
Rice loli is best
Wolf, I've always...
Fuckig nice.
How the fuck did the get away making not only a shota but also a loli two prominent characters the MC has to interact with? And you end it with impregnating the loli. What the fuck did Miyazaki mean by this?
He’s giving the people what they want
Sekiro x Rice Loli reverse cowgirl with the loli supine on Sekiro and Kuro x Emma doggy style on top of Rice loli with Emma french kissing the loli.
It's art
Just because he literally said something doesn't mean that what he was saying is literal, brainlet.
>Kuro and Sekiro not fucking each other
His haircut is so fucking stupid. So motherfucking stupid. I wish I could kick his head into the edge of a stair
You can add Kuro and Sekiro leaning on and kissing beside the girls while penetrating them.
Are you retarded? The kid can literally grant anyone immortality by just waving his hands. If it was easy as drinking his blood Genichiro would have cut him up with his mortal blade.
Here's the original pic in a bigger resolution and its source:
And the source of
If wolf fucked rice loli after the return ending, would Kuro be forced to watch from inside her?. Asking for a friend
The man is based and redpilled.
Better. Kuro would feel Wolf's dick.
But also. Why the fuck would you want to bang the rice loli? She's cold as fuck so that c u n n y will give you frostbite.
Someone should draw this. Any position of these foursome is welcomed.
What better way to cool off on a hot summer day?
Anyone got that one pic with her "divine fragrance"?
Here's the pic at a bigger res.
I would post it directly, but it surpasses the file limit.
Evan is ugly, Kuro is not
Are you referring to the one where rice comes out of her cunny?
is wolf a manlet with autism?
I beg to differ.
Yes but he’s a cute autist
Nope. It's just prespective that makes everyone bigger
>just perspective
Fuck off wolf
Rice girl is cuter
>no memory of fighting Lady Butterfly when she wasn't a saggy old hag
What is Kuro and why is he it
Axolotl. Very cute.
>O N E
a dragon/salamander due to his divine blood coming from the divine dragon
I want to fuck Kuro and the Rice Loli!
Kuro feels like low hanging fruit to me
that is incorrect, she is called the Divine Child of Rejuvenation because she is not one of the undying, she is what the undying aspire to be, an immortal being blessed by the water of the divine dragon, but not infected by the centipedes
Axolotl have some crazy regenerative ability.
this is my new headcanon
If you want to see the next page,
What's with miyazaki's fixation with manlets?
They make the enemies larger to be more intimidating.
Why did the Sculptor turn into the Demon of Hatred? He didn't seem to be that hateful
Did you even pay attention to his dialogue? Or Emma’s?
"take my blood" is figurative, it's more like "your blood is now like mine" after he made him immortal
it's like an oath
Who needs Kuro when you can have this.
there's like at least 10 hints in the game
how do brainlets still not get how
But where does the rice fucking come from?
Back of the knee maybe?
where are the kute kuro feets?
god I wish that was me
Holy fuck does this kill my boner
There‘s quite a leap between his partner dying and him going crazy, it‘s not that unimaginable for a person to feel like they missed something.
I'm gonna have to ask you for the sauce, sir.
>constantly talking about his carvings being the incarnation of wrath
>Emma talks about wanting to kill a demon
>Isshin talks about Shuras and how people who kill will become them
If Emma and Wolf were both orphans found in a battlefield by a rugged father figure why is Wolf the only one who's autistic?
God I wish Kuro was real.
>not autistic
Have you seen her interactions with Sekiro?
Rice loli adventures in China when?
>friend says he beat Sekiro about 5 days after release
>he is a lifelong JRPG player who's only previous From game was Bloodborne
>shite at fighting games
is he bullshitting me?
Owl is a shitty parent.
I want Emma and Wolf to have clumsy autistic sex together
Wolf belongs to Kuro.
Kys pedo
>give her some sake
>Wolf just silently stares at her
>she gets awkward and shy
From keeps getting away with it.
I fapped to wolf fucking kuro. The first time i ever cummed to gay shit, i think this is it fellas, im going down the path of degeneracy
>”please say something...”
I like this art of kuro because it emphasizes that he's barely human. Do we even know how long he's been alive? Imagine a grown ass mans brain stuck in a younger body who's been through murder and sacrifice many times already using Sekiro as a meatshield to the bitter end. I hate you pedos.
I know, I obviously posted already knowing the timeline of events. Honestly, he reacts very faintly from seeing the partner‘s whistle. Thus, he doesn‘t seem that hateful.
It felt to me more like he was followed by wrath instead of it ever coming close to consuming him. There was quite a leap into becoming an Oni.
It is a good day to be a shotacon.
Thank you Miyazaki.
Couldn't you check his achivement/trophy list?
get locon on this
>visit rice loli
>she's asleep
>wake her up flustered and embarassed
>everything revolving around Kuro making you rice balls
Did Miyazaki always pander this hard?
As long as it's cute. that's all that matters
He can't bleed, but he can hurt himself, he cut his finger, it didnt spill blood, but by putting it inside Wolf bleeding rectum or wherever he could, he possibly let the blood of Wolf and his mix and thus making it bleedable (since its mixed blood), it went straight to Wolf body then.
Kuro is some nice little lady
Happened to me about a year ago. I used to always laugh at shit like "v will make you gay". Fuck.
period blood, kuro is a girl pretending to a boy and that was menanche
>v will make you gay
Its not a meme. Its fucking real, leave while you can
There are worse things you could fap to like furshit or inflation. At least you have good taste.
no you fucking moron
he talks about offering things to Buddha and everytime all he sees is flames consuming ashina
this is the most obvious one but there's plenty more, there's no way you missed them all
there's not only the obvious ones but there's also the one where you find out Isshin cut off his arm, and then the skill description of ashina cross says that it's "so fast it could sever the arm of Shura, or so boasts Isshin Ashina"
>Emma talks about wanting to kill a demon
this was more to foreshadow the emma fight if you choose the shura ending
that had nothing to do with it
the reason the temple is covered in talismans and filled with so many carvings is because he is trying his hardest to prevent becoming a Demon of Hatred, long before you arrive
at the end of the immortal severance ending, Wolf does the same
if sekiro 2 were to happen, Wolf would be a boss fight in the form of a Shura, screencap this and keep it if they announce a sequel
either that or an old man similar to Isshin
>when Kuro asks if you’re too embarrassed to eat in front of him if you try to leave
I hope they add more stuff like that in future games
user it's clearly to late for him
Fighting games are autistic memorization grind and then your efficacy is down to reaction time. Sekiro is basically only being careful and reaction time so it's entirely possible.
Congratulations! You are a shotacon now.
It's not your fault user, it's this place, it was gerudo link that finally got me.
>I love Kuro!
there he is, the retarded pedo weeb that always types this way
how fucking new are you?
Dragonblood is 竜胤
It’s not literal blood but more like “inherited power”
Not gonna lie brehs, I wouldn't be able to contain myself if Kuro was right in front of me.
I wonder how Wolf does it.
>I wonder how Wolf does it.
He lives with the pain.
What would Kuro think of all these posters lusting after him?
how fucking new are you?
somebody post the seal saying "faaaaags"
>I wonder how Wolf does it.
He crouches to hide the stiffy. True lad.
Gotta do what must be done.
Better question is how did Sekiro show up there to save him when he was never originally there to begin with? The whole 3 years is time/memory fuckery to see events Sekiro wasn't even present for through that old bitches bell. This whole part throws everything off because he goes to the past after dying and coming back due to the dragons blood but doesn't have said dragon's blood until he goes back and obtains it through time travel. He even has his fake arm in the past when he just received it recently, Owl even comments on it. Honestly this shit was stupid and unnecessary
probably like an std, it can be transferred through saliva
What are you implying?
time is convoluted in japan
>shite at fighting games
>Better question is how did Sekiro show up there to save him when he was never originally there to begin with?
he was there, just not at the estate and was gone at the time
>The whole 3 years is time/memory fuckery to see events Sekiro wasn't even present for through that old bitches bell
once again he was there, the bell is an offering and if you speak to the sculptor he mentions the statue can show you an old memory
>This whole part throws everything off because he goes to the past after dying and coming back due to the dragons blood but doesn't have said dragon's blood until he goes back and obtains it through time travel
it's not time travel you fucking tard, he doesn't go to the past and it's a memory, the end of the memory explains how he got his immortality
>He even has his fake arm in the past when he just received it recently
the reason ressurection and the shinobi arm are present is either because of gameplay or it's all in his mind and he has to fight through the memory. sorta like some shit in naruto and kingdom hearts where they have to overcome a challenge in some other realm like naruto fighting the nine tails inside him or sora fighting roxas in his heart etc. gay shit that doesn't make sense but japs love
it's not time travel though holy shit it's an old memory and
>transferred through saliva
what are you thinking?
muh discord trannies
Literally the mental gymnastics you freaks come up with to defend your disgusting fetish is getting ridiculous.
t. discord tranny
According to Yea Forums all tannies are pedos so that would imply all of you are trannies
Enjoying a young boy's perfect body is natural and patrician
Yea Forums never said that, tranny. We all know you're just angry that we hold pedos in higher regard than you.
>no emma
post itttttt
Cucked by a little boy lmao
>blood in cum
Go see a doctor
Emma is probably the most plain and boring bonfire waifu from any From game.
Fucking this. Most characters are desu.
Looks like everyone is crying in their sleep.
BB still by far superior
Delete this fucking post
Bloodborne has no cute shotas, sorry.
Based Isshin alone is one of the best characters From has made.
literally seethe
She fucks the little boy behind Sekiro's back
Heresy, Kuro would not betray his shinobi like that.
He's a loyal boy.
I'm honestly shocked it would take the average person even 5 days.
Pretty sure that's a figure of speech but yeah, it did make me wonder as well OP.
Let me guess, american?
How did Takeru die? They say immortal severance, but according to Emma in the purification path, they never found a mortal blade
Not that guy but man
>let me guess American
Why does Isshin even fights us at the end? He had no ill will towards Wolf, had no interest in the Dragon's blood and even Genichiro just summoned him to save Ashina, not kill Wolf
Honouring his grandson's final request.
And if he wanted to save ashina, he'd have to go through wolf first.
plus he really wanted to die gloriously in battle, so there's that
not cool, bro
Kuro can't lift wood beams.
reminds me of this
(Too bad is only for the "bad" ending)
Delete this immediately
He can make you immortal and let the beams burn to crisps on top of you.
Saika a cute.
The show was shit though.
I want to see his bulge in those spats.
He's hung.
The little character moment where it turns out Wolf has a sweet tooth and Kuro makes him rice balls was the sweetest shit From has ever written.
>Beat double monkey trouble on my third try
People memed that fight?
I beat him first try, but you don't see me bragging about it.
Shotas cum twice
That fight was easy as fuck my man. I did it on my first try.
Guardian ape by himself was much harder.
nose bleed
girls are ugly and stupid. kuro is a million times better.
Now this I'd like to see.
cute boy with cute boyfeet
That's not degeneracy, that's pure. Anything between two males is inherently pure and noble. Heterocucks are the degenerates.
>Did it on my le first try
Nice dishonesty trying to bring me down but I know for a fact I'm the best Sekiro player on the board.
B-but I did do it on my first try :(
The philosophical elite of ancient Greek was right all along.
>implying saggy
lady butterfly is fit as fuck
locon doujin when
Emma is very plain and unsexy.
crashing this thread
duh, she's a female.
Great game.
Other things about the plot that make no sense
>Isshin letting you kill half of his generals and soldiers just so he knows you can beat Genichiro
>What was the point of Gunfort again? Surely no army is going to trudge through cliffs full of snipers like a retard
>Could have simply asked them to spar with him or personally train Wolf himself considering he made Emma such a beast
>Emma specifically trained so she can cut down Sculptor if he goes Shura but instead you do it yourself (i know its a game but still she should have appeared or something)
>Why the fuck is Divine Dragon hostile when you just want its tears to sever immortality? Does it really want humans to have immortality so much?
>What was the point of Gunfort again? Surely no army is going to trudge through cliffs full of snipers like a retard
Iirc the snake eyes fuckers were hostile invaders to Ashina or some shit and gunfort is their outpost or homebase. I think it was from sabimaru's description
>Could have simply asked them to spar with him or personally train Wolf himself considering he made Emma such a beast
Guy was busy killing rats and dying of old age
>Emma specifically trained so she can cut down Sculptor if he goes Shura but instead you do it yourself (i know its a game but still she should have appeared or something)
Probably too busy dealing with Isshin's death and the ministry's invasion
>Why the fuck is Divine Dragon hostile when you just want its tears to sever immortality? Does it really want humans to have immortality so much?
Gotta work for it
>>Isshin letting you kill half of his generals and soldiers just so he knows you can beat Genichiro
It's questionable how much authority Isshin had at that point. It's likely he'd either lost control of Ashina to Genichiro or really had no choice but to give it up. He might have just known that with Genichiro consuming the rejuvenating waters and his own illness he was no longer match for Genichiro. Genny wears Isshin's helm during the first two fights so he's clearly in charge of the army and the guards outside Isshin's room are likely there to keep him in which is why he needs to sneak out in disguise and use his doctor as a go between to Kuro.
He saw Ashina either falling to the interior ministry or becoming completely corrupted by immortality. Probably fine to let the generals die a glorious death at your hands.
>phone not part of the arm
>Burnt alive
I see what you mean but I wouldn't really consider it a glorious death. I see it as Isshin not wanting to kill his own kin, as he fights plenty well during the Shura end.
Its like the blood and body of christ during communion. Its symbolic, as in that the heir shares his power with you, and not that you literally drink his blood and that gives you power, because if that were true, then Sekiro could be killed by just bleeding him to death, or genichiro could've just taken the heir's power by cutting him instead of asking him to share it.
A samurai fighting to project the will of his lord and dying while doing so without fear will always be considered a glorious death.
fuck you
though granted its probably because her english dub is shit, but her german dub is really good
Look at this man. Absolute fucking retard. Literally unironically gas yourself bud. Fucking shit
>zero shota noctis sfm, art and doujins
Reminds me of
Prosthetic is supposed to be left arm
haha what is Kuro was actually guro haha :3
I don't like the style of Sekiros concept art or at least not the character concept stuff. They all look super stiff.
Whoever made pic related and most of Dark Souls character concepts is one of my favorites concept artist ever. Fromsoft in general has some of the best video game artist working currently. Full artbook when?
What's wolf saying? Can I learn Japanese online?
>goes back in time with his grappling hook
You get extra dialogue from Owl 2.0 the first time you use a prosthetic tool in his boss fight just to really draw attention to the fact that Wolf wouldn't have actually had it if they'd fought for real back then.
Because Owl a shit and Sculptor was smart enough to give her to someone that could actually raise her instead of a shinobi.
>gets stabbed by dad
heh, nuthin' personal, son
he has to be small so he can be fast
why doesn't anyone waifu her?
>there he is
>10000 years old
I gotta admit her voice when swinging that gun-scythe was kinda sexy. In a chain smoker grandma kinda way.
God I fucking hate homosexuals and hope you all get banned from /vg/ literally porn addicts
Liking traps is 100% gay. No exceptions, ever.
>'centipedes in my vagina' is now on topic
what a time to be alive
Alright so I defeated Genichiro and now Kuro is talking about ending all this immortality bullshit
I won't have to kill the shota, right?
Depends, what do you want?
depends on the ending you get
the pitter patter of tiny shota feet on your back must be dream like
It's an oath between Divine Hier and retainer, not a literal blood transfusion. Lady Butterfly tried to force Kuro to bond with her using illusions, which is why she has a Sakura Droplet - they're produced when the bond fails to develop.
So are they blue skinned under the bandages?
Kill Kuro so you become Vergil then do other endings in NG+
french kiss
>do all that cool shit
>almost die to a crazy monk rushing from off camera
I love that webm.
it's a major plot point that he can't bleed what are you even saying
It's definitely easier because you have more attack power at that point and the brown ape is much weaker than the guardian ape.
There is a sfm of him
its futa on male search on gelbooru__________
This is my new headcanon.
How did Wolf get the blood from the NPCs every time he died without coming in contact with them? It's magic, retard.
this is a very good thread
It's a trap thread on Yea Forums, trap threads are always good. fuck trannies tho
Glad I finished this game. The faggot fanbase has become truly unbearable.
How tall is he? 5'5"?
surprised no one posted this
well he's asian
also ninjas were usually even shorter
Big cocks are not for anuses.
According to DSP she shits out worm eggs that look like rice.
this is just a straight up shota thread pal
Why is Wolf so fucking depressed?
cause he has to protect his cute lil kuro-kun
You'd be depressed too if an asshole cut your arm and gloat about it.
He has to listen to Kuro plowing the rice out of Rice Loli every night.
But Kuro is inside her, if anything Kuro would be watching Sekiro fuck the rice loli
>Owl's Hirata memory takes place just a little after the first Hirata memory
>Juzou is still alive in
>Nogami Gensai is dead at his feet
lmao does this mean in the real version of the events that night, Wolf let the dude charge Juzou's group and just snuck past while he was getting killed
It's possible, but then what happened to lady butterfly? Did Owl kill her?
Wolf killed her. Juzou likely didn't even know he had made it past him.
Sekiro canonically didn't kill any trash mobs and minibosses
That means Juzou is actually still alive out there somewhere
>game discussion dies
>lewd subhumans take over the thread
and thus the cycle begins.
>tfw no mommy butterfly gf
What's the best ending in your opinion?
My vote for purification.
Return without a shred of doubt.
Return is canonically and generally speaking the best.
Going on adventures with your loli gf pregnant with your shota lord reincarnation. Can't top this.
Maybe he has a special dragon magic way of bleeding instead of literal bleeding just so he can turn one loyal person into his immortal lackey. But he needs actual blood for the severance.
I thought she just had both of their souls in her body. Why do you think that she's pregnant?
>Can't top this
Only if Emma joined in as well.
Nigga did you see her stomach?
No you’re just a kuro loving pedophile. Emma is the most breedable thing From has ever made since Woman in Black.
I don't know, so she is pregnant? It just looked like she had a billion layers of clothing on.
She became a cradle for Kuro.
Kuro who needs to be reborn so that the dragon's blood isn't in him anymore.
What the hell do you think?
Shotafags are worse than the standard pedos that they think that monstrous sexual orientation of theirs can be justified just because what they want to fuck are boys, not girls.
It's kind of sad that Wolf and Kuro will no longer be immortal but Child of the Rejuvenating Waters still is.
What do they even do with the mortal blade?
>there's people who didn't play with the japanese dub
Player character is manlet so camera can see the lanklet enemies better.
Also it's easier to read the enemy attacks since they're so huge. Some of the most annoying enemies are the short rice hat midgets.
you're catholic aren't you?
>narrative breaking plot hole spotted
you can reach the guardian ape after getting the mortal blade and sekiro refuses to use the mortal blade on it, there's plenty of stupid shit in this game for the sake of gameplay
speaking of it needed more moments like this desu
>if sekiro 2 were to happen, Wolf would be a boss fight in the form of a Shura, screencap this and keep it if they announce a sequel
No it wouldn't because Return will be the canon ending, not immortal severance.
this trope is way too overused by them, 99.9% of characters that tower over you will become bosses, I knew he was a boss the moment I fucking laid eyes on him, I expected owl to be a boss as well and considering the weeb setting with shinobi muh code muh master shit I knew he would betray you, god damn it sucks to be such a weeb and know shit from a mile away when they use common tropes of sengoku drama stories
>you have to be a weeb to see this character was going to be a boss
you could tell in the first cutscene that he had way more detail than any other character so far, of course he was going to be a boss
>abloo bloo
>What is POV
according to anyone who played more than one fromsoft game
>game is very adamant about telling you how ashina can't grow crops for shit
>kuro laughs at you for eating it raw, just like caviar
>rice loli tells you to chew it VERY well
>kuro says rice glistens
>the monks have worms coming out of their ass
>the old hag is super eager to get rice to get "blessed" like the monks
>it's actually a trope about anime and manga to reference divine water and infested immortality insects or insects that give you power ( there's even a meme about it )
>the rice description is very detailed about telling you how "ordinary" and unassuming it is
it's like walking into a cave with an item and there's countless non aggressive animals on the ceiling, you KNOW the second you pick up that items they will all jump you, occam's razor, the rice is fucking centipede eggs
>Its like the blood and body of christ during communion. Its symbolic
Your brain on protestantism
why would the discord trannies be opposed to LGBT shit?
5 days isn't that impressive, I did it in 3 sittings. I dont think there was a single boss that held me up for as long as an hour.
When I saw Kuro for the first time yesterday I came upon an uncontrollable desire to cum in his rectum, why am I like this?
t. 2016 Trumptard
The Locon that did Kaname?
You have to go back, normalfag.
Trannies as with many other degenerates don't like shota or loli.
They must be purged for the sake of the board.
user I...
he grew up a peasant before owl took him in so it makes sense for him to be a manlet
>tfw the guy at the three story pagoda keeps pushing my shit in.
I don't understand why we fight and kill Lady Butterfly
Why is she at Hirata estate?
Wait till Ashina Castle gets attacked and you have to deal with dozens of them
>promoting gayshit is OK when Fromsoft does it
I didn't know POV had somekind of mirror effect.
>tfw read game tip 10 hours in that told me spamming block will actually lower your deflect frames so I was fucking myself
>gayshit is bad
what a faggot
best strategy I found was just baiting his anime combo that ends with a stab kick I would mikiri then wail on him a bit and repeat
transmitting the resurrection power probably isn't literal because Kuro says "i can't bleed" but also "i've given you my blood" either this is the biggest oversight in history or he's not literally giving you blood.
Genichiro asks him to accept him into his oath. So it’s probably some ritual
Catholics hijacked the religion with the forged Donation of Constantine and don't even follow the Bible, which says to call no man "father" and that faith alone saves, not church traditions.
I think you're all a bit confused. Kuro is a boy.
So does liking a feminine looking boy make me gay or is it still the scope of a heterosexual?
I hope you guys will give me a good sleep.
So I beat Owl but don't know if I did it right
>Parried everything I possibly could
>Took potshots at him whenever I knew he'd left himself open
>Use firecrackers for a few free hits
The fight lasted 7 minutes. I feel like I could have been more aggressive and finished him quicker somewhere in there but what a monster, first time I was scared of acting on a boss. Wasn't taking any chances
>So does liking a feminine looking boy make me gay or is it still the scope of a heterosexual?
Kill yourself avatarfag, or at least contain yourself to Ninja Gaiden threads
>Ninja Gaiden
But then how did Genichiro revive?
Shut the fuck up sperg. No one gives a fuck about your personal issues and triggers. Fuck off back to what ever safe space you crawled out from.
Did you even play the game?
So that he too could reject you?
>assuming people on Yea Forums play games
then again it is free, you'd think they put denuvo on it
You did good. Owl is brutal and his posture recovers very fast, so getting his health down a bit first is recommended.
I forgot Owl 1's moveset but in the rematch he likes to do 2 swings then a sweep and you can hit him out of the sweep for free damage.
You could imagine her readying his anus for a penis.
A boy is fine too! Or should I say, it's even better!
Reminds me of stepchild swapping by satsuki imonet
>Casual weebtrash thread
>Actually talking about the game
>Spammed with underage gay porn
Go back
Best artist
>It's reddit to actually want to stay on topic and not dodge bans all day while spamming gay porn and hijacking threads
Kill yourself
Spotted the discord trannies. Mods do your job.
>projecting this hard
Do you get off spamming gay porn all day and dodging bans?
>draw a girl
>call it a boy
why did you quote me?
>Kuro is Jesus
>Rice Loli is Mary
>This makes Sekiro Joseph of Aramathea
>Joseph bar Jacob
>draw girl
>call it a boy
>spam your discord with girl boy pictures and convince confused disordered teens that they too can be an anime
based mods, Yea Forums is a gay board
What is with the obsession with discord? I’ve never touched the thing but I swear every thread on here complains about it
gonna need sauce
A bunch of faggots regularly invade threads to dump shota/loli porn because their parents didn't love them enough.
I don’t think discord has anything to do with that
It's hard to imagine what life is like being so negative all the time.
No wonder they have 40% suicide rates.
They could try to enjoy things instead.
Because their raids are organized on discord. Sometimes it's just one solo shitskin faggot on his phone who dumps until he gets range banned.
>keeps the mentally ills' posts up
>deletes mine calling them out
what's the logic here jan?
um no they raid us because we shota/loli threads. They find us to be degenerates.
Tell me why you should be allowed to dump child porn on a videogame board.
what? this post doesn't make sense I'm sorry
Who cares?
Talk about the game if you want to, not like art impacts you in any way.
>actually replying to that post
>Who cares?
Oh I don't know, everybody? You only do it because Yea Forums is the only not dead blue board on Yea Forums(((nel))) because you need attention.
except that one thief remembers talking to you
What part of “recreates a period of time” did you not understand
I wondered if trying to ask like you'd ask a normal person produced anything of value, but instead it's just some insane "everyone hates the thing I hate" which is the opposite of what I wanted so serves me right.
>It's against the rules
>Lol that's not a reason
You want some metaphysical explanation as to why you're a piece of shit? I'm not your therapist. Kill yourself
I've died at Okumura or whatever the fuck his name is twice now. I don't know what my problem is. I know his movesets, I know what my responses should be, he's not too fast or too difficult, but I die anyway. I think it's because I'm nervous.
What are those little circles above your life bar by the way?
a period of time that you didn't take part in and that effects the standard timeline. eat shit nerd your theory sucks
>a period of time that you didn't take part in and that effects the standard timeline.
Imagine being this retarded
its only against the rules if mods say its "too" lewd
seems most of this thread isnt "too" lewd so id say its perfectly within the rules
based mods
faggotry is a mental illness
who the fuck is okumura
>half the images have been removed
You're a pathetic worm
try three, ive been watching the thread
that fucking little shitter right outside of where you pick up the shuriken for the first time
he's not even a boss. he's probably not even a mini-boss
>Hijack thread
>Nobody posts in it
>Nobody reports
Kill yourself
>there are already a few posts deleted
>aka the mods looked at the thread and deemed it perfectly within the rules of the board
even posts like get to stay
you don't need to fight him
I just ran past him, got the prosthetic and ran away
yeah they never actually stop doing that
good luck
>mods look at threads
>mods don't just check yes and no on jannie submissions while they jerk off on IRC
Why do fan artists never draw the white highlights in Kuro's hair?
He took a sip on the rejuvenating waters.
shotacons win either way then boyo
>the first miniboss
>I win by default
Win what exactly? Killing Yea Forums with your gayness? You realize that b doing this you just make people hate you even more right?
Remember to jump his red kanji sweep. Ignore the Souls reflex to dodge everything and stealth attack him to remove half his hp when you start the fight
>implying there arent more fags than ever on every board of Yea Forums
more people just agree with us now, if anything
boys are cute
8man's autistic adventures is a great show
>gays are everywhere
Correction, gays hijack threads and convince themselves that they're making a difference by "trolling those evil gamers".
holy shit gamers rise up
Nice troll, epicly memed my dude xD. Be sure to tell your 50 gay friends
[Kuzuya (Toshiyuki)] RPPP (Batman)
>it's a newfag thinks they're an oldfag episode
Repost from Sekiro Help Thread?
I just beat Divine Dragon and I see Kuro lying on the floor with Emma tending to him. I haven't talked to him yet, but I'm wondering is it wise to talk to Kuro without beating Father Owl first? I'm taking Rice Loli's advice, but yeah, I'm not sure talking to Kuro is the point of no return.
Immortal oath nigger, not blood. Did you even play the game?
Sorry user, beating divine dragon is the point of no return if you haven't been to the memory with owl2 yet, also you should check your eyes, since thats not Kuro lying on the ground
Yeah user, everybody knows that gays have been the majority of Yea Forums for 16 years now.
that's isshin and he's dead
How convenient that he can't bleed
VERY convenient for certain purposes
I kinda lost all drive to beat the final boss
I got all Headless, every Prayer bead and am only missing Fulminated Mercury and Lapis lazuli for the upgrades. Even after farming the Mercury I'm pretty sure that i don't wanna beat the final boss tho.Also if i wanna go for plat I need to savescum bc I'm not gonna play the game 4 times
Masturbating to shota and loli shit does not make me a pedophile since I dislike real children.
Shota does not make me gay and even if it did the Greeks were right all along.
>reading guides
Why would anyone do that? It just fucks you over in a fight
Next you'll be telling me that constantly reinforcing your fantasy of sleeping with children is healthy. And the Greeks weren't gay, try and get your information from somewhere other than buzzfeed.
None of you actually used anything other than the japanese dub, right?
not him but I didn't read any guides until after I finished playthrough 1. I'm missing 3 prayer beads, 2 of which are in hirata estate 2 so I couldn't get those and idk where the other one is either. BUT I'm just saying that guy is 3 beads different from me who didn't use a guide. It's very possible he ended up where he is without one.
None of you actually used anything other than japanese text and menus, right?
They weren't gay as in they weren't faggots and who you slept with was different to who you loved and was even different to whom you had children with.
Women were second rate citizens only fit for procreation.
Fucking children was the patrician's choice, absolutely white and based too.
You will have to beat the again at least 1 more time though even if you savescum one of the endings is locked after you talk to Owl
It's much more likely that he used a guide, he's a cheevofag from the sound of it
>Fucking children was the patrician's choice
This is where getting all your information fro Wikipedia will fuck you. Wikipedia equates masturbation on the same level as fucking a child in the ass. That level of cognitive dissonance is pretty fucking insane.
>literally slice her throat
>still able to speak
It's a metaphor when he says "take my blood", there is a verbal contract between a Divine Heir and anyone else for an Immortal Pact, which turns that other person immortal.
Literally why Genichiro was holding Kuro hostage and asked him to switch the Immortal Pact from Sekiro to himself.
Only consulted a guide when I arrived at the last boss, which got spoiled here and only for the one headless I was missing in Sunken Valley (I think).
the beads were easy to get tho I would have missed a few if I hadn't tried to re-unlock every idol.
I'm only trying for the achievements now bc I got the majority of them and they seem fairly manageable
This. Wikipedia's stance on the subject is "Masturbation was decriminalized, since masturbation at one point in history was considered sodomy that means naturally all sodomy was decriminalized, like sucking the shit out of a preteen boy's ass."
>the beads were easy to get
Purification prereqs are pretty obscure though
I really don't wanna farm Mercury and wax for the last 2 upgrades I'm missing, damn.
What's a good spot for Grave/Fat wax and Fulminated Mercury?
I was thinking Stairway and Flower viewing?
The fountainhead palace is the best place. Go to the idol that’s by the bridge that was destroyed by the carp. And then around and go through the doors. Kill the noble playing the flute and walk back to the idol and rest. Repeat for wax
Oh forgot about that, someone on here told me what to do when I asked how to access the second Owl fight
Grave wax>Fountain Nobles
Mercury>Interior ministry mooks
Holy shit do you realize what you just typed.
Pretty much what I was thinking then though iirc nobles can drop fat wax too.
Bell demon affects drop rate, right?
I'm definitely bisexual now.
personally, I think everyone is bisexual by nature, while heterosexual and homosexual comes out of nurture. I believe if you remove consciousness from humans we would all just hump everything regardless of sex.
same reason why someone would panic roll in dark souls
I beat the game like that and it works extremely well
I mean we are talking about a dev that put stillborn children in a game labeling them as "red jelly"
I'm pretty sure people don't look at a pile of dirt and start fucking it.
>the one thing that keeps life sustained isn't inherent
God this is some good bait
Wtf does five colored rice actually do besides costing a shitton of money?
not related and you're probably retarded
not bait I'm talking about exclusive heterosexuality. If you read my post again, I said that bisexuality is what I believe to be natural. That means that heterosexuality is inherent along with homosexuality. But in the cases of exclusivity I believe that to be nurture. In my belief everyone is bisexual, that means the one that that keeps life sustained is inherent but so is homosexuality. Only in the cases of exclusivity do I believe this to be the result of nurturing.
Your entire argument is that people are naturally hedonistic and will fuck anything that moves therefore homosexuality is natural. Which is wrong, but whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
Just used as markers in case you somehow get lost in the simple maps. Tenchu had a similar item so I guess they added it since they already have the code from Soulsborne.
Hedonism is what drives all of nature, what do you think dopamine is for? Reward for fulfilling your biological duty, the human mind doesn't care if you nut in your pillow or your onahole or your wife or your wife's son, it's gonna reward you anyway. I'm saying if you remove human consciousness you really really won't care where you nut you're just driven to nut, and even with consciousness humans still demonstrate this because you are biologically driven to nut. It's only when you introduce consciousness and the idea of a consistent experience do people begin to formulate identities such as heterosexual or homosexual. My argument is phrased as "humans are bisexual by nature" but what I really mean is that sexuality only exists because humans are tribal and want to identify with something. My real argument is that sexuality does not exist, only a system of rewards and punishments and in this case, a reward for nutting no matter where you nut.