How would you fix Persona 5's Storyline?

How would you fix Persona 5's Storyline?

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Introduce Haru earlier, remove those insulting "the drugs must be affecting your memory" bullshit scenes. Add more team building events, especially within dungeons. After that whole sequence of Ann opening the door to change Madarame's cognition that sort of thing never happens again.

have it be less tedious in the dialogue

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Remove Makoto, Haru, and Morgana entirely.

Or at least make Morgana a girl.

Haru is pointless filler and Makoto INSTANTLY ruins the team dynamics.

Futaba isn't great but I think that's mostly an annoying localization.

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More Makoto, and anytime Makoto isn't on screen other characters ask "Where's Makoto?"

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A minor fix for me, but it did bug me a lot.

Make Ryuji and Morgana ACTUALLY reconcile with each other and both apologize.

Rework Akechi’s SL so there’s some optional stuff to do. If you clear all that then at his death scene, Joker stays with him leading to a fight with just Joker and Crow vs Shadow Akechi. When you win Akechi rejoins and helps you beat Shido, then tries to turn himself in but gets roped into the final arc shenanigans so you can use him in Mementos through the final boss as well. After that he turns himself in but rigs it so that Joker doesn’t go to jail, opening up extra free time for whatever BS extra dungeon and character they throw in.

The main problem here is that with P4, you had the extra dungeon and 3rd personas to power you up before fighting the final boss. In this scenario you would have already beat Yaldaboath so they’d have to cook up some other super boss to fight.

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It's only about hifumi and me playing shogi

Actually let you have the Harem

fucking this
that whole arc was a goddamm ordeal to get through

Remove Haru

>Morgana take shots at and shit talks Ryuji the entire game
>Ryuji calls Morgana useless once
>Morgana has a breakdown seethes so hard he leaves the team
>Tries to take on dungeon by himself
>Gets fuck up
>Haru saves him and they team
>Team meets up with Haru and get Morgana to rejoin
>This whole arc is swept under the rug with no real conclusion because Haru getting married of takes higher precedence
Dumb cat talks shit the whole game and can't handle the banter

This entire subplot is pointless. Morganna never even brings up again how she's feeling bad or whatever.

Remove cat nightmares

Nothing, it's legit perfect. Maybe give Sae and Makoto bigger breasts (to show it's a genetic thing), but that's all.


It's not close to perfect. Imagine being this delusional

Remove Futaba. She's the biggest instant "I win" plot device in the entire narrative. She solves all of the party's problems without them even realizing it beforehand. The rest of the game basically has no stakes because you know Futaba will pull out her magical hacker vagina and save the day.

There needs to be more character interactions that don't involve talking over smart phone. Only fucking real vacation segment was Hawaii and that lasted all of 10 seconds. Haru needs to be in the plot WAY FUCKING SOONER. Also, I like how her father's death is barely a blip on her emotional radar.

Also, Makoto's and Ann's arcs are BORING AS SHIT. Ren is a tagalong to Ann throughout her narcissistic escapades and Makoto's arc isn't even about her. Fucking Haru has more interesting development and she is barely in the game.

Being able to romance Sae would also be a nice start. Also, there should have been an option to tell Sae to fuck off after she asks you to turn herself in. Too many fucking cutscenes and talking segments where nothing fucking happens. Kind of like Persona 3.

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Make Akechi actively in the metaverse try to stop the phantom thieves. make it like a cat and mouse scenario. Play him completely straight. We didn't need Adachi 2.0.

In addition, they had a good start in the phantom thieves in doubting if what they're doing is right but then they handwave it outta nowhere. The Morgana and Ryuji arc should've been replaced with The Answer 2.0. .

Make the bad guys smaller in scale. The teacher was the best arc because of it. Also tone the fuck down with the FUCK adults shit.

don't fucking make GOD the final boss without adding a bit of fluff before it. It's way too jarring going from shido to god.

My main gripes was really with Akechi. They really shouldn't have tried to make him a twist.
yes I know. The phantom thieves knowing he's the traitor is the real twist. Doesn't stop the twist being kinda dumb.

Game continues for three months after Yaldabaoth and the true final boss is the masses of idiot humans who can't think for themselves and change their opinions for no reason all the time

>"It's not close to perfect. Imagine being this delusional"

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They needed to tone Futaba down. Holy shit, the hacker trope is so fucking dumb it's infruiating seeing it used in movies or games.

Having a shut in party member was cool, having her a l33txors hacker made me fucking question if the writer's have ever seen a computer. That scene when she hacks the whole tv network to show that video just made me fucking embarrassed. It felt way too awkward and felt like it was coming from a children's tv show. What the fuck happened to all the writing after kamoshida?

It's an anime game you faggot.
>m-muh realism

t. asshurt soiboy

>t. asshurt soiboy

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Would you have preferred her to do some meticulous and boring shit a real hacker would do? steal someone facebook login or some dumb shit?

So? It has a huge fucking tone shift in between arcs. It wanted to be dark at times than added that fucking scene in the middle of it.

Stop being a fucking faggot and not criticizing when writers poorly write stuff. You can do hacker shit like in SMT without it sounding fucking stupid like it does in this game and other fucking mainstream tv show.

Either take out the hacker trait or tone it down where she's the "master l33txors hacker". Jacking a tv broadcast was perfectly fine. It's doable. Counter hacking a bunch of Anons was a total load of bullocks.

Completely reduce the fucking storyline from after Futabas palace to the one after it. Holy fucking shit it's like 3+ months of forced dialogue -- even skipping everything it nearly takes a whole 5-6 hours to get through just to play the fucking game again. It doesn't help that the whole entire segment is CRINGE either!

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Add a new character.

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Haru is the traitor and Goro isn't in it.


Bringing it to Switch will fix the problem.

Introduce Haru earlier, less memes, a couple more days for S-links, Make Hifumi a PT, make Akechi more likable and have his death actually mean something, make the whole Yaldaboth endgame a little more refined.

Nah they should've kept Goro in as the zennigata. Just let him die in shido's dungeon and make some bullshit about "chasing you was the best time of my life."

Instant worst character to best character.

>Counter hacking a bunch of Anons was a total load of bullocks.
but it's fun, faggot, and that's what I play Persona games for.

You play a persona game because of a deus ex machina?

Okaaaay dude. Here's your (you) don't spend it all in one place.

Have Morgana get run over by a car and die when he decides to be a whiny faggot and run away.

End the game at Shido's Palace.

Haru needs to be included, even if you still wanted to have her join after Hawaii.
Or better yet, make her father's death cause her to leave the group, thus making the phantoms question if what they're doing is right.

Tone down Futaba's leet hacker skillz, get rid of Makoto and don't give Akechi a half hearted redemption at the end.

I swear Morgana was the most pointless and annoying thing in the game

>Fix Mona
cause someone already mentioned that retarded ass conflict he has that goes nowhere and felt like it was just a thing to introduce Haru,
>allow the player to spend time with whoever whenever
>remove romance options or at least let them have some affect on the story
>get rid of or change that cringey ''adults are evil'' narrative
>Haru gets added early on
>fix Makoto
I like her but shes all over the place, like they have this conflict were she doesnt understand how humans work, and they have this thing where shes suppose to be sorta seen as a ice queen cause student president? but she isnt like that, thats more in Saes territory like shes not even a mary sue either just very autistic and is suppose to be like a secondary protagonist plus her confidant was focused on some random NPC instead of her for some reason.
Futaba I dont know, her hacking skills was the only way the plot could move forward, I dont really care but if there was a better alternative than Im all for it
I could go thru many of the problems I had with the females but I rather not step on that landmine


They should've sticked with the main 4 + Goro. Keep Morgana as a navigator.


That's most of the story in the game desu

>kill yaldy
>humanity still suffers from the "mass histeria" issue
>during the next 2 months the phantom thieves must fight against multiple SJW shadows in mementos
>due to their intrinsically unstable mental nature, when the shadows are defeated, the original person suffers some type of trauma IRL
imagine the assblasting this would cause

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That's evil. So damn evil
it's perfect

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Fans would riot with a party that small.