So what is Yea Forums verdict on the chocolate waifu?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>game looks great with neutral focused play and no autism rushdown or anime combos
>delayed release on PC
Fuck off SNK

once again japan does strong black women better,cant wait till this releases teach this new generation proper spacing and footsies

>once again japan does strong black women better
>what i really mean is: i find this one hot so its okay


Not him but that's an incredibly stupid and shallow reason to like a character just as it's stupid and shallow to hate a character for being an attractive woman.

and so admit you only disagree with sjw boogeymans because your opinions are soley dependent on boners therefore your logic and opinions are flawed.

>There is people unironically defending this.

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uh well yeh

I like her, there is something i dont like about her face but the design is solid and the drill/saw BB like weapon is cool

Not the guy but the nips simply have a better sense of aesthetic, westerns glorify ugliness nowadays.

I dont even find her attractive (see my comment above) but her design is simply better.

I want Darli to show me proper footsies

>that's an incredibly stupid and shallow reason to like a character
Fun things are fun fuck you. I need no reason beyond that. Not everything has to have some DEEP reason behind it.
I'm not even , I don't care about politics and sjw and diversity crap, I play what I like, period.

Atleast we are getting a doujin

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>I dont even find her attractive (see my comment above) but her design is simply better.
her design being unique and appealing has nothing to do with her being attractive.

meanwhile faggots like imply that a character's design is bad or unappealing simply because the face is deemed to be "ugly". And faggots like consider a character to be a godlike design simply because the face is "hot".

Why tho? Girls pick Terry bogard and Ken all the time in fighting games because they find them cute

>Camera doesn't show blood in the end

Because you basement dwellers only say shit like this when you immediately want to call a nonwhite female character ugly because it doesnt give you a boner and use the excuse that its "bad design" instead of just admitting your racism so we have to play these shitty games in every single character reveal thread about the le S J W boogeymans and le epic feminazis ruining vidyagaymang.

Eh I guess honestly fighting games might be one area where I get it because any reasons people like fighting game characters other than their gameplay is shallow. It's true no one plays fighting games for the story. I prefer to pick the character I enjoy playing though and I think that should come as a priority to people, not how hard it makes their dick. I just also think it's ironic when people seethe over devs adding characters that don't appeal to them but do appeal to someone else, like the MK11 situation. All of you involved have the worst reasons for liking or disliking these characters, SJWs who hate the old MK character designs included. Care about the goddamn gameplay.

Nah. There are hot black girls, but the guys at NRS choose average looking people as models, wich in comparison with other videogames of course look uglier.

Not those user but I find challenging and fun trying to main a hard character because I like him/her I don't see the problem, you dont play a fighting game with just one character in mind.

Again, here is your problem. You associate attractive faces with good character design and good character modeling. You're retarded. You're just mad that none of the chicks are hot anymore. And lets be real, Mortal Kombat has always been absolute, complete, clunky shit gameplay. It only got played because of big tits. So now you have no reason to play this shit game. Congrats you just saved $60.

Why can’t white liberals admit attractive black women exist?

I know why, because they only hang out with white liberals.

Gameplay is important but character designs too. Most of the people chose characters based more in the looks than in the mechanics.

>her design being unique and appealing has nothing to do with her being attractive.
Yes it does, part of a design is their attractiveness, and being pretty and desirable (which comes in many forms) is almost always a point in favor, there are very few exceptions like the "weirdo" or "disgusting" archetype that take advantage of being unattractive. If i could i would try to fix Darli faces to be more prettier (while still keeping her rough demeanor).

And this design is trash, no, the face is not the only reason but its part of it. A good character design has to be aesthetic pleasing, and being pretty is part of it. No, a pretty face wont save a design like the other poster implies but it is a positive quality, all it depends is how much value you give to it and if YOU find that face pleasing to look at.

People like pretty things, i like pretty things and im sure you like pretty things. With so many quality games out there, every detail counts, and one of my demands is that games i enjoy have to be aesthetically pleasing, just behind being fun gameplay wise.

waiting on that one guy to say she's not black but brown/arab

>Not those user but I find challenging and fun trying to main a hard character because I like him/her
see I do the same thing but my like of the character has little if anything to do with how they look/sound/etc. it has to do with how they play. It's fine that people pick characters based on their design that's not a problem. I just think it is a problem if you bitch when every character's design doesn't cater to you. There's one unattractive female character in a game and there are people on Yea Forums who flip shit over. I just think that like SJWs who flip shit over a girl in a bikini they are being stupid and shallow and only caring about what appeals to them.

>Gameplay is important but character designs too. Most of the people chose characters based more in the looks than in the mechanics.
All the more reason to have diversity in designs. Makes the game more interesting and makes it appeal to more people but like I said above there are people on here who flip shit if every female character isn't a scantily clad titty monster.

She has blue eyes, she literally cant be black

That's a whole lot of assuming. I started playing mortal kombat cause of the violence,I found it fun, then I started playing with friends. It became a part of my life. I do like slutty outfits, but I;ll tell you right now, I've never had a female main in MK, you are full of shit and need to take your dime store psychology to the blackest pit of pretentionville where you belong, faggot.

But Genan is one of the most requested chartacters for Sam Sho and i doubt that he gives anyone a boner (i guess). He is just well designed and has charisma. I dont find the MK11 character designs too ugly, just bland

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You weren't going to play it anyways.

I was talking about Mortal Kombat, not Sam Sho. Sam Sho has appealing character design, ugly characters or not. And not all of the characters are attractive, but they're all pretty much well designed. That is exactly why the comparison to Mortal Kombat's "ugly black women" characters is completely flawed. Because even the ugly characters are appealing in Sam Sho. Because physical attractiveness does not make a design good or not. But a lot of straight retard gamers see the face model of the character and immediately throw the game into the "sjw boogeymans" pile like their /pol/bros ordered them to.

It's been a while since my wife voiced a woman that wasn't blonde with blue eyes.

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That is a fair criticism, but if some anons only like pretty faces and big tits in their mains, i dont see how is that a bad thing either. It may be shallow, but videogames are all about fantasy, so..

I have more interest in it than waifufags who will complain about "random" instant death and drop it in a week.

here we go

Yeah, you'd last 2 weeks and then find out this game is also unga anime hitbox shit instead of real neutral.

Genetically impossible

>not Dolly
come on now

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I dont really care if you like a game because the characters are attractive but when it starts to warp your perspective on if the game is good or not / worth buying or not, and also to the point that it somehow becomes the center of your political views "ugly characters = leftist agenda" it has gone way overboard. I personally don't play characters I don't find appealing to my own taste, I'm pretty certain everyone does that, thats the whole point of character rosters anyways. but tldr Yea Forums is retarded especially with /pol/ takeover bullshit.

What's wrong about that? Brown in Japan usually means Pacific Islander, and she looks like a stereotypical Pacific Islander. Brown doesn't always mean African. Especially not in the east, where they're surrounded by different types of brown people.

Sign me up senpai.

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Nigga who cares, she's fictional. Just enjoy yourself and let them argue about it.

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I find the censoring in some games retarded, in regards to that i think Yea Forums has some valid points, but i dont belive in jew or sjw conspiracies either


The new characters are looking good so far. I still wanna see what the chinese girl with the big milkers does. She seems like a counter character

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yes that girl looks hot
you must be gay or trap


>genetically impossible
Like most of what's in the game

Have sex

Gain height

>people think shes black

Not every character has to be atractive tho

Why not?
It's a videogame, if you can make anything, why not make something nice to look at?

What fucking game is this lmao.

Play an actual fighting game. Play Mortal Kombat 11 next tuesday when it comes out. It's actually relevant and good unlike that shitty weeb trash.

Attached: mortal-kombat-11-mk11-frost-unlock.jpg (717x868, 138K)


Here we go again, the man that doesn't know that black people are the most diverse looking race on the planet, the man who thinks that a black character can't possibly have blue eyes in a video game, the man whose worldview is limited to his computer screen and backyard.


Wtf is that costume real?

Who's that Paragon character you just posted?

>Those fucking """graphics"""

Lmaoooooo there are people who are actually going to buy that trash.

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Nobody has to justify why they like something to you. And your opinion of it's validity is equally shallow and stupid.

At least use different filenames stupid retard

This graphics are good, but the human male and female characters look odd

character trailer that still doesn't explain how her weapon breaks work

Listen, darkie. Blacks arent fucking special. They dont look that different from each other. 99% have wide noses and big lips. 99% have brown eyes and hair. Your anger at being seen as ugly means nothing to me.

All shit aside, I'm maining Darli.
She looks like a lot of fun and studying her trailer tells me she has plenty of mix up/cross up material, a real hard to master character.

Her design and little of lore we got looks great too.
All I need is more Darli art to last me until June.

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This really isn't that important guys. Can we talk about her moves or something, the fact that she kicked the saw to accelerate the hit gave me a boner.

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this p much
antiwaifufags talk shit but always get hit with the fickle virus more often than waifufags and put down the game in less time than it took to convince their cheap moms to sleep with their ugly dads once they waved some money in their faces
waifufags at least aren't trying to pretend they're competitive, antiwaifufags spend so much time going "i dont like this girl character b/c waifufags, i want waluigi" or some shit and when they get what they want, they play the game for a week and then put it down, showing how irrelevant they should have been considered to have been in any selection process as they go back to street capdrone 5

Same, but with this part

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Seriously, plus that grab into the drill thrust makes me hard enough to cut diamonds.

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That saw sword looks pretty brutal, I like it. Still gonna stick to Ukyo but she looks fun.

god DAMN this fucking horrible looking tranny is revolting

She's pacific islander, apparently.

あらゆる工具を使いこなす船大工。 幼い頃に流れ着いた島で大工からは物を作る力を、海賊からは身を守る動きや生き抜くための知恵を教え込まれる。 現在は島の工房で仲間達と船を造っており、その船は何があっても沈まないと言われ、造船を依頼する人は後を絶たない。 たかが船大工だと思って舐めて掛からない方がいい、その拳で殴られれば一瞬にして全身の骨と言う骨が砕け散るだろう。

出身地 : 不明(どこかの海域)
誕生日 : 8月8日(拾われた日)
好きなもの : 船と自由
嫌いなもの : 口先だけの人間
特技 : なんでも作れる事

I feel thr same way about Genjuro just in case she is too technical.

looks like garbage of the month
I'd rather pay for something which is appealing and not these horshit garbage you posted

Brown skin makes me hard no matter the origin

I usually dont like muscular girls, but she doesnt look like a tranny to me

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Then you have autism because "she"
looks like

Its okay to not like muscular women
Its not okay to (you) faggots like that.

Stop trying to claim her as one of you, tranny

>Kobayashi Yu

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Ah I see you are a man of culture as well

But user... you are the guy now

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Uh, no. Trannies are fucking revolting, just like this fucking revolting tranny character.

>game is made in Japan
>the nearest region to Japan that has brown people is the Phillippines
>furthest region from Japan that has brown people is Africa
>"She must be African"

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t. insecure faggot

Nope, just disgusted by things that are revolting, sorry.


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She doesnt look like you disgusting trannies.


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Pretty sure that nigga is mixed.

>talk about the game?
>nah I'd rather idpol and falseflag
I hope you all step on a lego.

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He's still black.

And white

Stop projecting. "She" is fucking disgusting.

only in america



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You should know better than to expect fighting game discussion from Yea Forums.

We've had some okay threads.

Rare, but possible, you uncultured swine.

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The director confirmed she is from Africa in the Gameinformer interview published a day ago

A mixed person is part white.

Looks like shit and aslo incredibly unlikely. Your post doesnt change 99.99% of black people dont have blue eyes.

Can't wait for the SFM desu.

So why can't MK and other western devs do something like this? If you're gonna have a colored character, at least make them look presentable. Not the MASSAH caricatures they keep having


Everyone is mixed by varying degrees and there are no rules about how much % you need to be in order to be considered any one race. By your argument everyone's white, everyone's black, everyone's mongolian, everyone's kangz, and race has no place anywhere. Yet here you are arguing that black people can't have blue eyes.


Also did anyone think she is a stance character with moves being locked behind weapons?

Developer confirmed they are cosmetic changes, not mechanic changes.

You dont have to try so hard nigga. Not everyone is mixed and if someone is 50% white he shouldnt be considered black. Hes mixed and the non mixed blacks almost never have blue eyes

>if someone is 50% white he shouldnt be considered black
Medical science disagrees.

but she's not black.

Its not online as far as I can see but its in the MK11 issue that came out this month you can read in any Gamestop/EB that stocks the magazines I guess.
"Instead, Kuroki and his team came up with the idea of a carpenter who wielded a giant saw ...Which is why we decided to make the character a powerful and strong-willed female with African roots..." pg68, paragraph 3, in the sidebar "Introducing Darli"

She was originally a firefighter from the Edo period, then just a black dude. They liked the girl idea much more in the end because they wanted to add a badass bitch instead of another badass dude.

Da fuck do you mean by that? 50% of his genes are feom whites. He isnt black. Those blue eyes are from the white genes and Im amazed you cant accept that.

>PC player
>buying games
There's a reason most devs don't cater to your crowd

>not barefoot

Thats cool. She doesnt look black but having a dark skin babe makes the game much better

>there are virgins unironically attacking fictional characters from magical fantasy locations because of their own radicalized idpol ideologies irl

Still makes me think that her movement speed will be on the slow side, its not a bad thing but
that "hook" will definitely be a vital part of her gameplay.

Have sex faggot. Losing your virginity doesnt make you asexual

"medical science" objectively confirms that mixed race people do not fall under your socially subjective "racial purity" labels, you monumentally ignorant twat.

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I like how reading the interview here makes her feel more genuine and not "because diversity" like some tards are trying to whine about still. The art director just wanted a new buff waifu to balance the roster more.

Play video games faggot. You'll never git gud at this rate.

imagine having severe autism and unironically objectifying half the human population, then not understanding why normal people think you're a retard and discard your retard opinions.

the autistic incel meme brigade has arrived.

You got source for that?

This is fucking spot on. Cant tell you how many times Im arguing with a women and when they lose they say some shit about finding a gf

Attached: go the fuck back.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Women are NPCs



You might have to bum an issue from a store to see it but its right there

That expose was oddly in depth for GI I just now realize as I read it again now
They covered SamSho thoroughly for some reason this month lmao


8 mins

>literal incels proving that being a virgin literally makes you retarded

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