Sony exclusives are more movie than gam-

>Sony exclusives are more movie than gam-

Attached: Ghosts of Tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

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reminds me of that xbone game ryse

Looks a million times better than Dark Souls 6. Not even baiting.

Attached: 1505170847829.jpg (600x876, 439K)

Your post reminds me of your mom who rysing from my erection after an entire night's worth of sweaty sex

Attached: 1554976494632.jpg (625x468, 53K)

seething dmc/ds1/niohtard

>press square and watch animations hurr durr real gameplay
it's a glorified qte

Looks like the most generic AAA trash possible. Fuck slow motion effects too.

Define generic

Attached: Sony exclusive template.jpg (870x731, 175K)

slow motion and an annoying "perfect" camera angle to show off the combat, definitely not a movie game

>third-person games bad


I can't believe this looked good to me once, thank god sekiro opened my eyes.

Show me where I said or implied that.

Literally every third person melee game reminds Yea Forums of Ryse. I've heard people even say Spider-Man was just Ryse with a Spider Man skin

this is so stupid

looks like a movie to me

sekiro has ruined this games chance at success


>Mfw Sekiro already made a better version of this

Ghosts is gonna be the sekiro for the retards that got filtered lmao

It's the Japanese version of Batman.

Man, just imagine how the devs feel now that Sekiro has beat them to the punch.
Hey! On the plus side though, the "wwaaaaaa, Sekiro is too hard, think of the poor disabled people" folks will have a game where they can imagine they're succeeding.

Lol microsoft just dabbed on this shit with ninja gaiden 2 4k

Why do Sekirofags feel the need to shit on GoT so much? They won't be competing, you know. They're fundamentally different games released months, possibly years apart. Just because they both have samurai doesn't mean they're the same type of game

Attached: IMG_3951.jpg (881x582, 53K)

Because Sekiro is the most patrician game ever made.

Attached: Sekiro Duel 2.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

I hate this kind of automagic gameplay that pushing animations further has brought about. It looks great for the trailer but you know the guy is probably not actually doing anything to achieve all these spectacular attacks, just mashing the combo button while the game contextually decides what it's going to have your character do.

Dunno user. First time I saw this I thought it was innovate or something but then Sekiro came and it's just plainly better in everyway.
Shit should have some ground-breaking mechanics or else it would be a hard pass for me.


Wait.... how did he use two combat arts? the reversal and high monk?

>a shinobi
>wears bright fucking orange
Where were you when you realized Sekiro fans are just as cancerous as Narutofags?

Attached: 1359159481222.gif (245x300, 744K)


Cut out a pause to switch moves.

You tried

I think it's an inevitable comparison because of the setting just like how Nioh was. I agree it doesn't make a ton of sense but that's how people think. Though on a gamplay level it does make some sense to compare them considering they are both melee heavy action games.

Are you retarded? Shinobi were a fucking job that anyone could do such as samurai or actual ninjas. They weren't fucking ninjas.
user, I...

>bitching about Sekiro wearing orange
Half of the environments were orange.
It was fucking fall.

Attached: 1473131712894.jpg (930x585, 49K)

Ninjas were just "shinobi" espionage agents who dressed up as literally anything to better do their job. Kunoichi were the same thing, but they crossdressed/used sex to do their job so a guy or a girl could be a kunoichi, though many men did crossdress as maids and such. They turned into legend as the best warriors in Japan who defeated monsters and shit, then they became myth where they were just seen as stealthy guys wearing nothing but black running around in the darkness that kids roleplayed as.

Attached: ninja.jpg (486x686, 89K)

It blends in with the wooden floors in dim light or the orange of the fall leaves in daylight. Did you expect him to wear black like a moron?

Get pic related then if you aren't interested in a 3rd person shooter set in a jungle or forest.

Attached: default-pagethumb.jpg (300x300, 103K)

Isshin wears black.

Well yeah he's not a shinobi and he's a lord besides. He wants to be seen.

So do we have confirmation this isn't going to be Arkham combat? Because that just looks like tapping square to parry and then hitting the attack button

Attached: Batman vs Ghost of Tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)