Trailer for camping seasonals in an hour.
Which FE character would be a fun camping partner? I'd say Rebecca.
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I'm really disappointed the conquests didn't have a banner. I've been playing for roughly a year and a half and I still don't have a future witness. How long am I supposed to wait for a banner to pop up?
Also I'd camp with my nigga Haar
>bamboozled by sacrifice micaiah
Fug. Pretty sure that's the 2nd time it's happened. Need to remember that's a thing.
I can't believe FEH is fucking dead.
I'm in dire need of strong WoM units for GC. Anyone have one as their lead? Here's my current lead.
Friend code is 3353491373
SoV potential makes me want a new Mae on this banner. But I don't expect much.
I'm expecting the silhouettes to be Genny and Sonya, might be a full Valentian alt banner but it might be half and half, who knows
I was going to send a request, but you're already on my friend list. My Est lead only has WoM2 right now anyway. ;_;
Spic go back to your containment board
+Atk or +Spd Lethe
This IS the containment board.
Easily Atk.
Aether Raids needs some mini-games. Like real-time PvP mini-games.
I'd go with ATK as well.
Lucky bastard.
All I seem to get from subhuman banners are pitybreakers.
Your Est has been invaluable for armors. Getting whitewing spear's effect is sometimes a pain though. I don't have too many competent fliers around.
They can smell your racism from ten miles away
I actually just downloaded this the other day. I've heard a lot of people say it's one of the best gacha games and I agree. The gameplay has a rare quality which is it's actually fun to play the core game, and I've been pulling hella gems but I know that's to be expected with mobile games. What's the best core Fire Emblem game to start with coming from FEH?
I don't have a WoM lead, but I still sent you a request
None of them. FE is a shit series
Too bad it had to be Roy with this skill.
Fire Emblem GBA (FE7/Blazing Blade), Path of Radiance, or Awakening are all decent entry points to the series.
Just wait for three houses, or FE7.
That's lame. I need more fapbait.
>Camping banner
>It's all armors.
Three Houses is going to mess me up after playing FEH for so long.
>units can move more than 2/3 spaces
>cavalry can move through forests
>weapons can be switched mid-deployment
I should replay Radiant Dawn, or maybe finally try and finish Revelations.
That's a nice lead, thanks. Lucky me.
>new felicia and flora
Good to hear, user. Hopefully you can find more flier friends to make it easier for her to eat Surtrs. Plus all flier teams during flier bonus rounds is just fun.
>AR Only skills
Thought they wanted people to pull for the skills
Why is Lukas so fucking awful? What are they planning for this banner?
Way to jinx it, dickface
I just realized they're armors. Hype lost.
And what the fuck are these shitty aether skills.
Good going pal.
Easiest skip there's ever been
>AR skills
Fucking really?
Free rolling for Fireflood Balm or Special Fighter I guess.
Free unit is green tome cav Leo.
How does this game somehow manage to reach a new low every update?
>armors fucking again
>Aether Raids skills
>Lukas and Genny's weapons are shit compared to the maids
>The camping theme in general is stupid
I love Genny, but I think I'm doing her a service by not rolling on this horrible banner.
Eh, I throw a few orbs in for Genny or Felicia.
Wew. Pass. Thanks. Nearing the 700s again now with orbs.
>AR skills
>staff cav again
I hope IS won't be surprised went they realize no one cares about this banner.
she cute
I didn't know Flora and Felicia hated subhumans. Also,
>carrying a big backpack makes you an armor unit
Thoughts on this 2019 seasonal?
>she doesn't actually ride a deer
bros when's the dragalia crossover....
What the actual fuck is going on at IS. Are they trying to commit suicide?
100% fodder
>wanted Flora because her outfit was cute
>find out she's armorshit and almost immediately lose interest
>rest are chars I don't really care about
>free Leo who I never ever rolled once before
You know, I'm trying to think of a reason to roll beyond the freeroll, but for the life of me, I just can't think of one. Guess I'm gonna save up for the swimsuit banners.
>armors in offensive AR
>Spent 110 orbs i had saved on getting Tibarn, got fuck all
>Proceed to just do a few pity rolls on the rest and got + Speed Velouria and Reyson. Twice each
>And on Gallia banner roll twice on red and get that cunt cat twice too.
Game doesn't want me to have my bro Tibarn
Too bad Felicia had to be on this banner otherwise I wouldn't have even blinked in its direction.
>>carrying a big backpack makes you an armor unit
I don't know how that surprises you, this is armor too.
>Felicia the only with half decent skills
Ah, Lord Alm, welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable Luncheon Lance.
She's carrying around the weight of 200 squirts of cum.
From different men, might I add.
im glad i dropped this shit game lmao
What an ugly banner
>cash grabbing skills
>Leo as the free unit
Also it's characters I don't even like so it's easy skip for me.
Terrible. They keep reusing artists which I guess is fine but I want to see more than just the same ones every single time. Homare, Raita, 774, and even unknown artists with skill need more presense in FEH.
Might as well post this
just couldn't resist throwing a royal in there could you, you cocksuckers
Rolling for Genny.
Stop me niggers.
Dicks out hard for wholesome Felicia alt. Genny is a pass, great alt. Burned-chan is whatever, armor bait for whales.
F for the brothers and sistes who like Lukas and got shit on. There is a 90% chance free Tempest Trial green cav Leo will be better too, just being on a horse elevates him and won't be hard to bring up to speed with so much fodder to build him off at this point; even Titania a basic green cav is alright in her niche just cuz horse buffs and horse movement That B skill you can get off a mountain of Effies, JFC Lukas got shit 1,000 more than Haar ever did. Don't pull or build/10, at least Lukas looks
At least it's the least shilled Royal.
Back to saving for Brides I guess
whew I don't have to eat a raw potato now
Only range cav with a bst boost is B!Lyn. Watch him be worst than Cecelia.
Weren't brides supposed to be this month? Picnic replaces it.
cute genny at least
brides are june
Why do they try to push AR armors this much when they are possibly the worst waste of a slot there?
No. They always started in May. They're just really trying to push for more seasonal shit even though everyone has made it obvious that's not what they want at the moment.
still fucking horseshit that the fates units are beyond premium while the Echoes units (MIA forever) are some of the worst seasonals since Spring Xander
Late may to mid june actually
It usually goes in late May, I remember because that was the last year I went on vacation & failed to get Bridelia. Fuck bros, I can't wait to be done with uni so I can have free time again.
armor AR teams are insta win, agreed that this is pointless
unless they can be inherited
>Muh alt representation.
The real issue is that we get too fucking many alts period.
>reduces spd by 50%
For what purpose? I really hope to fuck this isn't going to be a 38 spd armor.
Raita shouldn't be here at all. Dude has terrible tit-shaping, I love big anime tiddies but not if they're shaped like mid-crush icing pipettes.
I'm fine if the same artist does a character (especially if it's one I generally like, like Amagaitaro) but for new ones I do agree they should try a few new artists. Bring back Yamada Akihiro for one.
I'm more worried about free Luna on Flora
My Lukas pulls his weight decently in AR already, so probably not rolling for this. Any phys unit can't break his 51 def.
>least shilled royal
that's hinoka I believe
Shit banner. What projects are you currently working on, anons?
Reduces the stats by 50% of the difference between unit's res > foe's res. To a maximum of 8. If they have 16 more res than their enemy, it reduces those stats by 8. It's not that crazy.
good luck.
want a genny too
Sonya should have been the banner unit isntead of Lukas and have Lukas be the TT, then just kick Leo off the banner entirely
They want to put resources into 3H, but Heroes keeps printing money. They're trying to kill interest in FEH from all but the biggest whales so they can put more people into actual development.
Here's hoping Leo will be decent even though I know he'll be trash like he always is.
I'm impressed but perplexed.
I also want one. She'll probably never be used but she'll always have a spot in my Aether Resort.
Bully the otoutos!
3 hinokas vs 2 leos
sorry man, leo wins.
I hate how much Amelia's bulky armor clashes with the rest of my little girls in my resort. Still cute, though.
yeah. probably won't make a expensive build for her or something but just to have a cute sheep
I would've been fine with a complete Echoes banner desu. Both the twins and leo are just a bad choice.
Look at this fag
appealing to his fans in full
Look at him again
What fans?
It's true, I love it.
Cute stoats! Cute pants!
Cute blouse! CUTE!
And now look at him a third time
Are his calves thicker than his thighs?
And now look at him one final time.
tomato lovers and fujo
>damage art isnt lewd anymore
Whats the fucking point
Looking forward to the new seals and what skills to kill Leo for.
where the burger :DDDD
We can't make that judgement until they start removing it from the girls. Unless you're actually gay then lol
>really want vantage seal to use
>terrified of vantage seal to fight against
cute. -speed, +ded bride cordelia for 2.5 years here. yuuuuup. it hurts.
Damage art being lewd is getting more and more scarce. The only ones that have been lewd are bath camilla and loki. It's all so tame now.
Seasonals were a mistake.
>Everyone says my cooking is to die for! And then they laugh...
ISIS was a mistake.
>three armors
>AR exclusive skills
At least I have a free shot at getting wrathful staff.
Just got the +10 last week on my husband. Contemplating replacing the A skill with either SS4 or DD4
Paired with +10 Titania btw
Mode-exclusive skills kill them for me.
I haven't even spent a single grail. AR doesn't give out anything I care about and the units they buy I already have and feel no need to merge.
Genny is best girl though.
>tfw killed a dude's 71/71 def/res armor baiter on defense
Feels good.
>res 21
Which green tome unit should I have inherit Leo’s magical burgers?
Grails are so slow. Did he come out after Aversa? I don't remember. I want to know because, if that's the case, then his rerun might be next month and I can nab another copy without having to use grails.
I honestly feel like I HAVE to bring an armor on my AR offense team. None of my other stuff has mixed enough stats to handle the bullshit in AR.
At most I have my dragons, but 37/37 defenses (my best) is garbage in AR. Phys tanks are super easy to come by and I have Yune as a mag tank but fuck I feel like this giant ugly fire armor man has to stay.
Yeah, the final merge gave him that and a point in Spd. At least the border is shiny now. But yeah, contemplating DD4 to balance out his defenses. Maybe even wait for a Warding Stance 4.
>Stance 4
Aren't those just Breath skills?
No, there are literally level 4 stance skills. (Just one, Steady, but there will be more in the future most likely.)
Nevermind, I'm retarded and somehow forgot Steady Stance 4 is a thing. Please don't bully me.
I fucking wish I could give Xander a Breath skill, but mounted units can’t inherit them.
get bullied nerd
also stop using my favorite image
Drives/Wards are nice. My Shanna sits on a base 29/43 defenses and can get +19 in both def and res before Light Blessing.
>Felicia finally gets an alt just over a month after I stopped playing
Nah fuck off Intsys. You might've had me for just a little longer if you didn't take so long to stop sucking off Camilla and other royal siblings every other banner.
My Shanna sits at neutral in everything, so not amazingly defensive. I just promoted her because she's cute and I somehow became possessed and lost control when I heard her say "chief"
I like to think they intentionally waited until you quit because you post bad art like that
>yfw Dieck finally gets added, you will no longer be the chief
Camilla got CYL3. They're just giving the people what they want.
I'm already not the chief, she says "the real chief" in obvious reference to him. I just like it when she says chief, not necessarily when she calls me it.
Genny is so fucking cute it hurts bros. Hoping I get her with non shit IVs.
You say this like it matters for a healer
I'm starting to think this is true. This game has gotten so fucking bad in the last 6 months I'm staring to forget why I ever liked it.
Genny is the only one I would want off of this banner, but I don't think I can bring myself to roll on such a shitty banner.
I always imagined it would get better and it has but it always happens at a snail's pace and everything good that happens eventually gets ruined or becomes so stale
shitty game, there is nothing to do after finishing all story mode because there is no real PvP. Also, Grand Quests are a waste of time.
Why don't you just kill yourself already then, dumb doomposter?
Apart from how crappy AR is and some powercreep skills, it seems mostly the same at the core to me. There's just too little content, spread out too far apart, despite lending itself to playing lots of maps in one go.
Contrast this to a game like Battle Cats, which has too much content, a player going for a year won't even crack 1/5 of it, yet it lends itself to playing one difficult stage at a time.
>those drawings
I don't like my best friend anymore
This, flora and felicia should have been kept for the bdsm banner
I don't think that's going to happen
Every time something has been "fixed" it wasn't actually fixed.
>Want to fix IVs? Just roll a second copy. Too bad if that unit is limited or limited and shares a split rate up
>Instead of just demoting old units who can't keep up anymore, they just fucking removed them from new banners, so now old shitty units that I wouldn't mind spooking me like Lyn or Leo are now are now basically impossible to get unless they ever go on rate up ,which they never will, and good units like Hector can't spook me anymore on new banners.
>AR T21 is the most cancerous and unfun garbage I've ever encountered in my fucking life and I almost want to demote on purpose to get out of it, But I need grails, which they fucking drip feed to you.
The last time I remember have fond feeling for this game was CYL3 and now I'm starting to have doubts that they'll even let us pick which one we want after the disaster of an anniversary. Most of these shitty fixes would be fine IF they actually increased the amount of orbs we get, but they did the opposite.
The main problem is that it's almost the same at it's core as it was last year, just with less orbs and more banners now.
We're earning significantly less orbs, shitting out more banners than ever, and most of the events are still absolute trash after an entire year and haven't improved at all. GHB Elite is gone now so there's about 80 less orbs and a bunch of merges/fodder we won't get, we get less orbs per month, less orbs from TB, and CG is still fucking horrible. VG is at least better because now you can waste even less time on it if you don't care about feathers.
Any anons actually making use of Distant Guard? I don't know who to give this to aside from maybe an infantry healer or dancer.
Leo's legs look so off for some reason
Oh yeah I didn't remember GHB Elite was gone, they should replace that. Those were fun.
Less orbs is bad
More banners, eh. On one hand more powercreep but on the other more units. Seasonals lack variety though, too many for units that already have one. This banner is an exception.
All the events that go in the event tab other than TT have always been horrible. VG is fixed up but it's too late for people to give a shit, they wasted all their vigor on multiplier battle and now no one even makes fanart for the winners.
>More banners, eh. On one hand more powercreep but on the other more units
More banners does not equal more units when we get less orbs. Every "fix" requires more orbs on the players part, and then they start giving out drastically less. Even FGO has never pulled something this cancerous
More units =/= more units I pull.
More units = more different units added to the game, maybe one or two I'd want but otherwise adding to enemy variety.
It sucks when multiples I do want come out though because of the lesser orb count. Seems like I'm gaining them slower and slower. Don't know what you mean by fix. I don't play FGO either so Idk what they do. Dragalia is removing WPs from the pool though, which is nice.
I'll just have to hope Eudetenis hears my prayers
I like the Cynthia one.
Anyway I'm not saying any of this is inherently good, just that I still enjoy the game despite the bullshit they've pulled. I have all the units I wanted except for Ilyana, Jill, Tatiana, and Xane, so I'm pretty much set.
>3 armors
>more non-Peri fates alts
>limited beast slayer weps
It's so boring.
Why picnic themed, though?
Running out of themes they can save Camilla alts for next year.
Gotta put something else out for money.
>those drawings
A-am I best friends with someone autistic?
>questioning if Bimbo "brother we can't eat hay!" rena is autistic
Well that's just mean she is not a bimbo she is the exact opposite
Does IS lose money by giving out grails? Wonder why they're limiting +10 TT units to one every year and a half.
They don't necessarily lose anything other than the fodder skills not being rolled for, but limiting the amount given incentivizes people to rank up so they get more faster. I haven't used any myself though, I'm hoarding.
Highly suggest anyone who wanted Fire Emblem style gameplay look into Langrisser
It's this banner's final day. Did you get who you wanted?
I decided to stop, didn't get Veronica.
I got to 3.5%.
Gunter seasonal soon, brothers ;_;
May 10th. I'm feelin it.
I didn't even want anyone on that shit banner to begin with.
I fucking wish. I'd even take the posessed version of him.
I got 3 Veronica's which was nice but the Marisa I got was -atk
Thats top tier, as is the Fjorm/Gunnthra/Loki one