>perfectly good video game thread gets deleted
Fucking wow Yea Forums
Anyways, post video games from before snoy went full snoy
>perfectly good video game thread gets deleted
Fucking wow Yea Forums
Anyways, post video games from before snoy went full snoy
Other urls found in this thread:
I wonder what word set the permasage off
Oh wait...
post games that will never be coming out now
yaaaaay tiddies
>sony starts banning tiddys
>shortly after they drop the vita
what happened, did they see the massive library of tiddy games and just give up?
has to be in the OP dumbfuck
it was probably 'Censorship', in which case OH THE FUCKING IRONY
>I'll never lay on Io's lap
I have nothing left to lose bros
How does resetera feel about that porn game that got massively crowdfunded?
It'll still come out but Io and all other characters with a cup size over A will get reductions and they'll be dressed like mormon women.
But hey, they didn't take your game away! :^)
Only the best tastes in this thread
What game?
They probably are trying/will be trying to either get Kickstarter to poof the money and ban them or get Steam to ban them
Bullet Girls 2
Most of the game posted in this thread will be mediocre at best stop kidding yourself
Booleeto grils
pre onions Sony
>Vita only
What a shame.
even if a miracle were to happen and a new game was announced it wouldn't be allowed to exist now...
Is that one of the bullet girls games?
But the point is that they're uncă˛cked
git gud
You have no place to be speaking about mediocrity
Phantasia is on the PS4. Just make sure to unplug your internet so that snoy can never retroactively censor it.
is this xcom with neps?
Mediocre games still have a right to be discussed.
>looks at all the games in the thread
>all garbage
Wow what a tragedy
-said no one
Is that fucking PSO2?
Next trip I take back to japan I'm hitting every traders and mandarake I can and hoarding
I'm proud of you buddy. It takes a lot of courage to admit that.
>tfw DT2-2 never
how is miracle girls festival?
Just look at the fucking label, they were proud to say these games were "available only on playstation", but now they are throwing everything into the trash, seriously, fuck california, fuck resetera, fuck discord trannies and fuck you amerimuts.
Mandarake ships internationally.
What was your first fanservice game? What made you get into the glorious lewd?
For me it was Endless Frontier. I loved that game so much I even played and beat EXCEED in all moonrunes.
Well I'm going to Japan anyways so I might as well wait until I get there.
Exactly like project diva but with anime OPs and EDs and their chars dancing which is fun. I really love the mikakunin ones.
I hope everyone with the option went for the PS4 version over the Vita one. The crowds get huge on PS4 and some of the early levels looked really rough in framerate from the Vita gameplay videos I saw at launch.
God I hate weebs.
>They tried to kill the Vita 2 years after it released
>Dropped all support
>Niche devs kept that fucker alive for 5+ more years
>This is the thanks they get
SIE are scum
>going from fighting strategically placed other girls in big maps to just being a straight up EDF clone and instead of 100 ants its 100 orcs
My brother
The weak fear the strong.
>Phantasia still not on PC
man i really wanna play and see all the giggle but fuck buying it on PS4. I'm just gonna regret it when they announce it a few month later
I'm so happy NeoGAF is dead and all that remains is an imploding forum of refugees. Reminder that ResetERA had to be made because LITERALLY no other community wanted NeoGAF refugees.
Nana was some serious cuteness.
Its it bad if I say neps?
I hope they release all of them on PC but Phantasia in particular will be a joke difficulty wise with mouse aiming.
>that quote
>that hello kitty poster
>Before all this shit went down Shade was getting some solid support and had massively improved the controls
>They could've ported the original 2 games to PS4 with the improved engine
>All this shit goes down
It was the most fun I had in a third person shooter. Pulling off recoil shots with Tsukiyo's sniper. Using Minagi's speed to bait enemies and slash them. Using Yurina's mines to bait and trick enemies pulling them away from where you had to go in stealth missions. The Shimakaze boss fight. The massive final mission of both games being a true gauntlet.
That Shimakaze boss fight was fucking amazing.
>all garbage
Less casual than the shit AAA devs are making.
Sorry child, but maybe one day you'll be old enough to point a man at an enemy and not have the game help you hit them with his fist.
>Less casual than the shit AAA devs are making.
So delusional it hurts
DT2 was one of the most hardcore and best dungeon crawlers I have ever played
Hold me bros...
I found the theme for this thread
>tfw almost clutched the win against the Shimakaze first try but didn't notice the chopper at first and fought against it and Shimakaze the whole section and ran straight into a cannon blast while dodging the fucker.
It was the last cannon too
Yeah a lot of these are pretty bad.
This was really fun, I want to play it again.
I'd like to see Uncharted-fags that beat all the games on Crushing beat Bullet Girls 1 and 2's final missions.
Miu. Just Miu. Fucking. Iruma.
This game was good. Its a shame the sequel was shit.
How has no one posted this yet?
The game is punishing as fuck the minute you get to the Therian village.
Been playing SK. Kinda upset the new one is in dev hell
This is a lewd game?
>Got translated
>Sony says no thanks
>Refuses to port it to PC
>Now in development hell.
It looked fun too.
>tfw Snoy stole OLZ from us
I'll never forgive them
How are these games like?
The first one on the cross. Poor soul.
Yeah, but that's not why you bought the game. You bought it to fap to the little anime girls and you say this about the game now because you and I both know I'm not willing to put up with the fanservice for a dungeon crawler.
I pray every day that japanese devs make an exodus for pc
Rip fun
>7 Pirates
Standard JRPG with a 3 color weakness system(rock paper scissors for simplicity sake)
The appeal is in your stat applications. They aren't done by just adding numbers up but through massaging each girl's tits. Different types of movements are attributed to different stats. It then becomes a give and take deal;
>Increase strength but lose speed
>Increase Speed but lose Def
Its pretty basic and more a proof of concept. Still fun and great if you like breast expansion. Story isn't bad but its the weakest in Genkai Tokki.
>Castle Panzer
Strategy JRPG using the same basic concept of the 3 color system but now adds in physical and magic ATK and DEF(I know these are standard but for the system they were trying this wasn't perfected enough for that yet)
Uses the same levelling up style but no also allows for the butt to be groped as well
Game lets you see all enemies before confirming your party so you need to strategise your layout to beat the stage in as few turns as possible.
The groping level up system has been massively improved and refined that its now become much better balanced and harder to abuse. The battle system is really fun to.
Additionally its the strongest story in Genkai Tokki with plenty of hilarious moments and excellent lines from Sugita as Otton. All the male and female cast are having the time of their lives voicing these characters and it shows. It's a genuinely fun game of its type.
Why can't these niggers let me have fun
Damn shame. Would've felt right at home on my Vita.
Wasn't there a Switch version announced?
I felt using port would've been in poor taste since it was never released on other platform.
I think I'll double dip this game on PC. I had so much fun with it on vita but I heard PC fixed and enhanced a lot of it. Plus I didn't finish some routes like Rin's.
What are we senran fans supposed to do besides buying peach ball. Is this the end of the road for us Yea Forumsros?
Not exactly, its a new entry instead of a port. Not exactly great since the new artist is really fucking terrible, his same face is off the scale. Old artist was great. Hopefully they port OLZ somewhere since it's pretty fun.
It was good while it lasted. Hope Japan finally adapts and goes to PC, or at least Nintendo keeps the dream alive fueled by their Wii U trauma.
so youre saying
>thread full of games that let me jerk off to anime waifus because i cannot get within 20 feet of a real woman in real life
>my entire personality and existence is based around cartoons for japanese children
take your pick and just tell it how it is mate
fuck is this, 2004?
god damn those fucking tanlines
It's the latter and it's so fucking depressing as someone who is really passionate about both ecchi and free speech. I've been in a slump about this whole debacle since last summer.
This thread is depressing. It feels like the end of an era.
I pick...
>It's a thread about fun games that don't casulize their gameplay for the lowest common denominator that Sony now wants to get rid of so there's no comparison point for their multibillion dollar casualized kusoge.
That seems about right.
Hard times create strong men, user
>all cup sizes over A get reduced
fucking based sony
>voiced by Tara Strong
jesus thank you for reminding me of this
>However all characters under 180cm get a height increase
No lolis allowed
Indeed. Time to learn japanese and move on towards eroge.
Hopefully this causes an influx of perverted developers and enough investors to bring the market back into greatness.
>Tall women with small tits
This is probably a dumb question, but could the Vita failing in the US have affected their stance on lewd games?
Isn't it coming to PC too?
The real trick is to actively get them to do it so you can shitpost for the lulz.
If anything it should have had them say those games won't be localized anymore rather than they have no right to exist because Japan proved it could keep a fucking handheld alive for 5+ years through sheer willpower alone without assistance.
No, Vita's failure has nothing to with this
They have gotten their gatekeeper position and they are abusing it to the fullest extent possible
Wtf I love Sony now.
Unironically, how fucked is sony next gen? Will japan and the west unite and choose switch / PC as the go to console next gen, or will everyone just take it in the ass and let sony's ps5 sell a gorillion like the ps4? I feel like the PS4 only sold as much as it did because of microsoft's PR nightmare, now sony has grown confident just like the PS2 days, which will hopefully lead to another PS3.
Is there hope? Can videogames and titties be saved from california's degeneracy?
its honestly just exploitation and abuse of power that they have over developers as a platform owner. People might say "well it's legal", but it's really fucking manipulative
Yeah can you post one relevant game that's gotten the """censor"""?
They released a new patch that removed the censor after the mockery.
Something might not be relevant to you, but that doesn't mean its nice to push others down. I'm glad the censor got removed and i hope no one has to suffer, even if you don't like the games they like.
Hate to break it to you but the eroge market has been circling the drain for years now.
It all depends on which console manages to market the best to normies. Japan will probably still buy the next Playstation and whatever Nintendo puts out while the western market is probably just going to follow Playstation
I'm sorry, user.
I didn't intend to come off so mean.
its okay. I'm just really frustrated by this whole thing. It feels so unfair.
Doesn't PC have a good enough install base to make these games survive? japs need to get on the game.
In the west sure. They make these for Japan with western sales as an afterthought and their PC market isn't big enough for these low budget games to break even, let alone make money.
I unironically liked this show.
PC gaming is on the rise in Japan. If the Japanese devs actually released their games on PC I have a feeling the PC market over there would grow a LOT
Are we sure it's not mobage? and where are the ero mobage anyways?
>released their games on PC
Many already did.
Just not on Steam.
Pretty sure almost no Japanese games are releasing on PC without being on Steam, except for the literal porn games. Also a lot of Japanese games that release in the west block Japanese users from buying the game and don't usually come with Japanese text either
I actually like this game, but it needs more sexy characters like Saki.
yeah, fred
Nips don't even like PS4 even before they started censoring shit. PC has been the otaku/weeaboo playground for around a decade now. Get to it.