Why are games being censored now? Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun

Why are games being censored now? Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.

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are you gonna post the source?

Retarded sjws

In the 90's game were considered for nerds and a small percentage of people, that percentage started to grow and grow more so the people that called gamers nerds had to jump into it to get attention, which worked for a while before they realized they weren't getting the attention they so eagerly wanted, so they began bashing on games again to be changed to their own ideology or tl;dr this

found it

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cute feet


They did care, back in the 90's is when this whole ESRB thing started. You probably weren't even alive back then.
Also that pic is a shitty render and not from any game.
Man, you suck.

They're bigger than any other entertainment medium. Film, sports, radio, music, whatever. It is a great platform to use in order to push your agenda.

Back then they weren't so big and they weren't accepted. Saying you played video games was just as unacceptable as saying "it's okay for a man to slap a woman" today. People would jump on your ass because they knew it was socially acceptable to talk shit

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you're right user, shit was NEVER ever censored before this.

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Oversensitive fags started being taken more seriously and supported for some reason rather than being told to fuck off

Shit's gotten a lot more gay in recent times.

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Giving women rights they don't deserve. The reason everything men enjoy, including video games, are ruined is because of twat and their treasonous mangina simps who help them. The simps should be beaten up. The women should be beaten and their rights taken away.

Until you agree that women should NEVER have rights this shit will continue to get worse. And if you think somehow Nintendo can't go back to being a censor cunt, think again as they're family friendly which means Single Mother friendly....

>it was socially acceptable to talk shit
Of course you were always liable to get your ass kicked. The grown up in the 90s were the kids of the fucking linatics that lived through the Vietnam war day. They didn't give a fuck

I am afraid user, you know how everyone always says "Why they keep targetting sexual stuff and ignore violence????" what if they ALSO start targeting violence, if you give them an inch they ask for the mile and i am afraid of what the mile will involve.

I miss the days when a game could come out and no political agenda would be behind it

What do gay people have to do with censorship? Why would they care if boobs are shown one way or the other?

Compared to know, people playing games in the 90´s was MUCH more smaller

Because retarded stock holders who are literally sub-70 IQ will dump if you don't do exactly what their market researchers, who are mostly composed of worthless college drop-out faggots who couldn't do game-theory well enough to just sell shit to an alphabet agency, tell them is the best thing to do for the current market.

Jews add essentially a +20% modifier to the effects of that because it fuels their Marxism.

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because SJWs literally can't mind their own fucking business and need something to fight to feel empowered

Hopefully its just a shitty phase that will pass in time though I too worry if what other shit such people will pull. They're fucking nutty

>I miss the days when a game could come out and no political agenda would be behind it

There's always a political agenda. Even as early as the NES. If a female character is portrayed as competent it was part of Girl Power/Feminist propaganda whether you like to admit it or not. So yeah Samus is just Gurl Powah crap. The only reason you're okay with propaganda is if you can fap to it. That's all. And through your dick you've allowed these future SJWs that came later to have a platform. I mean did you see how many simps and cucks and twats whined over Samus in Other M? Ha! She was acting realistically like how a REAL woman acts in the presence of a handsome bastard like Adam. And yeah IRL women are submissive to men who interest them. But gamers are so used to this bullshit presentation of women as Men with Tits that they could not cope with reality being applied to their fictional characters. Remember Feminism in gaming exists and WILL get worse thanks to losers like you.

No, they're ugly as fuck

Yes I agree SJWs are doing all of that but I'm not sure why you equate gay people with SJWs. If anything it's always the straight white girl talking about the oppression of women and black people, I mean the whole point of being gay is kinda not caring about women in general.

ya.. go jerk it to 2d porn. DO NOT go get a real woman.


I don't jerk off though

You dumb mother fuckers.
Those are not political agenda.
it's just narrative that happened to fit the agendas.
They created the narrative because they wanted to see that, trying something new.
But nowadays, it's creating narrative to push political agenda.
Again, it doesn't work the other way around, you dumb fucking retarded nigger.

This is a bait thread but I'll go ahead and waste my time responding to this retarded ass statement

Censorship in games is nothing new whatsoever. GTA San Andreas got reamed because of the hot coffee shit, Manhunt 2 got its nuts cut off, the HD remakes of the DBZ Budokai games have retarded fucking edits made to certain scenes, etc.. People are just bitching about it around here even more because localization is starting to bleed over into their pathetic piece of shit weeb games

Remember that religion (ie christianity) is evil and once we rid ourselves of it by embracing politically driven ideologies supplied to us by corporations/media that are out to serve no one but themselves we will all become elevated and absolutely won't fall into the same trappings.

Too mainstream and are mostly targeted to kids

I want her to sit her sweaty, fat ass on my face.

who will be the next nerds then?

Because the Jews want to control every aspect of your life


You know the fucking answer, dude.

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Sony officials literally cited #metoo being a leading cause of games being censored, but then you read into it and it's mostly directed at loli pedo shit. So who really cares?

When you say SJWs I hope you're talking about the radical rightist christian ones.


I also want this, while she gives me a footjob.

Back in the old days we did have censorship too (look at Nintendo's policy) but it wasn't as fucking retarded as these days.

It's like an anthill with a beehive dropped onto it.
Annoying shitters and SJWs are feeding into each other in an oroboros of fucking whining and malicious intent.
It's just like old times but more absurd turned up to 11 because of technology and social changes.

High IQ post

>jews didn't exist in the 90's

Games went mainstream, and the average person is pretty soft. Now games need to cater to soft people and women who don't buy games.

*sip* yep, that was the good time

>>Why are games being censored now? Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.
>censors the picture to post it on Yea Forums showing he cares if he gets banned
there. i just resolved every crybaby censor thread that will ever be made on this pathetic board.

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But they did.

Maybe they're realizing how terrible porn is for your brain

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.
That's not true at all. Japan used to be a LOT more liberal with the naughtiness they put in video games. Censorship was a lot more prevalent back then because of this.

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I'm fine about censorship as long as we get to the 50s. Women dressing modestly due to men dictating what they should wear and no liberty for them.

The Chinese government doesn't like sexual material in it's games.

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After is unironically an improvement aesthetically
Implication of sexual themes will always be superior to explicit sexual themes

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.

Back in the 90s Nintendo censored fucking everything, from nudity to extreme violence. They were worse than Sony is right now.

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But right is an improvement. Hands are more subtle and that's more exciting.

Because people are finally realizing how degenerate rampant nudity and sexual exploitation is and how much harm it's done to our society over the last couple decades.

Yea man all those dozens of Christian puritans yup they're the problem, not the literal thousands of feminists SJWs that not only complain and bitch and moan but are actually hired and used by the gaming companies. Because muh inclusivity

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun
lmao no you lil zoom.
Violence was censored left and right.
All the lewd stuff was on PC only.

They literally censored violence on the Nintendo consoles back in the 90s and sex was no where to be found in mainstream video games was not till the late 00s when sex was allowed to be in non porn games.

I would bet money this is already declining, management in game companies will surely notice it doesn't add any financial benefit to go the extra mile to people who won't even buy the game.

from the thumbnail this looked like a girl having her belly forcibly inflated

Thats not true.
Modern games have more violence and way more nudity and sex. Name one mainstream game with a sex scene in it from before 2004.

I want her to step on my face

Not really games, mostly visual novel type shit. Censoring games? Not really. More like taking the "cringe" out. I'm afraid to play jrpgs these days because of that cancer. Use the internet for porn if you want to jack off.

they're drunk on power to whine things into oblivion, just like how Yea Forums is drunk on their power to cause tortanics

I took the MGTOW pill, I don't want to go back

You're gay, and not in a "xd you don't wanna see titties" way. I mean you're a faggot.

If anything, games need to be more censored so that perverts can finally FUCK OFF and stop ruining video games by turning everything that they consume into a porno.

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America and liberal SJW cunts.

Because publishers are being run by people who don't play games. You literally won't have a company like old school Apogee or GT Interactive making whatever the fuck they want anymore

I'm gay because I like real women and not computer rendered girls. You got me.


Used to be right wing puritans trying to censor
Now it's left wing puritans trying to censor
All well, gaming went to shit when it became more mainstream anyway. Try to stick to old games and the occasional nip title.

This exactly.

Grandma Mildred I thought you were dead

Fuck off, resetera shills.

Like I said, not why you're gay.
You're gay- you're a stupid faggot, is a better way to put it- because you seem to have a desire to play games that focus on waifubait, but are unwilling to actually go all in. And then you justify your own cringy halfheartedness by calling the shit you're willing to pay Jews in San Francisco to censor for you by calling games that you like "cringe."

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Unironically fucking have sex so that you can stop being so obsessed with it.

>Rich people who control the markets are sub-70 IQ

Another paedophile resetera shill.

Games were censored in the 90's, there was hysteria about video game violence which even a few years back lead to stores pulling GTA V. There's people out there actively campaigning against sexuality and violence in fucking fictional media who can't differentiate between real life and fantasy.

You don't think it actually takes smarts to be born wealthy right user
Even we on the right are over that boomer meme right

I don't give a shit about fan service in games one way or another, Granny. Clutch your pearls harder.

Lol, I think someone had one too many drinks.

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Get fucked, nigger.

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.
How to tell you're 14: the post.

I want Zoe to step on my 3DS

This, THIS, is why I come to Yea Forums.

Not everyone in the market was born rich, but I do think richfags are allowed to be dumb and still get into Harvard or run companies.

If someone calls you 14 this is how you know they are under 6'0

the only people who believe SJWs are the reason for censorship in videogames are teenagers who haven't been alive for very long. OP is also dead fucking wrong. video games have been censored way before internet access was ubiquitous.

you dont have to take my word for it though

please keep your retarded /pol/ social politics outside of this board

I unironically want to bust a nut on Zoe's slutty face.

>b-but in the 90s
OP may be wrong but to bring that up in relation to modern censorship is lolworthy

Have sex

Feet are all I've been able to masturbate to lately. What is wrong with me?

>blaming Christians when Chinese emperors were burning books centuries before them

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.

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Have sex

Fuck that power girl design is top tier.

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Underage detected. Censorship has gotten relaxed over the years.

Nowadays asia is the last bastion for fun lewdness.
But their time is coming too.

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Because LGBT use to fight for gay right and not for attention seeking or political agenda like what happening this day.

Hollyweird got control of games because they were beating movies. Now they are in the process of ruining games, so they can go back to making weird movies.


Only in the early 90's, things became very lax towards the mid to late 90's and by the 00's almost no one cared about videogames because there was terrorism and war to keep people attention, no one was like, "oh no there is a boob or blood in a videogame!", Jack Thompson had a moment and quickly disappeared into obscurity because people couln't be bothered to care about such trivial shit.
Yet here we are today again, trivial shit is the fixation of social justice retards.

"my dad lives in japan"


That's why the Housers said there won't be another GTA any time soon, the current zeitgeist wouldn't allow it - they'd have to turn it into something it isn't and they won't.

>cultural imperialism okay when I do it!

Nice feet.

There won't be a new GTA soon because they're going to bundle it with the Ps5.

Because of third-wave feminism and straight white "men". Not even kidding.

Imagine being a boomer and seeing all the hard work you put into protesting for sexual liberation, only for jealous women and their white male pets to reverse it all.

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I thought leftists were against white people trying to change other cultures. Leftists, why are you all such massive fucking hypocrites?

>Back in the 90's no one cared just had fun.

Guess how I know you weren't alive in the 90s? There was a congressional hearing on this very thing, you fucking idiot. It's why the ESRB exists.

I wouldn't count on anything for the next 6 years or more.
Even when the current 'PC' phase ends (it's got about 3 years left, tops) you can't start development work until then, even pre-planning is limited since it's more likely to get fucked over by the PC zeitgeist the more people you add to the project.

Maybe people are getting fed up with blatant pedophilia on their games??? Just a thought, pedo.

I'm still mad that none of the Injustice babes had tits. Way to waste those fucking facial mocaps. Every single one was as flat as a god damn board as if these characters aren't supposed to the the pinnacle of the idealized physical form.

Because they never know what they really want, they are just empty on the inside.
Why do you think the NPC meme reflected on them so much.

top kek

Japanese aren't brown so it's ok to hate them.

70-year-old retards were not the target audience of games

And yet tv, music industry, holywood and progressiveism are sexualizing real children and that seems to be perfectly fine, so that's clearly not it.

They're incredibly stupid and easy to manipulate. They're only rich because they're useful to the megarich.

Yes, it happened because most video game companies didn't give a shit, it took the government stepping in to force them to give a shit.

>I'm still mad that none of the Injustice babes had tits.

If this actually angered you you have serious mental issues you need to work out.

>rich people are so only because they were born already rich
seething poorfag

>You aren't allowed to like the female form
fuck off sjw.

Games literally did not come to the west (or at least America) because they were too violent or had sexual content.

because Sjw's have manged to convince everyone that sexy women in vidya is harmful to women.

There's a difference between liking the female form and actually getting angry because the female form in one particular video game does not exactly pander to your preferences. You're a fucking psychopath. Normal people do not get angry over things like that.

You're making a mountain out of a molehill.

which is ironic since all we want is mountains instead of molehills.

Being angered by something like that is making a mountain out of a molehill. Pointing out that it's an entirely unreasonable reaction is not.

You're a fucking psychopath, you have severe mental illness and need professional intervention.

People who are technically competent at moving money around properly got good at doing it by focusing only on that. Art is meaningless to them. If a decision could lead to a risk of lower profits, it is automatically out of the question. If one of these fuckers thought he could get more people to look at the Mona Lisa by drawing a smiley-face over it with a sharpie because he glanced at one market research report that vaguely suggested it, he would do it in a millisecond.

No, I don't think so. For a start, female video game characters not being "hot" enough doesn't enrage me.

No, we're talking about the women that call everything offensive.

The ideological reason is because the threat of violence against women transcends cultural boundaries, and therefore stopping the Japanese from "promoting violence" against women is a global agenda, not a European imposition. The real reason, of course, is that seeing a fake woman with big boobs makes them uncomfortable and insecure and if the government won't step in and ban them, they'll attempt to exert pressure on artists (through the market) to stop creating them, even if they're for a product they will never buy. They're the same sort of women who, if you caught them on the right day, would probably support mandatory hijab laws because then men wouldn't look at any women who might be sexier than her.

you mean like theyre doing right now with the notre dame looking for new designs?

millennial """men""" run the industry now

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don't reply to him

That's more of a political goodwill/"Please give us tax breaks because we helped rebuild a cultural icon" move IMO.

>TFW I look like them, but hate their fucking guts

You missed something

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but why? give me a good reason to put my pepe in a vagoo

>no one cared
>congressional hearing over mortal kombat and fucking night trap
>ESRB is created
Try not exposing yourself as a zoomer next time.

I wanna fuck Anita's ass.

Kys. We laughed Christians out of relevance back in the 90s. You lefty faggots are completely fucking shameless with your lies at this point.

Because of those females that were brainwashed with disney movies thinking they were little princesses and they would find their prince charming on a white hose when reality isnt like that, which made them bitter towards men and want to ruin men's fun everytime
Then videogames stopped being just a hobby thing for a specific niche but a worldwide business so corps dont want to get into "trabble", so they play safe to get money and call it a day

They stopped being relevant after Bush was kicked out of office. I'm sorry you slept through the Obama years.

you got the source to this pic brother?

Liberals' crusade against harmless fun.

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Idk I dont think the 90s were really that niche for gaming, I think it was really booming. I remember reading that early in the SNES life cycle, one in every 10 households had a SNES in it, which is pretty fucking influential when you think about it seeing as that was only one of the major consoles at the time. I feel like gaming turned more into a boys club in the 2000s with fps on the rise, and fighting games and other genres hitting mpg pro which was mostly just male dominated. Then the 2010s saw the feminists try and insert themselves into gaming as it was seen as such a male dominated field, and feminists have been rather good at overtaking male dominated fields like the sciences and silicon valley, those fields that have influence and are male dominated are prime targets for sjw's. Tbh I dont think they'd be as enamored with gaming if it wasnt so male centered in the 2000s, at least on a surface level, but here we are, once the 2010s rolled around we didnt put much effort in keeping them away and now sjws have influenced company after company in gaming. Just play older games and dont worry about new shit and its not as bad, really. It's not like they can erase the games of the past that we already have.

Get with the times, user. Liberals have won.

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Americans being prudes. Christian or SJW doesn't matter, the American psyche is conditioned to be threatened by sexy and attractive women.

Yeah here you go. mega.nz/#F!JgtWRSbT!cnc6dVU3YV0fpzFre6bNRA

Triggered bible belt faggots coming out of the woodwork, they hate being called out for their hypocrisy. Go back to /pol/ and stay there.

lol enjoy being the other side of the coin

Sjws are just the next wave of puritans after the fundamentalist Christian's of the 90s preaching against mortal kombat. But as bad is it is, we somehow still get more games than fucking Australia. Never been there, but I never figured how a country founded by prisoners ended up being some of the strictest for games and censorship. Feel bad for them every time I hear they didnt get stuff america did.

>Back in the 90's no one cared
t. faggot that wasn't born in the 90s.

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>Why are games being censored now?
Fuck off, you underaged nigger. Nothing's changed.

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At least they kept the end screen intact

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Violence isn't being censored now though.

Imagine what the inside of her boots smell like

>The prototype's title screen was a rather gory affair, with blood dripping all over the place. This was changed to green slime in the US version, which was apparently enough to fool Nintendo's censors, as the rest of the game beyond this point is just as bloody as the original.

I agree with you, I could care less about female designs in western games. Mostly because I dont think they are done well most the time anyway. But it bugs me that sony is going to control the outcomes of Japanese developers. Theres been Japanese only games that havent come to the west simply because they are too sexual and they dont want to deal with our sjw backlash, and to me that's perfectly fine. Let the Japanese keep their anime games and our sjws will never see that stuff so we'll never have to hear them complain about that. But now we are actively telling the Japanese what they can and cant make, even though Americans wouldn't be buying their games anyways it would just be the Japanese. Sjws already control so much shit over here, why do they have to mess with a market they will literally never even see? It's just shitty to me, social justice appetite is never appeased.

How would you know? You weren't alive.

a wink? Lmao?

What a way to game the system

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>hands are more sexy than an entire body!!!
i hope you fucking die

>90's no one cared
You immediately outed yourself as wannabe 90s kid, OP. There were plenty of games still being censored for their light sexual and violent imagery, especially during the transition from 16-bit to full-motion video.

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80's Christians
>Playing games are the devil
80's kids
>Whatever loser
90's Republicans
>Games make you violent
90's kids
>God is dead, fuck you I hate everything
00' Women
>Oh, gaming. That looks like something that needs more women
'00 kids
>Yeah women, yeah titties. Fuck god haha.
'10 Women
>Hey yeah we nee more minorities, there's too many women and titties and violence
'10 kids
>Praise satan
'19 Women
>Yeah we're just going to have to take your games away from you now, they're just celebrating masculinity
'19 kids

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>a fucking wink

>Sjws already control so much shit over here, why do they have to mess with a market they will literally never even see?
Liberals are bunker busters personified. No hobby is safe.

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>everyone who doesn't agree with me is a religious extremist

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the day your favorite subjects are under fire, I'll still be here fighting for your freedom of expression and exploration of creative material, unlike your retarded ass which will more than likely slobber oil all over your ass-cheeks in order to shove more cocks up your own anus, you short-sighted nigger

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>Most of these companies are ran, owned and financed by baby boomers who more than likely vote Republican so they can steal more money from you via tax cuts.

Things that make you go hm.

It's not that hard to game the current system. It's mostly the honor system. A dev could just flat out lie about the content of their game and the ESRB doesn't actually check if they are telling the truth before giving them a rating. This is what happened with Oblivion. It was originally given a T rating before the ESRB discovered that Bethesda had lied about the content of the game and the gore was more graphic than they had led them to believe so the game was re-rated M at a later date.

As funny as this is, it's pretty accurate that from the '00s on it's been swathes of women trying to suppress games. Not gamers, fuck that gay meme, just games. It makes me think about how women railed against alcohol a century ago and preached against it citing its negative impact on society. It's not like women in America genuinely want to prohibit games altogether, but their clearly unhappy with its impact on society and want to challenge that influence by going to the source itself, the production and censoring of games.

I guess I dont have any intelligent theory to draw from that, I just think theres an interesting parallel there (if a very loose parallel at all).

>one of the decades known for the censoring of board games, cartoons, video games, movies, and pop music because of shooting scares and satanic imagery
>"lol no one cared"

Just admit you're 12 years old.

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Ugly, low-arch, stubby-toes feet.

Old men covering their asses and trying to protect their brand from a changing political climate doesn't prove me wrong.

>Left looks like a rape scene begging to happen
>Right is 4 girls having fun at the beach
>Somehow the right is evil while the left is good
These people need help, desperately. They're gonna fucking kill someone.

Just look at Carry Nation. She was a native american woman that was celebrated because she frequently went to bars and assaulted people with a hatchet because she didn't like them drinking. She's a hero for assault

I thought blaming the victims wasn't cool.

Then why do their knees buckle when some twitter nobody's yell at them. I would agree with you if it wasnt for twitter letting random people somehow have the power to shame game companies into doing their bidding. That one website is responsible for so much of this shit.

I'll bet the left isn't portrayed as good in-game. That's not to say the right is evil either, but rather that I think your argument is stupid.

Do you live in the bible belt or how the hell is christians vs. games still a relevant thing to you? I haven't heard anyone argue about games using religion for at least a decade.
It's like you first fight a war with one nation and then when the next attacks you don't even recognize that the enemy has changed.

No, but liberals still caused the change.

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It'll validate you in xir eyes, as if such a person was one whose validation was of utmost relevance or if said person would not just keep moving goalposts with every complicit act.

Wow, I never knew about that

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>the rape scene isn't portrayed as good in-game
And yet they want to censor any Jap game for having so much as a swimsuit in it that dares show a bare fucking navel. The rape scene meanwhile is allowed, unquestioned. The argument is perfectly fair. One looks horrific, the other is cute. How the fuck is the cute thing worth censoring but not the horrific thing?

>Millionaires and billionaires who are riding the waves and will keep their fuck huge houses regardless of what happens.

Ironic bootlicking is still bootlicking.

Because public image in the age of social media is every fucking thing. I understand you're retarded and think everything is SJWS VS. EPIC ALT-RIGHT SAVIORS but it has nothing to do with that.

>liberals still caused the change.
Liberals didn't do shit. The UN has been trying to crack down on Japan for loli shit for years. Soccer moms, evangelicals and government officials have been trying to change video games for decades. They succeeded before and now they're succeeding again.

Stop being underage.

>pointing out victims of witch hunting is somehow bootlicking
>it's okay because others tried yet failed before
Eat shit.

>sjws dont have control
>its the old men in control of the game companies
>but the old men are covering their asses
>this still proves my point, even though I'm now admitting the old men answer to sjw's trying to shame their brands

One teaches a "valuable" lesson, the other lets you come to your own conclusions.
It stems from the overt Judeo-Christian moralism of traditional European and modern American culture.

Are you high?

Back in the 90s ANY religious references and most violence until the PS1 era was censored. That was the only console generation when Sony was the good guy.

>bible belt
You mean 90% of the US?

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Sony themselves said the #metoo movement was the big reason for their crackdown on Japanese games.

Sony is the most censor happy company though. Anything that could effect profits they will remove at the drop of a hat.

But isn't that the fallacy that makes liberals "libtards"? They're destroying themselves and they think they're helping.

Look at all these radical christian right soccer moms.

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Reminder the PS3 caused all this.

The excuse we've been given is literally that this has something to do with the #metoo shit (completely unrelated) and that Sony might get sued if they don't force limitations. (No legal grounds so that's bullshit too) That's leftist shit.

Someone on an Internet anime worshipping cult shouldn't have any say on art and who has the capacity to judge art.
Wall Street has the biggest donors to art.

>pride rally
>gamer guuurl

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>one teaches you how to rape
>the other is what you'd see if you ever left your mother's basement and went to the beach
What did he mean by this?

When I say sjw's, I'm short hand referring to most all of twitter and the whole shitty blue check culture that shames people to garner more online clout from sjw followers, which creates an unintended toxic environment that then spews over into the real world market from companies that take that shit seriously.

I don't see it as black and white, sjws vs alt right, cause frankly alt right is too tiny and lacking influence to ever be a contender to twitter. I would gladly wish the alt right away if I could also wipe Twitter from existence at the same time, but instead we gotta live with both shit stains of a community taking up space on the internet.

>Wall Street has the biggest donors to art.
You do know that is a money laundering outfit right? Why do you think modern art sells?

I hate the SJW's on both sides, the right and left. The one thing those assholes unite on is censoring and banning anime titties.

>Sony censoring niche weeb games
>"games being censored"

You even got 200+ replies, nice.

>rural America
Only like 5 people max live in that red while the majority of the country reside in blue. That's why the electoral college is garbage.

"Niche weeb games" are literally the last remaining games on Snoy platforms.

B...but I bought a $150,000 clay pot from africa with a big cock on it to be "in"!

The electoral college is great because it keep liberal faggots that want to live off of mexican slave labor and niggers from taking over the country.

Christfags don’t really care about video games anymore, well at least the ones in the rural area don’t even use social media so they really don’t have any power. It’s basically the Es jay dubya’s that are now trying to censor everything

Yep. There are a handful of people on Yea Forums insisting otherwise, though. What's really strange is how quiet liberals have been about this on social media. If they're as OK with sexual content as they occasionally claim, they should be front and center condemning Sony and yet nothing but silence.

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Makes no fucking sense to me. The porn industry is booming in the internet age, no one is trying to suppress porn over here, meanwhile fucking cartoons are the object of all their ire, made up women have to be removed and censored while real pornstars and magazine models sell their bodies by the millions and they could care less.

>Why are games being censored now?

Because our corporate overlords have decided that they should use their money to tell the masses what we should and shouldn't think.

This isn't a new phenomenon the direction is merely different.

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How can anyone support Sony in this day and age?
They're no longer a Japanese company interested in making games, they are just a propoganda machine out of California pushing out cinematic experiences.

Until my PC hentai games are affected, I'll survive. Sucks that Sony usually releases 1-3 must have exclusives that force me to get their dumb shitty console.

How are they hurting you specifically. They're literally endorsing Sony in that webm.

I'm still hoping for a good ff7 remake as well as seeing death stranding finally make it to completion with hopefully as little rushing from sony as possible. Other than that I'm pretty content with the ps4 and dont really care much else what comes on ps3 and soon to be ps5 unless it's surprisingly great.

But rape is bad! That's what all my friends on MSNBC and in my Gender Studies class tell me!

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Sony was never a Japanese company interested in making games, they just happened to become home to every studio which Nintendo autistically rejected and drove away.

oversensitive about what? There is hundreds of women getting raped at this very minute and leftists cucks doing nothing about. More than that, they are actually responsible for these rapes.


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Lol, how has Nintendo been so damn good pushing everything save bayonetta away for the last decade and a half? Like I still play their games but goddamn they are so good at pushing people away they basically made the ps1 happen just from turning sony down.

I actually get bummed out everytime I remember Steven Colbert exists, thanks for that :(

No, only fictional cartoon rape is bad according to them. Real rape is fine, Papa UN said so.

>How can anyone support Sony in this day and age?
By being the actual global silent majority of video game consumers and not Yea Forums.

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lmfao whatever libtard

>inhibits the sound growth and development of young people
Meanwhile, MK11 comes out next week.

>Nothing's changed.
Except the people pushing the censorship are now the people that were fighting it back then.

That's well-balanced content.

It's cool, they covered up the women.

unironically want to fuck her in the face

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>'The policy was introduced kind of suddenly in the wake of the #MeToo movement'
thanks liberals

WhAt thE FUck?

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Initially thought you meant Zoe—who recently went total /fit/core rather than the long blimped up Anita—there.

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What's up with you faggots and posting photoshopped "fit" chicks?

but that's shopped