New content drops in a month

>new content drops in a month
>rng has been removed almost entirely
>player trading has been opened up to include nearly all items
>more options to let you earn nx cash through gameplay
>class awakening soon
>level cap increase
>64 bit client
>pet rebalances
>gemstone rebalance
>fairfight is fucking GONE
>don't you remember how much fun CBT was?
>don't you want to experience it again?

kick on some tunes duders, she's coming back

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Is striker in yet?

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Do I still need an epic pet if I wanna do cpap?

>more options to let you earn nx cash through gameplay
This is the only interesting thing cause of the customization but I bet it's going to be like 1nx per day and can only be used to buy red merets,

Do I still need to run through a 30 hour story mode jusy to hit level cap before I can have fun?

They increased the rates of epic pets to be really fucking common now. If you can't easily get one yourself the market is flooded with cheap ones now.
Also no you don't need one, I do cpap and infernog on my alts with just blue pets.

I think it's unlimited per day, it's just based on how much mesos you can make.

fuck off shill

the story mode only takes like 4 hours, gives you all the gear you need for leveling, and gives you a lot of boosts to make it even faster if you use them

if you manage to spend 30 hours on the shit that's your fault

>you have to be a shill to like something
fuck off retard

you have to be a shill to like nexon garbage, yes

I'd say the same thing about your sony or nintendo trash
sorry kiddo

>don't you remember how much fun CBT was?

fuck them! i wanted a HAT!

I dropped the game when I was moving and don't intend to come back, it was a chore. A cute chore but a chore.

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That's the mmo genre as a whole
If you make it a chore, it's a chore
a lot of days I just sat around talking with people
Maplestory 1 and 2 are at their core just chat rooms with a side of gameplay

>is the game still populated with meso bots
>is the game still populated with people publicly erping
>is the game still true pierce metafest
>is the UGC market still filled with porn
>is all of the content still being locked by timers
>is nexon still being a bitch about not banning mesobuyers
>is the game still a chore
if any of these points is still a problem in the game, I would rather stay the fuck away from this shitfest

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>is the game still populated with meso bots
>is the game still populated with people publicly erping
>is the game still true pierce metafest
you still need pierce but there are a lot of different theories going around on what's best. Most talk about the second stat. Boss damage, attack speed, main stat, and phys/magic pierce. All being viable but nobody knows which is best. I prefer attack speed cause fast is fun.
>is the UGC market still filled with porn
It's still about half of the UGC
>is all of the content still being locked by timers
Yes but it's easier now to run content with alts and funnel stuff to your main so you can always make progress. I don't think I've ever capped what I can do per week since they removed fair fight
>is nexon still being a bitch about not banning mesobuyers
Yes, a lot got a temp ban but nothing serious
>is the game still a chore
If you make it one

its too late
gooks never learn

Info that was the case they wouldn’t have changed anything and let the game die. Good to see them trying to be better.

Do they allow lewd/nude outfits yet? Honestly that's the only fuck I give about the game now.

Lewd has always been allowed
Nude is a nono

Is Thief still useless?

Tell that to half the exposing mummy-wrap and lewd outfits I saw around launch that got wiped/banned.
Give me an example of a proper lewd outfit

So the answer is yes.

Too bad, the game had so much promise. That story mode ruined everything.

>Nude is a nono
What did he meant by this ???

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I've mained thief since day 1
There's not a lot of us but I can hit near top dps every party. The game is mostly based on gear and knowing the fight.


Full size, faggot. Imgur link it.

no striker,no play.

The game doesn't really have anything that made the original Maplestory special. It might as well just be any other gook MMO aside from the anime minecraft aesthetic

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>0 players in korea
which means that when they shut down the korean version, american version gets shut down not long after. Because if you weren't aware, nexon america has about 100 staff for all of their games, their forums, handling the new merch store, IT, and more. There's no actual devs for the NA version on site.

Basically, no. the game is shit, still shit, still split na into two servers for NO reason, still months behind korean version.

Why would i do taht

MS2 was a huge flop, tell nexon to make fucking oldschool servers already and quit dicking around, that's the ONLY thing ms players want nowadays.

To help a fellow user out and share something we both enjoy.

Wish I could go back but man did it burn me out. The amount of gem dust, dupes, upgrade materials, and flushing weeks worth of work in a second just hurt me man. The only good thing at the end was everyone turning on cucksmanbryan, neorussia being ousted as a pedo (again), and the MS2 general sinking.

Honestly do more for the game if it had a private server.

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I'll take that as a 'no'

This, even getting CBT bonuses, MS2 felt really souless when i tried the Beta. The 3D version of VI doesn't capture the feeling the same way at all.

I doubt Nexon is intelligent enough to make Maplestory Classic. If they really didnt have their heads in Korean overlorded gachawannabe assholes, they'd make it and also acknowledge all of the misteps during the originals' release and fix/modify them. I tried to play Arc in norm maplestory but damn is the game fucked and inflated by dumb shit now.

Even trying to play on a private server, it feels so lonely and its like whats even the point.

bro this game died almost as fast as Bless, and faster than ToS. I don't think it's possible for it to rebound in population

i still play a little lol

>tfw the only thing I liked when giving it a shot was the community events especially the trivia. Everything else was kinda terrible.

>only thing ms players want nowadays
that's why korean maplestory is more popular than ever, more profitable than ever, and has more players than pre-bb ever did at any point, right?
Only dumbass westerners who ruined the game by buying into the stupid p2w shit like 2x exp tickets want oldschool servers, so they can log on, sit in slime tree for an hour, realize it's just raw grind, then never log back in.

>almost as fast as bless
Maplestory lasted a good 3-4 months before really dropping
Bless lasted a week

and? Scurred of gettin banned or something? Blur out identifying stuff

MS2 is legitimately one of the worst MMOs I've ever played. Felt like a fucking mobile game, the RNG was atrocious. They'd have to remove all of it for me to even consider touching it again.

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Reboot is literally a perfectly fine version of "classic" servers

>it's just based on how much mesos you can make

Great, so Joddy Squad & co. will be rolling in merets while everyone else is stuck farming solvents and trying to get their gear to clear cpap?

will miss you, fren
not that I play either, I quit around January I think

i dont mind getting banned but it'll make my friends sad and i dont want that. If i share it people will immediately know who it is! So you would have to see it for yourself~

Really its the environments that did it for me, they just feel soulless and the music isn't nearly as good as MS1.

Compromise! Show it on the display preview dummy or something
I can't be fucked updating or hunting you down and I do most of my lewd storytimes elsewhere

Why should I play or even try this game when I already play Soulworker? It looks like babies first action MMO, and I understand the style I played the original Maplestory but why today when games like Soulworker, Blade N Soul, even BDO. Would I as an older person with more sophisticated understanding of game mechanics choose this over any of those games with arguably much better gameplay?

Still suffering

I will say the social aspect is great in the game is still great but it stifles that interaction still by requiring you to do a shopping list of things to do
The tedium of those tasks has gone down significantly and is more to come

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I'm playing video games now
Give me your discord then

To be specific, "better gameplay" is subjective I realize that. I'm just saying a game like Soulworker has much more advanced / well designed and IMO opinion fun gameplay. You guys can pick apart BDO all you want, I'm not going too defend that game or any other than Soulworker.


I would have rather waited a year then burn all my hype on a gimped version released too early for the US. There was just too much grind for gear you knew wasn't even top tier.

I heard Korean players are playing this server because it’s less p2w

Korean MMOs feel like being the bitch in an abusive relationship. They say they change but you still don't trust them then you get in another relationship (MMO) only to rinse and repeat.

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No one plays the game at all. I hate to tell you but even nexon themselves consider ms2 a failure. Not just that, it failed THREE TIMES. Through THREE separate launches with wildly different monetization schemes. Fact of the matter is the core game is shit.

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Too be fair, for an MMO too be truly considered a large success in Asia, it takes massive popularity. The market in east Asia is huge, and dedicated. Who knows what kind of profits Nexon and other developers expect within months of launch, probably on-par with western publishers modern expectations of "record breaking sales" for every new release.

they pretty much did

cpap right now is basically farmable
i am far from the elites and can run it on my main easily and alts with a little effort
selling the drops on the market makes a lot of mesos too

>it takes massive popularity
it doesn't.
>who knows what kind of profits nexon expect within months of launch
anyone with an internet connection and a basic grasp of the english language.
go look at their investor relation site. D&F (DFO) made around $700m gross revenue last year, in china. The biggest market for the game.
MS2, worldwide, made under $100m.
It's a failure. a horrendous, massive, enormous moneysink since they've basically redeveloped the entire game three times at this point.

Might go back.
But I've been getting that MS1 itch again.

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I quit around November I think.

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they consider it a failure in korea and they know it's their own fault
not because the game is that bad but because of how they decided to launch it

It launched right alongside a massive update for maplestory 1 and a lot of players did not want to miss out on the update to play an entirely new game and as such it was hurt on release and never picked up from that huge initial launch

In west they've already basically said it's made more profit and that's why they are putting so much effort into it.
Going from what BDO developers have said and some people over at NCsoft the western audience is actually where the real money is. Pay to win doesn't work over here but boy oh boy we buy a shit load of cosmetics and they know it. I think they said something like 80% of BDO's profits came from outfits in the western market. That's 80% in the entire world not just NA.
It's fucking ridiculous.

so you quit while the game was still in the early phases and everyone was having fun which means you didn't care about the game at all and just got sad you didn't get enough ewhores to give you attention, sad
kill yourselves

BDO works because nude & sexy mods to go with that cash shop gear. Same for blade & soul. Less so for MS2 because they crack down on it too hard.

Not happening, sorry. My Discord is used for things beyond the chans and lewdness.

I currently have a comfortable amount of meso and am swimming in materials and I don't even cap out my content anymore

>and a lot of players did not want to miss out
MS2 literally charted HIGHER than maplestory 1 despite the 5th job update, you fucking revisionist. People left after a month because of the key bullshit limiting you to like 3 dungeons a day unless you paid real money to be able to run more or just didn't do content for extended periods to restock to 8.
>putting so much effort into it
I haven't seen a single change that didn't exist on CMS2 or KMS2 yet, that wasn't related to the cash shop. In terms of the actual game, everything is 100% fucking identical to CMS or KMS, or a mixture therein.

Case in point: striker's release, came on CMS2 with the awakenings updates, coming to GMS2 with the awakenings updates.

No, I quit because the actual gearing portion of the game was the worst kind of treadmill and none of the fights were hard. I genuinely liked the minigames more than the endgame dungeons. It was all just mindless tedium.

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Well, I was giving you options
I don't ERP at all if that's your concern

Part of it I guess, but I'm also very lazy and not going to go through that much effort even though I'd like to see it. Appreciate the offer anyways

>remember how much fun CBT was?
what's so fun about cock and ball torture?

You really don't know what you're missing

>have an alt in each of the /ms2g/ West guilds
>join their discords for shits and giggles
>absolute shit show involving an actual pedo
Combined with how people on the official forums and even bootlicking central plebbit were shitting on the devs was a treat. EVERY SINGLE TIME /vg/ + discord it never fails to blow up.

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>Game isn't like original Maple Story
That's the selling point.

Well allegedly I'm missing out on cock and ball torture...