Which tropico is best, 4 or 5?

Which tropico is best, 4 or 5?

I assume 6 is still lacking polish.

Attached: Tropico_Coverart.png (220x266, 136K)

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There must be at least one marketer on here who wants to sell me a game.

4 is better.

Playing through 6 now but not that far in.

4 is best, 5 is like a test version of 6, 6 is solid and will be getting much much better over time

get 4 with all dlc for a great experience or 6 as a long term investment

I read something about the servers being down for 4, can you explain what that means?
You say 6 is an investment, is there some kind of season pass that will get me all the DLC?

Attached: 894c353170b0096153b3bf0b3aac19a8be25bb2d.jpg (817x999, 363K)


tropico 6 is literally complete 4:complete edition

Attached: 1532776052085.jpg (1024x651, 66K)


not that I see, but it's certain to have tons of future dlc

Is this everything in tropico, or is there a more complete complete edition?


isthereanydeal has like 9 complete editions.

>is still lacking polish.
Who gives a shit? Are you butthurt it's not in Yiddish, Celtic, Latin or Prussian? Fuck you Europoor who gives a fuck about the Polish

Are you mentally retarded.

I laughed though

It's literally the same game over and over again.

Is it just me or does 6 have fewer songs than 5 and 4? Best part of these games is the music and I'm a bit disappointed.

Seems legit. When I bought it, it had like 11 DLCs, and this also has 11

Neat. Any idea what this server thing is and why it being off would matter?

It has more tracks actually, but it's the same case as Tropico 1, where it was like 40 tracks but only 5 are god tier, so the rest is very forgettable
Servers went silently down. The only thing worthy were the user created content, so it's not something really a big loss. You'll be able to download everything just fine
A warning tho, the main campaing doesn't use the DLC, only sandbox and the DLC campaing

Oh damn. Can I get user created content elsewhere?

>on a desert island
I'm not sure why you think they would be added.

Why, to make El Presidente's golden statue shine, of course

It doesn't seems so. Haven't see anything on their steam page, and the official website went down too: tropico4.com

Who else will clean the toilets?


pirate cove was a helluva game

>tfw Tropico 6 doesn't have Elder God Tier like this
>it doesn't have the Penultimo VA from 3/4 arguing about things with Sunny
At least I can still dance while playing 3 and 4


>Old good new bad

Attached: 6e4.png (644x800, 14K)

2 has a fun pirate theme so it's my favorite, 3 and 4 are widely regarded as the best for their dystopian building options and music, while 1 is janky crap and 5 and 6 are soulless and shiny.

6 is the hardest in the serie

i want a tropico 2 remake